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Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - September 2024



  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 280 Member
    Good morning Slims,
    Congrats to all that lost this week.

    Things here are going ok. After reading @TeresaW2024 posts on loving the rebounder I did some research and ended up buy a rebounder. I will be starting slow with it just doing 2 to 5 min until I can work my way up.
    I start training with Diesel 3 times a week this week Mon, Wed and Fri. We are going to be focusing on his reactive behavior with dogs. It will be interesting for sure.
    Not much else going on here just doing more decluttering and I have a few crafts that I will be finishing up over the next few weeks.
    I wish everyone a wonderful successful week.
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 234 Member
    edited September 9
    Wahooooo congrats Slimpossibles for being week one’s winner! Special shout out to @vegan4lyfe2012, @megnolia82, @laurelfit57! You are all awesome!! :star:

    @trooworld I am so glad that you enjoyed the party and that the girls were nice to you. That is a bummer that the meat got dried out after all the hard work y’all did. When I first joined WW, I had an awesome leader, and the whole group had a lot of fun. But that only lasted a few months, and she moved away, and the new leader was just so very boring and one by one, the fun people either left or switched meetings.:/ Watching my Joe decline is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. He was my rock, and now I’m his. :)

    @micaroo4 I’m waiting for our perfect fall weather! I see little signs of it in the trees and cooler temps. I just want to wear my sweatshirts and drink Pumpkin Spice. Is that too much to want? :D I think the church will accommodate my need to take care of Joe and keep my job. I just need to pull the bandaid off and have the conversation. :)

    @Katmary71 That is good to go slow with your “crush,” but maybe I will cross my fingers for you, and he will end up being awesome to you. :) Ugh, I remember not being able even to get weights during Covid. That is when I wanted my 20 lbs. I remember the day I finally found a set at Walmart and quickly snatched them up. This was when Joe still managed our money, and I didn’t even care what he had to say. I needed them! :D Thank you for your kind words about me. Joe deserves everything I can do for him for what he did for me for years. And I hope that the surgeon did perfect magic on your bestie’s shoulder. :)

    @baodell177724 Jason Seib helps more ladies than he helps guys, but that is only because more women join than men. Kind of like here in this group. Jason would love to help men; several are in the Facebook group. :) I agree that returning to Zoom meetings would be a great idea. One of the reasons they chose Wednesday at 7:30 pm was because it’s right after Bible study. That is all good, except Joe and I no longer go on Wednesday nights, and I can’t keep leaving him at that time of night. People with dementia don’t do well the later in the evening it gets. So, I think sitting on Zoom or Facetime will be fine. It will have to be if they want me to stay working there. :) The problem with our church and planning events is twofold. One, we are very small and our volunteer pool is small. I have been on the Event Committee for ten years, and it was always my job to plan, execute, and oversee our events. That was fine, but my life has changed, and I can’t take as much stress from doing as I was. I make awesome graphics and will continue to run the website and Facebook group and make all the print material. That is my actual job and that is all I can do at this time. And oh, how I wish we could do away from the potlucks, but our people love them! :/

    @Cornanda Ohhh thank you so much! I am good at my job, and I love it. I plan to talk to him this week so we will see! :)

    @megnolia82 I hope your treadmill isn’t broken and that your DH can figure out the problem. Good for you for not letting it derail me. :)

    @txcritter69 that is so exciting that you bought a rebounder! I hope you love it!! Do check out Earth & Owl on YouTube. She has the best videos and a whole series for beginners. :)

    Good morning, and happy Monday! There is not too much going on today. I spilled coffee all over my bedroom rug, so I plan to use my carpet cleaner this morning after my workout. I was able to wear a shirt yesterday to church that hadn’t fit me, and now it does. I was so tempted to pull out my scale and see how much weight I’ve lost, but I know it hasn’t been that much, and I vowed not to weigh until I’m out of my 18 jeans and back into my size 16. I'm not sure when that will happen, but I plan to strive toward the goal. Ya’ll have a great day! :)
  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 48 Member
    trooworld wrote: »

    @baodell17724 Congrats on the loss! Oh yeah, I hated the formalities of OA, too. I don't know of any alternatives besides maybe T.O.P.S.? But I think it's in-person meetings and I've never attended them: https://tops.org/ Also, I was a WW member for years and they have online meetings that I found helpful.

