Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Got in a 3 mile run on the indoor track at the gym yesterday. Other than feeling like a hamster going round and round, it was a good run.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn - nice going on the intervals and the group run. You appear to have a great group of running buddies there. Again, interesting to see you start with one plan and change it on the hoof dependent on how you felt. Great stuff and inspiring.

    Ceci 42 laps, I am in awe. It can't be too different to doing shuttles, I remember those in the dead of winter for rugby training and they are not pleasant memories. Lets hope you get some respite at the weekend to enable you to get outside.

    Me, two mornings, both dry and cold, just above freezing with a northerly blowing through. I was extremely cold at the start and warm at the end. Layering is effective at the minute but would prefer to be a tad warmer at the start. Wednesday was a 4 mile easy pace run, which worked well, I got into a rhythm early on. Today was a 5 miler at HM pace. It took just over a mile to get into the target pace. Felt really difficult, however it eventually clicked into place. Have not used any music for a while which I am not sure whether it is a good or bad thing. Day off tomorrow before two runs at the weekend, struggling to understand how I will fit them in at present. It might be a case of going out tomorrow night instead of a full 48 hours rest and then getting one in over the weekend.

    Have fun all
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I am so lucky to not deal with the cold. Robbie, everything I read states if you start out comfortable you'll either end up too hot or have to ditch some of the layers.
    I still use music if I'm running by myself, but if I'm with my group I'll go without.
    It's very early in your program mate, I'd take the full recovery and if you have to miss a run, just miss it, it's not going to throw everything out.

    Some hill work tonight, which is my normal Friday run now, I'm running a program similar to C25K but on my local hills. Run up, walk down and repeat, followed by some lazy keep the legs moving km's, total of just over 10ks.
    Saw some kangaroos and a magpie, also found an extremely heavy and quite large wooden cross with a frame on one side of it. Actually ran into the owner of the cross too. An older guy (Minister of some sort I'm guessing) who needed a cane to help him walk. He saw my investigation of the cross and we had a short chat, he said it's his job to carry the cross. Although not religious I'd be interested in seeing him carry it. I struggled to stand it up fully to look at the frame on the back of it.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Scheduled run was 3 miles for yesterday, but I knew before I started I wanted to go farther. I got off work early and was able to run outside- temp in the 50's. (I overdressed!)

    I ended up running 4 miles, with an average pace of 10:11. The route I picked was on the local greenway, gently rolling downhill to start which meant gently rolling uphill to finish as I did an out and back. That's the pace I'd like to be at for my 1/2. We'll see if I can sustain that pace for longer runs.

    Was hoping to get a good bike ride in today, but I refuse to ride in the rain! I will run outside Saturday and Sunday, rain or shine!

    Have a great weekend everyone and keep up the good work!
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Nice work everyone. I'm hoping to run tomorrow. I'm recovering from a cold, but I need to get out and am feeling better. Anyone hear how TowsonChuck's Turkey Trot went? I was curious to see what he thought of the race.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Upsaluki. Not heard about TowsonChuck, he'll turn up (he says hopefully, unless the TT was that bad). Just make sure that you have recovered from your cold, no point in slowing the recovery due to impatience

    Ceci, well done on getting out and about, that looked like a nice little run down and up a creek(?). Nice pace too. Well done for going with the flow.

    taeliesyn, nice going on the hills, well done on using the c25k methodology to get going.

    Well, I caved in and went out tonight. I knew that I could not get a 9 miler done over Saturday or Sunday. So went out tonight. Got into a steadyish pace early doors. The average was just faster than the target but I was tempted by the beer and pizza tonight. I got the 20 minute on the table warning but was 25 mins out. So picked up the pace and was late by a couple of minutes. Bad boy.

    Interesting conversations at work. One of the ladies wanted to talk about my weightloss and running. So we talked about C25k for 20 minutes or so. I think I've persuaded her to take it easy and slow down a bit and not train every day. She admitted that she races herself. Been there done that and spent a while sitting out with injuries (2 years ago, 1st go).

    Anyway a decent day of rest tomorrow with a spot of Christmas shopping. Whatever you are doing this weekend, stay safe and have fun.

