Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    The June Week 1 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin tomorrow, Sunday, Jun 2nd. Please join us for the "Treat Yourself Well" Challenge, a unique and creative 7-day challenge, you're sure to enjoy!

    Here's your link:


    See you in the chat thread!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,757 Member
    edited June 1
    @Artemis_2024 @littlebabekitty
    Sunday weigh-in reminder for the following: @19shmoo69 @megnolia82 @sleepygirl79 @littlebabekitty @vegan4lyfe2012 @laurelfit57 @AyaTheTyga

    Please get your weigh-ins in by the end of tonight for those of you still needing to report, I'm going to delete the May spreadsheet from my taskbar tomorrow morning to make room for the June one so let's rock this next month!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,154 Member
    @Katmary71 I know we are friends. I was just funnin'. Since the mass exodus to lose it, I am trying to be more engaging and cause trouble. Wait am I allowed to do that?
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 518 Member
    @AustinRaudhain good for you for getting back on track! Looks like you have a really solid plan!

    @sunflowerhippi congrats on the loss!

    @TeresaW2024 the fat shaming that used to go on and was acceptable was horrible! I really do appreciate the turn that my kids generation is taking, "you are who you are and you are good enough." Spin class is hard, but fun :-). Because I have been so inconsistent over the last few months, I feel like I am dying🤣. Your workout sounds brutal! My brother is 64 and he says with every year, the hair is being pulled down by gravity from the top of his head and escaping through his back, nose and ears 🤣. Love the quote! I love your story with Joe.

    @trooworld thanks for the encouragement with Ty! I am so sorry that you are suffering with migraines again, hopefully they will end soon!! That is hilarious I felt trying to impress your future sister-in-law and brother-in-law, nothing worse than buns gone wrong lol! The only time I tried to make buns, by then husband said they were like hockey pucks and unfortunately it was true lol. Is Daisy OK?? I am sorry it ended up being such an expensive day for you!

    @txcritter69 I am so sorry about the clothes situation., I feel your pain. Sounds like you have great plans in place for the month coming up!

    @megnolia82 i'm so glad that the gala was fabulous! It sounds like you had such a good time with your coworkers!

    Yesterday was a great day. I took my grandkids to see the Garfield movie, we had a popcorn supper, it was really great! I must admit that sometimes when I take my grandkids to a movie, I might have a little snooze 🤣. This was a very entertaining movie though. After the grandkids left today it was a runaround day today and I wasn't very successful. Trying to get some tomato plants (I know some of you are already harvesting your tomatoes😳), I couldn't find the tomato plants I wanted. I was able to get a few other things so hopefully I can get my planting completed tomorrow. Hope everybody had a great day
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 679 Member
    @19shmoo69 Thanks for answering my question. I will try to post a couple times a week.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,421 Member

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Yesterday was a busy one! Went with my works hiking club to a backpacking class they held. Hiked 1.6 miles to the camp and 1.6 miles back. I learned a lot! I’m hoping to get a basic backpack and gear together to start going on their backpacking trips in the future. I still have to get in better shape to handle some of their trips. A group of them made it a weekend trip on top of the class. I didn’t stay overnight to camp 🏕️ still have to get a tent or hammock and all the other necessities to do so. As well as find a dog sitter.

    Plans for today are church, Zumba, finish up my presentation for my class, and get laundry and food ready for the week. Now that I have my permanent crown on I can get back to eating normal again.

    What is everyone up to this weekend? Hopefully you all are getting to enjoy the weather! Welcome to June ☀️


    Tracked: Day 26 days and counting
    Calories: No for yesterday
    Exercise: hiked yesterday, Zumba today

    GW: 110-120 lbs
    CW: 212.3 lbs
    HW: 228.8 lbs
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,306 Member
    @19shmoo69 - Is there really a mass exodus to Lose It? I have an account there as well, but I actually prefer MFP. I hope the group and all teammates continue here on MFP.

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    Hi Team Mission Slimpossible. You have a new team member joining. Please welcome @annachangesagain!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 518 Member
    Username: laurelfit57
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 147.2
    CW: 145

  • annachangesagain
    annachangesagain Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone ! I am an old member last time I was here I lost 60 lbs and got to my weight goal for the first time in years. Now 2 children later I am back here. hoping to lose 35 lbs.

    Weigh in day : saturday
    starting weight : 167 lbs
    current weight: 167 lbs
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @19shmoo69 And what is the story behind Rupert Vandercloosinhopper? :D Does the weight loss (congrats!) get credited to Rupert or Shmoo? I'm sure @Katmary71 will need to know lol.