    Thanks, I'll check out TOPS and WW, hadn't thought about them having online meetings, as well.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,940 Member
    : @bhagatcaroline @vegan4lyfe2012 @AmbersWay @Jactop
    Reminder to Weigh In Tomorrow To The Following: @FushiaKat

    Hi gang! Coming on early to make sure I get this out there, it's my long day with work and Bible Study but I'm getting in a little break at home right now and am going to try to get a nap. After Bible Study tonight a woman my practitioner worked on is having a sound bath ceramony and I got invited, I hope I get to try some singing bowls!
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 107 Member
    Sick again, and got everyone else in my household sick as well. It's just a cold, but being sick so often gets irritating. I should be well by tomorrow (I hope), so I am going to an exercise class at the gym!
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 862 Member
    Congrats team!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,452 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Discussion question: What challenges or experiences have you encountered in your health journey, and how do you stay motivated along the way?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,452 Member
    @txcritter69 I hope you like your rebounder. I am also going to do some research and see if it is right for me, too. Good luck with the training with dear Diesel. I hope it goes well. Same trainer? What kind of crafts are you working on? I need to do some for Halloween, I've got some picked out but haven't started them yet.

    @TeresaW2024 Hey, do you have a link to your rebounder you bought? I may investigate it a bit for me. I don't know if it would be right for my knee, but it might be interesting to look into. Me too! Yeah those ribs would have been so good had they not been dried out lol. That's too bad about the WW leader, your experience at WW really does hinge on the leaders. I can't imagine what Joe's decline must be like for you. I'm so very sorry. <3 Congrats on the shirt fitting, that's a great NSV!

    @baodell17724 Yeah I don't know that TOPS has online meetings but I know WW does. Good luck!

    @Katmary71 I hope you enjoyed the sound bath ceremony!

    @morenin I'm sorry about getting sick. I hope you feel better today!

    Discussion question: What challenges or experiences have you encountered in your health journey, and how do you stay motivated along the way? My challenges are mostly time-based: I have a 2-3 1/2 hour commute every day. It leaves me exhausted and I'm already tired from not sleeping well most nights. I also have health challenges with my knee and, for a while, plantar fasciitis (but luckily, that's gone). I stay motivated because I want a better life and I want to live as long as possible. I don't want to be the cause of my own death.

    Hi all. I was expecting a call from the surgeon's office yesterday but got no call. I tried to call them, I may as well be trying to call Mars: they never answer on a Monday. I don't think there is even a way to leave a message (not that I would, I would just call back). If I don't hear from her this morning, I will call at about 10:30. It must have been really hot here yesterday, when we got home at 6 pm, it was 88F in our condo and very stuffy. Even after we opened up all the windows, it was still 88F. I do think it is supposed to cool down today a bit, so that's good news.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,252 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    Happy Tuesday!

    Discussion question: What challenges or experiences have you encountered in your health journey, and how do you stay motivated along the way?

    Challenges?? Lack of education for healthy eating and fitness. I "knew" to eat healthy but I stayed hungry. I learned years later, recently, to eat foods that satiated. Which for me is meat and fat. Workouts, I never understood plateaus. I'm working out why is what I am doing no longer working? Do I fully understand now? Nope but am closer now that before because of having someone to talk to about it, aka my encouragement coach. With that, in my opinion everybody seeking better health and fitness needs a physical person to have the conversation with. Preferably a person that can direct you towards the correct answer.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,252 Member
    Most people that know me know I really like to cook. Last night I meal prepped. I baked hamburger patties. As most may know that produced quite a bit of fat. When I removed the patties to cool I had an idea. 🤯 . Since I had to prep my eggs I just added them to the beef fat and baked them. Breakfast, Lunch and Supper for the next week accomplished.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 716 Member
    SW 225
    PW: 194.2
    CW: 192.8
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 234 Member

    @trooworld My rebounder is the JumpSport 350 Pro. Before that, I had the BCAN which is a good rebounder and a lot cheaper. But it did hurt my knee and didn’t give me the kind of intensity that the JumpSport provides. Here is an excellent review from Earth & Owl, which convinced me to buy the JumpSport. Nikki from Earth & Owl has a lot of videos for newbies that you might want to look into as well. You know I believe in the benefits of rebounding, and it’s fun! :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfN-rNbGKWU&amp;list=PLLAFfYE-X47Gu5D29-qqo9mXYYYxF7dvR&amp;index=20

    Good morning! I’ve been up early getting stuff done, and I need to work out and then take Joe to his urologist appointment. I am delighted to announce that I spoke to the pastor yesterday about my situation at home with Joe and he was so nice and understanding. I am coming off the event committee except for the advertising stuff and to support where I can. I will also use Zoom for our meetings, so I don’t have to go in person. I’m hugely relieved! I really don't want to lose my job! OK, I have to get this day started! :)

    Discussion question: What challenges or experiences have you encountered in your health journey, and how do you stay motivated along the way?

