Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    edited June 12
    @lislisa123 I'm sorry you are having a bad start to your week. I am sure a lot of that 3 lbs is from water retention, as you said. I like Leslie Sansone walking videos on YouTube, have you tried her? I hope the rest of your week goes better for you.

    @FushiaKat I'm so very sorry for the loss of Tessie. She was a beautiful kitty.

    @Katmary71 No worries, I figure if it isn't posted by the time I am on here on Tuesday, I can post one. It's no big deal. I know you aren't feeling well. Okay, I'll let you get the rest of June, but really, if you aren't up to it, please let me know! I appreciate your awesomeness as well! I hope the flare up from the treatment will eventually be worth it? Good job with your liquids. I picked that question because a lot of people have trouble with getting water in. HUGS, Kat.

    @laurelfit57 LOL I would love to see a sassy Vannie! Yes, it's so hard after working all day to come home and exercise. :( My hubby IS an amazing cook, he makes all sorts of things: homemade pasta and sauce, breads from scratch...unfortunately his love language is food! Oh that salad does sound good! Oh NO! Ty!!! Violet is a chewer: she completely ruined my comforter, she chews up my husband's dirty socks left and right, she always has to chew stuff.

    @megnolia82 Good luck, it sounds like you are turning things around!

    @19shmoo69 Me too. I thought they had brought it back but I guess not.

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What can I do to consume more water today?
    I know not everyone has trouble with liquids, but I know a lot of us do and that's why I chose this discussion question. I was hoping people could get some ideas from this one. What helps me is to take a 32 oz tumbler in the car on the way to work. My goal is to drink it all before arriving at work. It's like a game. Then, at work, I try to drink at least one more. On the way home, I drink another 32 oz tumbler.

    Hi all. I have a meeting with one of the VPs and my manager this morning which I am nervous about. I called the meeting: it's a meeting I have every year about the things I am in charge of at work but usually, it's with my manager and our director but he retired in March so it's up to this VP to step in. I don't really know him and he doesn't really know the importance of what I do for the library, so this could be a good opportunity to show that. But I get nervous about talking to people I don't know. I'm sure it will go fine.

    No Zero Days: Tracked.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,306 Member
    Hi Slims,
    My window replacements are taking longer than expected. They did 6 of 10 windows yesterday. The new windows are 2-1/4" thick and my old ones were only 1" thick, which means they have to cut into the existing window frame by 1-1/4" to make the new windows fit. The cutting took about an hour per window, and they burned through one blade for each window, and probably 2 or 3 batteries for the power tool that was doing the cutting. So they were recharging batteries at every outlet. It was extremely noisy, plus sawdust making it very messy. But 3 rooms were completely done by the time they left, and those rooms are cleaned and the windows look great. It's 2 more rooms today - the kitchen, and 2 windows in the sunroom. I will probably replace the remaining 7 windows next year, but this is all I can stand to do for now. I'm very happy that I did it, but it's very hard on me personally with all the noise and commotion. They were supposed to be here at 8:00am, but they are not here yet....
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 170 Member
    @lislisa123 I know how frustrating it is to eat a bunch of stuff and not even enjoy it. I’ve done it so many times myself. You just have to forgive yourself and move forward. Try to think of health more than weight loss and that eating things like cake or overdoing it on dinner just because you overdid it at lunch isn’t part of a good health program. Walking is a great thing to do, and I once knew a woman who walked 5 miles every day inside her house. You can do it! :)

    @FushiaKat I’m so sorry for your loss of your sweet Tessie. <3

    @micaroo4 I’m hoping that your brother will be OK! So scary for him and those who love him. I’ve never considered how tedious and messy getting new windows could be. We had a roof replaced on our old house, and that was super noisy. I hope the work gets done soon for you. :)

    @Katmary71 The poem was posted on the Diligent Mnd FB group. Yikes, I hope you have been able to calm down the burning in your body. <3

    @trooworld I hope all goes well at the meeting. It’s important to show the higher-ups just how valuable you are. My new pastor is starting to see that about everything I do behind the scenes. :)

    Good morning! I had to get up early to get Maggie to the vet for her dental cleaning. I told the tech to have the vet go ahead and make a referral for her luxating patella (knee cap comes out of the socket). The poor girl hasn’t put that back, right leg down in three days, so it’s time to do something before she blows out the left knee. Plus, I hate how she looks at us with her little pained face. It will cost what it costs, and we have accepted it. Our lunch with the pastor and his wife went well, and it was nice to spend some time with them. Then, the pastor called me last evening to inform me that we are losing the couple who have been cleaning our church. Ugh, I really don’t want to deal with the problem! OK, I’m off to work out. Have a good day! :)
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning,
    Catching up on everyone post has turned this into a book of sorts.

