Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,306 Member
    Username: micaroo4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 128.3
    CW: 128.1

    My center weight is 130; my maintenance range is 127-133. I'm within my range.

  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 105 Member
    Weigh in day - Saturday
    PW - 255
    CW - 256.6

    I'm not to bothered by the gain I know it's from missing my IBS meds a few days and will go make down in a day or two.

    Doing okay this week, working on goals, tried out some new exercises and found I enjoyed them so yay.
    Hope everyone has a good week.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,029 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 176.8
    CW: 175.7

  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 214 Member
    Weigh in day Saturday
    PW 186.3
    CW 190
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,421 Member
    Username: gemwolf110
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 212.3
    Today’s Weight: 211.4
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,152 Member
    @TeresaW2024 I think we must have posted at the same time yesterday, did you see my question to you? That's too bad your niece didn't make it over. How's your wrist?

    @Lislisa123 Congrats on the loss! That's funny about your weight loss and the pants. Thanks for sharing!

    @Maryirisfroehlich @annachangesagain @gemwolf110 Congrats on the losses!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I'm so sorry about Hunter's situation. That has to be so stressful for all. HUGS.

    @Cornanda Way to go.

    Hi all. I got my mammogram yesterday. It always hurts and I don't know if it is because I have more than most in that area or if it hurts everyone lol. The lady made me feel comfortable and we were laughing and joking so it went by quickly. This morning my husband and I are going to the zoo to walk. I never get tired of walking at the zoo. After that, I will come home and eat something and then go donate platelets at the blood bank. I've never donated platelets so hopefully it doesn't make me sick. I've tried donating plasma in the past and it does make me really sick. I can do whole blood and red blood cells and not feel sick. We'll see.

    No Zero Days: Tracked, walked a bit.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 170 Member
    @trooworld I think we often post at the same time. :D I fast for 18 to 19 hours most days. I would like to build up to at least 20 hours, but as long as I'm lifting weights, I'm not going to stress about it. My wrist is completely healed! That graphic is hilarious!! It's been way too long since I've had a mammogram. I really should make an appointment. :/

    Good morning! My poor body is hurting everywhere from this weight-lifting program. :# Today, I have another leg day, and I will see how much I can do. I might jump instead. I'm excited because my two little great-nieces are coming to spend the night. The almost four-year-old got busted feeding her five-month-old brother ice cream last night. My niece sent us a picture of a very happy baby! Have a good day! :)
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,757 Member
    @laurelfit57 I'd love to see your clematis too they're so pretty! I haven't tried growing one yet. Yes tomatoes grow super tall, this video will show you how to handle it. Mine get at least 10ft tall with the heat here, there's benefits to topping them aside of needing to stand on a ladder to get them. I have trellises with a hill behind them so I'm always nervous I'll lose my balance standing on the grow bags and fall down the hill. Mine look exactly like his come September, I did this at the end of the season last year but want to try earlier this year: https://youtu.be/zLVPXoYSJEs?si=kKYz_Wr9APnOopQ1 Your old tomatoes may have been determinates, indeterminates are vines and are treated different. If this video isn't clear enough on trimming suckers let me know and I'll send you another link for that.

    @AustinRuadhain Rocking those green checks woohoo! How funny the ionic foot bath is pretty neat I went down a rabbit hole reading about it too as my schooling was very scientific-research based and I read up on if they actually do anything, the practitioner who does them used to work for a famous chiropractor and does a few other things when they're happening but it's all around detox. She does cranial sacral therapy too which I want to try, she told me about how C1 of the neck can be off just with how we're born and can make a huge difference in health just by adjusting called Nukki (or something like that) and I'm going to look into finding a chiro who does it. I use a weekly pain patch which is an issue with that and the machines that warm the body up as it causes the patch to not distribute medication as measured as it dumps more meds into my system (in other words I feel GREAT after the sauna as it dumps more meds because I'm hot but then it runs out before I change it which is hard to handle especially working as it's during the week and I feel awful). If the sauna works as it says it would clear meds out of my system and until I'm able to go off the patch I don't want that to happen. She adds salt to the water but aside of that it's looked different every time, the first time it looked like someone's photo who was a drug addict and the last two times my kidney's been hurting and it had white stuff in the water which is supposed to be infection. The water and warmth feels good enough on my feet that it's worth the price even if it's not working. The big change for me is it helps overall inflammation where my widespread body burning calms down in the trunk and the previous times where I normally have constant fast twitching in my leg muscles and feet they were slower rolling muscle spasms which is a pretty big difference, unfortunately it goes back after a few days but I'm still new to it. I had a micro current treatment the day before where we worked on the sacral nerves which is where my CRPS originated and think I'm still recovering from that. “Fun” fact people with CRPS tend to have “rebounds” or inflammatory responses to using micro current technology and are real sensitive to electrical so each time I'm treated I get worse for a few days before it gets better. It's pretty exhausting, just being in the same room as a micro current machine that is on increases the pressure in my legs. Really makes me wonder about cell phone towers, routers, etc.