    When I was 10 lbs away from the goal weight I had set for myself, Joe got cancer and then dementia. That same year, my niece and her three kids moved in with us for several months. The stress of the whole situation and my lack of skills turned me back to my old comfort foods, and all the weight that I had lost came right back on. What keeps me motivated is the knowledge that I deserve good health. I’m learning new skills that will hopefully help me when the next big stressor hits my life. And it will. :)
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 107 Member
    I am feeling better today, so gym class is go this evening. I am, however, sulking because I somehow gained 2 lb. overnight despite being too sick yesterday to eat much! I know, I know, not weigh in day, water weight happens. It's just irritating; I feel a little doomed today. I've planned a good set of meals today with good nutrition and hopefully to meet today's needs. We'll see!

    Discussion question: What challenges or experiences have you encountered in your health journey, and how do you stay motivated along the way?

    My awful immune system is my biggest challenge! I get sick almost every week it seems, and when sick I don't really want to move around, exercise, and it's harder to eat well. I'm going back to masking in public, since sick people around here can't be bothered. Improving my nutrition with better food and vitamins doesn't seem to be helping, so proactively acting like everyone I encounter is a plague rat feels like the only choice. I'm even wearing a mask to the gym! (Working out in a Covid mask has proved... interesting.) I all ready wash my hands lots, so I think I might start using hand sanitizer again and carrying it. I'm telling myself I'll feel better and move more easily if I keep at it.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,940 Member
    @morenin I changed you weigh in for you. Feel better! I'm glad you're feeling a little better this morning. Do you see a physician about your immune system or take supplements? Even though exercising in a mask is a pain I'm glad you're still doing it. I just made a big pot of tumeric/lemon/ginger/pepper tea to help my immune system, will see how it goes.

    @micaroo4 I did the same thing picking a high dose pill with Ashwaganda. I hadn't realized that about food I take mine before bed. Sounds like you found some great items at the fair! That would've been fun to win the raffle. That's so frustrating it's like you slept so well the other night because you were exhausted from not sleeping.

    Go Mission Slimpossibles for first week of September, yay! Rockin first place! Go @vegan4lyfe2012 @megnolia82 @laurelfit57 way to go top winners!

    @littlebabekitty Great to see you how are you doing? Hope all is well despite the gain.

    @baodell17724 That's great I'm glad you're enjoying the group we have an awesome team! MFP has the forum and groups, this is the group I've stuck with since the beginning. I posted a lot in the forums the first few years, ones like the gardening and vegetable lovers were a lot of fun.

    @megnolia82 Oh no I'm sorry to hear that about your treadmill I hope you get it working! Great job still getting on the bike and not letting it derail you.

    @trooworld Yes my bestie's surgery went well thank you. That weather is terrible yuck! We're all ready for fall after this last week. I just wish winter didn't follow! I'm glad the plantar fasciitis is gone! Your commute is real bad lack of sleep and that job are big challenges. Thank goodness that heat wave should be breaking soon.

    @txcritter69 That's awesome I love that you got a rebounder! Wishing you luck with Diesel's training. I hope you have a successful week too you'll have to share how you like your rebounder!

    @TeresaW2024 Yay yay yay on the pastor working with you I'm so happy for you! My experience with Weight Watchers was similar the leader definitely sets the group atmosphere. I'm not big at raising my hand or talking during meetings either which I'm trying to be better about. Covid is when I wanted 15lb and 20lb weights and I was frustrated at the price and waited and they doubled! Haha remember Walmart's weight section was totally empty? I love that you found some! Thank you on my friend. I get why your church meetings are at 7:30 but I know like with the charity we have our community meeting followed by our Board meeting and the night goes on forever, I feel awful at night and don't want to sit that long. Congratulations on wearing the shirt that's wonderful! I love Earth and Owl's tattoo! That's so true in your question response how we have to learn new skills to deal with the stressors instead of turning to food.

