Leslie Sansone July 2024 Walk and Workout

Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
New Month, New Goals. Welcome to July 2024!

Whether you workout in the Gyn, with YouTube, The Walk at Home App, or old school with DVDs we're glad that you're doing something for you!

No matter what your goal is for the month we're happy to have you join us.


  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    July Goals

    Total mileage tracked: 80
    Apple Challenge: 18 workouts of 5 min or more.

    @zichab I checked and @texasgardnr still hasn't signed in to MFP since May. I'm at a loss on what to do going forward. You and I are pretty much the only ones regularly checking in. Texasgardnr was the last leader that was being active. What do you think should we keep trudging along?

    I rolled my ankle yesterday and I'm pretty sure its a minor sprain. So my July is starting off on a low note.
    With the holiday this week, we pretty much shut down. I have 1 client scheduled for tomorrow and then its emergency calls until next week.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,459 Member
    July Goals: 15 minute/day workout: 3 miles a day on the Garmin!!!!
    July 1: WAH: Happy Walk 1.0 miles Total Garmin Miles:

    @deeder522- I am pretty sure something not good happened to Mary because she was on top of this each month even when she was not posting. I am game to keep going if you are. People pop in and out, but no one seems to stay more than a post or two and I am not sure why. Leslie is not as popular as she was, so maybe we need a new title? As usual, Under Armour has totally screwed up what was a great fitness site.
    As long as the board is here, I'll probably post to it because it keeps me accountable and acts as a record of sorts. I am also back to tracking because I have to get this weight down, so I will be more regular now that Dennis is on the mend. Are there any other sites that have good tracking and socials?
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,459 Member
    July Goals: 15 minute/day workout: 3 miles a day on the Garmin!!!!
    July 1: WAH: Happy Walk 1.0 mile: Total Garmin Miles: 3.8
    July 2: WAH: Leslie Family Walk-15 minute mile: Total Garmin Miles:
    Well, day 2 and I am still on track!!! :laugh: I am trying to get all my work done before 2:30 and then come down here and do my workout and watch videos as a reward for doing my work. So far, it is working LOL!! I have forgotten how self-disciplined I used to be and I need to get back to that.
    Dennis has measured the "track" from our kitchen to dining room to living room to foyer back to the kitchen as 61' and if he walks that "track" 86.5 times he will have gone a mile! This is what life is like living with an engineer!!!! He is going to be dizzy before he can do that loop 86.5 times and the floor will have a track in it from his walker. But, he insisted on measuring it! :ohwell:
    I hope your ankle is feeling better. It is so hard to tell when you do that how long it will take to mend. I have done it hiking (I am a klutz who does not lift my feet up on trails) and it will be fine the next day, but then done it in my house and been laid up for a week. Ankles are tricky!
    I'll be back tomorrow! :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    My ankle is improving, I was better able to navigate going down stairs than yesterday. I hope to be able to get a workout in by the weekend. Maybe I can concentrate on my arms and shoulders until then.

    Ryan managed to go to a client with me today. 😄
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,459 Member
    July Goals: 15 minute/day workout: 3 miles a day on the Garmin!!!!
    July 1: WAH: Happy Walk 1.0 mile: Miles: 3.8: Total Garmin Miles: 3.8
    July 2: WAH: Leslie Family Walk-15 minute mile: Miles: 3.5: Total Garmin Miles:7.3
    July 3: WAH 1 Mile Express Walk: Miles: Total Garmin Miles
    YEAH Ryan!!!!! vgnd1z9g18wk.png You go DUDE!!!! It may not be forever, but it is great for today and we take all the wins we can get!!!
    I am glad your ankle is mending @deeder522! Upper body is a good idea so you do not damage something that is already weak in your ankle.
    I am on day 3 and counting which is hard to believe. Even my Garmin is not sure what to do with these one day log ins. Normally, it takes a few seconds for it to sync, but today it was almost instant. It was like "Is this all you got???" :laugh: I am committed to 3 miles a day this month so I can up my workout time next month.
    I have to take Dennis to PT since he can't drive and seeing everyone working out in there is inspiring. My goodness if people with hip replacements, knee replacements, rotator cuff injuries, etc can do it, I can sure can do it also!
    Happy 4th if you are away tomorrow!!! cw2edt9odmyg.png0fro51ea9965.png:bigsmile:

  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,459 Member
    July Goals: 15 minute/day workout: 3 miles a day on the Garmin!!!!
    July 1: WAH: Happy Walk 1.0 mile: Miles: 3.8: Total Garmin Miles: 3.8
    July 2: WAH: Leslie Family Walk-15 minute mile: Miles: 3.5: Total Garmin Miles:7.3
    July 3: WAH 1 Mile Express Walk: Miles: 3.3: Total Garmin Miles: 10.6
    July 4: WAH: 1 MIle Leslie Walk Concert: Miles: Total Garmin Miles:
    Happy 4th!!!! Since it is a party day, I am walking early to get it done so I do not have to feel guilty!!! Day 4 and I am still on it!!! WOOT!!!
    Enjoy your celebrations out there in MI! :bigsmile: