Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,757 Member
    : @megnolia82 @AyaTheTyga @rj230 @tfelts147
    Reminder to the following to weigh in tomorrow: @Cornanda @davors19 @sunflowerhippi @lisalisa123 @maryirisfroehlich
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,757 Member
    @AustinRuadhain Great job on all those green dots! Thanks you'll have to try an ionic foot bath sometime it's pretty cool!

    @laurelfit57 Yum those are tasty tomato varieties, I have a San Marzano (I think, not sure if it made it to full size now but I have similar ones too). I'll try it in salsa if I do figure out which it is. Sounds like an exhausting day, you got a lot done!

    @DrewsAnna Hope you love it! Congrats on the 2lb loss!

    @micaroo4 Yikes biking to work then it pouring isn't good, I'm glad Rich was able to get you. Great job getting in the workouts!

    @19shmoo69 I've heard great things about Japan I hope you go sometime.

    @trooworld Mexico City sounds awesome! Coffee from the cafe isn't bad way to go on fitting it in.

    @TeresaW2024 Have a great time with your niece and the kids!

    @Veta2018 Great job getting day 3 of abs done!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Thank you! I DO like the ionic foot baths, she wants to try some cranial sacral therapy soon which I'm interested in. Wow Hunter's husband sounds awful I'm so sorry. You're under a lot of stress you're doing great just being at maintenance! Wow that view is incredible!

    Hi team! For my favorite place I'd pick my aunt's house on Lake Tapps in Washington, the backyard is on a lake with Mount Everest in the distance, I'll include a pic when I post this. It's more because of family but there's a lot of fun things to do in Seattle too.

    Not much new, worked out, went to the greenhouse this morning, then work. I helped a practitioner make a video she can look back on to edit before she does an upcoming podcast, we're doing a more professional one tomorrow. It's weird she comes on real strong but when it's not directed at you (total used car salesman) and she's just talking her enthusiasm for healing is really beautiful. I've encouraged her to make videos as I tend to run from pushy people and I think it will show her more compassionate side and give people like me a chance to see her in a different light. Roommate was at work today and we got along well, I'm ready to just let it all go but he is saying stuff like how people do things to trigger a reaction out of him and I'm sure he's thinking that with me but when I'd talked to the manager it was a comment as I saw red flags and was concerned but hadn't labeled him yet so as far as I go I didn't even expect him to hear about it nevermind react. Funny as he'll say he KNOWS what something means because of his rough past but if someone is projecting that's wrong and their fault they paint everyone with the same brush and is very unfair to him for them to not realize he's different from everyone else. Yeah I know, that's why I haven't tried to talk yet! I have a board meeting at a bar tonight, haven't decided what I'm getting yet but off to look at the menu. My kidney stone's acting up again so not sure if I'll have a drink or not. Have a great Friday!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 518 Member
    @trooworld I have to admit, by the time I was posting yesterday my brain was done. I will post a picture of the clematis. I picked the fastest growing and best coverage. At the front of my patio there is no privacy. My cousin and his wife lived in Mexico City for five years. The only thing I know about Mexico City is that it is beautiful but the crime rate is super high. I guess they always had a driver/security who took them around to work and the kids to school. So if you go be careful :-).

    @TeresaW2024 the fence I am putting it on is 6 foot tall by 6 foot wide, it can't really go anywhere else. What went on with those young men and women was so crazy. My dad was 17 when he joined up as a paratrooper. So glad the fasting is getting easier , I doff my cap to you! What do wow drops do?

    @Vegan4lyfe that is crazy that there is no baby yet I feel like she has been due for the last two weeks. What is a PPO? Wow! That is a lot of exercise calories.

    @katmary71 after I bought the tomato plants, I read that they can grow from 6 to 8 feet tall! Did yours get that tall?? I think the tallest ones I've ever had have been maybe three or 4 feet.
    Sounds like things with your roommate are still complicated. I have never heard of a boardroom meeting in a bar L O L, that should be fun. You made me go look at my calendar when you said I have a happy Friday😜. Beautiful picture!

