Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Romy- have fun this weekend and on your 10k, you'll do fine.

    Robbie, before I started this madness that is half marathon training, I tried to alternate running and riding, but riding won out more often. I'll try to keep up the alternate days of bike and run when I'm done with this. (One month until my half!)

    taeliesyn- I'm fighting gastro/bowel issues on my longer runs too. I feel your pain!

    MM- hot here yesterday, too- 72F. (I know in a few month's I'll be wishing it was only 72F!)

    Yesterday's run was challenging. It was hot, I was tired, I started out too fast. Whatever the reasons, it was tough. But I pushed through. 10k in 1:03:30.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Romy- have fun this weekend and on your 10k, you'll do fine.

    Robbie, before I started this madness that is half marathon training, I tried to alternate running and riding, but riding won out more often. I'll try to keep up the alternate days of bike and run when I'm done with this. (One month until my half!)

    taeliesyn- I'm fighting gastro/bowel issues on my longer runs too. I feel your pain!

    MM- hot here yesterday, too- 72F. (I know in a few month's I'll be wishing it was only 72F!)

    Yesterday's run was challenging. It was hot, I was tired, I started out too fast. Whatever the reasons, it was tough. But I pushed through. 10k in 1:03:30.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    MM- hot here yesterday, too- 72F. (I know in a few month's I'll be wishing it was only 72F!)

    Have to revert to google to tell me that's 22C in english... Already quite warm then, checking Endomondo my too warm last night was 11C (51F), that said I had a base layer and microfleece.
  • iainletham61
    Not been on for a while but that's W10 out the way decided to forget the 1 min walk between the 15 min splits thought I'd try 9x5min runs alternating between fast and slow for each 5min section.......on D3W10 managed 6.45 at 7 min pace felt like I could have defo upped the pace, my 10k is 4 weeks on Sunday and I'm determined to do it sub 60.
    Good luck with your 10k on Sunday Romy.....where are you running about?

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Managed a nice 4 mile run and a short (9 mi) ride with my girls' group before the rain came. Should rest today, but I'm not making any promises about that. 11 mile run on tap for tomorrow.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, nice going, I know you did both, I have teased you about doing triathlons previously. You have surpassed yourself with running and riding, great stuff.

    Sprint intervals this morning, not many, not long. Was not looking forward to them but after interval 3 I started feeling really positive about them. So although hard it was gratifying. Mindset is in a strong place. I have the makings of a cold, but use of Nstaids/ fluids is keeping it at bay at the moment. It's all nose and head at the moment so should be ok.

    Happy running everyone, weather in the Midlands is back to cold and rain, should have kept my mouth shut!!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Training complete, easy session this morning, even the firstbeat training effect agreed. Inside target pace and HR down to an average 120. Now just taking it easy. Looking forward to tomorrow and then another training cycle for the Humber Bridge. Have fun and I'll put some feedback on tomorrow or Monday, dependant on how long it takes to get back from Silverstone.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Hope you had a great time at Silverstone Robbie. One of the girl's on one of my FB running groups was doing it, she finished around 2:05. She posted a picture of her medal, it looks fabulous!

    Iain, my 10k is next Sunday in Inverurie.

    I had a great weekend and had no problem with my knee, even though I spent 6 hours walking in heels on Saturday. I decided to go for a run round part of the 10k course this morning. My knee started getting sore pretty much straight away. I kept going to 2.4km when it got so bad I had to walk. I tried running again and managed another 1km before having to walk again. It was still sore but I was quite far out of town by this point so I started running again and managed to run back to town and back to my car, for a total of 8km. The last 2km was the least painful and I managed an average speed of 7 minutes per km. So I know I could run it if I wanted and finish in a relatively decent time (for me!). I will monitor how I recover from today's run to see if it is worth risking running next week.

