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Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - September 2024



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,940 Member
    @AmbersWay No worries hope you're doing well.

    @trooworld Thank you! I do feel better, today's been good so far. Oh no I'm sorry you're having trouble walking, you did a lot over the weekend definitely feel good about that.

    @TeresaW2024 Thank you! Stress around my roommate moving and going to my neighbor's and having stuff I shouldn't knocked me off, I'm feeling better today. Yay I hope you love the rebounder! I hope Joe's appointment goes well. Good luck getting everything done tonight at church.

    @865jessica You've done great staying in the green, I think you'll do well adding in exercise too.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 That's an awesome drop in weight! It must've been a challenge getting all the little ones to stay still for that pic! You've definitely been flooded with grandkids, they're so precious love them! Thank you I appreciate it.

    Hi friends! I ended up doing some work this morning then I went to the practitioner's house to pick up some files and will be recrganizing our file box tonight. I look forward to us having areas to store them in each business we work in versus us carrying them around. It's luckily been a pretty slow week so I've had time to rest in between getting things done. Any tips on getting an alpha pet to back off the other animal? I noticed Asher has some scabs behind his ear then realized it's because Jasper's biting his neck. I gave him a time out yesterday when he did it and things were better then and I have Feliway diffusers. Google said if the animal is stressed or bored or there's been household changes it's more likely to happen. Asher's pretty bad at running away where Jasper will chase him, he fights back but not very much so I'm hoping if I give them a lot of attention things will smooth out. It does increase after trips to the vet. Have a great night and happy Wednesday everyone!
  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 48 Member
    Cornanda wrote: »
    My question today is- Has anyone tried Noom? I feel I've been stuck for a long time now. I need to shake up my routine, but am struggling to decide how.

    Yes, I tried Noom about two years ago. I remember I got a lot of different daily messages about eating, what to eat, etc. and fitness, what to do, etc. Noom puts a lot of emphasis on a psychological assessment of why you - in particular - are overeating and/or eating the wrong things. There is a lot of reading and thinking on your part! (Perhaps, at the very least, if you're doing continuous reading and self-examination, you won't have ANY TIME to eat! LOL) At the time, I just didn't have time to really use the website/app as it probably needs to be used, and so I stopped, and pretty much forgot about it!

    Then what PO'd me is a year ago, I happen to see on my credit card statement that they automatically billed me for another full year without any notice given. I called them right away to say I wanted a refund as I'd gotten no notice, and I no longer was using Noom! The woman said, the billing was automatic, and part of becoming a member initially and no refund would be given! That PO'd me even more and I said I would be filing "automatic" written complaints with the PA (and CA) state consumer boards and Better Business Bureaus! And that I would write up my experience with Noom and post to all the social media sites and Reddit!!! That must have scared her/them because I "DID" get the refund for the whole amount to my credit card. I'd never even think of using Noom again for that reason, personally. Regards, Brian

  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 48 Member

    @baodell17724 – I’m not taking L-Theanine yet…I haven’t talked to my doctor about how much to take. What dose do you take? I have Major Depressive Disorder and Inattentive ADHD. I tried taking antidepressants, but they all caused weight gain…which wasn’t helping since my weight contributes to my depression. Ugh!

    I'm taking (one) 100-mg capsule a day. I "believe" that it may add a bit of positive "oomph" to my generic Zoloft which I personally couldn't survive without (weight gain or not). I think I mentioned that I also Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). so hopefully between my special SAD lamp, L-Theanine, and putting up my Christmas tree early, I'll survive the winter-time blues!!!

  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 555 Member
    edited September 4
    @katmary71 I almost forgot about that spin teacher, I haven't seen her in a while lol. I'm so glad you had your locks re-keyed! It's a good thing your dad is so handy. Now that things have settled down, I'm sure you'll get on track lickety split

    @trooworld are you still having problems with your feet? Is that why you need a cane? Be kind to yourself, you have been under the weather.

    @TeresaW2024 it was so bizarre yesterday that the temperature was so high, but it was an overcast day. We had a huge thunderstorm last night and that seemed to settle things down. We were back down to the mid 70s today, it was lovely. So excited for you that your rebounder was arriving today! It seems like your church has a lot of potlucks, lucky people!

    @vegan4lyfe what a beautiful bunch of grandbabies you have!! I can't believe you had so many so fast♥️.