    The weather here has been sunny the last couple of days but the wind has been insane. I want to just be outside enjoying things, but since the puppy is afraid of the wind and the things that blow around in the wind we don't go much further than the patio. We had our second agility foundations class, Ty did much better with her Halti. The first 3/4 of the class there was a lot of our puppies focussing on us and remaining calm, Ty did OK tonight! At the end of class everybody got to go through the tunnel, Ty had to wait her and was last in line. She was not impressed that she had to wait and the others got to go. The others have never been through tunnels before so they can be a bit worrisome and the other pups with convincing slowly went to the other side to join their handler. Ty came through the tunnel so fast, I didn't even see her come out🤣.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member
    Daily Check-In
    🟢 kitchen pushups/squats
    🟢 morning walk
    🟢 45 minute exercise - stairsteppuing indoors (gicing the legs a break before I go cycling again tomorrow)
    🟢 measure & log all food
    🟢 nutritarian food plan (ate plants)
    🟢 Met calorie goal (not too much; I did eat about 100 of my exercise calories but I am still heading to bed hungry, and I have to fast until about 3 PM tomorrow because of getting a physical)

    @laurelfit57 - Here, 90F will feel like a cold front come July and August!
    I did get abs done yesterday, and am doing them before bed again today, so Day 2 of the challenge. Woohoo! And also, phew.
    I am envious of your plants!
    I hope cleaning up for company goes well. That can be nice, as long as it's not too much of a fire drill.

    @DrewsAnna - Hurray for the 2 lb loss!
    I am a day behind you on the Abs Challenge, I think. Anyway, I am off to do them while I run a bath. I still have tired legs form cycling yesterday.
    What is your walk at home plan? Is it the one I see online?

    Thursday Ice Breaker Question
    I got to visit Europe once, and want to go again.
    Also, my husband would love to go to Japan, so hopefully we will do that!

    @trooworld - Thanks for the thumbs up! I am kinda worried about the physical. I hate going in with my weight up, but it feels like time to check. And it does feel, with eating well and getting lots of 3xercise, as if I am heading the right direction.

    @TeresaW2024 - Since you have some interest in D-Day, you might look at the Band of Brothers miniseries. My husband and I loved it, and then watched the The Pacific. Both were amazingly good.
    I am interested because I had two grandads in that war. One was at D-Day +1. I never thought, until I watched the miniseries, about what that was like for him. He still came in through the beach. He headed inland and led a team that built temporary airstrips for the Allies.
    My other grandad was at Okinawa and Iwo Jima (hence my interest in The Pacific).

    @Veta2018 - Hurray for having reached a rest day in the Abs Challenge! O hope you enjoyed your day today.

    @askewcr - Hurray for holding steady!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Thanks for the sympathy re. the heat. It was my first long midday workout since the summer heat
    Hunter's husband is fighting the PPO as in the insurance company? he sounds awful.
    By the way, I feel you re. peanut butter. I currently can't have it on the house. You stopped at maintenance calories, so be proud. I might not do as well if I had a jar in my house at a bad moment! (I know from experience.)
    The Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort in the Finnish Lapland. Wow. I have a new place I want to go!

    @micaroo4 -- Oooh, your vacation spots sound great! Especially Cape Cod. And they sound cool.

    @Katmary71 - I have headed down the internet rabbit hole of trying to figure out ionic foot baths. They sound lovely.

  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    Weigh in Day Friday
    SW: 209
    PW 205.6
    CW 205.6

    Really hope next weeks is better with vacation/ walking heavy trip for 3 days. Amusement parks strangly are good for me and my diet.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @TeresaW2024 That's true! Thank you and yes, indeed, I have! That's good the fasting is getting easier. How long are you fasting per day? Hopefully the WOW drops help. Savannah sounds amazing, wow.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Ah, it's okay, he means well (I guess!) lol. That husband does sound awful, it must be so stressful for all of you. At least you are tracking so you know what that PB does to your cal budget! Thanks for the reminder to hydrate. The glass igloo looks amazing!

