Optimistic October!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Thanks for the sauce recipe, Carla. I think I have everything on hand to make that. I'm guessing it would freeze just fine so a big batch would be okay. Oops, just checked and I only have two cans of diced tomatoes in the pantry. Darn it. But, I have everything for burritos this week anyway so I'll try it next week.

    Hope your ankle is okay this morning.

    Nanc, hope your BIL is recovering well. Scary. Glad to hear your labs were mostly good.

    Spent about 4 hours in the office yesterday then got my hair done and stopped at the grocery. Today I'm working from home, doing laundry, and cooking. Not a lot of prepping to do. Baking some sweet potatoes and roasting mini-peppers. Plan for the week is to continue the smoothies for breakfast. Lunches will be leftover spaghetti squash and when I run out of that I'll have veggie wraps, dinners will be burritos.

    I'm trying to get into the habit of eating snacks again contrary to Dr. F's advice. I'm just keeping them low in calories. A piece of fruit with a small handful of sunflower or pumpkin seeds or raw veggies with the Good Foods tzatziki. I think it helps keep me from getting so hungry by the time I get home and I like eating lighter dinners.

    Oh, Nanc, that reminds me. Good Foods has a queso that's good. I just discovered this brand of dips a few months ago and it's now on my must have grocery list. They are mostly cauliflower based with other veggies and almonds. No oil.

    Tonight I'm trying out this spaghetti squash recipe: https://whatagirleats.com/tomato-mushroom-spaghetti-squash-whole30/ The internet sure comes in handy. I thought hmmm... I want to use mushrooms, basil and tomatoes with this and voila, recipe.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited October 2023
    Thanks, Mihani...he seems to be recovering ok...still in the hospital in Houston. My niece set the appointment up...he was having trouble with his eyes...and that is how they discovered it was because of no blood flow. Super hospitals in Houston. He is at Houston Methodist.

    You know, I am 4 1/2 years vegan...and I was poo poo'd by my sister...well, maybe not poo poo'd but they always "bragged" about eating steak/chicken/ribs ... not putting down what I was eating, but making a big deal about how yum all that they were eating.

    I am just wondering what will be happening, going forward. I would never say anything...but really, the cause is so obvious. They also eat a lot of ice cream. Well, my BIL does. I never mentioned that I got a Ninja Creami machine...but my ice cream is totally yummy without any milk fat. I make a great pumpkin ice cream...just pure organic pumpkin, pumpkin seasoning, maple syrup...I think that's it. I have to look it
    up. And pineapple whip. The list goes on and on.

    My spaghetti yesterday...actually used macaroni pasta. Loads of veg: mushroom, onions, carrots, zucchini...oh, I did use a package of Gardein ground be'f that I had in the freezer. Made it a few weeks back and frozen in three small Pyrex glass containers. Boy was it delish.

    Thanks for the tip on the Good Food Queso.

    Carla, hope the ankle is good to go today. Hate when our own body slows us down when we are ready to go!

    Lulu gets a groom today. I have cleaning and laundry to do.


    black coffee
    cereal and almond milk and banana
    sushi bowl...carrots/cukes/greens/edamame/rice/red bell pepper/nori...seasoned rice vinegar, maple syrup, soy sauce, kinda dressing
    spaghetti macaroni
    rice cake with jam and pb2

    making life delicious!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    up really early...doc appointment today to see what's up with my hip...

    having black coffee

    shredded wheat almond milk banana
    spaghetti and loads of veggie-laden sauce or burrito, not sure
    spring rolls or buddha bowl

    trying to live life deeeeeeeeee liciously!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hey Nanc, what did the doc have to say?

    I didn't get time to prep yesterday so I changed up my plan for the week. Keeping it simple.

    Smoothie for breakfast
    Dr. McDougall soup and raw veggies with tzatziki for lunch
    Veggie wrap and baked beans for dinner
    Snack of apple, clementine and a handful of sunflower seeds

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    edited October 2023
    Hi! Last day in Hilton Head, SC. I have been staying with my 81 y/o sister while my niece took a week vacation. She really can’t be on her own. My niece is closer to my age. Diet has been very clean and healthy. We made a big pot of black bean soup and have salads every night. She has been very supportive of my diet.

    Every morning I take her dog for a walk on the beach. It is so beautiful. Last week Brooks and I went to Hendersonville, NC to check out potential retirement place. The trees were beautiful and I think that has moved to out top 3 places. b64wrs5h68at.jpeg
    I have a friend from Italy that lives in Hendersonville. We were being silly and trying on hats.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited October 2023
    Gorgeous pics, Bisky! Lovely that you two travel so much.

    So, I had had this one doctor for years and felt he was not really into paying attention to my concerns and I needed a change. I opted for the other doctor in the office, who happens to be a lady...LOVE HER!

    She was very thorough...she was especially happy to hear that I would be going to a cardiologist in three weeks...tiny narrowing of one of my arteries...but nothing to be concerned about...yet! She ordered an xray for hip...I did that yesterday and will be hearing from her via phone call.

    Just a note here about making food changes. Day three of no nutpods. I have done that before but always quit, but this time I am serious. And no more cheezes with coconut oil.

    I have FOODUCATE app on my phone...I just started using it again. Very informative...they grade the products and tell you what a healthier alternative is. You have to put in your dietary restrictions first.

    I have a dental appointment today...cavity under a crown...three hour appointment. Decided to take the day off...appointment is at 7.

    black coffee
    Cascadian Farms Os with banana and almond milk
    spaghetti -- sooooooooooooo good.
    bean burrito
    not sure what else...maybe PB and apple.

    making life deeeeeeeee licious.


    Maybe 45 minutes to go

    No temp crown…so advanced…they make it in the dental office

    Probably all soft foods today.

    Will make spaghetti sauce again but this time with tofu instead of Gardein ground be’f

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Sounds like a great trip, Bisky, and beautiful scenery!

    Nanc, dentist sounds no fun. Ugh. Hope all went well.

    I have stayed on track the past two days despite my annoyance level being high. I am going to bed here shortly because I was too tired today which made it even worse. I had to really talk myself through a couple weak moments where I wanted to get into junky food for energy but I stuck with my plan.