WaistAways Team Chat - DECEMBER 2023



  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 678 Member
    @petexj78 that's great to sign up for a race to keep you motivated! I plan to do one in March that I did last year on the runway at our local airport! I am going to start the couch 2 5k again here shortly. I hope to beat my time from last year, even if it's by 1 second. Although, I was jogging a lot more last year 🙈

    I have had a great week this week and hope the scale reflects it tomorrow! Now to keep it up, one day at a time!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 629 Member
    A very short, very late post from me - I completely forgot about my team dinner tonight at a steakhouse, where I had QUITE a number of drinks. Wooooo boy. But had to chime in to say....

    GO PACK GO!! @MaddawgMadsen @Gidgitgoescrzy I was WIRED last night, on my feet half the game.

    and @petexj78 signing up for a race is awesome!
  • littlemzkitty
    littlemzkitty Posts: 139 Member
    PW: 229.5
    CW: 231.7

    It's been a rough few weeks, but I'm finally on the mend and got back to the gym today. Now I need to focus on the nutrition part again.
  • CarolAnnM2
    CarolAnnM2 Posts: 1,073 Member
    Weigh in Day: MONDAY
    PW: 196.1
    CW: 200
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 258 Member
    edited December 2023
    I did not make it to my CrossFit class today. Turns out my husband lowered the volume of my alarm and didn't tell me. I slept through the alarm today because I couldn't hear it over our furnace. :s

    I did manage to get chores done just in time for a friend to stay with us for the funeral of our other friend. Luckily, my shoulder had only minimal pain while doing chores.

    @jugar - I will weigh myself tomorrow, but I most likely will not be able to report it until Thursday as tomorrow is the funeral and I will not be near a computer.
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 226 Member
    I feel like a winner today with my food choices.

    Breakfast I had a smoothie, it was mango, banana, blueberry, blackberry, strawberry, and kiwi with Hemp seed & flax seed, apple juice and a spoonful of plain yogurt. Now typically, I would not eat any of that, well except the hemp seed. But mix it all in a blender and it's yummy... I think I need to find a new yogurt though, this one was made with Agave nectar, and apparently that's not as good for you as they make it out to be, but with the cost of stuff, I will be using the whole container.

    Lunch was Spinach, red pepper, radish and cucumber, hemp seed and sunflower seeds, with an olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and herbs dressing...

    I have a hard boiled egg for snack.

    Not sure what we will have for dinner, but it will be light because tomorrow is weigh in day. :smiley:

    @lauren_989 Way to go ! Awesome job this week !
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 678 Member
    I had a great week eating wise, staying within calories every day and only didn't meet my step goal one day. As I said, for December, I plan to try really hard the beginning of the month, as I have several holiday parties and Christmas itself coming soon. This next week should hopefully be decent (although after a big week, I normally don't lose much) and I have my bookclub tomorrow night. Usually this includes yummy snacks, desserts, and wine, however I will try to limit myself as much as I can. How do you all plan for office parties or clubs, knowing the holiday itself will have some overeating?

    Also, I started the couch to 5k program today. I was surprised at how well I did for not jogging in almost 4 months!

    @cleaneater80 great job not throwing in the towel with any set backs. I know that is easy to do!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    petexj78 wrote: »
    I know this group is what I need for some motivation, but I also just signed up for the "Tulip Time" 5k in Holland Michigan in 5 months!, starting couch to 5k (again) this week!

    That's a great idea! Knowing there is a looming deadline out there can really get you going. Tell everyone about it, complete with instructions to pester you in the most hilarious ways they can think of. We here all want updates, in any case :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    I did not make it to my CrossFit class today. Turns out my husband lowered the volume of my alarm and didn't tell me. I slept through the alarm today because I couldn't hear it over our furnace. :s

    I did manage to get chores done just in time for a friend to stay with us for the funeral of our other friend. Luckily, my shoulder had only minimal pain while doing chores.

    @jugar - I will weigh myself tomorrow, but I most likely will not be able to report it until Thursday as tomorrow is the funeral and I will not be near a computer.
    No worries about this week, Jolene. It will be an emotional one, so you take care of yourself and be there with all the friends and family who are going through so much right now.

    And alarm volume lowering - you want to be mad because you missed your class, AND you want to give him a big hug for being so caring in case you were super tired... Either way? Whataguy.

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I applaud your fibre-rich diet! Sounds great, and delicious :yum:

    I'm sorry I have been AWOL for a couple of days. We had no electricity since 5 am yesterday (again!!) after yet more heavy snow, and it finally came back on a little while ago. I have been running around super busy yesterday and today, but now I can have a quiet evening and an easier day tomorrow. It is going to be super cold by morning :smiley: and there is enough snow to go snowshoeing :smiley:

    I'll post the Wednesday line-up in a bit!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Hi I am Shelley. I am 63 and married with grown children. I want to lose about 15 pounds and put some muscle on. I used to be a gym rat. Would not even go on a vacation unless there was weights involved. So what happened? Boredom. Also I am sick. So this week is starting off slowly. I still work, because I enjoy my job and co-workers.

    I have a corner lot and put in a sidewalk around it. So every couple hours I walk my dogs around it a minimum of 3 times. Fun

    Current weight 149 ish. My scales are not reliable.
    5 pounds a month would do it


    I found you over on another thread, Shelley! Here is the place where you hang out with your teammates and get to work on all this fun stuff :sweat_smile: I hope you make your way here soon!

    Be sure to read right from page 1 of this team chat so that you get a bit of an introduction, some info on how it works, etc. Good luck!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Ready? Let's get these numbers in - everyone due through Wednesday:

    @MaddawgMadsen (OK for Thursday!)

  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 226 Member
    PW 163.8
    CW 165.6

    Argh, I was on a roll, but it's okay this happens, and just means next week, I will have a great loss.

    Last night wasn't the greatest in food, I was being wishy washy and ended up having cereal for dinner, I haven't had cereal in 2 years, but for some weird reason, that's what I wanted last night.

    I forgot how busy December is for me, with regards to work, I have so many different tasks to do, to get prepared for year end. Today will be a busy busy day for me.

    I started a new anti-depressant, because I was feeling pretty down and sad for no reason, for a little longer than usual, so cross your fingers for me that this gets me over this hump and gets me back to a functional happy person.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Argh, I was on a roll, but it's okay this happens, and just means next week, I will have a great loss.

    Last night wasn't the greatest in food, I was being wishy washy and ended up having cereal for dinner, I haven't had cereal in 2 years, but for some weird reason, that's what I wanted last night.
    Bummer! But you sound like me - when I have not had grain-based stuff for a while and I have some (especially if it is like cereal!), the weight gain of 1-2 pounds is immediate. It goes away as soon as the grains do. Sometimes it's worth satisfying the craving - the gain is temporary and I don't think it does any harm. Daily consumption doesn't work, but once in a while - why not?
  • sugagirl5
    sugagirl5 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey everyone I’m glad to be with y’all and hope we can all achieve our goals together for a fresh 2024!

    I live in Ontario with my two cats, and want to lose weight so I can improve my physical and mental health.

    CW: 206.6
    (What is PW?)
    Goal weight: 199 (for end of Dec)

    My goal is to workout atleast 4x a week and eat within my caloric deficit. My biggest setbacks are my bad back and being dep (which gets worse this time of year, and when I don’t workout regularly) so I’ve been trying not to let my mood dictate what I do (cuz then I’d never do anything except order in ubereats lol)
    My name is Joann, I work full time as a Public Health nurse from Alberta and also have a 1 year old German Shephard and a 9 year old daughter with my husband. This past month has been so much better than the previous, I've been able to keep consistency with my diet and not throw in the towel with a small set back. Goals for this month are to keep a consistent routine despite the holiday extras coming my way.

    Yay a fellow Canadian! Nurses are such heros! This time of year really is the hardest in so many ways lol, hopefully we can all resist! I’ve let go my weightloss achievements before over the holidays so I’m super conscious of not letting that happen this year!
    Been very ill and work wears me out. Thanks for plucking me up and over to here.

    Aww I’m sorry you’ve been so sick! Have you been feeling any better yet?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Great to hear from you @sugagirl5 ! You'll find that there are a whole bunch of Canadians on this team - I'm in Québec, @ashleycarole86 and her hubby @bowens1973 are in Alberta (as is @cleaneater80 ), and @carolannm2 is in Saskatchewan. We have four from the UK, and one in Brazil! All the rest are all over the map in the US. There are a couple of people who have not said where they live, so we can dream them into anywhere.

    As to PW? That's just "previous weight" - and it is no biggie if you don't remember your weight from the previous week or don't care to put it in there. It is a good one to post especially when you have had a successful week so everyone can give you the big cheer for losing that week. But no one loses absolutely every week, so no worries about posting gains. They happen :neutral:

    You're right that long winters, short daylight, and all the joys of this season are especially challenging, and that exercise is the best tool to fight that. Sometimes getting in a workout, a walk outdoors, some snowshoeing or whatever is your burn of choice is hard. We don't wanna. We get lost in the meh. But the exercise is the thing that gets rid of the lethargy and apathy - so you've got it right. Go do it anyhow. Beats ubereats for sure!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 678 Member
    So I had my book club tonight and boy did I eat 🙈. I am stuffed and this breaks my 8 day streak of eating on plan. I hope I didn't do too much damage, but back to plan tomorrow!
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