Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MAY 2024



  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 101 Member
    Thank you for your kind words and encouragement.
    @vegan4lyfe2012- Your photos are beautiful. What a gorgeous night sky.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 508 Member
    @19shmoo69 my son-in-law has the same eclectic taste that you do as far as meat goes

    @trooworld my dogs have not actually used the kiddy pool yet just the grandkids lol. Sounds like you had fun at the zoo! Did you bring your dogs? How are your feet?

    @vegan4lyfe when my kids were growing up we had spaghetti Wednesdays. My kids all had activities after school that day and I couldn't make it home to make a meal and drop off 4 kids at activities, then pick them all up and feed them because we didn't get home until 7:30. I made the spaghetti ahead of time, raced home, heated it up and filled up 4 thermoses with spaghetti. The kids loved it, when they got in the vehicle they had a hot supper already for them.
    It sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day! LOVE your pictures!!

    @Cornanda my two pups always keep me laughing!

    I have a plan for my food today, made it to the gym for spin class, logged my breakfast and lunch and checked in here:). I am happy with my start to the day

    We are off to Ty's first obedience class, this should be interesting🤣!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,711 Member
    @littlebabekitty @AmbersWay @AustinRuadhain @Jactop
    Tomorrow Weigh-in Reminder: @TeresaW2024 @FushiaKat
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,711 Member
    @Digger61 @Veta2018 @Divya365 Way to go top team winners!

    Great job staying in the green team!

    @sleepygirl79 Happy Mother's Day!

    @AyaTheTyga Hugs to you. Would focusing on maintaining for a bit help with the binge cravings? Sometimes the pressure of losing can be tamed by taking some pressure off.

    @micaroo4 Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

    @19shmoo69 I haven't met anyone HUGE, lots of semi-famous people.

    @laurelfit57 Happy Mother's Day! Thanks! I'm so glad you're feeling better and getting some sleep. Oh no yuck on the mouse! Haha too adorable how Ty lets Vannie pull her around. Sounds like a perfect, on-track day!

    @reshii_devi Way to go on getting that weight off!

    @TeresaW2024 I'm glad you had a talk with your sister. Crazy how hard drinking affects us when we're older I don't know how I used to function. I'm glad Joe's infection was caught fast.

    @trooworld Nice group of celebrities! I'm glad you lasted longer than normal at the zoo. That's freakin awesome about your foot, yay! That doesn't sound woowoo to me at all but I have rebounds from technology so of course I believe. Hope you're feeling better today. Love the photos!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Sure lavender-scented works! I was taught at the holistic group to use at least 1 cup of them, it does make a difference but I buy 8lb Epsom salt bags, ACV which I also put in for pain, and Dr. Teal's bubble bath from Walmart pick-up. Sounds like a great Mother's Day! Beautiful Aurora Borealis photos!

    Hi friends! Having a bad pain day, I'm going to make dinner then get in the tub. Sounds like most of you are doing well which I'm always happy to read! Have a great night and awesome Tuesday.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    WI Monday
    PW 212.6
    CW 213.8

    I was really expecting a loss. Ugh
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,236 Member
    Have you ever met a celebrity?
    Carlton Fisk
    Tom Bergeron
    John Bucyk
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 826 Member
    Good morning! I think my last one or two posts disappeared so I’m going to make a quick one to make sure it goes through. Having a kind of challenging couple days to kick off a really stressful week so I’m going to try to keep breathing and keep tracking and just get through.
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 154 Member
    Weigh in week:  Week 3
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    SW (1.1.24) : 252.0
    PW: 248.5
    CW: 248.5 ;)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,076 Member

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What’s a challenge that you’ve recently overcome?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,076 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Congrats on the loss! I agree, the weekend went by way too fast for me, too. I hope your asparagus stays fresh and eatible lol. Roses from the house, girl there is a house that sells tacos and other foods from the front of their house! LOL They have a tent in front of their house with an "OPEN" sign and everything, hahaha. I only do all that stuff on the weekends, which is why time flies by! Interesting about the atmospheric stuff, huh? I would love Spaghetti Sunday, it's one of my favorite things to eat. Good job with the salad and pasta! Wow, you've met a lot of celebrities! Amazing pictures, thanks for sharing.

    @reshii_devi Congrats on the loss!

    @laurelfit57 Oh hahaha! I bet they will like it, at least maybe Ty? I did have fun. No, they don't allow the pups at the zoo (unless it's a service animal). My feet hurt a little yesterday but today it is okay. How'd your day go yesterday after making the plan? Sounds like a good start to the day. How did Ty's obedience class go?

    @Katmary71 Yeah I probably have met more, those are just the ones I could remember off the top of my head lol. Yeah, I'm super happy my foot seems to be getting better. I felt crappy yesterday with another migraine but today I am so-so. Better than yesterday. I'm sorry about your bad pain day. I wonder if it has to do with the Aurora Borealis like my migraines?

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What’s a challenge that you’ve recently overcome?
    I wouldn't say I've overcome these things, but I've made progress on them: I'm doing better with water intake, averaging 70 oz a day; my foot is feeling better and I hope to walk more now.

