Downsizers Team Chat - MAY 2023



  • Stacimfit
    Stacimfit Posts: 295 Member
    inshapeCK wrote: »
    PW: 142.2 pounds (May 13th) (Lost 2.3 pounds)
    CW: 142.2 pounds (May 20th) (Maintained)

    Super proud of myself for achieving a maintain this week as the previous 2 weeks I lost a whopping 6 pounds, mostly because my body was revolting so I couldn't eat much and what I did eat didn't remain in me for long so I figured once I was able to start eating regularly again that I would gain some of that weight back, which did in fact happen as on Thursday I weighed 144.4 pounds because when I did start eating regularly again I ended up eating a lot of unhealthy foods, especially because I celebrated my birthday, but I got back to healthier eating on Thursday and Friday and focused on drinking my water and kept up with my walking for exercise and I dropped the weight back off.

    I've lost 9 weeks in a row followed by a maintain so I am really happy about this accomplishment.
    I'm still dealing with some health problems but doing the best I can with my weight loss journey and fitness journey under the circumstances.

    I am down 27.8 pounds from my highest weight 7 years ago.
    I only have 12.2 pounds to reach my goal weight which I almost can't believe!
    I know the last pounds are often the hardest to lose but now that I am this close I feel it's doable even though I know it's going to be hard work!

    Happy belated Birthday!
  • Stacimfit
    Stacimfit Posts: 295 Member
    edited May 2023

    Here is my Sunday friendly reminder of the people's steps I need for May Week 3... Please have them in no later than Tuesday evening 5/23... Thank you for your cooperation :)

    @Mama530 5/14 - 5/20

    When can newbies join in on the on-going walking challenge?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,609 Member
    Please try not to use insightful on the weigh in posts as this is how the team captains indicate they have entered the weight on the spreadsheet. Thanks.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,609 Member
    Fazola wrote: »
    PW. 162.2
    CW: 1159.2

    Steps for the week.
    Monday: 8832.
    Tuesday: 7911.
    Wednesday 4283.
    Thursday 8474.
    Friday: 7982.
    Saturday 8231.
    Sunday 3423.

    Congrats on the new decade! I am assuming that the extra one is a mistake. 😊
    pauladner wrote: »
    Weigh In Day: Sunday, May 21st
    PW (Previous Weight): 137.8lb
    CW (Current Weight): 135.3lb

    Nice loss! You must be getting close to goal.
    Penny @MyChoiceisaGoodLife

    Weigh-in day: Sunday 5.21.23

    Current weight 158.6
    Previous weight 157.4

    New medication is wreaking havoc, and I am still trying to adjust.

    Medication can really throw off weight loss.
    Weigh-in Sunday 5/21/23:
    PW: 191.4
    CW: 188.8

    Looks like I’m on the right track! ^_^ Hope everyone is doing well! Aside from trying to count calories again (from being out of town so much) I have also purchased a flip phone to lower my technology/social media usage as well. 🙏🏻 Wish me luck!

    Awesome loss! Maybe that’s what I need to do. Good luck.

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,609 Member
    Steps: 5,077
    Log food: ✔️

    I got my granddaughters cold. I knew when I watched her last week I was taking a chance. The headache is the worst. I hate the fact my immune system sucks. It’s why I pick up bugs so easy. Going to try and remember to move today. My husband is home and I never get much done when he is off. Too easy to binge watch the latest tv series we are watching.

    It’s a long weekend so to my Canadian teammates enjoy the rest of the weekend. To everyone else, enjoy the start to the work week.

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,609 Member
    Congratulations @stacimfit and @rwillems for being in the top 3 last week.
  • madtownmitch
    madtownmitch Posts: 36 Member
    Weigh-in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 298.4
    Current weight 298.2 (-.2)

    I'm glad I posted a loss rather than a gain, but I'm really disappointed because I completely sabotaged myself this weekend, after doing so well and being consistent the rest of the week. I am getting close to another milestone (10% of my starting weight), and I honestly don't know why I do this to myself over and over again. Do I have a fear of both failure AND success?
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,340 Member
    edited May 2023
    Stacimfit wrote: »

    Here is my Sunday friendly reminder of the people's steps I need for May Week 3... Please have them in no later than Tuesday evening 5/23... Thank you for your cooperation :)

    @rwillems 5/14 - 5/20 (still don't know if you want to be excused)
    @Mama530 5/14 - 5/20
    @tahm42 5/14 - 5/20
    @adianeschu 5/14 - 5/20

    When can newbies join in on the on-going walking challenge?

