Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning,

    @19shmoo69 HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Sometimes seeing the man's point of view can be helpful. You are much appreciated here. I hope you are able to find a good Dr for your son. I will be keeping him in my prayers. I am also glad that you and your daughter enjoyed the concert.

    @TeresaW2024 I really hope so too! I am already starting to feel a bit anxious about the whole thing. I just keep telling myself it is for the best. Texas heat is right there with Georgia heat. I am working on getting my wake up time back to about 5:30 so I am able to get out and walk before it gets too hot for Diesel's feet. Diesel does not like the sun on him for too long his black coat gets pretty hot for him.

    @annachangesagain 🎊Happy belated Birthday🎊

    @Katmary71 Glad to see you are in better spirits and that you are getting around a little bit better.

    @micaroo4 I am glad your brother is on the move again.

    @Cornanda I am glad your hip is doing better. I hope the training goes well too. I did not realize the expense it would be.

    @865jessica I hope you get to feeling better real soon.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I hope you are enjoying that new grandbaby of yours.

    @trooworld I do plan on continuing his training after the 3 weeks. If all goes well I would like to have him trained as my service dog. I want him to be able to detect any change in me with my heart and also do rescue if anything was to happen to me while we are out hiking. Now that we are going Camping more John is not up to hiking everyday like I am due to his back and neuropathy in his feet and hands.

    For all of you here that plan on spending a lot of time outdoors please practice sunscreen protection. I did not realize the damage I had done just to my face from all of the yrs of getting sunburnt or trying to tan. Use the highest spf you can find and remember to reapply it every 2 hours. I still have a week left of applying this cream and my face is in pain. I do not wish this on anyone.
    Have a blessed day everyone. I am off to start my day. Going to be a great family day!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,155 Member
    @Cornanda The last time I looked there are 222 people in the MFP EXODUS GROUP.
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 679 Member
    @19shmoo69 Well, since you are apparently the only guy in the group and a father...Happy Father's Day! Lol!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,306 Member
    Let’s hear it for the dads, the ones who help us grow, give us guidance, and look out for us in a million different ways. And @19shmoo69, thank you for being an awesome dad. In small ways and big ways, you’ve helped make this world a better place for all of us. Wishing you and your family a very special Father’s Day.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Thank you!!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,155 Member
    P. W. 260
    C. W. 261
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,762 Member
    @sleepygirl79 @littlebabekitty @vegan4lyfe2012 @AyaTheTyga
    Reminder to weigh in to the following for tomorrow: @AmbersWay @Jactop @reshii_devi @bark2j5 @AustinRuadhain
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,762 Member
    @19shmoo69 I'm glad you're feeling comfortable in the Exodus Group, welcoming people is nice of you to do. You're always welcome to add your opinion to conversations here, I don't mind if you offer insight on mine and I'd think as long as it's tactful the rest wouldn't mind. How is your son doing today? Really hope and praying you find the perfect doctor to help him. Happy Father's Day Shmoo! You seem like an awesome Father too! Tfelt147 seems to have disappeared so you're back to our one dude!

    @micaroo4 I'm glad your brother was still able to go perform, that would be tough with a head injury I commend him for going through with it.

    @Cornanda Thank you! That's great news on your hip feeling better! I miss the feed too, they took the soul of the community out here. I've had a lot of friends leave MFP over it, if it wasn't for this group I would've as well.

    @865jessica It's okay I got your weigh-in logged fast no worries. I hope you and your youngest are feeling better soon. All the “sick” food like crackers and soup are high sodium too so a gain makes sense, feel better and get through this.

    @TeresaW2024 So weird I joined the group but now I can't access it at all, I think I joined the wrong thing? If I send you my name on Facebook would you mind inviting me? For some reason when I Google it I'm just getting groups I belong to with similar topics which doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I AM curious to look into it though! I'm not feeling very motivated or part of things with the feed gone right now and everyone split up over different places and need to get some inspiration going. Berbere is pretty yummy check it out sometime!

    @txcritter69 I hope you see a loss next week too! Good advice on the sunscreen I'm good at remembering when I'm going to the farm and my foundation has high SPF but I don't reapply which is bad. I get that with John the more you walk with neuropathy the more the feet burn at night which is frustrating.

    @trooworld It IS a great recipe shoot I was excited to share a new good one with you! The food bank farm manager said he felt like a fraud basically being white with blonde hair and blue eyes giving an Ethiopian recipe which was pretty funny but it IS a great one. I added extra berbere to it then had the tumeric yogurt chicken. My neighbor and her boyfriend want to take me out for Ethiopian food which would be fun! It's been so long since I did the bookstore coffee shop thing, I really miss that! On rainy days that was my favorite thing to do in Santa Cruz and Capitola was to get a mocha and browse in bookstores. Awesome steps! Can't wait to hear how you like the books!

    @megnolia82 Great job on a good week you're doing great!

    Hi gang! Got up early and worked out then made my veggie platter for my parent's and headed over. We got about 8 different plants in and I did a bunch of weeding. I'm wiped out and ate too much. I'm headed outside to water and get the garbage cans out followed by a bath. Have a great night and Monday, hope you all had a good Father's Day.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,348 Member

    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 831 Member
    Hey all, hope you had a good day!

    We are in for a major heat wave the next few days. 30-35 every day with humidex in the 40s I’m sure some of you must be in the path as well. We just got AC at work this year so we will really give it a test this week! Unfortunately my kids don’t have AC at school
    So they are not looking forward to the week. We’ll see how it goes.

