Navigating November!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Up and at 'em early. Having some coffee and will have a light breakfast then get ready and hit the road by 7 am.

    Carla, I'm so jealous of your plantage meals! I am always on the lookout for something like that around here.

    Nanc, hope you have fun today! I haven't been eating beans like I was for a while there. I need to get back to making a big batch of beans and greens soup or stew on the weekends.

    Happy Thanksgiving all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Magic - your cardiologist sounds fantastic! Great tests she ordered! Too bad sister is not interested in a healthier diet after all the have been through. I am jealous too. I guess I need to look into strength training. I hate being one of the January resolution gym newbies. I have some 5 l weights. Could easily start with that.

    Carla - how often do you get your food delivered. Everything sounds yummy. How are Ruby and Radar?

    Mihani - sorry about the rough week and hope you had a nice time with family.

    We had Thanksgiving with friends. I brought an Apple, walnut, cranberry baby green salad, roasted Brussels sprouts with pecans and balsamic glaze, and gluten free stuffing with celery, onion and mushrooms. It was a yummy and did not miss the turkey. Long walk with dogs.

    I have been stressed trying to get things done for Xmas before we leave on our trip. This is a picture my friend sent me . He is in Nepal. iefh14m83ibe.jpeg

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Wow, that picture is gorgeous, Bisky! I wouldn't mind that hanging on my wall. Glad you had a nice TG.

    I had a wonderful time visiting family but so tired now. Three hours there, then another almost 2 hours to the next place for Thanksgiving. Spent about 6 hours there, then another almost 2 hours back to stay with my aunt, then up early this morning and another 3 hours back home. I am so glad to be home, but glad we went. We laughed so much.

    One of my cousins and his wife made a couple vegan dishes for me. So sweet of them.

    I am now roasting potatoes and mini peppers so I'll be set for a few days. I am refusing to even boot up my real computer today so I'm not tempted to check work emails and end up working a few hours. I'll be in the office all weekend and two full days in a row off is needed.

    Just waiting for the potatoes to get done and then a very long nap is planned.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    I've been alternating napping and reading since yesterday evening. I need to try to get motivated to get to the office but I have a raging headache. Hopefully some coffee and breakfast will cure me. I'd like to get enough done that I can bring some files home to work on tomorrow rather than going back in.

    I roasted potatoes and mini peppers yesterday. Had burritos for dinner with whole wheat tortillas, vegetarian refried beans, sauteed zucchini and onion, roasted peppers and salsa. Delicious and will be dinner again tonight.

    Plan for the next couple days is oats with berries for breakfast, potatoes and cooked veggies for lunch, veggie wraps for dinner.

    I did pretty well eating right while traveling and visiting. I had packed up fruit and lara bars for the road, and there wasn't anything to tempt me at dinner since the only vegan dishes were the ones my cousin made for me. They had some oil, but I can live with that. It's one meal and sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Love the picture, Bisky!

    Sounds like everyone enjoyed their TG. Mine was is what it is...never is going to change. Remind me not to stress next year. Will make it even easier.

    Today, I made up a bunch of Vegan Ninja Creami pints...taking over to my sister's. Niece and her husband and four-year-old daughter will appreciate them.

    Mani pedi (put it off for two weeks) early. Heading out at 2:30 for ice cream social. :)

    Yesterday was the exact day/date that I had to say goodbye to my Ernestine. The day after Thanksgiving and the 24th. I held on to Lulu so tightly.


    just egg frozen on toast
    bean burrito
    ice cream social
    some kind of vegan sand to take along in case I stay for dinner.

    Off to take a shower and get into the day. Big walk this morning with LML!

    Later, gang. Make it deeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Morning all...Welcome Esmeralda!

    yesterday I took the ninja creami to my sisters and made several pints there...they loved the dole whip and the banana strawberry...I used Oatley as the milk...because the baby cannot have almonds. Big Hit. more visits. They leave at 1. Back on the 29th of December...niece turns 40 and big celebration out at a restaurant in Scottsdale. and laundry...and loads of veg

    starting the day with a bean burrito
    probably a left over tofu and broc stir-fry
    niece made a lentil that and a salad
    ninja creami for dessert

    OH my goodness, that Oatley is sooooooooooo good.

    living life ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd liciously!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hi y'all. My sleep is all out of whack from travel and not sleeping well in a strange bed, taking too many naps after I got home, too much junky food, too little exercise.

    So today it's back to normal! Slept in and now have laundry going and getting ready to finally make the lentil soup. I will get some treadmill time in later today. I want to be at my desk by 1:00 and work the whole rest of the day.

    Glad you had lots of good visiting time with the family, Nanc.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Been a pretty productive day. Couple loads of laundry finished. A few hours of work (so far... I'll do another couple hours yet this evening), made the lentil soup.

    B - ezekiel english muffin with tahini
    L - repeat of breakfast, plus a cup of the soup
    D - potato with roasted broccoli and mini peppers and some of the Good Foods tzatziki

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Lazy Day yesterday!

    Home today with Lulu…clean up time!

    Making today delicious!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Whew, guys, I just had my butt handed to me by a virtual reality workout! We got a new VR gaming headset but it also does lots of other things. I got a Les Mills Body Combat fitness program (shadow boxing) and it is awesome. In a 3d environment, you have targets coming towards you with different moves. uppercut, jab, etc and you have to hit the target in the center using the right move at the right time. And then there are objects that you have to dodge and others you squat under. It is so fun and satisfying to hit the targets to the beat and there's feedback as you hit the targets.

    What is cool about it is that you don't need a PC and it is wireless, so you can easily find an open space to play. Including outdoors.

    I found a video that gives you the idea, but it feels very different when you are in the headset and everything is 3d
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    so excited. I'm using another fitness app called Supernatural that has boxing, flow movements, stretching and meditation. It keeps track of your stats and you can set goals. Finally my love of playing video games is going to get me in shape!!! I already did my boxing workout and then I started in on the Supernatural fitness and here I am all sweaty again.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    That sounds fun, Carla! So nice when we can find something we enjoy doing as far as exercise. Work got in the way so I had to cancel my appointment with the personal trainer at the new gym last week but rescheduled for this Thursday.

    I am back on track with food yesterday and today.

    B - ezekiel english muffin with tahini
    L - lentil soup and raw veggies
    S - apple and a small handful of pumpkin seeds
    D - baked potato with the Good Foods tzatziki and roasted broccoli

    Got my mile in this morning on the treadmill. I am not doing well with that on the weekends. I get up and think I'll do it later, but I don't, so I am going to have to treadmill first thing even on weekends.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited November 2023

    back to work...

    easy food prep...

    black coffee
    cascadian farms purely Os
    gardein little burger on dave's killer bread
    veggies and dip
    bean burrito
    ninja creami

    the life deeeeeeeeeeee liciously.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hope you had a good day back at work, Nanc. It has been madness the past couple days at work for me. I left right on time today. I need to recharge a bit tonight. Going to relax and read.

    B - ezekiel english muffin with tahini
    L - lentil soup
    D - atoria wrap with lettuce, veggies, good foods tzatziki

    Snacks were raw veggies and then a vegan cupcake a client brought me. It was small and no oil at least.