Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - August 2024



  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    Go Mission Slimpossibles in 2nd place!

    @lisalisa123 @19shmoo69 @maryisisfroehlich Way to go top winners! Wow I see a family who is doing amazing getting healthy together!

    @trooworld Thank you that was very kind of you, you're an awesome co-captain and I appreciate you so much! I really hope the new medication works well for your knee. Shoot I'm sorry to hear the arthritis is progressing, no wonder it hurts so much! Shoot I hope you aren't coming down with Covid and hopefully feeling better means your body already fought it off.

    @Cornanda That's interesting on your weigh in I did notice that and wasn't sure if you couldn't weigh and just gave me the same or if you were stalled at that weight. Good plan to write it down just in case! Thirty minutes of walking is impressive, have you been able to do some step aerobics yet?

    @TeresaW2024 Ina Garten's meatloaf looks pretty good! I like that meatball (loaf) because it calls for a lot of herbs and I use a lot of my basil along with the parsley, I'm intrigued by Ina Garten using thyme in hers now. If you try it let me know what you think! Oh no I hope you and Joe don't get sick!

    @megnolia82 Great job I love hearing you inspired and working out toward a goal! Hugs I hope you learn to embrace the sweat despite the tough childhood insecurities. I used to worry about smell too as I was told “everyone knows Armenians smell” (like garlic of course!). Being on pain meds I was always sweaty and insecure about it but I'm going on 6 years of working out daily and just like I encouraged you to I've embraced the sweat and think of it as earning a nice long bath or shower now. I'm impressed you can still walk at 3.3 I have to bust into a jog around there as I have short legs!

    @annachangesagain Try not to worry chances are your hydration levels are off from being sick.

    @gemwolf110 You need a Yonanas machine! I'm still borrowing my SIL's but wasn't using it as it was hard to clean, now that I have brushes for my water bottle I need to clean it out and fire it up. Congrats on winning the carnival games! I read up on Swedish Death Cleaning (just an article but I was fascinated by the name and had to at least know what it was). If you try it you have to tell us about it! Maybe we can do a Swedish Death Cleaning challenge?

    Think I got caught up! I took my third AO Scan yesterday (think I posted a link to that before) and three are needed to translate it so I've been looking over that and getting HOA stuff done. Food is going well aside of getting a Blizzard on Thursday night with my neighbors. I'm not sure if my roommate lost his job or what as he's been around a lot, I hope it was just a slow couple of days as I'm hoping he gets back on his feet just not in my house. I have an HOA recap of the last 15 months to send out and want that off my to-do list tonight. I braved the farmer's market in the rain yesterday to get a watermelon and am looking forward to that for dessert. Have a great Sunday night and happy Monday!

    Ohh that is a cool idea for a challenge! Will let you know how it goes!
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,491 Member
    @gemwolf110 You are doing great and will see Onderland in no time! I’m in a Facebook group for Swedish Death Cleaning and it's been a game-changer. The thought of not leaving all my stuff for a loved one to deal with is a powerful motivator. I picture my sister going through my stuff if I were to die, and that helps me decide what to throw away or donate. I definitely don’t want her to say my name and hoarder in the same sentence. :D

    @Katmary71 Those Blizzards are tempting. My sister, Danna, took her grandkids to get ice cream at Freddy’s and came home telling me about her Concrete (equivalent to a Blizzard), which was vanilla ice cream and a whole piece of pumpkin pie. What!!! For a few moments, I was ready to jump in my car and go get one, but then I had to ask myself how eating that much sugar would make me feel. The only sugar I’ve been eating is my dark chili chocolate, which is only one piece a day. Ohhh I’m all about the Swedish Death Cleaning and would win that challenge. ;)

    @laurelfit57 Those are fantastic pictures, and Ty is such a character! The joy of spending time with your precious grandkids is truly priceless. Enjoy every minute with them that you can. :)

    @trooworld Maybe it’s not Covid and just a bad cold. That is what we think is running through my family. My sister is so sick, and I’m just praying it doesn’t hit us. There were several out at church yesterday, too, who had colds. We are blaming kids for being back in school. I love the cane! It’s totally you. :)