    @sunflowerhippi That's impressive I'm sure all that walking will be good for you! I admire you being able not to eat all the good stuff there but I'm sure the walking will burn a lot. I hope you and Viv have a blast!

    @trooworld Thank you! Oh that latte sounds awesome yum! I really like how you're doing the cafe and making it work, I keep saying that as I'm not the best at moderating but if I really heal my issues around food I'd be able to do that. Hope the mammogram went well those always cause soreness! Did you know yesterday was Prince's birthday? Think I'm doing a Prince workout today. LOL I came close to being that meme with the pants around the ankles, I was walking to my car at college and almost lost my pants and had an armful of books. I didn't want to buy new clothes until I hit goal but the idea of my old rear being exposed to a bunch of 18-year-olds was so mortifying I went and got new jeans right away and it felt great in them as they were a lot smaller. I'm curious how the donation goes, hoping you don't feel sick afterward.

    @TeresaW2024 The Pacific Northwest is so beautiful! I'm blessed to have great aunts and uncles but the one whose house we stay at is really fun and we have a lot in common. Her and my uncle love having company and are gracious hosts. It was a different house when we were younger but going blackberry gathering and hanging out in the greenbelt were the best. Speaking of great families I know you and your sister are likely the support helping your niece and the kids have a more stable life, I hope things with her boyfriend improve. That interview I'm doing with the micro current practitioner is on stimulating the vagus nerve for health, the rebounder is one of the ways you can stimulate it and calm your body. I'm glad the knee pain is taking a backseat but hope you aren't too sore! Have an awesome time with the great-nieces!

    @LisaLisa123 @Maryirisfroehlich Wow you two are awesome this week, way to go!

    @lisalisa123 Haha I just wrote about my pants falling when I'd gone back to college, it's so embarrassing it made me go shopping too! High school would be even worse!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I'm so sorry Hunter (and all of you) are going through this with her husband. Is there any hope of him getting counseling and actually becoming a better person or have you all written him off? How awful to put all that stress on her when the baby is due! Can't wait to see Brayden Lynn, hope the delivery goes well! That's a ridiculous rule I'd think if the lawyer goes to court without Hunter the judge would have to grant an extension, she'd basically have to give birth in the courtroom to obey the rules which is assinine.

    @micaroo4 You're a model maintenance zone champ now!

    @865jessica Sounds like you're on the right track, what exercises did you find? You have a great week too!

    Hi friends! Came on early to catch up, I was really worn out last night. Nothing new to report, I have board minutes to get done after my workout. My neighbor and I are going to go to a Cherry Festival at Apple Hill this weekend but not sure which day. The town breakfast is tomorrow too so maybe we'll go after that, the building that has the breakfasts also has the garden club and a community garden and the blueberries will be from a couple who has been having a hard time. Not sure if they'll get proceeds but they have blueberries in the garden and they'll be in the pancakes. Doing pretty good with diet and exercise but not losing anything. Have a beautiful Saturday!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,306 Member
    Good morning Slims!
    Finished a 10+ mile bike ride, and I've 5K steps so far this morning. I have chores to do, errands to run, and then I'll get the rest of my daily steps after lunch.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member
    Friday Check-In
    🟢 kitchen pushups/squats
    🟢 morning walk
    🟢 measure & log all food
    🟢 nutritarian food plan (ate plants)
    🟢 Met calorie goal

    @DrewsAnna - I got through another day of the Abs Challenge. How are you doing?
    Also, I think I sent you a connection request on Garmin.

    @Sunflowerhippi - I hope you have a good weekend and that the vacation does go well!

    @trooworld - Thank you! I hope the mammogram went bearably. I have one of those as a folow up to yesterday's physical.
    Your needing-to-update-the-wardrobe meme made me smile! I am looking forward to switching out to some smaller clothes when I get there!
    Loved the mammogram cartoon!

    @TeresaW2024 - I am sorry about your niece's jerk of a boyfriend, but your indignation made me smile. You sound like she's got a great person on her side.
    Let me know if you give Band of Brothers a try.
    18-19 hours is impressive!

    @lislisa123 , @Maryirisfroehlich, @annachangesagain, @Cornanda and @gemwolf110 - WOW! Great weigh-ins!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Ugh. Hunter's husband sounds like a piece of work.
    Hurray for the upcoming arrival of Brayden Lynn!

    @865jessica - It sounds like you have a handle on all this. Keep up the great work!