  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I haven't ran or worked out for 10 days now. Been really busy, weather has been icy and I am just full of excuses! I'm not putting on weight though because I am still getting in my 10,000 most days and watching what I eat. Sometimes I actually find I lose weight when I take a break, even if I am not watching what I am eating. I've got a virtual 10k tomorrow morning with the Beyond C25K group on Facebook. Don't know if I am going to fit it in. Taking my Rainbows to the pantomime this afternoon. Tomorrow morning my youngest daughter has highland dancing exams and in the evening it is my turn to drive her and her friends to ballroom dancing lessons.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I managed to fit in my 10k before taking my Rainbows to the panto. Didn't have much time so my husband made my lunch while I jumped into the shower then I rushed off to the panto. Run was tough, finished in 1:05:26 which I was very happy with considering my lack of running recently.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Romy well done, there is no need to explain here, we don't judge. Great time given the comments you made previously. Children, bring great joy, but also greater commitment. You don't always get the time you want or need for yourself. Have fun.

    For me glad I went out Friday night as Saturday was cold and icy, even at 10am Saturday there was plenty of ice around. Not sure I would have enjoyed tottering around in the dark on the ice. Might need to reconsider when I run, it's not something I had thought about previously. This morning had an easy pace session, into a biting, rain laden westerly. Wind chill made it extremely cold -20C, not enjoyable, wet on the outside and with a wicking base layer, wet on the inside. Got to the end of another week of the plan, 40km for the month so far, on track to get to 160km for December.

    Have fun, be safe
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Ceci, good work on your hamster run (indoor track!) and nice work extending your 3 miler :)
    Sal - Hope you're recovery is quick and you're back on the road soon!
    Robbie - You're putting together some good runs there! You're gonna smash your HM when you get to it.
    Romy, Great time for your 10k, and well done on fitting it in with what's obviously a very hectic schedule at the moment!

    I wanted to get some extra miles Saturday morning before parkrun, so go up extra early, headed down and went out on a few loops of the course and some trails before setting things up as I was the RD. Started off my actual park run a little after the gun as I was waiting for GPS lock on my watch. Headed out casually working through the crowds, chatting with various runners as I went. It was simply a nice cruisy run and I tried to drag one of the younger runners along for a PB, but it just wasn't happening for him. Came in at 25:40 on the official time.
    Went off to the car to grab another drink, and ended up joining a friend for the last part of her run, as it was her 50th parkrun. I wasn't trying to pace or push her, just run along. I gave her a nudge on the finish stretch, and so did another lady. Turns out we brought her home for a new PB! She hadn't even gone out for a PB that day and did 99% of the hard work all by herself.

    I must admit I have times where I am surprised how far I have come with my running. It wasn't that long ago for me to get that sort of time, it would have been a lung busting, leg aching collapse at the end of the run effort.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    It is amazing how far we have all come taeliesyn isn't it?

    I signed up for Jantastic yesterday. There is a group called mfp runners so I joined it. I am hoping this will help keep me motivated in the New Year. Ceci is going to be joining, anyone else want to join us? You set your own goals so you don't have to worry about keeping up with everyone else.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    It certainly is Romy :)
    I'm currently signed up for Jantastic with my local parkrun group, I've got that many groups I could now I'll need to figure out which one will work best :)

    Mondays LSR for me, a smidgeon faster than last time I ran it, but effort felt comparable. I'm a little surprised I didn't overheat as I wore a long sleeve top for sun protection, but worked quite well once I was sweating. The fairly strong wind that was around for a good part helped as well I am sure, well with cooling, not effort. I only really noticed it as a headwind!
    I forgot to use any body glide, or wear my compression shorts though, so I'm suffering from a bit of chaffing, both on nipples and lower. Still a good run :D
    Saw about 10 pink and grey galahs (I think it was the same 5 twice) a butcher bird and a line of 7 ducks waddling up a hill of all places.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I never stepped into this thread because of the 10K+ plus sign. Thought it was about running past 10K. I'm a bit confused about the purpose, is it simply a daily check-in thread?
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I <3 this thread! So encouraging to see everyone's progress and to see that I'm not the only one who struggles from time to time. I especially enjoy seeing the runs on Strava, (Me on Strava) then hearing your perspective of the run.