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: Challenges and Experiences during health journey: I've been all over with my CRPS being in remission in the beginning then coming back and losing the ability to do my previous workouts, being in a lot of pain, and not being able to work out enough to keep my weight lower. It hasn't really been motivation more a fear if I stop I won't be able to take care of myself anymore and if I gained more I'd need diabetes meds again. It's worth it to me do push through how hard it is to exercise and eat right to live a happier life than laying in bed staring at a clock slowly dying. My mindset has been all over I'm not as rigid as I was before but also not as healthy as I was either.

    @19shmoo69 Nice meal prep! We had some funny discussions with our Good Food/Bad Food class about the 80s and not eating fat. I save my bacon fat to cook with now and I was real close to vegetarian when I first joined MFP!

    Hi friends! The sound bath ceremony was awesome, I really enjoyed it. I'd turned out my micro current when it started as it beeps every few minutes and at first it was hard then I focused on the sounds and when I left I was down two pain levels. Funny the video they had playing when we walked in is one I listen to in the bath at night so I felt calm right away. I got to play with the bowls it's pretty fun, it was a cool experience. Today's mellow gotta get the house and yard in order. Have a great Tuesday!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,683 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    Discussion question: What challenges or experiences have you encountered in your health journey, and how do you stay motivated along the way?

    My partner is not particularly supportive of my health journey. He likes junk food, fast food, lots of pizza, ice cream, wings, burgers and fries. It can be difficult managing my own food choices around his choices of venue. His schedule changes a lot, and it's also been challenging to reconfigure my own schedule every time there's a change to his work schedule. Fortunately, he likes my cooking even when it's vegetables! And I've become more relaxed about the restaurants where he chooses to stop; I can always find something that will fit my meal plan.

    How I stay motivated: I think it's all about making it a priority. Achieving and maintaining weight loss involves a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. I do feel free to enjoy a special meal out, a birthday celebration, or a joyful holiday feast without feeling guilty. But I find that it's best not to stray too far from the path of healthful eating and frequent exercise. Just like it's a bad idea to dramatically change your sleeping pattern on the weekend, going off course too far or too often may cause you to lose focus. Gaining back lost weight is easier than losing it.

    There are always going to be challenges. Adapt, be resilient, be resourceful, and be proactive. You will never have ideal conditions or limitless resources.

  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 862 Member
    edited September 10
    What challenges or experiences have you encountered in your health journey, and how do you stay motivated along the way?

    Bad feet and bad knees. I have to work around them. I look for low-impact/knee-friendly video workouts and I use an ankle sleeve/support socks for the treadmill when I do my intervals of walking/jogging. I still get sore feet sometimes and use an ice pack for the pain and then I'm usually ok the next day. The motivation is that I'm too big and get older, and as you get older it gets harder to lose weight. I'm trying to lose as much as possible before 40 pops up on me next year.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 716 Member
    edited September 10
    @morenin I was in Costco yesterday and saw several people wearing masks again. Ironically I’ve found if I wear a mask people keep their distance but without one they think nothing of invading my space so I pull it down or off when no one is within 6 feet and pull it up when around people. This practice kept me healthy all through covid and cold/flu season.

    @TeresaW2024 Thanks for posting the rebounder reviews. I love mine. It was inexpensive but if I wear it out I might go for the one with the adjustable tension

    Discussion question: What challenges or experiences have you encountered in your health journey, and how do you stay motivated along the way?

    One of my biggest challenges has always been not seeing results when I know I’m putting in the work. The way I stay motivated is to track like a crazy person so any progress regardless of how small doesn’t go unnoticed.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 555 Member
    Quick check in dear slims. This week is super busy, some of Ty's classes are overlapping so we are doing multiple classes a day. She is getting a good workout and I am sure getting my steps in lol
    I am Tracking and keeping up my workouts. I'm afraid I did not do well tonight we had three classes back to back and I was starting it exhausted so on the way home I picked up a Napoli Margarita pizza with a salad. It was delicious lol. Tomorrow will be a super busy day as well, but I will try to check in on Thursday and get caught up on all the news. Hope everybody is having a great week