    @trooworld Your commit challenge sounds like a great way to stay moving. I am glad you made it to the lake. it is beautiful. I have the same problem with Diesel when walking him in public places where there are other dogs. That is great on the no snacks. I too am cutting out the snacks. If I really have to have something I have the light mini bag popcorn as a nightly snack.

    @sleepygirl79 Salty choice ruin my weigh ins too. I am learning to make them earlier in the week so I can sweat them out. LOL That's great that you are running again. Keep up the great work. I started walking again and boy am I feeling it. Hopefully my body will remember it and loosen up.

    @AustinRuadhain Great job on the loss. I got the tomato plant after my hubby's uncle passed away and it was in July so we were in the heat of summer it was just about 2 feet tall. I found on YouTube that you can grow them in the house by keeping a uv light on them and put them in front of a window they will produce over the winter. It worked and then I put it back out when spring rolled back around and got that whole spring through fall before it started dying off.

    @Katmary71 I am sorry you are not feeling well and pray you are doing better soon.

    @megnolia82 I have the same issue with food choices. I have stopped buying that stuff. I have no self control with Junk Food so if it is not in the house I can't eat it. I do buy a candy bar once in a while and do allow a trip to the ice cream shop but it is off limits to the house.

    @DrewsAnna I am glad you are enjoying your watch. I have a Fitbit right now, but now that Google has taken over and done way with some of its features I am waiting to see what they are planning to do over the next year. If it is not for the good I will be looking for a new watch. It sound like you had a great day with your daughter.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Do we have a baby yet?

    @bark2j5 great job on the loss.

    @laurelfit57 I am so glad things went well with the agility match and that you were able to enjoy it and not be all stressed out. That is a lot of runs. It's great when we are able to wear our fur babies out. They definitely have energy to burn. Ty is something else sorry for the table but such a cute pic.

    @micaroo4 I am sorry to read about your brother I hope all goes well and he will be able to go home. I hope they are able to finish up on your windows today.

    @TeresaW2024 My reward for losing the weight is a whole new wardrobe. I feel that if I am able to get to my goal I deserve that. I hope everything goes well with Maggie. We do what we have to for our babies.

    What can I do to consume more water today?
    I have to agree with @micaroo4 on the water thing. There are times that water just does not taste good to me. I really once drink 60 ozs of water a day. I also drink decaffeinated tea.

    @lislisa123 I am sorry you had to deal with the family get together lunch. But as you posted "Every new day is another chance to change your life."

    @FushiaKat I am so very sorry for your loss.

    @19shmoo69 Yeah I lost mine yesterday. It sucks! I am going to miss the cheers for logging in. This was the first time I made it that long as I have and the cheers is what helped me to get there.

    @lislisa123 your cake story is very similar to a story that happened to me. We were at my MIL house for dinner one evening and I just as I was finishing up my dinner my MIL put a single serving cheesecake down next to John and I (my SIL works for a 7-11 convenience store and she brings home the food that is no longer aloud to be sold). I was so full from dinner I passed my cheesecake off to John. Just as I done that here comes my SIL with a chocolate, cookie dough, and marshmallow layered cake and put it in front of me. I said that's ok I don't want any. She said just take a bit, you will love it. I said I'm good. She opens the plastic container the cake is in and said No really try it. Goes and gets a spoon and puts it in my hand. At this point my will power is depleting. So I gave in and ended up eating the whole piece of cake. As I am eating this piece of cake John tells his sister that I am trying to lose weight and this stuff does not help. She replies. I only put it in front of her, what she does with it is on her! This has stuck in my head ever since. This is where I realized that I was like a puppet to these people and food. A few weeks later My MIL came to the house and handed me a bag and it was another piece of that cake(this cake is 800 calories a slice). As my MIL walked out of the kitchen I placed the bag in the trash. To this day that moment still leaves such an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. These are supposed to be people that support me and they are not.
    I told John a few days later about how that affected me and he agrees that I need to really stand my ground with them. It may hurt some feeling but they need to respect my wishes.

    I did go out and bought a new loveseat and couch for the living room. The set we have now is causing me to have back problems and I can't deal with it any more. I realized this while we were out camping, I had no problem with my back hurting the first day home sitting in my chair after watching one show I went to get up and my back was so sore I could hardly stand up. So it's out of here!

    I hope everyone has a blessed day and here is a few pics from our tripvhr1l0glomvi.jpg
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,306 Member
    My brother is home, but he's miserable. He says he can't sleep, his back pain is through the roof, and when he moves, the spinning starts. He got no follow up care or instructions from the hospital. His doctor was notified, but no one has called him. He hasn't called them, because he can't drive there and doesn't want to take an Uber. He just wants to lie in bed. Prayers are appreciated.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 526 Member
    I miss the FEED :(
    I loved seeing all the fur baby pictures, love em! Just came in from doing yardwork those weeds just won't seem to die. I sprayed about 1/3 of the backyard today. I'm having Roasted Chicken and Yellow Squash for lunch today might toss in a few mushrooms too.

    Thank you for the condolences, it means a lot to me.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,762 Member
    @littlebabekitty @rjv230 @Jactop @reshii_devi @bark2j5 @DrewsAnna
    Tomorrow Weigh in Reminder: @askewcr
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 519 Member
    @trooworld when we are going to do an agility run, I have Vannie beside me and I have to look at the obstacles and figure out what commands I am going to give her ahead of time,. If I am taking too long, she barks so hard and long at me she cannot hear me🤣. Violet sounds like she keeps you on your toes! It is challenging when you have a dog who is a heavy chewer.

    @teresaw2024 poor little Maggie♥️, how old is she? I am sorry that you are losing that couple from the church, you really have to deal with a lot of things!

    @txcritter69 I found another coffee table on marketplace, I don't want to take a chance right now and spend too much money🤣. That's awesome that you were able to get a new loveseat and couch! Thank you so much for sharing the pictures, looks like you guys had a great time! I see that you have taught Diesel "middle" (him between your legs), I am trying to teach that to Ty right now, she can only hold it for about one second🤣.

    @Micaroo4 I am so sorry about your brother. That has to be so hard.

    I found that I can stay on track easily during the day but it is nighttime and snacking that does me in I have decided to try my hand at some embroidery, something to do just to keep my hands busy. Hope everybody had a great day
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 831 Member
    Hello friends!

    I read some wonderful advice today that really resonated.

    Someone asked “how do I manage the hunger when I’m eating at a deficit?”

    The main consensus was this: hunger is not a bad thing. Eating at a deficit you should expect to feel hunger at times, and that’s ok.

    So I’m going to embrace the hunger! If I can sit in hunger for a couple hours in the evening I know I’ll sleep better, wake up feeling better and see that movement on the scale!
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 330 Member
    Weigh In Wednesday
    PW 162.2
    CW 164

    I really didn't expect to see this much of a gain, but I have nobody to blame but myself. I have done really good the first half of the day and then along comes dinner.

    I just have to get it together.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,155 Member
    I may have lost the news feed but I gained 3 other apps. Thanks MFP.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Thanks, it did go okay. I don't know that I had the opportunity to show him how valuable I am, but at least I was able to show him I was making thoughtful decisions about our budget and took good care of my responsibilities. That's great that the new pastor is seeing your value! I'm sorry Maggie's not doing well with her leg. I hope you can get some relief for her with the surgery. I hope you can find someone good to clean the church. I remember when you had to do it!

    @txcritter69 Thank you! Yeah, you know what I mean then, it's good for the dog (I think?) but stressful. Yeah I still have snacks at work but I am not going to the vending machine for them. That's good you found the source of your back problems. I hope you like the new set. What a nice trip you had! Diesel looks like he enjoyed the water. Thanks for sharing the pics.

    @FushiaKat Here are a couple of fur baby pictures for you. Your lunch sounds yummy.

    @19shmoo69 Thanks for that info.

    @laurelfit57 Hahahaha, that does sound sassy! Violet, oh yeah, she does keep us on our toes lol. She's hilarious. And yes, it's tough with the chewing. That's a good idea to keep your hands busy: you won't want to get food stuffs on your project so you will be less likely to eat. When I do crafts, I tend to stay out of the food!

    @megnolia82 Thank you for this! I think so many of us can't stand the feeling of hunger and don't think it's normal.

    Hi all. Sorry for those that are missing the feed. I hope you can find what you got out of it in another way, even if it is like Darren with 3 other apps! :D My meeting went fine. There is a constant buzz in the lights outside of my office and it gave me a migraine yesterday. We isolated which light strip it was doing the buzzing and the maintenance people came and took care of it so I shouldn't get the migraine again today. Pictures: one is Violet in the car wanting to get out and walk around the lake, the other is Daisy on my husband's lap on the porch.