    :star: I couldn’t agree more that the Slimpossibles have the best leader, co-leader, and motivator! I was the leader for a long time and know how long it takes to keep this group engaged. The questions of the week were such a good idea! Huge thank you to @trooworld, @Katmary71, and @19shmoo69 <3

    Good morning! According to my calendar, there isn’t much going on for us this week. We are back into the 90s all week, so I don’t want to go out much anyway. I’ve been doing some fall cleaning, or Swedish Death Cleaning, and will continue that this week. I placed a Walmart order yesterday, bought a bag of Cuties, and ate three because they were so good! I listened to a podcast where Jason talked about diet mentality. He asked, “What would I do to get healthy and stay healthy if I had no idea what a diet was?” It made me think because I admit that I had been slipping back into the diet mentality, which isn’t surprising since I’ve been a dieter since I was 13 years old. So, I thought about the question, and my answer and what I am striving towards is to simply:
    1. Eat primarily whole foods and eliminate junk foods (simple carbs, processed foods, sugar)
    2. No snacking between meals
    3. Walk (or jump on my rebounder)
    4. Strength train four days a week
    5. Stay positive and practice gratitude

    Haha 😆 same here!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    Reminder to Weigh in Tomorrow To The Following: @FushiaKat
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 718 Member
    @megnolia88 I’m glad you’re posting your marathon progress. I’m excited to follow along. You’re inspiring me to keep moving in my own goals.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 lupini beans can be hard to find. I get them from a local independent grocer but online it looks like Walmart might carry them. I tried making them from scratch once but it’s a 14 day process. They start out very bitter then you drain and resoak every day for two weeks. They’re lower in carbs and high in protein. They have an edible skin which slips off easily. I eat them as a cold snack.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 319 Member
    WI Monday
    PW 211.8
    CW 212.8

    Well not how I expected this week to go. I am fully back at logging everything. Grasping at fixing my sleeping schedule. Got my 25 miles in last week, which was an accomplishment.

    Nothing to report, busy and tired. Everyone adjusting to the school schedule, hot weather still and just daily life. I am hoping we get back on track sooner than later.

    I hope you all are well. I am behind on 64 posts. So I have reading to do now.
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 397 Member
    Thank you @trooworld @Katmary71 @19shmoo69 for all you do for our team! You are SUPERSTARS! I appreciate you! Thank you for all of the time and energy you put into helping us to stay focused and encouraged! B)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,600 Member
    @megnolia82 Thank you! Great job on the treadmill!

    @TeresaW2024 I don't think it's a cold, I don't have cold symtoms really: I am just very lethargic/weak, I have a slight fever, and a little bit stuffy...no cough, no sore throat...I had body aches on Fri but not since. I really hope whatever your sis has doesn't hit you guys! Kids are a good thing to blame lol. Thank you, I do love that cane! Thank you for your kind words. I'll have to get some Cuties this week, maybe they are good here too right now. I love them. Those are all good things in your answer to the question.

    @19shmoo69 Thank you, Darren! How are you doing?

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Ah darn! Well, enjoy the chickpeas! :D Let me know if you need a recipe, as you probably can guess, I have at least 3 for roasted chickpeas! So far, the med seems to be helping some. I don't know how much yet. I am not sure if it will affect my bariatric surgery--- I haven't heard that it will? I need to contact the surgeon's office on Weds to see if they have a surgery date. One thing I do know is that they want to be sure I can exercise after the surgery. I will definitely be able to go to the pool and do water aerobics, so I'm not so concerned about that. I don't think I have the C-sickness, negative twice! The cane: I bought these mini tiles that already had adhesive on the back and came glued together in a sheet. I just had to cut the sheet to the size I needed, peel off the back and stick it on! It was super easy and now I want to disco tile more things! LOL I'm so glad to hear ou feel good! So you liked Blink Twice? What does "it's a doozy" mean? LOL I LOVE YOUR NAILS!!! So cute. And good job setting yourself up for the week!