    @Katmary71 - The foot bath sounds fascinating. I am pretty convinced from martial arts study that feet have important nerve connections, so doing things to make feet happy makes great sense for stress and wellness.
    T, too, wonder about cell phone towers, routers, etc.

    Good morning, Slimsters!

    Yesterday went pretyt well. Since I knew I had to fast until about 3 PM, I was unusually hungry at, oh, 9 AM. I dealt with this by having a back cold brew coffee when I dropped my son off. I then felt odd and lightheaded from the extra caffeine.
    The physical went oaky, I suppose. The amount of time one gets with a medical practitioner is so tiny compared to the amount of time you send on the whole enterprise. I arrived early, as request, and was at their office for an hour and 45 minutes. I estimate 5 minutes of that was spent in the doctor's presence. Right.
    On the plus side, my blood panes already came back, and all is normal there.
    I am having a good week. In addition to the Abs Challenge (ouch!), I also got started on a Garmin badge called Rise and Shine. I have been getting in exercise every day, starting before 7 a.m. if I do it again tomorrow, I get a new virtual badge. Bling!
    Now I am off to work on a monthly report for today's board meeting for a nonprofit I work on.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member
    My new ambition:

    https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/wellness/story/75-year-woman-lost-60-pounds-fitness-influencer-82655773 (2023 story, but I just came across it.)

    I am reminded that I need to make a goals board. It would help to have pictures in mind.
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,841 Member
    Username: Digger61
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 209
    Today’s Weight: 209
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 679 Member
    Thanks, everyone. I try. Lol.

    @Katmary71 Hey, I'm not sure if you are the one that puts up the weight each week but I just wanted to mention that for my mom's weight, it was put with a comma instead of a period making the percentage have an error. Example: 211,4 instead of 211.4
    Might want to fix it by Sunday so that my mom's weight counts as a total. Thanks.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    The June Week 2 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin tomorrow, Sunday, Jun 9th. Please join us for the One-Up Challenge. Here's your link:


    Hope to see you in the chat thread! Here's to a great 1-Up Week!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,757 Member
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,757 Member
    @lisalisa123 Your Mom's weigh-in is with a decimal on the spreadsheet.

    @AustinRuadhain You're doing awesome and on top of everything!

    I'm headed to my brother's for dinner, have a great night and awesome Sunday!
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 295 Member

    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 269
    CW: 269
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 170 Member
    @Katmary71 We used to pick blackberries. My mom made the best cobbler! True Story: I was probably ten and riding my younger sister on the handlebars of my bike. We crashed, and my sister fell onto the ground while I fell into a huge blackberry bush with those painful thorns! Also, the bike had slammed between my legs, which caused some bleeding from you know where. A trip to the ER, and the doctor told my mom that I had probably broken my cherry! It's not something a ten-year-old wanted to learn about, I can tell you! :D I knew I had heard about the vagus nerve before and went looking. Fasting is a good way to stimulate and heal the vagus and parasympathetic nervous system. Interesting! The Cherry Festival and blueberry pancakes sound like a great time!

    @AustinRuadhain, I told Joe that we would look up Band of Brothers when we were done with Bridgeton. I'll let you know! We have to wait an ungodly amount of time for our doctor, too. But when she comes in, she is so wonderful that we forgive her and get all the attention we need. :) Yay, on your new virtual badge! Beachbody gives us badges, too. Bling is bling!! :D I love that lady! What an inspiration. <3

    Good morning! It was fun having the girls over last night. My mom bought us all McDonalds (or Happy Donalds as we call it around here), so it's not the best choice or taste, but it's fine. :/ Today is my rest day from working out, and I plan to fast a little extra. I also did a thing two days ago. I signed up for a course called (dis)Comfort Zone Workshop. I stumbled upon a video by the creator, Jason Seib, and what he said resonated with me so much that I bought his $37 program. I figure what do I have to lose, except extra weight and self-loathing! Here is the link if you want a clearer explanation. https://www.jasonseib.com/
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 518 Member
    Username: laurelfit57
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 145
    CW: 146

  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 518 Member
    edited June 9
    Quick check in
    I'm afraid these hockey playoffs are not helpful. Pizza and chips seem to be the food of choice- my grandkids are sure happy 😆.
    I am going to an Agility match this afternoon. This is the first time I have been to a match since I have my medication straightened out, I am trying to not stress. I tried to do a couple of matches before and it was too much for my ADHD brain. I thought I was having panic attacks. I understand now it was because my brain took in everything without discrimination, there was no ability to focus. I am super lucky, my coaches have been so supportive and could see when I would start to shut down and really broke things down for me. Today the one running it knows I don't want any scores or anything called we are just going to have some fun with no pressure at all, I will let you know how it goes☺️
This discussion has been closed.