    I have tons of places to run outside around here- almost 30 miles of Greenway, a National Park with a 7 mile loop, numerous parks, tracks, etc. I pick where I'm going to run based on how I feel, how much time I have, if I'm running after work or on the weekend, if I want to tackle hills or not, what kind of surface I want to run on- pavement, concrete, gravel, dirt. I run outside unless it's too cold, or too wet, or getting dark.

    Saturday, I picked a park near the Post Office, because I needed to pick up a package. I had never run there before, but had seen the gravel path. This is a well maintained city park with a loop that is just over 1/2 mile. I managed 4.2 miles in 42:44. It was a good run, despite cold hands. (Running gloves are on my Christmas list!)

    Sunday, I ate WAY too much for breakfast and really didn't want to run at all. I made myself go to my National Park and ran 5k in record time for that course, which is uphill for the first half and then downhill for the last half.

    I am running more than I ever have and my bicycle thinks I've abandoned it! :neutral_face:

    I joined Jantastic in the mfp runners group.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    I never stepped into this thread because of the 10K+ plus sign. Thought it was about running past 10K. I'm a bit confused about the purpose, is it simply a daily check-in thread?

    It is. It started as a Bridge to 10K but now it's kind of a Bridge to 10K and beyond - anywhere between 5K and long distance, and just somewhere to check in.

    I haven't checked in for ages. I did my first half in June, ended up with some foot issues and have been trying to rehab it for months. I'm currently 2 weeks into a 6 week running break to try to heal it once and for all. In January I'm starting over with C25K, not so much because I won't be able to run further but to give my foot a chance to ease back into running. Don't want to rest it then mess it up by trying to do too much too fast.

    Ceci, dang you've gotten fast!

    Romy, I joined Jantastic too. I really found it motivational last winter - even when I wasn't in the mood to run I'd get one in just to meet my goals. For January 2015 I said I would run 3x a week (since I'll be doing C25K), will bike 2x a week (on my bike trainer since it's winter here) and will swim at least 1x a week. I was excited to see biking & swimming added to the mix this year.

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    I never stepped into this thread because of the 10K+ plus sign. Thought it was about running past 10K. I'm a bit confused about the purpose, is it simply a daily check-in thread?

    Like Romy says, it's more of a check in thread than anything else for those who've gone past the c25k program.

    Whoo Ceci! Sounds like the running bug finally got hold of you :D I remember when you'd chose to ride over run. Hope you do find time to keep up the riding though, it's good cross training.

    Good to see you back Laura! Sorry to hear about your injury.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Thanks for the explanations! I guess this is where I can mention that I'm in a total rut then? I will read and try to work up some motivation again. Even one run before New Year's would be a victory in my book.

    Hope the injury will heal quickly, Laura!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    Thanks for the explanations! I guess this is where I can mention that I'm in a total rut then? I will read and try to work up some motivation again. Even one run before New Year's would be a victory in my book.

    Hope the injury will heal quickly, Laura!

    Mention it, have a rant about it if you need to :)
    Maybe look into the Jantastic thingy. I know it has helped a lot of people get going again, or stay motivated.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    Thanks for the explanations! I guess this is where I can mention that I'm in a total rut then? I will read and try to work up some motivation again. Even one run before New Year's would be a victory in my book.

    Hope the injury will heal quickly, Laura!

    Mention it, have a rant about it if you need to :)
    Maybe look into the Jantastic thingy. I know it has helped a lot of people get going again, or stay motivated.

    I'm usually not the overly ranty type, but in this case I have to admit I'm quite frustrated. I have no idea of how it can be so "on" in one moment and then, in the next, a switch is activated with "off" as the mode to be motivation-wise. I'm not talking about fluffy pink unicorn motivation either, but like this huge mountain kind of barrier that works like a magnet of the wrong type.

    Someone said earlier that it's easier to just keep going and I have to agree with the streak mentality; as soon as you break the streak, you lose momentum completely and then it's blood, sweat and tears to get back on track somehow. Have to work up the levels of blood, sweat and tears now.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    edited December 2014
    I figured out that I am motivated by training for an event. If I have something that I know I need to be ready for, I get ready for it. I know I need to be ready to run a 1/2 in April, so I am getting ready for it. (Thus all the running I'm doing!)

    AglaeaC- maybe you can find an event to train for?

    I rode yesterday, sort of- an hour on the stationary bike at the gym- 13.5 miles.