    Hi all. We had teriyaki chicken burgers last night and they were so delicious, I highly recommend that recipe. We didn't even add any optional Yum Yum sauce or mayo, just had it as is: https://pinchofyum.com/chicken-teriyaki-burgers I had a migraine yesterday, I had it over the weekend off and on, but it seems so much worse when you have to sit and concentrate on something. I went home early and shut the blinds, took some medication, and took a nap with the hopes that it would do what it usually does: get rid of the migraine. But no, I woke up with it still. I feel a little better today but I can tell it's still there.

    No Zero Days: Tracked everything.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 154 Member
    @megnolia82 Thank you so much for sharing your story. I so related to how life gets messy and the weight comes back on. But the true key it to NEVER stop believing that we deserve to be healthy and happy. I’m right there with you, striving towards my goal. We can do it!! 💓

    @Katmary71 Maybe rebounding would be great for you too! You don’t need to ever bring your feet off the mat. It’s called a health bounce. I really love how it makes me feel and what it is doing to my body. I do YouTube videos called Earth & Owl. She has everything from 89-year-old beginners to advanced routines. Check her out! :D I hope your pain is better today! <3

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Just be careful not to put more than one drop at a time in your mouth. I had to learn that the very hard way. :D

    @trooworld I love the zoo and dog pics! It's interesting that the Aurora Borealis is causing migraines. I'm not surprised since they said it can interfere with GPS and other tech stuff. Those teriyaki chicken burgers look good! I pinned it to remember to give it a try. I hope your migraine passes, and you will feel better! <3

    Good morning! It’s another rainy day here, and I have things to do! Maggie is going to the groomer, where they will earn their money today. She is nasty because of her love of lying in our new dark brown mulch. 🙄I also have to do grocery shopping and do some church work. And I got some good news! My niece’s good-for-nothing “boyfriend” moved out! So, now the family will all have to pull together to help her, but it’s OK. We are all happy and willing to do what it takes. OK, Joe just woke up so I have to go. Have a great day! :)

    Question: What’s a challenge that you’ve recently overcome?
    Finally going to a doctor to fix my damaged tendons. I still hate that I had to spend so much money but not having that constant pain is wonderful!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,711 Member
    Question: What's a Challenge You've Recently Overcome?

    I have two, first is working outside the home for the first time in ages, it's been a goal for years and is my most important goal I wanted to reach. A second is running my own project for the charity, the president runs these big events and I wouldn't have imagined myself running one. It was a small one but we completed it yesterday getting all the leftover bark out of the yard and the homeowner gave me a big hug. Aside of my brother we had a super outspoken quirky crew where everyone's been complained about at one point or another (assuming I have too since I do stuff like leave in the middle of a meeting when I don't feel good plus the one woman I got into it with was there who I've gotten real close with). Dealing with the larger organization and the punk in charge of projects definitely wasn't easy but I'm proud of myself for not telling him where he could shove his project, lol. I got good feedback from the team on keeping everyone updated too and we had a great time.
  • reshii_devi
    reshii_devi Posts: 531 Member
    edited May 14
    Fitness wise, I've really impressed myself with my number of steps and three back to back 1K🔥DAYS this week! Feeling like a rockstar in that regard lol ~ still working on improving fasting window, protein and water consumption, but making incremental progress in those areas too.

    I guess this also ties in with QOTD ... achieving a daily 1K burn seemed impossible in the beginning, but once achieved, I kept increasing until 4 per week was the goal. Now that I've finally achieved it (yeahhhh!!!) the next goal is to make 3-4 days per week the new norm.
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 232 Member
    Good Morning,
    Congratulations to everyone that lost this past week!

    @megnolia82 I loved reading your spotlight. I'm sorry you are having a stressful week. Just keep pushing through.

    @trooworld Your pups look like they were having a blast and the zoo pics are awesome. I am sorry you are still suffering from your migraine, I hope you feel better soon.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I am also in awe over how everyone has so many thing and places to go. The town I live in has nothing of such. I have to drive a ways to find things to do. I am glad you enjoyed the pics. The squirrel was about 5 ft for us teasing Diesel, all he could do was whine and we laughed. The pics of Aurora Borealis are beautiful. If we were able to see them we could not do to all the storms rolling through here. for the first time in yrs our lakes and rivers are 100% full. This summer it will be hard to find places to go that are not so crowded with people.

    @laurelfit57 I love the game Ty has come up with. We still do spaghetti Wednesday. John loves his spaghetti. Lol Diesel is going for his first appt today with a trainer to see if she will be able to help us with him.

    @Katmary71 I am sorry you are having a bad pain day yesterday. I pray you are doing better today.

    @TeresaW2024 We are finally getting to see the sun today. We have had cloudy to mostly cloudy day along with sever thunderstorms for the past 2 weeks.