    @AmbersWay Sorry about the gain. Good job with the 25 miles!

    @Cornanda @askewcr Thank you both!

    Hi all. I took another COVID test yesterday and it was negative again so I don't think it is COVID. I contacted my doctor to make sure it wasn't a side effect of the new medication and she said there is a lot of stuff going around right now. It's not related to my new med. I'm feeling a bit better today but will stay home, I don't think I have the stamina to stay at work all day. I might do some work from home, if I can sit up for that long. Yesterday, I could only sit up for about 30 mins at a time before I had to lay down.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,600 Member

    What small daily habit could you change today to better align with your health and wellness goals?

    My answer: I can start tracking again. I haven't tracked since Aug 2nd. I will start tracking again today. No excuses!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,977 Member
    @trooworld - love your disco cane! With or without a cane, you are always stylin'!

    Summer colds are the worst. Covid or something else, I hope that everyone suffering from a summer cold gets to feeling better very soon! My personal affliction is ragweed allergies. So I don't have a summer cold, but it looks and feels very much like it. Fortunately, OTC allergy meds help a lot.

    Chiming in with a note of appreciation for our unpaid leaders @trooworld, @Katmary71, and @19shmoo69 - THANK YOU!

    What small daily habit could you change today to better align with your health and wellness goals?
    Great question! In order to answer it honestly, I have to reveal just how much Diet Coke I've been drinking daily. The bottle says 64mg of caffeine per bottle. The medical community recommends that we not exceed 400 mg per day. I was pretty close to hitting that ceiling with 6 bottles a day. So cutting back on that is certainly a change that would better align with my health and wellness goals. As of Saturday, I have cut back to 4 bottles/day. I need to cut that back as well, but I'll have to do it in increments so that I don't feel deprived. So I'm down to 4, or 3 if I decide to have tea.

  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,230 Member
    @Jactop – 14 day process to make beans?!? I can barely do the few minutes necessary to throw beans in the Instant Pot! Sounds interesting, but that is a lot of time…
    @trooworld – I know you’re the recipe queen :) I have a tried and true one I like for air fryer chickpeas, but if you have a fun flavor combo, let me know the spices! I hope the surgeon’s office nails down a date for you. Ugh. I hate waiting. I need to get some of those disco tile sheets! So fun! Yes, I liked Blink Twice. There’s a twist towards the end and then the ending itself wasn’t expected. It takes a while for the set up (about half the run time), but it actually serves a purpose. I definitely recommend it. I hope you start feeling better with the extra rest today. Hugs!
    @TeresaW2024 – I talked to my therapist yesterday and we did some brainstorming about the late night snacking. I’d agree about the protein needs. Last night at bedtime, I was hungry and wasn’t satisfied with the carrots I had been snacking on earlier. Hunter scrambled up some Just Egg and I ate 2 servings – 140 calories and 10 grams of protein. It hit the spot! I think my body was craving protein. Blink Twice is a psychological thriller. Lots of stars in it, but Channing Tatum is the male lead. I have not watched The Chosen because it’s a drama and the Christian movies/shows I tend to watch are more action, scary or end of the world ones, although my current favorite show is Vindication, which is a crime drama. I own the first 3 seasons and am anxiously awaiting the release of season 4. Side note – I’ve listened to the first 3 episodes of the podcast you recommended and am enjoying it so far. Thanks!
    @micaroo4 – That soda caffeine sure is addictive! I’ve fallen back into a daily habit. So easy to do. But you’ve already cut back almost 50%, so that is awesome!
    @19shmoo69 – Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow, amirite? Hahaha

    I have a friend that I haven’t seen since February. She posted some pictures of her at work recently and she looks fantastic! She’s probably dropped about 40 pounds since then. She’s the one that taught me all about the original WW points system and had shared all her class books and whatnot with me. I messaged her and asked how she slimmed down this time and she said the old fashioned WW points again…just like 14 years ago. I told her she inspires me :) She was always my biggest cheerleader when we worked together. Fantastic reminder that what I’m embarking on actually works – it worked for us back then and it worked for her this year. It will work for me again, too, as long as I stick to it! Sorry about the ramble. It was just really good to see her looking so good.

