Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Welcome back Joe!

    No advice for the 10k, I haven't raced that far yet, just have fun :)

    Well I headed out for my next B210K session, some thoughts churning over in my head but the body felt good. I could have sworn I was ticking along a little slower than Mondays session, but at the end it seems I was a little faster. I ran a slightly different route that added a little extra distance. Somehow lost 10m of elevation though (The hills must of shrunk! LOL). I hit the cool down section of my program and I was feeling good, so I pushed on with running a bit further. All up 9k in an hour.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    That's awesome advice. Once I get through my HM I'm hoping to find a 10K to run, and this is the kind of breakdown I need.

    Approach the HM the same way. The first 3 miles should be very comfortable and might actually feel a bit too slow. That's OK, let people pass you because you just might be passing them later. Miles 4-7 just build a little more speed each mile. Each mile find someone running a little faster than you and pace behind them. When you hit another mile pass them and find someone faster, and so on. Miles 8-10 are the hardest part in my experience. During this time just settle into a constant pace that is hard but not all-out. Lock onto someone and pace behind them. The final 3.2 miles should be a very hard effort, getting faster each mile and giving everything you got. Hopefully at this point you have the energy to pass people because you held back at the beginning.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    If anyone is bored feel free to check out my photos from last weekend's Peachtree Jr. This was a fun event and great to see so many kids getting into the spirit of running.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    That's awesome advice. Once I get through my HM I'm hoping to find a 10K to run, and this is the kind of breakdown I need.

    Approach the HM the same way. The first 3 miles should be very comfortable and might actually feel a bit too slow. That's OK, let people pass you because you just might be passing them later.

    Truth. Grumpy Cat sped off in the distance over the first mile, but I ended up passing him again at mile 10.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    I'm squatting down, holding my phone and Sophia has a pacifier..
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Had a nice 4 mile run last night. 11:30 pace, but I was pushing it - ran out of gas during the last mile. I even hydrated beforehand though, so I felt good.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    If anyone is bored feel free to check out my photos from last weekend's Peachtree Jr. This was a fun event and great to see so many kids getting into the spirit of running.


    Great photos!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member

    I'm squatting down, holding my phone and Sophia has a pacifier..

    So cute, matching running tights?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    I'm squatting down, holding my phone and Sophia has a pacifier..

    So cute, matching running tights?

    She peed through her diaper into her running shorts, and these were the leggings in the diaper bag. We matched, which was the cutest thing, but it was unintentional. The leggings also went really well with the race shirt, so I changed her into it as well.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member

    I'm squatting down, holding my phone and Sophia has a pacifier..

    When I saw this post at work it was blocking the photo and I was wondering what you were talking about. LOL!

    Wish I could have gotten some photos of you guys but I was running around like crazy.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    From your photos, it looks like we were at opposite ends of the event the entire time.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    From your photos, it looks like we were at opposite ends of the event the entire time.

    Yeah I was all over the place. Gotta be at the 3K start, catch a few start waves, then run over to the finish to catch the first finishers. As I was over there I'm thinking "crap, I might have missed the Lil' Peach Dash" so I run over and catch the last couple of groups there. Then they have the 4 olympic athletes giving demos all at the same time. Before I was done with that they call me over to the scholarship awards for photos. Whew!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran c25k w3d3 with my friend yesterday and then went to the National Park for a nice 45 minute run. Total almost 7 miles including warm-ups and cool downs.

    One of the reasons I love running and riding there:

    [img]http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss23/ctoons/Mobile Uploads/d2c77669-a752-4263-bcae-ec854de4b741_zps1399c837.jpg[/img]
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I wish I got wildlife like that on my runs Ceci :)

    W2D3 of Bridge to 10k for me. After hitting 9k on my last run, and having joined the Strava 10k challenge I decided I would push tonight's run out to 10k somehow. Headed off and my walking warmup was a heap faster than the last few days, started running and could feel I was going faster than previously. Changed my route a bit to get a few extra metres of elevation and just trundled along. Hurting a little near the top of the hills (I swear these hills get steeper near the top) cruising relatively well on the downhill and flats. Program signalled cooldown/end of run and after checking distance I knew I was going to be close to my 10k added a littled out & back at the end to ensure I got my 10. Came home with 10.4k total in 63 minutes.
    Somehow all timed perfectly to miss all but a tiny sun shower at the end of my run, which was actually beautifully refreshing!
    Nearly didn't manage to get it up to strava either :( My Strava app crashed, fortunately I managed to cross load from the bridge to 10k app.
    Loving the improvements I'm seeing with regular running I always knew it happened, but just hadn't seen the full effect until now.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I wish I got wildlife like that on my runs Ceci :)

    W2D3 of Bridge to 10k for me. After hitting 9k on my last run, and having joined the Strava 10k challenge I decided I would push tonight's run out to 10k somehow. Headed off and my walking warmup was a heap faster than the last few days, started running and could feel I was going faster than previously. Changed my route a bit to get a few extra metres of elevation and just trundled along. Hurting a little near the top of the hills (I swear these hills get steeper near the top) cruising relatively well on the downhill and flats. Program signalled cooldown/end of run and after checking distance I knew I was going to be close to my 10k added a littled out & back at the end to ensure I got my 10. Came home with 10.4k total in 63 minutes.
    Somehow all timed perfectly to miss all but a tiny sun shower at the end of my run, which was actually beautifully refreshing!
    Nearly didn't manage to get it up to strava either :( My Strava app crashed, fortunately I managed to cross load from the bridge to 10k app.
    Loving the improvements I'm seeing with regular running I always knew it happened, but just hadn't seen the full effect until now.

    I was telling one of the girls I rode with last night that I am constantly amazed at what my body can do now. In the past 7 days, I have ridden 4 and run 3. I'm not tired, I'm exhilarated!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    We had almost 40 people show up for our girls ride last night! It was so awesome seeing that many bikes on our small town square! It must have been quite a site when we all headed out on the road together.

    ETA: We split into about 4 groups based on speed, etc. The group I was with rode about 19 miles at an average speed of 15.3 mph.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    That's awesome advice. Once I get through my HM I'm hoping to find a 10K to run, and this is the kind of breakdown I need.

    Approach the HM the same way. The first 3 miles should be very comfortable and might actually feel a bit too slow. That's OK, let people pass you because you just might be passing them later. Miles 4-7 just build a little more speed each mile. Each mile find someone running a little faster than you and pace behind them. When you hit another mile pass them and find someone faster, and so on. Miles 8-10 are the hardest part in my experience. During this time just settle into a constant pace that is hard but not all-out. Lock onto someone and pace behind them. The final 3.2 miles should be a very hard effort, getting faster each mile and giving everything you got. Hopefully at this point you have the energy to pass people because you held back at the beginning.

    I hope that's how it works out, and I'm not one of those people getting passed by everybody!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member

    I'm squatting down, holding my phone and Sophia has a pacifier..

    Love this!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I ran yesterday morning, 4.25 miles including speed intervals. Had been sick Tuesday & Wednesday so wasn't sure how it would feel but it was good. We had an event at work Wednesday & Thursday so I saw my trainer at 6:30 last night and again at 7:30 this morning. Tomorrow he wants me to run 14 miles. That should be interesting.