WaistAways Team Chat - DECEMBER 2023



  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 226 Member
    @lauren_989 Our rewards is thru our Health Insurance provider, so you can only do it, if you attach a fitbit, apple watch or something similar.

    I am finally feeling pretty good, I think those happy pills are working, so hopefully, this will lead to an increase in the desire to exercise!

    My December holiday traditions are baking, I make an array of things, but the most requested is fudge, I make a gingerbread swirl fudge that is soooo yummy. Oh and the snickerdoodle white chocolate ganache sandwiches. You make 2 sheets of snickerdoodle (the whole sheet is one big cookie) then you put chocolate ganache on one, then set the other one on top, it's very yummy.. I haven't figured out how to get them to cut pretty yet, so they are still a little crumbly on the edges, but that doesn't take away from the taste.

    I like baking, but I will not be doing any of it this year. We essentially are not celebrating Christmas this year.

    Christmas kinda sucks now that all of my kids are out and doing their own thing.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    December holiday traditions - growing up this was a busy time for my parents as performers - so many singing gigs! We did family performances of Amahl and the Night Visitors with my parents, grandmother, and a couple of singing friends. My brother sang the Amahl part, but I played the flute bits for him, my dad was various kings (usually Kaspar so he got to sing the most fun bits), and my grandmother and I were the orchestra. I think this was just during one particular year, when my sister was kind of young. Mostly we just did family gatherings with tons of music. We were not very religious, but it was a good family time.

    Our other grandmother was Swedish and we always made her amazing recipe for Swedish coffee breads - gorgeous tea rings and braided loaves flavoured with cardamom and cinnamon. We delivered one to each of our neighbours and friends on Christmas Eve (if there were not too many singing obligations for the parents!). My sister, daughter, and I still always make them - not too sure about my nieces. I always loved the visits to deliver them when my kids were small. We'd sit and talk for a while at each place, and tried not to get home too late! I only do a few now, but it is a good way to stop in on our neighbours who are few and far between. We don't see each other much otherwise!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 658 Member
    Christmas traditions for me include baking, a big Christmas Eve dinner and a Christmas morning breakfast. I love baking cookies! This year I am making sugar cookies, peanut butter blossoms, white chocolate macadamia nut, and a new one: maple glazed apple cookie.

    We are going to my SIL for Christmas and I plan to leave the cookies up there. So eat a few over 2 days and then no more temptations!

    If I am not visiting my family in RI, I have been facetiming them, watching all my nieces open presents. It's like I'm there in spirit!
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 554 Member
    CW: 186.6
    I’m cat sitting for my older daughter and am ready for bed right now but wanted to touch base before I put my head on the pillow.
    I’ll catch you up on the workout session last night next time.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    Just caught up on all your posts. I think I have everyone nicely mixed up in my head.

    My brother is marrying a gal from Canada in May. So a wedding is my motivation. Sadly still under the weather. Bad cough won't go away.

    Love all the fur baby talk. Have 2 small dogs and one insane rag doll cat named Sara. I have done a little walking but not anything else.

    Husband is having knee replacement surgery on Thursday. Hope to feel well by then. I will be needing to care for him and both our chores.

    Will try and get some kind of workout in tomorrow.

  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    edited December 2023
    PW: 195.2
    CW: 197

    I haven’t logged this week and I had a holiday party and a college alumni party this week. I also think I’m about to start the TOM, so no more excuses. We are getting back on track.

    I have a three-day work trip next week and I’m making a game out of my nutrition, exercise, and hydration. I’m focusing on drinking lots of water, choosing lean protein options, and filling my plate with volume (veggies, fruit), and some grains and fats. If I reach my goal, I need new workout attire and have an outfit picked out that I will buy, but only if I reach this goal. It’s good motivation for sure!

    My December traditions: Because of all our house projects and my work travel, we didn’t end up doing it, but we love advent calendars. I usually get a tea one, and my husband - chocolate. I also have made my own advent of fun things to do like ice skating, seeing a new Christmas movie, making a gingerbread house from scratch, etc. I hope to bring it back next year when things are much more settled for us.
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 420 Member
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Some nice green numbers coming in - looking good!

    I had the wildest gallop I have had in years this morning - Jasper was certainly feeling his oats and once he started cantering, he just could not stop himself from pouring on the juice. There wasn't much I could do while his brain was in full run-like-heck mode, but luckily we were on a pretty steep uphill grade and once we were on a less narrow path he decided that slowing down was OK. Phew! I was pleased with myself for not panicking, staying well balanced, and getting things back under control. I think the next schooling session will involve a lot more calorie burning for him - he obviously has lots and lots of energy. Time for him to work some off 🥴

    @zumbaforever a wedding in May! That will be lovely - is it in Canada? Your brother is smart :wink: I hope you feel better soon and that your husband gets through his knee replacement all right. Mine has had both knees and one shoulder done, and the first while is tough. Make sure he does all his physio every single day! It will be hard, but a few months down the road, he will be glad he did. Good luck!

    @wishfuljune you are going to earn that workout gear - great plan! Stick with it, and then post some pics of you in the new outfit - we'd love to see it!

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hi WaistAways!

    CW: 177.2
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    zankash23 wrote: »
    PW: 146.6
    CW: 147.7
    I’m making a lot of bad eating choices this week. Hopefully I do better this new week x
    I had your previous weight as 147.9 - you are OK! Maybe not perfect choices, but not terrible either. Do better this week, and you'll be golden.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Last Call!

    Week 1 December is about to end. Let's get these last weigh-ins done!


  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 628 Member
    hey all - home from my few days of travel, got lots of chores done after unpacking which is great. So tired. I definitely have to focus on sleep this week.

    I set up my new TV tonight and I am excited for football in higher definition and better streaming/wifi quality!

    Definitely ate and drank way outside my normal this week. I drank 3 nights this week which was not really in the plan and didn't feel great in the mornings. And I didn't get to ANY of my last week of workouts! So all that will happen this week instead. I did get in some nice evening stretchy/yoga sessions. I am starting to look forward to January, which is Yoga with Adriene's annual 30 day yoga journey release.

    heading to bed soon. I also haven't been getting to this checkins before 10:30pm again, so another mini goal!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Happy Sunday and start of week 2! Here are our Sunday people - ready?

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,231 Member
    The December Week 2 Group Challenge is active and waiting on you! Please join us for the ACTION NOW CHALLENGE. Here's your link:


    Hope to see you in the chat thread this week!
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 838 Member

    PW: 167.1
    CW: 165.9

    Sorry, I'm a day late. I forgot to weigh yesterday morning so I weighed today.

    December will be a challenge....with holiday parties' (I have to attend one tonight and one on 12/23), birthday parties' (I attend one on 12/17) and of course the holidays in general. This month will take some focus.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,087 Member
    Sunday greetings, Team!

    Weigh-in is

    PW - 185.1
    CW - 184.9

    Back later with last week's stats.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    @ashleycarole86 Oh no! I hope you feel better really soon, and then stay that way for a while. You must be so tired. I love the Disneyland pic of you and Brad, though. Must have been a blast.
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