    What small daily habit could you change today to better align with your health and wellness goals?
    I had to really contemplate this question. So many things I want to change, but if I try to do everything, I’ll fail and end up doing nothing. So I will begin with eating slower and with smaller bites. It’s embarrassing to admit, but in addition to eating too fast, the bites I take are too big. I need to heed the advice I gave my son back when he was in middle school and scarfing down his food: SAVOR THE FLAVOR.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @micaroo4 I had to do some math concerning the coffee/caffeine information you shared. I do double the max limit before noon. Hmmmmmm
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,977 Member
    @19shmoo69 - Well, it hasn't killed you yet!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member

    @bhagatcaroline Welcome To MIssion Simpossibles!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    @19shmoo69 Love those grandkids and pups photos those are the best!

    @trooworld Love the blinged cane! I was going to put skulls all over my walker and my aunt sent me a positive messages and cat bag for it instead so I never finished but I love your cane! Rest today and feel better. Allergies around here have been going crazy too so maybe it is there? I usually don't have problems this time of year but everyone seems to be flared up right now. I'm glad your friend is doing so well and it's inspiring you, does she live near you?

    @TeresaW2024 Wow a whole piece of pie is a lot in ice cream! Dairy Queen has a pumpkin pie one but they don't put that much stuff in it. Love your goals those are great! ROFL at your mom going all-in on carnivore, it DOES sound like the latest miracle cure good job keeping a straight face. One of my neighbors always says how she barely eats anything and there's always a Walmart bakery item on her counter that SOMEONE eats (she lives alone and doesn't get much company), I try to tune out so I don't say anything but it's hard. I do enjoy Berry's YouTube videos I listened to them a lot when I was at the greenhouse by myself.

    Thanks everyone for the kind compliments, having @trooworld as a co-captain and @19shmoo69 as our moderator is an awesome team!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Great news Hunter is buying diet fixings! She'd probably feel a lot better eating like you too. Is Blink Twice a horror movie? It sounds like how I slow blink at my cats to say I Love You. I hope your therapist has some ideas on supplements for you, I haven't had much luck with the medical community and supplements (they don't learn a lot about them).

    @gemwolf110 Definitely DO let us know how it goes, looks like @TeresaW2024 knows about it too! Would you two want to lead a challenge for us?

    @AmbersWay Don't feel you have to catch up just jump back in when you can, I'm happy to see you! Great job logging again!

    What small daily habit could you change today to better align with your health and wellness goals? I need to get the house more organized so it's easier to keep clean, once I get my roommate out I'm planning to get things straightened up.

    @micaroo4 I used to only drink Diet Pepsi so I feel you on that! I used Crystal Light to cut back then went to herbal tea, I do drink kombucha here and there too. You're under that 400mg which is great!

    @19shmoo69 LOL no more procrastinating! Good deal to get more exercise in.

    Hi team! Got all caught up! I had a couple appointments today, first a teeth cleaning (periodontal hygenist) who I love, she's been awesome at answering questions and with her advice I'm actually turned my gum health around a lot. Then I had the pain clinic which I find kind of depressing but got it done. I made another skinnytaste giant parmesan turkey meatball, my Dad will be here tomorrow as the gutters are being redone and I figure we can have leftovers for lunch. How is everyone doing with eating cleaner? My only bad was I thought I ordered a big can of gluten free breadcrumbs and I noticed when I was making the meatball that they aren't gluten free so I'm starting a return even though that's a huge pain. Charity has a salsa recap meeting at a Mexican restaurant tomorrow night so that will be a challenge but I DID lose 1lb the last month so I'm glad for that even though it's a small amount. Have a great Wednesday!
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 718 Member
    edited August 28
    What small daily habit could you change today to better align with your health and wellness goals

    Stop eating after supper. Some days regardless of how full I am I will keep eating.

    I had a nice surprise that has me truly baffled. I hadn’t tracked my weight or taken my measurements for most of the summer. Occasionally I measured my abdomen which kept increasing so I didn’t bother measuring additional body parts.

