Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Similar thing here, Ceci. Yesterday, when I wanted to run, the temperature was high and it was sunny. Today it's a high of 73F and cloudy or drizzling all day. So, of course, I have no time to get outside.

    I'm taking off on vacation tomorrow afternoon, so probably won't be visiting the forums until after Memorial Day. Hope that everyone has a nice week and a nice holiday if you celebrate it!

    I'm going to try to get a run in most mornings while I'm gone. I also want to get in my first 8 or 8+ mile run. 7 has been my longest so far.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Had a great group track workout last night. We all knew storms were coming and wondered if we would even be able to finish our workout. We did an easy 2-mile warmup and then 6x800m intervals. Everyone was doing slightly different paces and I was running them at 8:00 pace. Got some light rain in the first interval, increasing to a steady rain by the 2nd, and then much heavier after that. We were all soaked but it felt great. After a 1-mile cooldown we started stretching but had to cut it short when a bolt of lightning had us running back to the parking lot. Within a minute of arriving back at home it looked like a hurricane outside!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    4 miles in 47:41.47. Since I've been working toward 12 min/miles on my shorter runs, today's goal was to see if I could pace myself there without looking at my Garmin. Avg pace 11:55, so super happy with that.

    1 - 12:31
    2 - 11:58
    3 - 11:48
    4 - 11:23

    Felt strong at the end.

    Endomondo (which I shut off after Garmin) had me going 4.07 miles in 47:48 with an average speed of 11:46 (12:26, 11:50, 11:35 & 11:12, plus the extra .07 at 11:41).
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    The rain finally let up enough for me to get a run in after work yesterday. It was about 55 degrees, which I think is my perfect running temp!

  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Ran the Colorado Women's Classic 10 mile virtual race today. I've never ran further than 12km before and I've never ran more than 6km in the past 8 months. But I thought, it's only 4km further than my longest run, I can do that, right? My plan was to go out slow and walk when needed. If I could finish under 2:10 I would be happy. I set off at a steady 12 minute mile pace and at the half way point was feeling good so I picked it up a bit and finished the second 5 miles at 11 minute mile pace for a time of 1:55:15! Super happy with my time and who knows, maybe a HM isn't out of the question either, with a bit more preparation obviously, lol!

    Totally awesome!!! And YES! You could run a HM already. Run your next long run at a bit shorter distance (for me it was 8 miles vs. the previous week's 10 miler) then a tempo paced 5 miles and then a two or three day break and then a glorious 13.1. YOU ARE THERE!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    4 miles in 47:41.47. Since I've been working toward 12 min/miles on my shorter runs, today's goal was to see if I could pace myself there without looking at my Garmin. Avg pace 11:55, so super happy with that.

    1 - 12:31
    2 - 11:58
    3 - 11:48
    4 - 11:23

    Felt strong at the end.

    Endomondo (which I shut off after Garmin) had me going 4.07 miles in 47:48 with an average speed of 11:46 (12:26, 11:50, 11:35 & 11:12, plus the extra .07 at 11:41).

    And you felt strong because you are! You are strong and fast!!!!! Awesome.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Currently banned from running due to the continuation of my varicose procedures. Grrrr....not a happy camper. (Understatement.)
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    My usual nearly 7km home loop. took everything a little easier aiming to stay around the 6min mark, which I did quite well except for my hill in the middle. Made the full distance without a walk break, which I haven't done for a bit. Ankle is definitely feeling better. I'm thinking Sunday next week I might head out to the trail and see how it feels. Might even go for a Strava segment CR. All up, out and home in just over 44min. 3rd run this week with Parkrun tomorrow.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    24 miles on the bike yesterday. Today will be doing w3d1 of c25k with my friend. She has 3 events she wants to run in the near future:

    June 21- 5k
    August 23- 10k
    November 3- half

    My brother the serious runner has asked me to run a half with him next April in our hometown.

    I'm going to train with my friend (as long as she will hang in there) and plan to do the races with her (probably at her pace). I will get serious about training for the half in April when the time comes.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    24 miles on the bike yesterday. Today will be doing w3d1 of c25k with my friend. She has 3 events she wants to run in the near future:

    June 21- 5k
    August 23- 10k
    November 3- half

    My brother the serious runner has asked me to run a half with him next April in our hometown.