    Ceci and taeliesyn, I read an interesting article about gastro/bowel problems on long runs. It was written by an international marathon coach. The problem is not what you eat, it is not drinking enough. Basically your GI tract is dehydrated and doesn't work properly and that is what causes the problem. Drinking more fluids should help, I noticed a massive difference when I did.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Romy, nice going on your run, you are inspiring, if my body gave me half that grief I'd stop. 6.5 miles at Christmas and I walked 4 miles back. Wow, when I get in trouble, I'll think of you.

    Quick update, Silverstone done. Unofficial, official time 2:06:03. I am pretty chuffed at that, best ever for me. There were some inspiring moments, I'll elaborate on later, too tired now. Nice goody bag, nice medal, interesting T shirt, long trip home and Mothers Day celebration when I got in. Just podged and pooped. Have fun
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Well done Robbie. Decent time.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Nice run, Robbie! High five!

    Romy, that's interesting about the gastrointestinal issue. My runs aren't long enough where I've had to worry about that yet but I'll keep hydration in mind if/when my runs get longer.

    I've had a good running/walking week. I only used the treadmill once, I avoided the rain today and I got a long run in on my hilly route. My times are decent (for me) and I feel stronger. I'm going to incorporate a long run once a week and try to reach 10K. I made it to 9K last week and had the energy for10 (I think) but my calculated loop was too short and I found myself back home.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Great time Robbie, my FB friend finished just behind you! She got an official time of 2:06:15. She was very noticeable in a very bright outfit, lol! If you think of me when you are in trouble, think what an idiot I am, I'm in a lot of pain today!!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    edited March 2015
    Nicely done, Robbie!

    Thanks for the info, Romy, I now I don't always do a good job of hydrating. Must work on that!

    Paytra, glad you had a good week, keep it up!

    My long run on Saturday was good and bad all rolled into one. It rained on me a bit and I had to take more walking breaks that I would have liked. Looking back, it was the hills that did me in. I had to walk up a few pretty good hills, especially toward the end of the run. Still, I finished the 11 miles in under 2:00:45 (RunDouble) with a pace of 10:57. Not as fast as last week, but still fast enough to finish my half in under 2 1/2 hours. The good news is the half I'm running is fairly flat, the bad news is it's in southeast Texas, so it will likely be hot!

    ETA: I ran an easy 2 miles (20:11) on Sunday, followed by a 25 mile leisurely ride on the bike with a good friend. The weather was perfect and we had such a good time just cruising along!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited March 2015
    Thanks ladies.

    Inspiring moments, seeing a blind chap being led around the course ahead of me and he was so uplifting. He was worried about his pace and that was it. 6,700 runners and he had complete confidence in his sighted guide. He was inspiring and for the first 6 miles he was going at the same pace as me, I felt humbled.

    The second was seeing a great bit of teamwork. A team of 3 running inside a 8 foot long box made out of plastic tubing and cardboard. And they kept going at the same pace as me for about 5 miles, full of cheer. I could not believe the teamwork they were putting in, to run together and no arguing. It was fantastic stuff.

    For me the things I took away from the race. Being there early and just getting colder and colder. I thought I could handle it but it is so different from popping out of the front door and running and being part of a 7000 strong event. Next time better protection from the elements, space blankets seemed popular and can be cheap, people were using bin liners but they looked just as cold as me. They would help in the rain but not from the wind running through. No big adrenaline rush unlike my previous 10k so I could look at pace and HR and run appropriately, big plus. It was a case of trusting the training and from 3 miles to go, just tried to up the pace. The down side to this cunning plan was that we were running uphill and into a wind in the last 1.5 miles. So, for me, look at the elevation plans and prevailing conditions a bit more. The final takeaway for me was the 1.5 mile walk back to the car, the 30 min drive off the site and then the 90 minute drive home. So although I had food and had hydrated well, I was stiff as a board when I got out of the car at home. Need to get a better post race stretching technique ( read, have one). The only other piece of advice sign up for the next event before completing the existing one. I seriously challenged my sanity of wanting to do another one on the way back to the car. Today I don't think it is too bad and well, I've paid for it, so I might as well do it ;)

    This morning could not sleep, sore and dehydrated from partying too hard last night. Ignore the advice train hard, race harder, party hardest, it hurts (hee, hee). So went for a 3.5 mile run, I was stiff, it took a good 2 miles to loosen off, but I felt so much better as a result. New training plan up and running, Bring on 28 June.

