WaistAways Team Chat - DECEMBER 2023



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    What a foody bunch of messages!

    First of all, I have to say that there is WAY too much caramel in this message thread. My kids have always loved just saying the word "caramel" because I apparently make (completely involuntarily!) a really weird face when anyone says that word. I completely detest caramel, to the point where my scalp and eyebrows shrink, my salivary glands go all sour, and I feel very strange whenever it is mentioned. So thanks! You are hitting that button!

    But cookies. Yes - as long as there is nothing to do with that dreaded flavour...

    @strong_fit_ells Yay! You are on time and you lost a whole kilo! Keep up the good work :smiley:

    It has been a long day, and I'm heading for mindless entertainment and then sleep. Here is who is due through Tuesday:

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 658 Member
    PW: 208.8
    CW: 206.8

    I think this is lowest weight I have been since starting this group! As I said, I am slightly nervous for this week with so many dinners and tempting foods. The break room only had cookies 1 day this week I was able to avoid, which is a NSV in of itself.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    PW: 208.8
    CW: 206.8

    I think this is lowest weight I have been since starting this group! As I said, I am slightly nervous for this week with so many dinners and tempting foods. The break room only had cookies 1 day this week I was able to avoid, which is a NSV in of itself.
    You're down 31 pounds from your highest, and I doubt a few dinners and tempting foods can wipe all that out! It is great that you lost a couple of pounds right before those temptations. Better than giving up in advance :smiley:
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 628 Member
    @lauren_989 amazing!!!! we know this will be a tricky month but this is such an achievement!!

    I had a good arm workout today. I was just as sore as I hoped today in my lower body - felt like every muscle group in my legs were making themselves known!

    @jugar I am horrified by your disgust with caramel. that is all.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Kali225 wrote: »
    @lauren_989 amazing!!!! we know this will be a tricky month but this is such an achievement!!

    I had a good arm workout today. I was just as sore as I hoped today in my lower body - felt like every muscle group in my legs were making themselves known!
    @jugar I am horrified by your disgust with caramel. that is all.
    I know. I am a terrible disappointment to all caramel lovers everywhere. :blush:

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Don't forget! a couple of overdue weigh-ins:

    And here come the Wednesday wonders:

  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 226 Member
    PW 165.8
    CW 162.6

    This week has been pretty good, I am getting more time on the treadmill, now I just need to get strength in there somewhere. It's a process, because I get stuck looking at my phone, and I really don't like it, but my brain just isn't there yet. I really want to start a pilates program, but I just don't know what's stopping me, I know I wouldn't be good at it at first and that's okay, but I just can't seem to find a program I like and will do consistently.

    Food is good this week, I made Chicken enchilada soup, it has hominy in it. I don't understand why that isn't a more used food. Same with Kohlrabi, can't find that ANYWHERE...

    The smoothies haven't been working very well because I don't eat until 10, but I get to work at 7, and they do not last 3 hours. I think maybe I will buy a portable blender, I don't know, but its so loud...
    I read that you can freeze them, but I just don't know how that will work, I was going to try it this week, but completely forgot.

    Tonight is our Costco trip, I have found that Weds, 1 hour before close, is the least crowded. So as much as I dislike going back out once I get home, it's better than dealing with it on a Saturday or Sunday morning.

    Have a great day!

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrzy grits are often made from hominy I think - it might be easier to find coarse hominy grits where you live than just hominy? It's corn soaked in an alkaline solution, so not all grits are hominy, but hopefully some are. And kohlrabi. So good. Luckily we have a store that usually carries it whenever it is available. It's the ugly duckling of the cabbage world, but delicious.

    I'm on your side about smoothies, too. I gave up on them years ago - I just get hungry and my brain needs to have food chewed in order for it to count as eating, I think. If I'm in a hurry, I mix up my yogurt (plain, non-fat, homemade), apple, nuts, blueberries (or whatever) the night before and just grab it to eat first thing. Sometimes I add hemp seeds or some muesli (the raw bircher muesli kind) if I know I'm going to have a long morning.

    Another flurry day today - I'm getting out in the snow - too much sitting lately...
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 258 Member
    edited December 2023
    PW: 171.6
    CW: 170.6

    I am glad to see a loss and happy that I'm almost to where I was two weeks ago.

    @jugar - I've never met anyone who doesn't like that c stuff. But there's a first for everything. And while I do not understand it, I think you are lucky because it is not a temptation.

    @lauren_989 - You have lost so much! Nice work!! This month will be harder than most, but you're already halfway through. Also, it's just one month. You got this!

    @gidgitgoescrzy - It can be really hard to find something that works for you with exercise. The best thing is to just keep trying new things. And, if you find something that works, like you have with the treadmill, go with it until it doesn't work anymore. I know you want to add strength training, but maybe the reason why it is so hard is because you're not ready for it. Trying to add something you're not ready for could derail the hard work you are already putting in. The stretches you already do for your back and other things can go a long way towards keeping your muscles limber, strong, and ready for when you decide it's the right time to add strength training back in.

    My husband and I went to his company's holiday party last night. They did a raffle where you could buy as many tickets as you wanted (6 tickets for $5). You put your name on all the tickets and then put them in the bags for the items you wanted to win. We ended up winning a 55" TV, a food processor, and a flood light with a camera. It was really exciting to win!

  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 258 Member
    My question for everyone this week is, how does your exercise routine change in winter? Or does it? What kind of winter weather do you have where you live?

