Shape Shifters Team Chat - August 2024



  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,827 Member
    edited August 29
    Good morning Shape Shifters!

    Wednesday steps

    Lower than usual as we drive to our VA house after work (about 5 hours in the car) but am ready to step again today.

    @frankwbrown I think I need to put a Garmin on my Christmas wish lis, I think I would really enjoy those challenges! I usually do the monthly cycling, strength and active minutes challenges on Peloton. The cycling one is 50 miles bronze, 100 miles silver and 150 miles gold. I shoot for the gold and am sometimes squeaking by the last few days. :D I already made it this month, which is good as my Peloton is in Maryland. :smile: It only counts Peloton miles though, not my road bike miles. I recently bought a second bike to keep at this house, more of a hybrid that I can use to ride to the library or my daughter's house. It's also still in MD as the bike rack is on my car and we typically bring my husband's. 😕

    Got some good news this week though, the insurance company approved payment of our claim and authorized us to start rebuilding. The contractor is coming over this afternoon with the contract. Keep your fingers crossed that he says he can start soon and doesn't say something ridiculous like he's booked until Christmas. 😯🤞
    @DaffyGirl88, I guess you could call the Garmin September Tour cycling challenge platinum then, because it's 400 kilometers (~248 miles) of cycling during the month. But there's also 4 quarterly cycling challenges which each require only ~420 miles over three months time, or 140 miles/month (18-carat gold?). But with a Garmin watch, you could record both your Peloton miles and road bike miles. (Time to get on Santa's good side) 🤔😂
    FYI, there are five cycling challenges for September:
    1. September Weekend 40K - Ride at least 40 km in one cycling activity from Sept 6 - 8
    2. September Ride to 100 - Record 100 km (~62 miles) of cycling activities from September 15 - 21
    3. September Tour - Record 400 km (~248 miles) of cycling activities in September
    4. September Time to Ride - Record 20 hours of cycling during September
    5. 2024 Cycling - Stage 3 - Record 675 km (~420 miles) of cycling activities during July thru September
    I don't think I'm ready for that first one, but I'm gonna try for the other four.
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,465 Member
    Sorry, playing catch-up, this has been a hectic week!

    8/25 7,171
    8/26 7,954
    8/27 11,057
    8/28 8,517

    75 Soft, Day 18 / 20 Keeping on, and enjoying the process of making new habits.
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,422 Member
    8/27 10,212
    8/28 7,412
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,827 Member
    p8m6bwghh9 wrote: »
    Hello, I’m Rita a 62 year old woman currently living in Alaska. After seeing the numbers on the scale, bp and bloodwork results after a Dr visit in Oct 2023 knew something had to change. Since then I have quit smoking and cut my coffee intake from 2 - 3 pots to 2 - 3 mugs. I have also been working on more movement everyday, portion control and making better food choices. I joined mfp in February, this is the first group and challenge I have joined and am looking forward to sharing this part of my journey with you.

    September goals:
    - don’t buy halloween candy yet
    - continue to log everything
    - attend at least one in person exercise class per week
    Those are good goals. For Halloween, I buy granola bars and snacks like Fig Newtons in addition to a little candy, because I never know how much I need and I don't want leftover candy. I'm sure the kids aren't thrilled about this. 😂
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 2,056 Member
    Step Goal:8500
    Sun 08/25: 11390
    Mon 08/26: 7831
    Tue 08/27: 11855
    Wed 08/28: 9567

  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,968 Member
    Friday Weigh-in
    PW: 151.0
    CW: 152.0
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,968 Member
    p8m6bwghh9 wrote: »
    Hello, I’m Rita a 62 year old woman currently living in Alaska. After seeing the numbers on the scale, bp and bloodwork results after a Dr visit in Oct 2023 knew something had to change. Since then I have quit smoking and cut my coffee intake from 2 - 3 pots to 2 - 3 mugs. I have also been working on more movement everyday, portion control and making better food choices. I joined mfp in February, this is the first group and challenge I have joined and am looking forward to sharing this part of my journey with you.

