WaistAways Team Chat - MAY 2024



  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    edited May 4
    jugar wrote: »
    ddsb1111 wrote: »
    I told my husband about this challenge I’m doing, and just like the last challenge I joined, he jumped right in with me. He’s also the cook of the family so it makes it easier when we’re doing the same thing.

    We also decided to be alcohol free 5 days a week, and have the option on Sundays and Thursdays if we so choose. I find that we do better in pretty much everything when we have the option.

    My weigh-in is tomorrow and looks like I’m losing a lot of bloat this first week so it should be a decent loss. Next week will likely be a really small loss if any but that’s the beauty of getting comfortable with natural fluctuations- they don’t have power over you anymore. Just keep going.

    4 lbs to go, which either means extremely focused and accurate logging for 4-5 weeks or a fairly focused logging for 8-9 weeks. I’d rather just knock it out and get it over with 😆.

    You're getting close! If you do knock it out and get it over with, maintaining is a whole new chapter that requires at least as much attention, especially at first. It won't really be "over with" - but we have a section of the team roster that is for people in maintenance (the Goal Zone) and it really helps to stick with that for a while as you develop your maintenance skills. I have been maintaining for quite a few years, and still sometimes I end up back on the regular team for a little while if things have gotten a little too loosey-goosey. I just got back into my goal zone weight today after a few weeks of being just over the top of my zone. Feels good!

    Your alcohol free days will be an important tool as well. It makes a big difference. WTG!

    Thank you for letting me know there’s a maintenance section. I’ve been maintaining since Sept 2023 and creeping outside of my zone then back pretty routinely. I realize I need to reel it in and stay accountable somewhere, so losing 4 lbs (over my preferred maintenance) and joining challenges is exactly what I need. You hit the nail on the head! I know the cutting back alcohol will help quite a bit too. Do I join these challenges or is there another one for maintenance? Nvm it makes sense now. Hopefully I’ll be ready for the Goal Zone next challenge.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 670 Member
    (Delinquent) Friday Weigh-In
    PW: 256.7
    CW: 255.4

    I am okay with this! Glad it isn't another huge swing down. My goal for May is twofold; no more big swings (so, ideally 4 weeks in the green), and please can I get out of this decade once and for all! 5.5lbs feels doable in 4-ish weeks.

    I have caught up on posts, a lot going on and a lot to celebrate!!

    @lauren_989 way to go on your race!! How did you feel about training leading up to it? I think you have mentioned C25K in the past or maybe that was someone else. Some people at my job are thinking about signing up for a corporate 3.5mile race around Boston that happens in June and it got me thinking. I don't think I can actually train for a race right now with my dumb foot/tendonitis but I would really like to be able to jog again some day.......

    @Gidgitgoescrzy you met your goal for vacation!!! Hooray!! sorry about the jaw pain, hope that is gone before Ireland.

    @micki48 ugh, sorry about the lead position. definitely an extra sting to have to BE that position this week.

    @ashleycarole86 exciting that lake weekends are coming up!! Kayaking season was supposed to start today for the Boston area but they have pushed it to Monday because it's a little chilly today I guess.

    I am also trying to motivate myself to do a bunch of reorganization for all the storage spots in my apartment. My mom's house has officially listed and I have taken another car-full of items to my place which means I need to make room!! Today, I want to tackle the kitchen cabinets. I can definitely be using space more efficiently than I am right now. But I really love projects like this so I am excited to get going. Plus, I got a new garbage disposal installed on Thursday which was SUCH a relief. I haven't been able to use my sink or dishwasher for 8+ days!! I was doing dishes in my bathtub which was a real tax on my back and arms :D

    April was really not a good month for me. May doesn't have any travel as of right now - only "event" is one of my best friends is coming to visit for Memorial Day Weekend. I am already behind on setting up my planner and habit tracker for the month though so I need to get the ship in shape and start sailing.
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 433 Member
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Had to scroll through your April vacation pics a couple times.. the views were just too good!

    Way to go! If memory serves me correct, I don't think this is your first 5K race with less than desirable weather. Great job getting it done!

    How fun to have your husband on board with you! My husband and fellow teammate @bowens1973 is my greatest support. We truly do gain and lose together though. We have very similar issues with weight and it seems we're either both doing well or both not. Anyway, all that to say I know personally how beneficial it is to have a teammate at home, not a requirement - but lovely when it works out that way!

    Well, we arrived at the lake last night, and I'm happy to report all is in order with our trailer! Our older next door neighbors who had to pull out last year due to his progressing cancer used to always be around to help us troubleshoot as neither Brad nor I are all that handy, but we got the dewinterizing done ourselves (which isn't hard, let's be honest...) but it did involve some troubleshooting so we definitely high fived when we were done that we figured it all out.