    For me, I definitely do more indoor workouts. I am on a couple bowling leagues throughout the winter. I have gone snowboarding and snowshoeing, but each of those I've only done once in the last many years. We do get snow where I live, but it usually melts off by late morning. If we want snow adventures, we just drive 30ish minutes and will be in the mountains. In the spring and summer I like to play pickleball and take my dogs on hikes.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Great job on losing that pound @MaddawgMadsen ! Hitting the 160s again very very soon :smiley:

    Winter exercise - great question. I always slump in the fall - keeping up a kind of minimal routine of Pilates and something aerobic, but I slack on strength work. In the summer, those workouts disappear because so much is happening with heavy garden work, horse stuff, hikes and walks, and generally moving a lot. Then the garden is put to bed, the horse riding is less frequent (and takes way more de-contaminating effort :grimace: ), I do my exercise bike in the evenings, but I always struggle with the muscle building work and start to feel it badly in November. Canaries start singing in coal mines - joints hurt, etc.

    I get back to regular strength work through December - it seems this happens every year, but at least I do get back on it! I'm on day 9 of a good kettlebell program and will go on from there with both lifting and Pilates. And then there will be enough snow for great snowshoeing! That's my favourite go-sweat-in-nature activity. It's hard work, it's beautiful beyond belief, and I love being in the silent woods in the winter. I keep riding Jasper, but it is not as frequent. We have trail rides when the weather permits, but the challenge this winter will be to get him cantering in the arena and able to calm and adjust his strides, etc. And trotting poles! Those are like the stair master for both of us :smiley:

    I feel like body composition is the challenge right now. I have not gained or lost any weight (within the normal swings) but I have lost some muscle and feel the thunder thighs happening - it's always where I store fat first. Keeping a good % of muscle helps burn more calories in general as well. So that is my winter goal. More strength! It takes a lot longer to build at my age, but it does happen.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 658 Member
    @strong_fit_ells I feel like it's downhill for me the rest of the month. 2 after work dinners, a friends gathering for christmas, christmas work party, and then the actual holidays...I feel like I pregamed the month for the end of it so I come out even 😂

    My exercise routine seems to stay mostly the same, except with it dark and cold, I've been walking inside instead of outside. I HATE the cold and snow, so I'm hoping it will be a light year. Last year was the first time we had 0 snow all winter. Usually we will get an inch or 2 here and there and then maybe 1 "big" storm. I've been doing my body pump for resistance training and started a couch to 5k, although had a mini procedure yesterday, so I can't run this week and I went light on weights at body pump today.
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 441 Member
    @lauren_989 and @MaddawgMadsen awesome work - keep it up

    Have to say with it getting dark by 4:30 here it's tough to keep up the energy for anything after work but my dog loves the cold and we make an effort to check out different off leash parks around the city. Plus the dog stays clean now that we have some snow and it's cold. The cold doesn't bother me as long as it's a sunny day, I know how to dress for the weather and the sun lifts my mood.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Hi everyone 🥰

    You are so inspiring ❤️

    I came in here to ask to be on support team for the rest of the month. I felt like I'll be dragging the Team down. I couldn't see myself being dedicated enough to be losing lbs around this time of the month.... and then I read your messages and victories...

    I decided to do my best 🥰
    I'd like to stick around 😊 even if I only lose 500g it is still a loss 😊

    Thank you for inspiring me 🥰❤️

    Thank YOU for sticking with it! I think it is important not to worry about dragging the team down. We are all going to have birthdays, lazy weeks, holidays, vacations, parties - all the things that make it difficult to keep weight loss going. Those are never going to go away, so part of the learning we need and the support we give each other is to get through those times without blowing it completely and ending up back where we started. Or getting back to it even if we do.

    Do your best. Every day. That's going to work every time! Some days it isn't going to be much, but that's ok. Hugs to you Ellie! :heart:

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    OK, folks - Thursday's coming! here's the list:
    @sugagirl5 & @littlemzkitty - if either of you would like to change your weigh-in day, just let me know!


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    @MaddawgMadsen it can be a challenge to exercise in winter. Dark when I get home. I can do stairs at work for legs. Put a sidewalk around my home so at least I can take my dogs on mini walks. I enjoy body workouts so can do them at home. Gets cold here in Wyoming and very windy. We can walk in the mall during winter.

    @jugar can I ask how old you are. I noticed you mentioned muscle gain is hard at your age. So was curious.

    Husbands surgery is in the morning. Am I supposed to be tracking daily steps? If so sorry for missing that. I have baked no cookies as of yet. Though I have made fudge.

    Might not get a chance to chat tomorrow. Husbands surgery. Care of our pets. And I am busy with acclimating some new fish too.

  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 226 Member
    My winter exercise is similar to my summer exercise, barely there... :wink: I am currently walking on the treadmill while I watch a TV show. I still walk outside on the weekend, and I think I am going to start signing up for some 5ks, not to run, but to walk. The virtual kind, cause people, ewww.. I know I will do them, so I feel like I actually I earned those medals they send you, regardless of if you actually complete it. lol So I guess it's motivation. As for the other types of exercise I am just not there, I want to be there, but I can't seem to get my butt over the or through this wall. We have mild winters, it will get cold, but it rarely gets below 25ish degrees for any extended time, but it does happen, snow doesn't accumulate very often, we might get dustings, and like 2-3 inches, but that's about it. I am glad of that, I am not a winter person, it's lovely to look at, but I don't want to live in it.

    @MaddawgMadsen Thank you for the pep talk, you are right, I don't need to rush it and feel bad about it but I will keep trying to find things I like.

    @zumbaforever Good luck tomorrow, sounds like you have your hands full.

    Have a great day, and weekend, I am off tomorrow, we have an electrician coming in the morning to give an estimate on our basement remodel, and then I have a much-needed hair appointment. This Saturday are 2 Christmas Parties, I am not 100% on going to either one, so we shall see.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,189 Member

    Congrats on such a wonderful milestone. Celebrating you!!! Amazing job
This discussion has been closed.