    I think I am getting my workout routine down pat. I am going to do 3 gym days and 2 home days. It sounds like a lot but one of those gym days is just hot yin yoga, so I will lay in the heat and hold different stretches for five minutes, it is so relaxing it's delightful🥰. That way I will get in two cardio days(spin classes), three weight days and a lovely stretch class. I did a workout at home this morning and then did a distance agility class with Vannie this afternoon. There were only two of us in the class tonight (there are usually six ) so we had a lot of turns! Why is it that getting back into routine is always exhausting? I did well on water today, I need to work on my protein. I just have to think about this
    Vannie is dead to the world, I think I feel just like she looks:)

    Hope everybody had a great Tuesday

  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 862 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @lislisa123 60 lbs GONE! Way to go!!!

    THANK YOU! I didn't even realize I hit green every week in August as well. I was so focused on just not gaining weight. Lol!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,452 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Yes! I couldn't believe I had that much to give away. And my closet still feels a little packed lol. I tried to look at items and say to myself, "Do I absolutely love this item?" and if the answer was no, I put it in the bag. Thank you! Yay for your rebinder arriving!!! I hope you absolutely love it. Sounds indeed like you had a busy day yesterday.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Woot woot! Congrats on that loss! What a great pic of grammy and the babies. <3 Do you stay up that late on a work night as well??? Gosh, I don't know how you do it! LOL That's good you have a little wiggle room. Thanks.

    @AmbersWay Congrats on the loss!

    @Katmary71 I'm glad you had a good day yesterday. Here's to many more! Thanks. Oh my, I do not have any tips about the alpha kitty. Hopefully now that the roommate is gone, things settle back down.

    @baodell17724 What an awful experience with Noom! I'm glad you ended up getting a refund.

    @laurelfit57 The only problem with my (left) foot still is a bunion but that's not the reason for the cane. I have moderate to severe arthritis in my left knee, and that is what is causing the pain and the reason for the cane. Thank you! Hot yoga sounds relaxing! I'm glad you got your routine down now. Awww, poor Vannie worked herself into a sleep! LOL

    @lislisa123 SUPER impressive!

    Hi all. I forgot to take my arthritis medication yesterday morning and ended up in pain and needing to use my cane again. I'm glad I brought it to work with me. My husband made 2-ingredient dough pizza pockets last night, they were really good.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 234 Member
    @865jessica You are making such good choices toward your health goals. Keep it up!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Woot is right!! Congrats on your loss this week. Keep it up, and you will continue strengthening your resolve to get where you want to be. :)

    @Katmary71 Poor Asher! I agree that Jasper might be directing his stress on Asher, so lots of attention and a calmer home will hopefully help him be more friendly and less combative. I’m glad you have had time this week to rest. :)

    @laurelfit57 Our church does have a lot of potlucks, and it’s annoying! :D I think your workout program sounds perfect! Add that to all you do with the dogs, and you will be one super fit woman! It is a very good idea to add more protein to fuel your workouts and grow those muscles. Try to make sure protein is in every meal and snack, and that will help. :)

    @trooworld I approach my closet and other areas of my house by only keeping things I love. And I admit I have to often ask myself why the heck I bought this in the first place. :D I hope your knee feels better today.

    Good morning! Yesterday, I got a call from my boss, and now I have six stickies full of stuff to do. So, I will spend some time today organizing my list and then getting stuff done. My rebounder arrived yesterday, and it’s amazing! I will take a picture of it later and show you tomorrow. The quality is much better than the one I have, and I can’t wait to do a full rebounder workout this morning! And I need to burn a bunch of calories because we have a church potluck tonight. I wouldn’t go if I didn’t work for the church and could devise a good enough excuse. But since I am going, I plan to use this as an exercise in willpower and stick to my rule that I will not eat anything that will cause me regret. I plan to not even go near the dessert table. Wish me luck! :D
  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 48 Member
    Friends, I would love to know of your feelings towards and/or experiences of Overeater's Anonymous/OA (for those of you who've gone at least once. In-person and/or on-line). I've attended 4 different ones online and would find it interesting if my thoughts match any of yours.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,209 Member
    @Katmary71 – I had a hold of the back of Sophie’s shirt cuz she was trying to take off :) I hope Jasper calms down and leaves Asher alone. P.S. Love their names – so cute!

    @baodell17724 – I need a light box. You’re the latest in a string of friends that have said they use one. I’m going to send a message to my doctor to ask if it’s ok for me to take the supplement. I currently take a low-dose blood pressure med and I find that there are a lot of things I can’t take because of it.

