Optimistic October!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited October 2023
    Meet up was a bust...

    Blood work today...

    Made doc appointment for next Monday...of all things, having pain in my groin...comes and goes...kept me up Saturday Night...last night better...sometimes, hard to start walking...once I start, it's fine...who knows what it is but I am soooooooooooooooo NOT happy.

    black coffee...cuz of blood work.
    Someone uses Nutpods around here...I do enjoy the pumpkin, but they will soon put out their mint choc or something like that...THAT is really good. NO sugar...but other stuff. Oh well, it's my favorite creamer.

    I am going to start having Oats/Blueberries and Almond milk daily, AGAIN. I loved it for a couple of years --...ordered a ton of raw organic almonds from Thrive Market and then got sick of it. (I make my own almond milk)...and I need to start using up those almonds before they go bad.

    bean burrito

    tofu broc stir fry

    quesadilla (homemade)...Trader Joe's parm and their quinoa + something, can't remember what it is tortilla.

    the end.

    making life deeeeeeeeeelicious!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    I took the weekend off of the TM and finished the week with 16.5 miles total. I started this week off by walking 2.25 miles this morning. I wasn't feeling it and didn't really get into it but it is done and I'm glad I did it!

    We're making fajita bowls for dinner.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Bummer about the meet up Nanc. And sorry to hear about the pain, hope the doc fixes you right up.

    Carla, you are miles ahead of me! (literally LOL) I keep meaning to get back to regular walking but it's hard to get back into it after slacking for a couple weeks. I will definitely get back to it this week but not tonight. I'm falling out of my chair exhausted and going to bed super early to read for a bit and sleeeeep.

    Had a perfect WFPB day though! Smoothie for breakfast with lots of good stuff. Power greens, plant protein powder, chia/flax, goji berries, frozen mixed berries and a couple slices of frozen banana, a dash of cinnamon. I just use water usually in smoothies and oats. Lunch was some of my cooked greens and beans with mushrooms and onions plus a baked potato. Snacks were raw veggies and grapes. Dinner is an Atoria wrap stuffed full of lettuce, cooked broccoli and mini peppers, a little tahini.

    If I'm still hungry I may eat a banana or a clementine. We'll see.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    My Monday...

    oats, blueberries and almond milk
    burrito beans and chao creamy shreds
    tofu and broc
    quesadilla when I get home

    pain, comes and goes...today, thankfully, no real pain. doc appointment next Monday. very discouraged since I now have 2 good knees and would really like to get on my new bike...but will wait till I figure out what this is.

    making life deeeeeeeeelicious

    smileys are no longer working. I contacted her but did not get a reply. -sigh- I really miss them, too.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Home from hospital after my surgery yesterday - am praying that this time the fisqula will work as we are pretty much out of options - so time will tell but am staying positive

    Lost another 1.8 pounds this week

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    edited October 2023
    I wonder if it was the bike seat that caused the pain, Nanc. Might need to get a cover for it to give you more padding. Oh bummer... sorry you didn't hear back about the smileys. I miss them!

    Marilyn, glad you got through surgery well and prayers up that it helps. It's great you are able to keep a positive attitude with everything you're going through.

    I'm doing well the past couple days. I prepped the right things to keep me full and happy. I am getting all Dr. F's GBOMBS but doing more starches than the strict 6 week plan. Not overdoing it but more than a cup between the potatoes and the atoria wraps.

    I slept great last night, and for a long time. I am hitting bed early again tonight and maybe by tomorrow I will be over this lingering fatigue I've been battling for too long. Definitely more energetic today than yesterday.

    Oh, and I added a half cup of organic beet juice to my smoothie. I can't say it enhanced it flavor-wise but I definitely think it contributed to my increased energy today so I'll keep doing it.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Hope the surgery you went through proves to be a success, Marilyn. Good job on losing weight!

    Mihani, the seat is really wide and padded...but it might be the way my foot was angled. Also, I pick up cases of water...I think there are 24...I pick those up from under my desk and put them on top of my desk, at work...I then load them into the little fridge to give to guests at work...it might be that I strained myself. I will stop doing that for sure...and have a lot attendants lift the water from now on.

