WaistAways Team Chat - October 2024



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,270 Member
    @Jen_967 Really hoping the answers come quickly for you.
    @wishfuljune Those faires always look like a lot of fun! I am not great at dressing up but I love how it seems like everyone gets so into it!
    @Kali225 Way to go on the green and have a blast at the wedding. Love that you feel great in the dress - as you should my dear!

    What's everyone looking forward to for the weekend?
    For me, reemerging into the world finally.. it's been a long week being pent up!
  • janiss123
    janiss123 Posts: 8 Member
    Friday Weigh In
    PW: 174.4
    CW: 173.8

    Not much to report on my end. Just another week of working. At least I get a 3-day weekend because the office is closed on Monday for the holiday. I will visit my daughter in Pittsburgh tomorrow and then hang out with friends on Sunday. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I am finally feeling like myself again after that flu shot. Dang it was a doozy! Last night, I came home from work, ate dinner, was asleep by 7:30pm and slept for 12 hours and could have kept sleeping had I not needed to get up for work again.

    I unfortunately didn't exercise the past 3 days and I overate yesterday. This weekend will be getting back to the gym and staying in my calorie goal. We are also going to ikea tomorrow which is always fun!

    @janiss123 have fun visiting your daughter!

    @Kali225 have fun at the wedding!

    @wishfuljune way to go completing those workouts!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Sorry to have been so absent! It has been a chaotic, crazy week. But at least weigh-in wasn't bad :smile:

    Friday - 116.4

    Hugs to everyone! I'll catch up one of these days...
  • Heathere244
    Heathere244 Posts: 21 Member
    My weigh in was Sunday

    PW 177.4
    CW 177.8

    Been a rough beginning of the week with personal drama. I am horrible at making a goal and sticking to it. I still want to do better with logging in daily. I think I need to try this maybe during my lunch break because I try to stay off my phone when at the house. I am doing better with packing my lunches and eating breakfast. So I plan to stick with that. There have been a lot of celebrations at work so my snacking with sweets has gotten way off track. I need to do better with this. I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 436 Member