    @laurelfit57 – I know! I told my kids they all need to slow down! LOLs Adding on the hot yoga sounds so good. There’s a yoga instructor in my village and I used to go to her evening class, but for the past couple yeasrs she’s been scheduling all her classes on weekdays when most people (i.e. ME) are at work. Makes me sad. I mentioned it to her, but I think she just doesn’t want to work evenings. Vannie is me LOLs

    @trooworld – yes, that is what I was referring to…that I stay up that late during the work week. It’s like a routine I just can’t break free from. That sucks that you forgot your arthritis medicine. Hope it’s working for you today. What are the 2 ingredients in the dough?

    @TeresaW2024 – Wow…does your church do a monthly potluck? Seems like you’re always having one!

    @FushiaKat – So sorry you’re still sick, but what a fun resort you created! Congrats on first place!

    Trying not to stress eat right now. Oliver had a seizure last night. Lasted 4 minutes. Neurologist told my daughter to give him an extra dose. They are increasing the meds since he’s gained some weight. He’s still too little for a rescue medicine, so he may have to start taking it every 8 hours instead of 12. He had two more today – one was 4 minutes and the second was 3 minutes. Doctor said if he has another within an hour, we are to take him to the Grand Rapids Children’s ER again. Otherwise, we just keep giving him the meds. He has an appt up there next week for gene mapping. Hoping they can fit him in to see his neurologist, too. Please pray for Oliver and Sydney. Poor little guy :(
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 119 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012-I'm so sorry about your son. I can only imagine the worry and stress you feel.
    @TeresaW2024- Good Luck at your potluck. You got this.

    I did my first exercise class today at the Y. It was a beginners class and just the right level for me. Legs are a bit tired and so is my core. I'm happy I got over my social anxiety and did it.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,209 Member
    865jessica wrote: »
    @vegan4lyfe2012-I'm so sorry about your son. I can only imagine the worry and stress you feel.

    I'm sorry I didn't clarify - Oliver is my 7 month old grandson.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,940 Member
    Reminder To Weigh In Tomorrow To The Following: @askewcr
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 360 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I couldn't weigh this morning because I didn't have access to a scale. Also, I went out for dinner and had some drinks before, during and after the Pink concert. She is a great performer and puts on one heck of a show.


    I will weigh in tomorrow.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,940 Member
    @baodell17724 I'm glad you got a refund how frustrating! I went to OA as a class assignment in high school but was struggling with my eating at the time too, it seemed very supportive. The only complaints I've heard about AA, OA, etc is if you don't believe in God you don't get as much out of it as if you do.

    @laurelfit57 I'm definitely blessed with a handy Dad and brother! Your training with Vannie is definitely exercise too. Vannie looks worn out!

    @trooworld Thanks I hope so too! Did your husband make the Greek yogurt pizza dough? Glad you had your cane with you!

    @TeresaW2024 Thanks let's hope Jasper settles down. I can't wait to see your new rebounder! Let us know how the workout goes! Good luck being strong at the potluck!

    @FushiaKat Soot I'm sorry you're still sick, hope this will be behind you soon! I want to stay at your resort wow!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 That's so funny to hear you were holding Sophie, they still did great staying still! Thanks I hope so too, Asher's actually named after a vampire in a book series but I've learned since there's also a lost Asher tribe (of course I sounded like a doofus asking if her cat was named after a vampire I had no clue of the tribe!). Prayers for Oliver and all of you! I'm so sorry to hear of his seizures and hope the medication increase helps fast.

    @865jessica Great job on the exercise class and getting through your anxiety! It gets easier keep going (both anxiety-wise and muscle-wise!).

    Hi friends! I'm wiped out, I woke up late so made my coffee and went straight to the farm with it and we planted watermelon radishes. We're doing a “fun” mishmash of stuff in the morning for a few extra rows that I went and got seeds for. I have a big donation of pots for the garden club to get in the greenhouse too. I'm a little frustrated with the practitioner I work with as she's super disorganized and can never get to work on time and not be on the phone for us to discuss what needs to be done before clients show up. She told me she'd rather I interrupt her with clients than me not have stuff to do but she throws clients in before and after appointments and I'm not comfortable interrupting and it's apparently impossible for her to show up early to discuss things that need to be done. I've let her take clients over my appointments the last two weeks so there's no change in me which is what I'm working for. The first time she stayed late at the clinic I thought someone had broken in and used everything as she hadn't put anything away and I sent a text message out about a possible robbery since blankets and machines were everywhere. I'm not super organized but I'm on top of everything in my life and really respect people's time so she's challenging for me. Have a great Thursday team!
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 389 Member
    Weigh in day: Thursday

    Let's go get it!! B)

    I tested negative Monday and feel so much better. Thanks for all the hugs and sweet notes.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,452 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Hahaha yeah I get that. Thank you! That's a lot to get done, 6 stickies! I'm so glad you like your rebounder. Good idea to burn some calories ahead of time. How did the potluck go? Did you avoid the dessert table?