    Dentist today--cleaning...mid day. Wish, I would have taken the day off. I know it's silly but the dentist causes me so much anxiety...freaking out already.


    cereal and milk
    bean burrito
    tofu broc stir fry
    PB and Jelly on Rice Cake for dessert, at home.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone...make it deeeeeeeeeeelicious!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Good idea to have someone else do the heavy lifting at work, Nanc.

    Day #3 on plan in the books. Yay me! I was really fatigued today though. Didn't sleep well last night which isn't usual for me. Wanted to get into the snacks today but every time I thought that I reminded myself "you're tired, not hungry" and managed to make it through. Now I'm home and having a veggie wrap and will be in bed early.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Day #4 done! I am going through one of those really sane and "this is so easy" stages. We know it isn't always so easy, but I like these periods of time when it seems that way.

    Admittedly, I'm not getting in the exercise I should, but I have been putting in some extra long days at the office and sort of decided the most important thing this week was to get caught up on rest.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    "you're tired, not hungry" HUGE...very insightful...so many times, I am that person! Good for you...day FOUR IN THE BOOKS. GREAT JOB, Mihani!


    oats, blueberries and almond milk
    bean burrito
    some kind of sandwich
    out of green stuff

    I found a PLANT-BASED DOCTOR/CARDIOLOGIST IN MY AREA. Yay! She believes in using nutrition and preventative care...right out of Dr. E's playbook.

    Made an appointment, on-line, last night...but will check today to see if she takes my insurance.

    Living life deliciously!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Wow, Nanc, finding that plant-based cardiologist is AWESOME!!!

    Nice work with day 4 in the bag, Mihani! I'm sure that feels great.

    I have been struggling but really that is good news since struggling means I am at least trying. I overate yesterday and have gone up a few pounds overall this month, but I am persevering with my treadmill workouts. I walked 3 miles first thing this morning to have it done for the day.

    Joe and I are just figuring out what we'll make tonight. Something on plan. maybe our spaghetti & tofu. It has been a few months so I might be ready for it again.

    Happy Friday!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    edited October 2023
    That's awesome about the doctor, Nanc! I have been going to my doctor for probably 40 years and I adore him, but I'll be looking for a plant-based doc when/if he ever retires. I live in absolute dread of that day.

    Carla, the spaghetti and tofu sounds really good. Do you make your own sauce? I am having trouble finding a brand with no oil lately. Used to be a couple but I'm not seeing them now. Excellent work getting that 3 miles in. I may try going back to morning treadmill next week. Just hard to get motivated after work when I'm all tired and hungry getting home.

    Day 5 done! Almost anyway. Big thing was passing by the carryout and not getting that Friday night alcohol. Still need to have dinner and I'm not quite sure what I want. May just open a can of baked beans and throw them in a tortilla with a bunch of lettuce.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited October 2023
    I am giving up vegan cheese! -sigh- the evil coconut oil ...darn it anyway...I tossed it all today.

    most likely I will give up the nutpods again...made with coconut cream

    had one cup today...yeah, tossing it...

    my BIL just had surgery yesterday...90% blockage in his carotid artery. He is a Houston hospital...that kinda gave me a wake-up call.

    got my labs back yesterday...nothing horrible...some good numbers...but some need to improve...three weeks before an appointment with my new doc and I want to be able to be honest with her about my diet.

    off to walk Lulu...back later.

    bean burrito today, NO CHEESE! But hatch green chili salsa...and really that's the best part. LOL

    oats, blueberries, almond milk (homemade)

    spaghetti with loads of veggies in the sauce

    pb and j on rice cake for dessert
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Here's our pasta sauce recipe. This makes a lot, but with the cans it is a little harder to make half so I'll leave that up to you to play with if you want.

    1 pepper
    1 onion
    8 oz mushrooms
    - sauté in water

    4 tsp garlic powder, onion powder, oregano
    1 tsp salt or to taste
    1/2 tsp pepper
    - add spices to veggies in pan

    3 15 oz cans diced tomatoes
    1 15 oz can tomato sauce
    1 can tomato paste (6oz?)
    - mix it all together and simmer 15 or 20 minutes
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Finished my workout on the TM. I did 3.75 miles today. Icing my ankle while I type this. I efforted quite a bit so I'm hoping my body is up for the next round tomorrow!

    We had spaghetti with baked tofu and walnut parm last night & tonight will be a repeat. I've been doing smoothies for breakfast, a healthy dinner, and a lara bar for dessert.