    In the last 8 weeks I gained 1/2” on my abdomen but lost 2” on my waist, almost 6” on my hips and almost 2” on my biceps. I can’t figure out how I can gain in my abdomen and lose everywhere else but I’ll take it
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @Katmary71 what grandkids and puppy pix are you speaking of. It been a while since I decided to tackle the process it takes to upload photos.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 542 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 34 of 52

    PW: 138.2
    CW: 138.6

    I'm having a bad flare. Waking up in the middle of the night in terrible pain. I hope it gets better soon. I did finish my contest room I should post a picture of that. Judging starts in 3 days. I hope everybody is doing the best you can, don't worry about the small stuff.
  • littlebabekitty
    littlebabekitty Posts: 398 Member
    Weigh in Day: Sunday
    PW: 196
    CW: 196

    Sorry for late late check in. I have been dealing with a lot of things. Still the same weight. Not doing so good with calorie reduction but joined the gym with hubby as my workout buddy and looking forward to better progress. Will keep trying.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,977 Member
    @FushiaKat - HUGS, sorry about the flare. I hope you start sleeping pain free very soon.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,600 Member
    @TeresaW2024 They do! But I took a 3rd test this morning and I'm still negative, so who knows what I got into? About the chickpeas: I have NEVER gotten them to where they are the texture I want them, no matter what recipe I use. They are never super crispy, they are always a little crispy with a semi-mushy center. Maybe I wasn't cooking them long enough, not sure. That's my caviat! Here are the recipes I have:
    Spicy Oven-Roasted Garbanzo Beans https://www.mashed.com/431551/spicy-roasted-garbanzo-beans-recipe/
    4 Ingredient Mustard Spicy Roasted Chickpeas https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/4-ingredient-mustard-spicy-roasted-chickpeas/
    Crispy Roasted Chickpeas https://www.loveandlemons.com/roasted-chickpeas/
    Crispy Roasted Chickpeas (II) https://cookieandkate.com/roasted-chickpeas-recipe/
    Meatball subs sound amazing! I've seen Dr. Berry, he's the one that is a chiropractor, right? Or, am I thinking of someone else? I think I am thinking of Dr. Berg. Good luck to your mom! I had a doctor at urgent care tell me I should go carnivore. I told him I'm not good with diets and have tried diets for 30 years and he proceeded to tell me I should try carnivore even though it's tough to stick to and expensive. SMH.

    @micaroo4 Thank you! <3 I do have allergies, so maybe it's that. Thanks! Good job cutting back on your Diet Coke habit. How's your brother, btw?

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I would love your tried-and-true recipe, mine have met with modest success. I posted them up above to @TeresaW2024. I messaged the surgeon's office this morning, fingers crossed. Although I've had to use some of my vacation time due to this sickness, so I hope it's not too soon as I need to build up my vacation time! Those tiles are so fun, they are super small and affordable. Thanks for the movie recommendation! And thanks! WW seems to work well for you. That's good your friend reinforced it. I need to eat slower as well. After surgery, I will be forced to eat slowly or I'll get sick, so I may as well start now!

    @lislisa123 Way to reach your goal! WOO HOO!!!

    @bhagatcaroline Welcome to the team! I can't wait to get to know you!

    @Katmary71 Thank you! Maybe it is allergies, but I've had a slight fever off and on. I talked to my doctor yesterday and she said a lot of things are going around and it could be any number of things. I think you are talking about my friend who had weight loss surgery, is that right? If it's my friend that had weight loss surgery, she lives in the same county but dog sits all over the county so at times, she's nearby but other times, she is at the far end of the county. She is an inspiration! We are doing a deep cleaning of our condo this weekend. Good luck with your cleaning! Congrats on your loss!

    @Jactop That's awesome that you have lost inches!

    @FushiaKat Sorry about the flare. That sounds awful. Big hugs.