    @baodell17724 I have attended OA for a few months. I did not like it. I felt like a fraud the whole time. I had a hard time with the belief system aspect. I never attended the online sessions, maybe I would feel differently if I had. I know someone that goes that finds it really helpful. I'm just not much of a 12-step person, I think. I agree with @Katmary71, it does seem supportive.

    @FushiaKat Sorry you are still sick. Congrats on your first place win in your contest!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 That must be really hard! The 2 ingredients are plain Greek yogurt and self rising flour. Do you have a non-dairy Greek yogurt you could sub in? Here's the recipe, you can make a ton of things with it: https://www.theslowroasteditalian.com/2-ingredient-pizza-dough-recipe/ I'm so sorry about little Oliver's seizure. That must have been scary for everyone. I'm glad you were able to get ahold of the neurologist. Big hugs and good thoughts your way.

    @865jessica What kind of class did you go to at the Y? I used to have a membership at the Y and I loved the classes! Good job!

    @DrewsAnna I bet you had a great time!

    @Katmary71 Yes, he did make it. He put the calzones in the air fryer and they came out so good! I ate it while it was really hot and burnt my mouth lol. Worth it. I'm glad I had my cane with me, too. I think I will have to keep it with me. I've never had a watermelon radish but I have seen them and they are so beautiful. That situation with the practitioner would frustrate me, too. I'm sorry that's the situation.

    @askewcr Congrats on the loss and I'm glad you are feeling better!!!

    Hi all. I remembered my medication but I was still in a bit of pain so I used my cane. Tonight, we have to pick up some groceries from my MIL: we are having a surprise birthday party for my SIL on Saturday at her cousin's house. We are going to cook everything at our house, starting with the BBQ stuff on Friday night (and also on Saturday morning). I don't know how we will get everything done but I guess we'll find a way.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,452 Member
    I just realized I forgot to post the discussion question, so sorry! Here it is...


    Do you have a goal weight in mind? If you are at goal, do you have a goal weight range and how did you come to that range?

    My answer: I do not have a goal weight in mind yet, the goal is too far away at this point. I want to get down to a healthy BMI.
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 234 Member
    @FushiaKat Congratulations on getting first place in the contest! :star: What you created is incredible! How long does it take you to make the scene? Looks like a lot of fun! I hope you will feel better soon. <3

    @vegan4lyfe2012 YES! They don’t try to have a monthly potluck, and it’s annoying! :D Next month, we have a lunch potluck planned for a Sunday, and then we will have a ladies' tea the following Saturday. I wouldn’t mind these events if I were one of those members who just gets to show up, eat, and leave, but as an employee and one of the only remaining people on the Event committee of a tiny church, that doesn’t happen, which is why I pray so hard for new members! :D Ohhh, poor little Oliver! Yes, you all are in my prayers. <3

    @865jessica Good for you for overcoming your social anxiety and going to the exercise class! You proved to yourself that you can do hard things. :)

    @DrewsAnna, I’m glad you enjoyed the Pink concert! :)

    @Katmary71 You continue to have your share of annoying people to do with, don’t you? I’m sorry that the practitioner is such a pain to deal with. Are you at least enjoying the peace of your home now that you don’t have a roommate? :)

    @trooworld I still need to try that two-ingredient dough! It is so nice that you are all giving your SIL a surprise birthday party. It will be a lot of work, but you will get it all done. Just protect that knee! :)

    Do you have a goal weight in mind? If you are at goal, do you have a goal weight range and how did you come to that range?

    I no longer have an actual number where I can say I’m at my goal weight. I am striving hard to stop thinking in terms of diet and getting to some number on the scale. I want to spend the rest of my life making healthy choices; if I do that, my weight will be what it will be. :)

    Good morning! I did really well at yesterday's potluck. I had one plate of food that included only the things I really wanted, and I had half a small brownie that Joe didn’t eat. So, I’m calling that a win. :) And I LOVE my new rebounder!! The bounce on it is so much better than my other one. I didn’t hurt my knees or ankles at all, and I could do a much higher-intensity program and keep up with the ladies on the screen. My goal is to try to get on the rebounder for a few minutes a few times a day to spike my heart rate and keep the calories burning in my body. Plus, how can I not be thrilled? Look at this awesome hot pink beauty!! :)


  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 119 Member
    @trooworld- The class is kick start fitness. I'm going again this morning. I'm one of the younger people in the class but my fitness level isn't great so it will help me as I'm starting out. Once I gain more balance and cardio I'm looking forward to a dance class.