    @Katmary71 I really hope we can get there next year. I should clarify it was an oat milk matcha lavender latte but it was oat milk so not as bad as the real deal! Your aunt's place sounds wonderful. What a beautiful view. I tend to run from pushy people as well. Your roommate sounds like he has a lot of problems to work out for himself. Sorry about your kidney stone acting up.

    @laurelfit57 No worries! Will the clematis cover the front of your patio and give you some privacy? Yeah, I know the crime rate is really high but I figure it's no worse than going to NYC or a big city...I just have to be really careful and not advertise that I have money lol (not that I do!). I don't plan on taking public transportation while I am there, only Ubers, to stay safe. BTW, my tomato plant is about 4-5 feet right now so I wouldn't doubt they get to 6-8 feet! Yay, Ty! Way to go! So, Ty likes to go through the tunnel?

    @AustinRuadhain Another great green day! Woo hoo you! I think you are doing the right thing by going ahead with the physical.

    Hi all. Not much going on here. I got breakfast at the cafe at work yesterday (a scramble) but I allow it once a week as a treat so I don't feel guilty. I have a mammogram appointment today, I hate those as it always hurts my b00bs but it's necessary pain. After that, we have to take Daisy back to the vet for a recheck and I am going to ask the vet to show us how to put in the Flonase. Have a good day!

    No Zero Days: Tracked.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member

    Is this accurate? :D
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 170 Member

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I’m so sorry that Hunter’s good-for-nothing husband is giving her such a hard time. My niece is going through similar things with her boyfriend, who is constantly harassing her while not giving her a dime to help with his kids. As the one paying her rent again, I hope to never lay eyes on his sorry butt, or my good Christian behavior might take a big hit. Know what I mean? ;) Yeah, don’t eat those exercise calories that MFP gives you. That is only a good idea if you are a serious athlete. Ugh, the peanut butter demon! Maggie has to have pills given in peanut butter every day, and I’ve found myself more than once helping myself with a spoonful of that creamy yumminess. I need to buy a brand I don’t like and then stick her paw in it. :D I would love to stay in a glass igloo and see the Northern lights! <3

    @Katmary71 Your roommate is a big project, and you are very kind, but sometimes people with damaged pasts are hard to help if they don’t actively seek help for themselves. Just protect yourself! Ugh, sorry about the kidney stone. When I was a kid, we lived in Oregon and Washington, and I have fond memories of that area and its incredible beauty. :)

    @laurelfit Wow, imagine the 17-year-olds of our day doing what your dad did. We will never have a generation like that again, I’m afraid. The WOW drops are an incredibly strong peppermint. Fasting can give you terrible breath, which is how I learned about them. They are also very good for appetite control because one drop is all you need. :)

    @AustinRuadhain I was watching some of the actors from Band of Brothers yesterday on the news. I will have to find it because I think Joe would really like it too. Wow, your grandads were part of such amazing history. I would be interested too if I were you. :)

    Good morning! Well, my niece didn’t make it over yesterday. The kids weren’t cooperating, and getting them all dressed and in the car was way too stressful for her. We will go to her this weekend. :) Not much going on today except some more torture on my body with this weight-lifting program. My poor tushy is in some major discomfort from all the squats and lunges I did yesterday. The good news is that I had no knee pain. I really feel that the rebounding has helped me so much. Have a good day! :)
  • maryirisfroehlich
    maryirisfroehlich Posts: 8 Member

    Weigh in Day: Friday
    PW: 214lbs
    CW: 211.4lbs
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,421 Member
    Daily Post ~ Friday

    Track ~ Yes- Day 31
    Calories ~ over
    Exercise ~ mowing lawn
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,757 Member
    : @megnolia82 @AyaTheTyga @rjv230 @tfelts147 @Cornanda @davors19
    Reminder to weigh-in tomorrow to the following: @865jessica @Digger61 @gemwolf110 @tammymccrady6278 @annachangesagain
  • annachangesagain
    annachangesagain Posts: 7 Member

    Weigh in day : saturday
    PW: 167 lbs (76 kg)
    CW: 164.4 lbs (74.6)
This discussion has been closed.