    Whenever you want .... I can add you to May Week 4 if you want ..All I need is a step pledge and I will get you on the step challenge :) Glad you want to join
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    So, yesterday I went to a bridal shower for my nephew's fiancee. There was a lovely spread of food and goodies, so it was impossible to "log it" so I just enjoyed myself. I didn't go crazy, but the slice of cake alone with all of its icing was more decadence than I have had in awhile. I still had dinner when I got home because my husband and I had planned it ahead of time. Again, I didn't go crazy. The moment where I reverted back to my old ways of eating things I shouldn't when I am not really hungry was when I saw some pictures of myself on Face Book from the shower. I know I am not small, but I have been feeling much better about myself. Even when I went blouse shopping a couple weeks ago so I would have something to wear to this shower, I was still pulling out the big sizes to try on, but somehow it was okay because a) I was by myself and b) I told myself that this size was for now, not forever. However, I looked absolutely huge in one picture and it broke me a little. I think I will be okay today, as I haven't had anything but coffee so far and I have no desire to finish the cheese curds I got into last night. Maybe a little break was good.
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,883 Member
    5/19- 7488
    5/21- 10912
  • NachDeezy
    NachDeezy Posts: 809 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    So, yesterday I went to a bridal shower for my nephew's fiancee. There was a lovely spread of food and goodies, so it was impossible to "log it" so I just enjoyed myself. I didn't go crazy, but the slice of cake alone with all of its icing was more decadence than I have had in awhile. I still had dinner when I got home because my husband and I had planned it ahead of time. Again, I didn't go crazy. The moment where I reverted back to my old ways of eating things I shouldn't when I am not really hungry was when I saw some pictures of myself on Face Book from the shower. I know I am not small, but I have been feeling much better about myself. Even when I went blouse shopping a couple weeks ago so I would have something to wear to this shower, I was still pulling out the big sizes to try on, but somehow it was okay because a) I was by myself and b) I told myself that this size was for now, not forever. However, I looked absolutely huge in one picture and it broke me a little. I think I will be okay today, as I haven't had anything but coffee so far and I have no desire to finish the cheese curds I got into last night. Maybe a little break was good.

    Just use it as a reset and lock back in my friend. One bad day won't derail your week- I know you got this.
  • Stacimfit
    Stacimfit Posts: 295 Member
    Stacimfit wrote: »

    Here is my Sunday friendly reminder of the people's steps I need for May Week 3... Please have them in no later than Tuesday evening 5/23... Thank you for your cooperation :)

    @rwillems 5/14 - 5/20 (still don't know if you want to be excused)
    @Mama530 5/14 - 5/20
    @tahm42 5/14 - 5/20
    @adianeschu 5/14 - 5/20

    When can newbies join in on the on-going walking challenge?

    Whenever you want .... I can add you to May Week 4 if you want ..All I need is a step pledge and I will get you on the step challenge :) Glad you want to join

    Thank you! That would be great!! I would love to join in the walking challenge. If I read it right, it started Sunday right? I will get you what I need for those steps as I use Garmin I can look back at my steps.
    I want to join the walking challenge because it keeps me motivated to get outside and go for a walk every day. If it isn't warm out, I like to go to the community center and walk their track. I want to be intentional about my exercise and build up the strength to go longer each time so I can be healthy and happy!

  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,340 Member
    Stacimfit wrote: »
    Stacimfit wrote: »

    Here is my Sunday friendly reminder of the people's steps I need for May Week 3... Please have them in no later than Tuesday evening 5/23... Thank you for your cooperation :)

    @rwillems 5/14 - 5/20 (still don't know if you want to be excused)
    @Mama530 5/14 - 5/20
    @tahm42 5/14 - 5/20
    @adianeschu 5/14 - 5/20

    When can newbies join in on the on-going walking challenge?