    September goals:
    - don’t buy halloween candy yet
    - continue to log everything
    - attend at least one in person exercise class per week

    @p8m6bwghh9 Welcome!
  • pedal__power
    pedal__power Posts: 217 Member
    PW: 214.0
    CW 214.4

    My weight has been creeping up and up since Jan (I was 208 at the end of January). I'm disappointed that my weight crept up again this week. It was down for most of the week. Every time I see the scale bump up I have a little freak out because it feels like its not going to come off again...ack! I have been doing better these past couple weeks of being more conscious of not snacking, eating protein and veggies and cutting down on sweets, and getting more exercise in this week compared to last week. I've been tracking nutrition about 70% of the time. My sleep has been garbage lately, I'm not in bed until almost midnight and am waking around 4am drenched. Part of the reason that I'm staying up so late is that my kids are not back into school routines yet and are staying up late and then I feel like I need time to myself after they go to bed before I head to bed. I'm looking forward to school routines starting up next week! Have a good weekend, all!
  • pedal__power
    pedal__power Posts: 217 Member
    @frankwbrown That looks like a beautiful park to walk in! Thanks for the tips on the Garmin challenges. I'm feeling the need to up my steps a bit and will take a look to see what step challenges there are.
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 2,056 Member
    edited August 30
    Forgot to post my weight from Sunday!

    Week 4: 165.9lbs
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,827 Member
    August week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday, August 30
    PW: 257.3 lbs
    CW: 258.4 lbs (↑1.1 lbs; 0.43%)
    This month's LTD: (↓1.2 lbs; 0.46%)
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,827 Member
    @frankwbrown That looks like a beautiful park to walk in! Thanks for the tips on the Garmin challenges. I'm feeling the need to up my steps a bit and will take a look to see what step challenges there are.
    My current adventure fantasy now is to hike in the New Forest National Park, then head on over to Wales and do the Welsh Three Peaks Challenge, then head up to Scotland and "bag a Munro" or two. 😂

    Garmin usually has two step-related challenges each month, plus there are two step-related challenges that involve consistency:
    * total of 100,000 steps over a 14 day period
    * total of 300,000 steps during the whole month
    * 10,000 steps per day for 30 days in a row
    * hit your daily steps goal (whatever you've set it to) for 60 days in a row

  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,827 Member
    Daily step goal: 10,000
    Tue 8/27: 10,400
    Wed 8/28: 11,863
    Thu 8/29: 10,456
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,968 Member
    @frankwbrown That looks like a beautiful park to walk in! Thanks for the tips on the Garmin challenges. I'm feeling the need to up my steps a bit and will take a look to see what step challenges there are.

    @pedal__power Remember there's going to be another team Step Challenge in September! I've forgotten which week but @jessicakrall8 can tell you.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,393 Member
    @frankwbrown That looks like a beautiful park to walk in! Thanks for the tips on the Garmin challenges. I'm feeling the need to up my steps a bit and will take a look to see what step challenges there are.

    @pedal__power Remember there's going to be another team Step Challenge in September! I've forgotten which week but @jessicakrall8 can tell you.

    It's week 3 (Sep 15-21)...
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,393 Member
    Zaxa2021 wrote: »

    @frankwbrown I also appreciate the information you share about Garmin! I'm thinking of switching from Fitbit when I get my new watch for my birthday in late September.

    @frankwbrown is out Garmin Guru...I asked him a while back to post new challenges / badges as they come open...he really is a walking encyclopedia on "all things Garmin"! Thanks Frank! He helped me pick out my Garmin watch when I stopped using Fitbit after they dropped all of their challenges and I just love it. We have a new challenge with the four of us who use Garmin watches now...running Sep 1-15...if anyone else joins the Garmin family, post it here and we'll all add you and then you can join our custom challenges too! The more the merrier! :smile:
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