    I hope you have a week of good sleep, good food and good fun.
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 185 Member
    SW 232.2
    CW: 226.6
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,306 Member
    My brother has an appointment, finally, with his regular doctor. My brother thinks a muscle has pulled off his shoulder and rolled up down his back. He can't use his right arm much at all - can't pull, can't lift. He already can't use the left arm because of several injuries and failed surgeries. He's pretty messed up right now.
  • bark2j5
    bark2j5 Posts: 33 Member
    Check in: Monday
    PW: 145.0
    CW: 145.0
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,421 Member
    micaroo4 wrote: »
    My brother has an appointment, finally, with his regular doctor. My brother thinks a muscle has pulled off his shoulder and rolled up down his back. He can't use his right arm much at all - can't pull, can't lift. He already can't use the left arm because of several injuries and failed surgeries. He's pretty messed up right now.

    Sending prayers for your brother. Hopefully they can help heal him.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @tammymccrady6278 @AustinRuadhain @annachangesagain congrats on making it onto the leaderboard!

    @txcritter69 That would be incredible to have him trained as your service dog. Great idea! Thank you for the sunscreen reminder. I haven't been using it but I will.

    @19shmoo69 @tfelts147 I hope you guys had a great Father's Day! I hope I'm not forgetting any guys in the group!

    @Katmary71 At one point, I was obsessed with making authentic Ethiopian recipes. I even made my own injera (the bread)! I have a couple of Ethiopian cookbooks. ;) I decided it's too much work to make Ethiopian food when we have about 4-5 good restaurants here lol. That's funny about the farm manager. I love going to bookstores on a rainy day! I started one of the books (The Guest) and I love it so far: the character seems like a trainwreck and it's hard to stop witnessing it lol.

    @megnolia82 Stay cool!

    @Sleepygirl79 Congrats on the loss!

    @micaroo4 That sounds awful, your poor brother.

    Hi all. I ran around a lot yesterday, too: we went to two different coffee shops and we went to a bookstore. It was a beautiful day to be out and about. I messed up and didn't defrost the meat for dinner so we had frozen chicken strips and fries in the air fryer. I made a tonkatsu sauce for the chicken. I read one of my new books for quite a while (The Guest) and I planted pepper plants in one of my windowboxes. The other box, I planted cucumber seeds. It was a full day.

    No Zero Days: Didn't snack.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 632 Member
    Sorry I haven't posted.

    Username: Veta2018
    Weigh In Day: Sunday June 9
    SW (Starting weight): 180 lbs
    PW (Previous Weight): 128 lbs.
    CW (Current Weight): 123 lbs.
    Maintenance Goal 123-127 lbs.

    Username: Veta2018
    Weigh In Day: Sunday June 16
    SW (Starting weight): 180 lbs
    PW (Previous Weight): 123 lbs.
    CW (Current Weight): 125 lbs.
    Maintenance Goal 123-127 lbs.

    I've been feeling depressed and the tears flow too easily. If I reflect on my thoughts, it keeps bringing me back to my past. I can't change the past, I can only change the future, and I haven't determined how to do that yet. I've made the changes with my health which kept me content for awhile but now I'm searching for something new. I just want to run and run. Run away from these emotions. I ran so hard that my calves are now very sore and tight and took me out of my daily exercise routines for a few days while they heal. Now I've been consuming my time with my garden.

    💪Mission Slimpossibles - June Strong!💪
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 170 Member
    @micarro4 That is good that your brother will see a doctor. I am sure he did do some damage to his body

    @trooworld You did have a full day. Joe and I used to love going to a bookstore and having coffee. I should make that happen again.

    @Veta2018, I’m so sorry you are feeling depressed. Learning to put our past in the past can be very difficult. One of the things I’m learning is to notice my thoughts and then question the purpose of that thought. Am I having it to just beat myself up or remember a painful time? If so, then I mentally practice putting that thought down and changing my thoughts to something else that is pleasant and good. Ouch on those painful calves!

    @Katmary71 I replied to your message. :)

    Hello! I got up early and went to Walmart to beat the heat. I came home hot and hungry, so I decided to skip my workout and do some housework instead. I may take Mondays as a rest day through the summer and do a rebounding on Sunday mornings before church. I’m working on my new program called Diligent Mind Self-Care. I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts from the creator. The program has these four-week challenges that he called “ Becoming Weakless,” which means I will learn to do hard things and not succumb to the temptation to do what is easy. This week, I have to do the following:
    • 10 minutes of Meditation each day - I am to focus on only on my breath, and as my thoughts come, redirect back to the task of thinking only about my breath. This is incredibly hard and probably the one I will struggle with the most.
    • 10 minutes of unentertained time/boredom: I sat in my room and tried to endure the boredom. I actually think I will enjoy this one in time.
    • Social Discomfort - Do one thing this week that puts you outside your comfort zone. I chose to go to Walmart this morning without my makeup. Believe it or not, this is a big one for me and I didn’t die! :D
    • 4) Foam roll 3 times - I’m waiting for mine to arrive!
    • Eliminate all snacking - I will eat my two meals and that is it! I did have some nuts with my lunch so technically it wasn’t a snack, right? :D
    • No Complaining—I told Joe he would have to help me with this one! Complaining is one of the things I do best!
    • Cold Exposure - 10 seconds during my shower with the coldest water I can get it to. That one is hard!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,306 Member
    @TeresaW2024 - I don't think I could do the ice cold shower, not even for 10 seconds! I can do hard things, but OMG, Brrrr!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 519 Member
    edited June 18
    Quick check in. Camping was great, I don't think I ate too much, but I definitely ate not the healthiest of foods and thoroughly enjoyed each bite.
    I am so tired I will check in again tomorrow and do better
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 213.4
    CW: 210.5

    It has been a super busy week! I apologize for being quiet, and for making anyone worry this wasn't going to make it in today.
This discussion has been closed.