    The weather after the snow (yes @lauren_989 the weather is incredibly unpredictable here at times LOL) has actually been nice. So, no issues getting everything hauled into the trailer.

    Took a walk this morning and got some steps at least. It's hard to get a lot of steps here since the space we have is so small but that just means the dog walks have to be longer.

    We also brought our old Sodastream up to the trailer because I really only like sparkling water and it's already making a huge difference in our hydration as just having the ability to makes bottles of the fizzy stuff is keeping me drinking!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, friends.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Also quick shout out to @StayFITTer for meeting her step challenge target 7 days in a row to round out April and @zankash23 for doing so 4 out of 7 days.

    I've been participating in the Stridekick app challenges that @StayFITTer has been creating and it's helping me focus on mini goals.

    I am ready to record steps and exercise minutes for all our teammates that are logging as part of the option add-on step challenge for May. Reminder that the week 1 steps are due tomorrow for Sun Apr 28 to today (Sat May 4).
  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 119 Member
    PW: 144.6
    CW: 143.9

    Sun- 4592

  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    PW 250.7
    CW 247.8
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,269 Member
    What a busy day of posts! And quite a bit of lovely green :mrgreen:

    @lauren_989 well done on the soaker of a 5k! It looks like a lot of fun in spite of the wet weather. Some of those costumes must have weighed a ton when wet :astonished:

    @katzservant I'm glad your crazy time is settling down - and it sounds like a great plan to work up your walking, build that leg strength, and hitting that new weight decade. I like your resolve to do 20-30 squats a day - if you get bored with those, or just want to work the muscles a bit differently, try step ups. Start with a low-ish box, step, or other thing you can put your foot flat onto, and then without using momentum, just step up and back down with control. It is also a great balance exercise - or you can keep next to a wall or counter so you have something to touch if you need to. As you get stronger, you can step up onto something higher - a stool, kitchen chair, bench, whatever you have around. I like the combination of squats and step ups to really get those legs going.

    @Vio_let23 great attitude on the "re-think" to get unstuck! You are your own experiment, as we like to say. Usually a change in diet will make the quickest difference - adding vegetables, reducing starches, just cutting back the calories - try some change for a couple of weeks and see if it works. The habit tracker can help so that you stay consistent while you try a new thing. The link to it is here: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10912625/habit-tracker-april-2024#latest

    @micki48 I was thinking of your horrible mice while cleaning out the "products" of my horrible mice today. They get into the part of the washing machine where you put in the detergent and stuff! Little monsters...

    @Kali225 You go! Down to under 250 by the end of May - I agree that you can do this! 1.5 lb per week. That is .58% and that is sustainable and I think you can make it :heart: Carry today's fourth with you for the rest of the month :smiley:
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,425 Member
    The May Week 2 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin on Sunday, May 5th, so please join us for the No Gym Workout Challenge! Here's your link:


    Hope to see you in the chat thread!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,269 Member
    Last Call! Only one weigh-in still due for this week -
    @adrimango hope to see you and grab your number :smiley:
  • strong_fit_ells
    strong_fit_ells Posts: 138 Member
    Good morning Waistaways 🥰

    CW 242.5 lbs 🤦🤷 all I can say it's still TOTM 😢It really is so painful this time and I have a feeling I am on the "change". I'm 46 years old, I have mood swings quite often, the hot flushes too 😢 oh dear....

  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,600 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!

    For my first week of goals in May, it started off rocky:
    Average 8,000 steps daily (weather permitting) in order to increase my NEAT.
    Averaged 5,960 steps for the first week, with Wednesday being my lowest day.

    2. Average 11,900 calories weekly (this allows more flexibility)
    I was over by about 3000 calories this week. My husband and I went to a Michelin star restaurant on Friday before the show, and it was amazing, but I didn’t plan ahead and reduce my calories slightly Monday - Thursday to help offset the calories from dinner.

    3. 150 minutes of intentional moderate exercise
    Missed by 45 minutes from last Sunday to yesterday.

    Now that I see it all here, my plan to work on improving these 3 goals for this week is:

    1. When possible, make one of my 30-minute meetings into a walking meeting while at work. That will increase my steps for that day and reduce my sedentary state.
    2. Meal plan and focus on how to incorporate in those larger meals while still meeting overall weekly goals. My sister’s birthday is this weekend, so I will be traveling for that. I will have to plan for a dinner on Friday, then all day on Saturday, and breakfast Sunday.
    3. I’m doing Sydney’s Summertime Fine series which begins on Monday, and it is 5 days of workouts. I may swap a workout for a spin class since I pay for a membership, but I am focused on getting in her strength workouts to improve my muscle mass and health.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Sunday weigh in (spoiler alert, it's up!)

    PW - 187.2
    CW - 187.8
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Step & Exercise stats for the last 7 days

    Sunday 28th April - 2299
    Monday 29th - 2450 / 43mins Heather Ronertson 12 Week 4.0 Day 42 - Cardio & Abs
    Tuesday 30th - 1792 / 42mins HR12W4.0 Day 43 - Powerful Leg Strength
    Wednesday 1st May - 1976 / 39mins Stationary Bike
    Thursday 2nd - 3601 / 74mins Yoga
    Friday 3rd - 2314 / 44mins HR12W4.0 Arms Strength and Sculpt
    Saturday 4th - 3971 / 31m Step Aerobics

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,269 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!

    For my first week of goals in May, it started off rocky:
    Average 8,000 steps daily (weather permitting) in order to increase my NEAT.
    Averaged 5,960 steps for the first week, with Wednesday being my lowest day.

    2. Average 11,900 calories weekly (this allows more flexibility)
    I was over by about 3000 calories this week. My husband and I went to a Michelin star restaurant on Friday before the show, and it was amazing, but I didn’t plan ahead and reduce my calories slightly Monday - Thursday to help offset the calories from dinner.

    3. 150 minutes of intentional moderate exercise
    Missed by 45 minutes from last Sunday to yesterday.

    Now that I see it all here, my plan to work on improving these 3 goals for this week is:

    1. When possible, make one of my 30-minute meetings into a walking meeting while at work. That will increase my steps for that day and reduce my sedentary state.
    2. Meal plan and focus on how to incorporate in those larger meals while still meeting overall weekly goals. My sister’s birthday is this weekend, so I will be traveling for that. I will have to plan for a dinner on Friday, then all day on Saturday, and breakfast Sunday.
    3. I’m doing Sydney’s Summertime Fine series which begins on Monday, and it is 5 days of workouts. I may swap a workout for a spin class since I pay for a membership, but I am focused on getting in her strength workouts to improve my muscle mass and health.

    This kind of review is brilliant! Looking at those numbers, thinking about the week as a whole rather than one day at a time gives a useful perspective and makes planning more significant. Thanks for doing this! Setting your kind of possible goals for the week is also helpful - you did not say that you would have a perfect meal plan, but that you will focus on how to incorporate special meals into your weekly average as well as possible. Nice.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Another rainy day here today. Not sure why, but I just don't like going out to stores or anything in the rain. I have done some crocheting yesterday and will do some more today. I also started working on a puzzle. Nothing active, but it keeps the hands busy so I don't put food in them 😂

    @wishfuljune as @jugar said, that was a great review of your week! I look at my days (sometimes) and see if I met my goal or not, but I love that idea and then coming up with small changes! Can you tell me a little more about the Sydney Cumming's workouts? Are they free? Do you know what 5 days of the week they are?

    @EvMakesChanges I love the 15 minute rule! Hang in there, it's good to laugh even for just a few minutes.

    @Kali225 yes, I am currently still doing the couch to 5k. My goal is to eventually be able to jog the entire 5k without walking (even if it's a slow jog) and then to eventually get under 30 minutes. I have improved from 50 minutes to 40 minutes, so I am getting there...slowly lol. If I lost some weight, that would be a huge help. I will say though, that when I started running, I did the none to run program partially until winter (and then stopped jogging-not a smart idea). That was a lot better as an absolute beginner. I think it's a 16(?) week program vs 8 week of C25k. But definitely wait for your foot to get better first. Running puts a lot of pressure on your feet!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    @wishfuljune Couldn't agree with my fellow captains more - what a great way of assessing your week and what you want to work on. Loved the format!

    Yesterday we got out for a 30 minute walk with the dog but otherwise it was a pretty sedentary day. We do have light weights here to do small workouts and of course I could do bodyweight exercises or walk more too.

    I did however keep the snack monster at bay for the whole day and this time last Sunday I was 2 pounds heavier than I am today - I usually spike up at the end of the weekend and then come back down through the week so I feel good about that. Mind you, I must navigate today yet!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Week 1 steps and exercise:
    Sun Apr 28: 8290 steps
    Mon Apr 29: 12063 steps
    Tues Apr 30: 9319 steps
    Wed May 1: 9848 steps
    Thurs May 2: 9286 steps
    Fri May 3: 7016 steps
    Sat May 4: 5296 steps

    Slow week of exercise for me. My Tuesday soccer was cancelled due to rain. I was within my goal of 10K three days without pushing past it! Bummer. Lots of room to improve for the week ahead!
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