    I'm going to train with my friend (as long as she will hang in there) and plan to do the races with her (probably at her pace). I will get serious about training for the half in April when the time comes.

    This makes me happy.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Currently banned from running due to the continuation of my varicose procedures. Grrrr....not a happy camper. (Understatement.)

    Just wrap a cone around your neck and growl at people.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    24 miles on the bike yesterday. Today will be doing w3d1 of c25k with my friend. She has 3 events she wants to run in the near future:

    June 21- 5k
    August 23- 10k
    November 3- half

    My brother the serious runner has asked me to run a half with him next April in our hometown.

    I'm going to train with my friend (as long as she will hang in there) and plan to do the races with her (probably at her pace). I will get serious about training for the half in April when the time comes.

    This makes me happy.

    This is awesome!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Currently banned from running due to the continuation of my varicose procedures. Grrrr....not a happy camper. (Understatement.)

    The first few days after my eye surgery Jason told me to head out for mental runs since I couldn't do actual physical ones.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Good work Ceci! :)

    Pioneer parkrun for me this morning, 4th run this week so the plan was to take it easy especially as my ankle is still healing up.
    Got there early with the original plan of doing a freedom run and then being the timer. Was convinced to run and pick up volunteer duty after I finished my run. Headed out taking it relatively easy, ran along with a fellow regular and chatted a bit as we ran. I could tell we were making good time by the passing positions of the faster runners and the voice overs from my Strava app. A little after the 4km mark a more upbeat song came on the iphone and I picked up my pace.
    Coming home around 26:23 (According to my phone) So a minute off my all time PB and without leaving myself nearly dead at the end, very happy with that.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Coming home around 26:23 (According to my phone) So a minute off my all time PB and without leaving myself nearly dead at the end, very happy with that.

    Fantastic time! Congrats on the PR!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Thanks Lauren. Official time is 26:25, so 1:03 off my all time 5k PB (set at the same course) and my 3rd fastest time there. It's rare for the course to measure 5km on a gps unit, so the fact it hit 5km for Strava and setting a new strava PR rocked!!.

    I can't believe I was at conversational pace/effort for the first 4km. It's amazing what some regular running can do. I think if I had a pacer to push me I could have broken 25min today.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    That's incredible!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    My running partner bailed on me yesterday, so I went to my National Park and ran. 6.51 miles in 71 minutes, so 10:53 avg pace. Probably the best run I have ever done. Everything felt great! I could have gone farther and had plenty of steam left to sprint the last 1/4 mile. Ended up with a slight blister on my left foot, but not nearly as bad as it has been in the past. (I've been concentrating on landing lighter on my feet and ran on the grass as much as I could, instead of on the pavement.)

    Put in just over 24 miles on the bike this morning too!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Thanks Lauren. Official time is 26:25, so 1:03 off my all time 5k PB (set at the same course) and my 3rd fastest time there. It's rare for the course to measure 5km on a gps unit, so the fact it hit 5km for Strava and setting a new strava PR rocked!!.

    I can't believe I was at conversational pace/effort for the first 4km. It's amazing what some regular running can do. I think if I had a pacer to push me I could have broken 25min today.

    Great run!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    My running partner bailed on me yesterday, so I went to my National Park and ran. 6.51 miles in 71 minutes, so 10:53 avg pace. Probably the best run I have ever done. Everything felt great! I could have gone farther and had plenty of steam left to sprint the last 1/4 mile. Ended up with a slight blister on my left foot, but not nearly as bad as it has been in the past. (I've been concentrating on landing lighter on my feet and ran on the grass as much as I could, instead of on the pavement.)

    Put in just over 24 miles on the bike this morning too!

    Awesome job, both on the super fast run and on the bike ride. Have you tried putting Vaseline on your foot before you run? I kept getting a blister in the same spot (right inside the arch on one foot) and someone told me to try Vaseline under my socks. It helped.