    So I have been sticking to my step goal with a 16 day streak. I have not done this in a few yrs. This month I am also working on using my protein intake. I have a 140g at this point, it will change as I get closer to my goal weight.
    Diesel has his meet and greet with his trainer today at 1pm. I am nervous for him. I am going to get him outside this morning and play and walk him so he will not be too high strung when it is time to go.
    I hope everyone has a beautiful day!

    Have you ever met a celebrity? Back in my club hopping days I was able to meet Collin Raye and Aaron Tippin. Both were still up and rising stars at the time playing in the clubs.
    What is a challenge you have recently overcome? I have been working on learning to be happy again. It is still a work in progress but I am having more better day than bad days.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,236 Member
    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What’s a challenge that you’ve recently overcome?
    I just finished weeding. I'm not a fan of gardening, but I also don't want to come home to a pack of weeds. Definitely a first world problem. I pulled weeds, put out the ceramic frog, the garden gnome, the lady head (into which some petunias will be planted) and the hummingbird feeder. I hope to attract hummingbirds and not wasps. Just saying.
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 826 Member
    Hey all :) so I missed the question “have you ever met a celebrity?” And I would love to answer!

    The biggest celebrity I ever actually met was Weird Al. I went to his concert (well I’ve been to several of his concerts) with a friend who happens to have worked in radio and music for a long time and knows one of the guitarists to quite well, so Jim “Kimo” West left backstage passes for my friend and the other 3 of us who went together. We got to go backstage after the concert and hang out with the band. We briefly chatted with Al who was super soft spoken and polite before he was rushed off to do his paid meet and greets. But the band was amazing and we visited for quite some time. Just normal
    People living out of a tour bus really.

    I also was on a flight from Miami to San Juan PR in 2011. We boarded and walked through first class to get to our (economy) seats. My sister sat down beside me and said “did you see the rock?” And I’m like “what?” And she says “Dwayne Johnson. the Rock. He was sitting in the last row of first class. He had his head down and headphones in, and there was a huge security guard sitting beside him in the aisle seat”. Well, I noticed the security guard but not The Rock. So I spent the rest of the flight trying to discretely sneak up to the first class bathroom but they kept the curtains shut and I never made it. And then he must have dashed off the plane and skipped the baggage claim because we never saw him.
    Turns out he was filming Journey 2 the Mysterious island I believe. So that’s my closest encounter and I never even saw him hahahaha just breathed the same recycled air for a couple hours :)
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 826 Member
    Guys this is awesome. I finished supper and I’m a touch over calories for the day because I have been starving! Like sneak to the car to find the emergency crackers in my glove compartment at lunch time starving.

    After supper I have just been thinking of wanting to eat something else so badly. I want dessert. I want a treat. I want something….. but I wrote my much too long celebrity post and I think I’ve made it through the craving. I think lll be ok. I am actually not hungry, my stomach is full. My mouth just wants something else so badly.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 523 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 19 of 52

    PW: 137.8
    CW: 137.4

    Today I went to get bloodwork done and I stopped at Costco and picked up a Rotisserie Chicken, I had that with Summer Squash, Yummy! It's that time again, it's time for the Annual Wellness Exam, Yuck. I got stressed out, that guy was just fishing around in my arm. I hate that.
    I'm enjoying my new phone that I got about 3 weeks ago, the same make just an upgraded model. I got Yellow, special online color only. It was easy to set up and I got a $750 rebate for my old phone.
    I got some Blueberries and Strawberries today. I eat a lot of fresh fruit.
    We watched Dune II last weekend, it was so long it took two nights to watch, I think there will be a Dune III, but I could be wrong. I did enjoy the Movie. My husband didn't want to pay the rental fee, but I begged him. We don't go out or eat out so I think we should be able to splurge now and then.
    Here's to another week of maintenance ♥.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,711 Member
    @littlebabekitty @AustinRuadhain @Jactop
    Tomorrow weigh in reminder: @Divya365
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,711 Member
    @megnolia82 Oh no hate losing posts! Good call you can get through this. Loved reading your famous people stories how funny. Woohoo congrats on beating the craving!

    @trooworld My pain could be related to it too, I've had problems with my last box of pain patches sticking so that's some of it as well. Hope you're able to ditch that migraine today.

    @TeresaW2024 There used to be a trampoline at work, I wish it was still there to try. Earth and Owl looks fun I checked her out! LOL on Maggie, having dumped a lot of bark I know how my hands ended up looking! Glad the boyfriend is gone for your niece.

    @reshii_devi Great job on the burns, you're doing awesome!

    @txcritter69 Thank you. That's a serious streak, wtg! I hope Diesel and the trainer get along well.

    @micaroo4 Not a weed fan either, glad you got it done!

    @FushiaKat I love those rotisserie chickens! I love fresh fruit too glad you found some good berries. Doing awesome acing maintenance!

    Hi team! Work was good today but slow. My patches in the last couple weeks aren't sticking well which makes my pain worse. I'll be having another ionic foot bath tomorrow, hopefully it will help some. I'm headed outside to water then get in the tub. Have a great night and Wednesday!
This discussion has been closed.