    Hi all. Still feeling sick a bit but I took my 3rd Covid test and it's negative and no fever so I'm going to work today. I wish I could stay home but I have to stop burning through my vacation time as I need it for my bariatric surgery.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 263 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I agree that if I don’t get enough protein, I will be extra hungry than on the days I do. I'm glad the Just Egg did the trick for you! I’m so happy you like the podcast so far. Jason is a fascinating man and is very good at getting me to think about my relationship with my thoughts and body image. How great that your friend was a source of motivation to you. I also eat wayyyy to fast! :)

    @Katmary71 Yup, Mom is using my car this morning to buy some meat and eggs. She has deep-dived into the YouTube world and is convinced that carnivore will be her secret to great health. Ohhh and she is giving up her coffee! :o I asked her what she would do with this great health, and she said she would do things. What things? She has lived here for over four years, and other than going to church, Walmart, and doctor appointments, she doesn’t want to do anything outside her bedroom. I just smiled and wished her luck. I did suggest that she wait a week or two before getting rid of her coffee and frozen meals. :D I’m doing fairly well with my clean eating but still striving to eat more whole foods and less packaged stuff. Going into fall weather will help me feel more creative in the kitchen. Right now, I’m all about a sandwich and chips. :D

    @Jactop That is great that you are losing inches! Your abdomen will catch up to the rest of your body. Just keep it up. :)

    @FushiaKat I hope you feel better soon! And yes show us a pic of your finished room. :)

    @trooworld Thanks for the chickpea recipes! Maybe I can get those nine cans out of my pantry now. :D You are thinking of Dr. Berg, who has good ideas but is a bit of a wacko. Dr. Berry made a name for himself in the Keto world by talking about the proper human diet. He went Carnivore a few years ago, but his wife, Neisha, does Keto and has a big following as well. I believe in the carnivore diet's fantastic health benefits, but it’s not sustainable for most people. Plus, as my sister and I said, what is wrong with a bit of broccoli with your hunk of meat? :D And like you, I’m not good with diets. Especially ones that eliminate entire food groups.

    Good morning! So yesterday, I bought a new rebounder. I haven’t loved mine as much as I wanted because it is less responsive than I would like. I watch the Earth & Owl videos, and those girls use another brand that seems so much better. Well, the creator of Earth & Owl bought two other rebounders. Mine was one of the brands, and the owner and five of her ladies did a complete review of the three brands. After seeing the video, I knew what I felt was right, and then yesterday, I slightly hurt my ankle, and that was all I needed to order the one they use in their videos. It was a lot more money, but I would do it every day for years, and I decided I was worth it! I just can't wait for it to get here, and I'm praying it's as good as I think it will be. :)

  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 425 Member
    edited August 28
    Weigh In Wednesday
    PW 165.5
    CW 165.3

    I would like to do my weigh in on Tuesday next week.

    Tuesday night I'm going to the "Pink" concert and my weigh in won't be pretty the day after the concert.

    I got my hair done Pink for the concert.







  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member

    @19shmoo69 LaurelFit's beautiful grandkids and pups, impossible not to smile at them!
    Username: laurelfit57
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 147
    CW: 148.4


    I am so sorry that I have not been checking in. It has been such a crazy summer, lots of fun by this time of night when I usually post and I'm too tired. Spending lots of time with my grandkids, doing agility with the pups 4 to 5 times a week. @trooworld I did find a couple of places that had big fields through Sniffspot where I could take the pups, thank you so much for that suggestion.
    I will post a picture of my grandkids and pups that I took in one of these places (Sniffspot). This is on a little hill, I just wanted the dogs to sit, Ty was determined she was going to lay down, she kept sliding down the hill and was trying to recover🤣. She definitely has her independent little spirit and wants things her way🤣
    I can't get them to come up in the right order. The third and fourth pictures should be the first and second, you can see Ty's gradual decline down the hill, all the while laying down

    I promise I will get better at checking in when the grandkids go back to school and I am on a regular schedule with the pups

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    Reminder to Weigh In To Our Thursday Queen @askewcr !

    @littlebabekitty You're on the drop list for not weighing in, I'm heading to the Captain's Lounge to report your return, I'm really happy to see you, welcome back!!!!
This discussion has been closed.