    PaytraB, nice going, don't compare yourself to others just be the best runner you can be. Your run is a good training run for 10k this coming weekend. Ceci, good going just remember to take a cutback week if you need to. Appreciate that you want to get out when the weather is good. And Romy it's still great that you persevere and I did think about you this morning when I just wanted to walk.

    Have fun with your training everyone.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Sounds like you had a great race on the whole Robbie, and you will improve on it for your next. What is your next one?
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited March 2015
    romyhorse wrote: »
    Sounds like you had a great race on the whole Robbie, and you will improve on it for your next. What is your next one?

    June 28th, Humber Bridge Half marathon, with a double crossing of the iconic and once longest single span suspension bridge. I am also tempted by the Eyam HM in May, only because it has beautiful scenery, but will wait and see on that.

    Current training plan is for 122mins, however I may revise the training regime when I get to the first cutback week. At the moment it feels too fast but don't know whether that is because I am still tired from Sunday.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Great race Robbie, I'll go through your strava and commentary in a few days and offer feedback/thoughts if you want. I don't think 122 is a stretch for you, especially if you're not running uphill and into the wind at the end. I only got home from Spain last night so I'm still a bit travel fried.
    Sounds like everyone is having some good runs, keep up the good work everyone!!!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Yesterday was supposed to be a rest day, but a friend at work came in early saying, "I brought my running gear!" Since I'm the reason she started running in the first place, I ran with her. It was a slow 3 miles with some walking breaks.

    The next 2 weeks of my plan only involve 4 running days per week, then there's basically 2 weeks of tapering to the race day. I'm ready now. I'm also ready to be on the bike more and running less, especially with the spring weather!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Well I've had to rework my training plan a bit, I've not really been making any progress with pace and on my last fitness test my forecast time for the marathon went out to 4:20, which is telling me that something isn't right.

    So I've decided to rework the planning, based on a similar training volume but emphasising improving my HM time. That also means that my weekend longs aren't quite as anti-social. Currently I'm on about 150 minute sessions and my partner wasn't over the moon about me doing consistent 180-240 minute runs every saturday.

    Coupled with that I've was planning in some military training in the summer and realised that for the marathon I'd been planning in August, I was going to be on a military camp for two weeks of the taper. Given my experience of the camp there is no way I'd have been eating enough to properly fuel during that time.

    So the current plan is:
    • Ox half in May
    • Invader half in July (then go on training for two weeks the following day)
    • Salisbury 54321 half instead of the marathon
    • Clarendon

    As far as Clarendon is concened, I'd like to do the marathon, so subject to the performance at the Invader I'll make a decision about whether to ramp up the miles then or leave it to do a marathon next spring.

    A bit disappointing to have to recut, but a trail marathon is already going to be slower, so the prospect of more than five hours out there isn't great. I saw some commentary from another runner on the Giants Head Marathon, so similar terrain. His time for a road marathon was 2:30, and he took 3:30 for the Giants Head. That kind of puts the prospects for even a 4:15 as being quite lengthy.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Taeliesyn, always happy to read advice from others and understand any insight they can provide. Nice to see your back in Oz and already on a darkrun social. Way to go.

    Ceci, nice attitude, hope you enjoy the cutback and taper. 4 weeks to go, it's getting real.

    MM would like to read about why you think your old training plan wasn't working, was it execution or something else? Just wondering if there is some learning for any of us. From the reading I've done about trail sessions, expect a 50-100% increase in the time dependent on terrain and weather conditions. I hope that the recut plan enables you to focus back on your training and get the results you want.

    As always enjoy yourselves