    @megnolia82 Happy Pride! I think you are doing amazing.

    @AustinRuadhain Oh, I didn't realize that Edge did that, too. It's handy, isn't it? Thank you! That sounds like a good snake to have around. That's cool that you have chickens. I live in central San Diego but there are people that have chickens in our neighborhood and sometimes when I am walking my dog, we'll run across a chicken or rooster. I am very careful to cross the street not to disturb them (or them disturb us!). Your chickens are so pretty and healthy looking! And what a gorgeous kitty. My husband and I are watching a documentary called "Cat Daddies" on Prime about male cat owners. I love it!

    @sunflowerhippi I hope you feel better soon. Sounds like you have a fun trip coming up.

    @lislisa123 No worries, there are absolutely no requirements to check in as far as chatting. You need to check in once a week on your weigh-in day but that's it. We have several people that just do that: they don't participate in the chatting and just post their weight once a week and that's totally fine! Do whatever works for you! <3

    @micaroo4 Thank you for sharing your pictures. I love seeing everyone and their pets and family!

    @Katmary71 Thank you! And the chiropractor is working miracles! Seriously, I feel much better.

    @laurelfit57 You are most welcome! Thank you, I do feel better now. Yeah those rolls lol that's a story to remember! Daisy: I don't know if I said this but about 6 months ago, they did a rhinoscopy and found nothing to cause her nasal discharge. The vet said it's a product of her facial structure. He said because of her structure, her nose can become like a petri dish of bacteria. So, right now, she has a lot of thick nasal discharge and it was bloody once and that scared the heck out of me. So we took her to the vet on Friday and they gave her antibiotics and recommended we give her Flonase once a day (but we can't seem to give it to her, she is very resistant and tries to bite us because she hates it). We are going back on Friday and hopefully he can show us how to do it then. If we can't get it under control, she may need to have surgery where he enlarges her nostrils/nasal cavity. Expensive but if it helps, we'll do it! Thanks for asking. I'm glad you had a great day making memories wiht your grandkids. I have a tomato plant that finally has some tomatoes but they are all still green and developing. Good luck with yours! Congrats on the loss!

    @Cornanda Hi my friend! Nice to "see" you. Hi Gus!!! <3

    @gemwolf110 You had a great day! I love that it is June.

    @annachangesagain Welcome to the team! Glad you joined us again. Congrats on your progress so far!

    Hi all. I ended up working 5 hours yesterday which really stunk. I was so hungry by the time I had time to eat (7 pm) that we just went to an overpriced Italian restaurant and had a terrible meal lol. But it's all good. Today, I am going to try to get some exercise in one way or another. It may be hard: there is a marathon going on and a lot of the streets are closed.

    No Zero Days: Didn't snack, tracked.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning,
    Here's a little bit about myself. My name is Sandy and I live in Copperas Cove Tx. with my husband John. We are celebrating our 28th Anniversary June 5. We have 2 adult children, both married with wonderful families. We have 5 grandsons 12, 15, 17, 19, 21. I am also a mom to a dog Diesel and a cat Tigger. I am retired and spend my days hanging around the house doing whatever hit me that morning.
    We are leaving tomorrow for our 28th honeymoon as we call it. We go somewhere every year. When we got married we did not have a honeymoon. We had to go to a funeral for his grandmother who passed away the same day we got married. She was in her 90's and told John she would go when He found the right one. So her passing is very meaningful to us. This was also the first time that I met his mom and dad. John and I only knew each other for 5 months when we got married.
    I was at my highest weight of 186 on Ang.6 2017. I ride the weight loss rollercoaster, lose weight and gain weight. I have gotten down to 160 and then I gained some of it back. A couple weeks ago I was put in a situation where I felt like a puppet and I was being controlled by people and food. That day still plays over and over in my head. I will not be controlled anymore.

    I am off to the local wal-mart to shop for groceries and the finish getting the RV loaded for tomorrow.
    Have a blessed day!
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 242 Member
    Weigh In Sunday: June 2
    SW 175
    PW 171.8
    CW 168.8😁
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,154 Member
    @trooworld well today I will say Rupert will get the credit for the weight loss. Unless he keeps running his mouth and then I'll give the credit to Shmoo, aka Darren.
    Actually there's no story behind the name.

    Sometimes names just pop out of mouth.

    My daughter has I name I called when she was little and it stuck. She hates it. Lol. Uniquely it's not a bad name. It could actually be somebody's name. it's just not hers or even a form of her name. At the time I needed to get her attention and it just came out.
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