    Whenever you want .... I can add you to May Week 4 if you want ..All I need is a step pledge and I will get you on the step challenge :) Glad you want to join

    Thank you! That would be great!! I would love to join in the walking challenge. If I read it right, it started Sunday right? I will get you what I need for those steps as I use Garmin I can look back at my steps.
    I want to join the walking challenge because it keeps me motivated to get outside and go for a walk every day. If it isn't warm out, I like to go to the community center and walk their track. I want to be intentional about my exercise and build up the strength to go longer each time so I can be healthy and happy!


    May Week 4 goes from 5/21 to 5/27 and I always post a reminder of the people's steps I need on Sunday ... All I need from you is a number of steps you plan to hit daily and I will do the rest

  • Stacimfit
    Stacimfit Posts: 295 Member
    Stacimfit wrote: »
    Stacimfit wrote: »

    Here is my Sunday friendly reminder of the people's steps I need for May Week 3... Please have them in no later than Tuesday evening 5/23... Thank you for your cooperation :)

    @rwillems 5/14 - 5/20 (still don't know if you want to be excused)
    @Mama530 5/14 - 5/20
    @tahm42 5/14 - 5/20
    @adianeschu 5/14 - 5/20

    When can newbies join in on the on-going walking challenge?

    Whenever you want .... I can add you to May Week 4 if you want ..All I need is a step pledge and I will get you on the step challenge :) Glad you want to join

    Thank you! That would be great!! I would love to join in the walking challenge. If I read it right, it started Sunday right? I will get you what I need for those steps as I use Garmin I can look back at my steps.
    I want to join the walking challenge because it keeps me motivated to get outside and go for a walk every day. If it isn't warm out, I like to go to the community center and walk their track. I want to be intentional about my exercise and build up the strength to go longer each time so I can be healthy and happy!


    May Week 4 goes from 5/21 to 5/27 and I always post a reminder of the people's steps I need on Sunday ... All I need from you is a number of steps you plan to hit daily and I will do the rest

    Sure, I plan hit 5,000 daily!! That's my goal!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,609 Member
    Weigh-in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 298.4
    Current weight 298.2 (-.2)

    I'm glad I posted a loss rather than a gain, but I'm really disappointed because I completely sabotaged myself this weekend, after doing so well and being consistent the rest of the week. I am getting close to another milestone (10% of my starting weight), and I honestly don't know why I do this to myself over and over again. Do I have a fear of both failure AND success?

    Congrats on the loss! Weekends are tough for me. I blame it on my husband being home but that is an excuse. What I have started doing is making small changes. While my weekend eating is not perfect it is slowly getting better. Look to small changes.
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    So, yesterday I went to a bridal shower for my nephew's fiancee. There was a lovely spread of food and goodies, so it was impossible to "log it" so I just enjoyed myself. I didn't go crazy, but the slice of cake alone with all of its icing was more decadence than I have had in awhile. I still had dinner when I got home because my husband and I had planned it ahead of time. Again, I didn't go crazy. The moment where I reverted back to my old ways of eating things I shouldn't when I am not really hungry was when I saw some pictures of myself on Face Book from the shower. I know I am not small, but I have been feeling much better about myself. Even when I went blouse shopping a couple weeks ago so I would have something to wear to this shower, I was still pulling out the big sizes to try on, but somehow it was okay because a) I was by myself and b) I told myself that this size was for now, not forever. However, I looked absolutely huge in one picture and it broke me a little. I think I will be okay today, as I haven't had anything but coffee so far and I have no desire to finish the cheese curds I got into last night. Maybe a little break was good.

    Put it behind you. Look at all the positive things you have accomplished this month. I don’t know about you but I keep digging my bigger sizes out and wearing them because I feel safer in them. It’s like a security blanket. Today is a new day and you have a clean slate.
    adianeschu wrote: »

    Nice loss! How was your week?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,609 Member
    Steps: 2,623
    Log food: ✔️✔️

    Spent yesterday sleeping or wrapped up in a blanket.
This discussion has been closed.