    No Zero Days: Tracked.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,306 Member
    I got an update from my brother, including a photo. The lump is on the top of his head, so he may have somersaulted down the stairs when he fell. His shoulder is totally black from the bruising, but the pain is down his back, below the shoulder blade. He's still dealing with headache and spinning. He called a neurologist that he built a house for a few years ago, and that doctor got him some pain medications and a pain patch, so he was able to sleep some last night. But all that has worn off and the pain returned. I don't know what his plan is for today and the coming weekend.

    @trooworld - love the pug pictures!

  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 170 Member

    @txcritter69 Wow, that is some story about your SIL and the cake! While I agree with her comment, I certainly don’t agree with her insisting and putting the spoon in your hand. That is NOT support in any way. We do have to stand up for ourselves. Good for you for putting that other cake in the trash! That is great that you got new furniture to help your back. Love the pics of your trip. Looks like a lot of fun! :)

    @laurelfit57 Maggie turned 8 years old in March. Middle aged and falling apart! :/ I think keeping your hands busy in the evenings is a good idea to keep from snacking.

    @megnolia82 I think learning to deal with hunger and that it won’t kill us is so important. I’m learning this as I do intermittent fasting. I’ve been hungry all morning but refuse to give in until it’s time actually to break my fast. And I agree that if I go to bed a little hungry, my scale will always be happier. :)

    @trooworld, I’m glad your meeting went well. Ugh on the migraine, but glad you got that light fixed. Violet and Daisy are such cuties!!! <3<3

    @micaroo4 Oh, your poor brother! Does he have someone at home to watch over him? I would be worried about him passing out again. :#

    Good morning! Well, my poor Maggie Mae ended up having to have four teeth extracted. I felt so bad, but the tech explained that their teeth always seem to need pulling with these little dogs. She can only have soft foods so none of her beloved treats for two weeks! She is on pain meds for a couple of weeks and looked so pitiful last night. They also took X-rays of her knees, and that one knee is completely shot. I’m waiting for the animal surgery hospital to call me to set up an appointment. Pets!! Not much else is happening today. I did a rebounding workout, cleaning house, and babying my girl. :)
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited June 13

    Oreos wants to make the grossest cookie flavor ever. What flavor would you pick?

    Imagine a BBQ chicken Oreo cookie.
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 374 Member
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    PW 250
    CW 250

    Still holding steady!! B)B)
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,762 Member
    : @littlebabekitty @rjv230 @Jactpo @reshii_devi @bark2j5
    Tomorrow Weigh in Reminder: @Cornanda @davors19 @sunflowerhippi @lisalisa123 @maryirisfroelich
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,762 Member
    Gross oreo flavor- coconut cilantro celery and beet-flavored. Even worse liver and onions (though I like onions).

    Still trying to get a grasp on this flare without steroids, I tried a light therapy treatment with green, red, and blue lights (think it's for inflammation, emotion calming, and trying to get the nervous system to calm down) plus have on some patches that don't seem to be helping much. Was going to do cranial sacral therapy but was feeling a bit better after treatment and didn't want to stop that.

    Keep being awesome everyone sorry for not posting much right now!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 519 Member
    @trooworld are those fluorescent lights that are buzzing? That is so annoying! Those pictures of Violet and Daisy♥️♥️♥️♥️. With those eyes looking at me I would give them absolutely anything they wanted lol!

    @TeresaW2024 your poor little Maggie Mae! What will they do for her knee? I am so glad that they do have options now, veterinary medicine has come along way!

    @katmary71 I am so sorry that you are struggling with your flare, I hope you can get a handle on it soon and get some relief, hugs to you ♥️

    We are going camping this weekend so I have been busy trying to get ready for that as well as getting my house ready for company when we get back. A few days after we get back, we will have company just about until the end of the month.
    We went to Ty's agility foundation class tonight and Ty got bit by a border collie😢. I was able to pick her up and away from him before any real damage was done (I may have yelled a few $%#$ at him). I couldn't believe the owner of the BC, he didn't even try to grab his dog. The trainer was amazing, she put all the other dogs in crates for about five minutes. Assessed Ty, no physical damage so we just ran around and had fun getting all the zoomies out. By the end of the training session, Ty was fine and having fun, I think I was more shaken up
This discussion has been closed.