Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    upsaluki wrote: »
    Anyone have a jantastic group needing another set of legs?

    I joined in the mfp runners group.
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    upsaluki wrote: »
    Anyone have a jantastic group needing another set of legs?

    I joined in the mfp runners group.
    Thanks Ceci, I think I will too

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Ceci - good on you for getting out and doing your runs even with a heap of parties to interrupt and for sticking to your runs even when it gets hard. Running with someone definitely helps the miles go by quicker. I hope your weather changes for the better.

    AlgaeaC - If I had an actual plan in place I would probably stick to it, even to my detriment. That's part of why I haven't picked up a HM or FM training plan. Hope all goes well with your plan, and good work on being smart enough to listen to your body and step back a little from your original plan (Changing to the 5k one).

    Romy, I haven't seen the FR on Garmin, but I'll look for it later tonight. I don't tend to do much on the 'social' side of Garmin yet.

    Group session as per usual last night. I decided to change up my speed work section of the session which is usually solo and before the group stuff. Went off for 10k at McMillian predicted HM pace(4:40). First 5k were good (a little drift) Second 5k I slowed more than I would have liked. Mostly I think this was due to spotting a friend at 5k who was going to catch up and run with me, so I was subconsciously giving him a chance to catch up. However after a 5min 9th km, I pulled my finger out and came home with a 4:35 final km and a total time of 47:25, which is a new 10k PB by about 2:35 :D

    A few social laps to keep legs ticking over, and then the big social run where I actually ticked over 8km+ and although my legs are feeling the accumulated fatigue of my last few weeks if I keep them moving they are behaving reasonably well.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    AlgaeaC - If I had an actual plan in place I would probably stick to it, even to my detriment. That's part of why I haven't picked up a HM or FM training plan. Hope all goes well with your plan, and good work on being smart enough to listen to your body and step back a little from your original plan (Changing to the 5k one).

    It sounds like you do have a plan in place, all those miles to run, remember? :smiley: Congrats on the new PB!

    It's Aglaea btw, g before l. The name is tricky and I've seen more versions of it than I can count now :)
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    @AglaeaC‌ - I realise that now, Sorry! I'm normally pretty good with names (when typing them). I've got some targets and the extremely rough outline of a 'plan' to hit the targets, but it's not like it's an official Higdon plan, or anything picked up from the elsewhere on the net.
    Infact I've broken 2 of the 'golden rules' of plans with my jumble.
    1) Don't increase by more than 10% in a particular run, or weekly. I've done 20-30% jumps although that is settling now.
    2) Don't do speedwork the day after your long run. I've gotta fix stuff where I can and that's how it works for me. I'm sure I could get better results if I could shimmy things around a bit.

    Looking forward to tomorrow and my hills session.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Lol, it's fine. I've had everything from Angela to Algae, so that was a minor tweak. Have fun on the hills, my challenge is not to have a side stitch for once. This plague never, um, plagued me before, so it's strange.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I still have runs where I get a stitch and I haven't figured out entirely why either. More annoying for me though is I seem to get a 'back stitch' which is basically the same feeling as a stitch but instead of being around the abs/obliques it feels like it's on/in my back. Pretty well vertically inline with my shoulder blade, but the pain doesn't reach quite that high.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Do you think it could be the diaphragm but in another location? If you know the shape of it, it does reach quite high, even though the lowest portions follow the lowest ribs. The side stitch is a cramping diaphragm as far as I know.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    It could be, it's the same sharpish pain normally associated with a stitch, just in a weird location. I never put too much thought into it actually, just into ignoring it when it happens.
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    So I started a 10k event plan from run double. My target 10k is on St. Patty's day, but I wanted the structure of a program to motivate me. My exercise and weight loss have both suffered in the last month.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    upsaluki wrote: »
    So I started a 10k event plan from run double. My target 10k is on St. Patty's day, but I wanted the structure of a program to motivate me. My exercise and weight loss have both suffered in the last month.

    Great idea. I feel much better (emotionally) compared to a couple of weeks ago, when I had no plan. When is St. Patrick's Day again?
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    upsaluki wrote: »
    So I started a 10k event plan from run double. My target 10k is on St. Patty's day, but I wanted the structure of a program to motivate me. My exercise and weight loss have both suffered in the last month.

    Great idea. I feel much better (emotionally) compared to a couple of weeks ago, when I had no plan. When is St. Patrick's Day again?

    March 17

    When I left work yesterday, there was ice falling from the sky, so I went to the gym. The track wasn't particularly crowded, but there were a few people who insisted on walking slowly in the passing lane, so I had to weave around them. Still put in a great time, though- 4 miles in 39:37!

  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    upsaluki wrote: »
    So I started a 10k event plan from run double. My target 10k is on St. Patty's day, but I wanted the structure of a program to motivate me. My exercise and weight loss have both suffered in the last month.

    Great idea. I feel much better (emotionally) compared to a couple of weeks ago, when I had no plan. When is St. Patrick's Day again?

    Yeah. It's good so far. I haven't been running on consecutive days at all before this, so I'll have to see how my body responds. So far so good with daily foam rolling.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    No running (or riding) for me yesterday or today. Too many other obligations. I will get a 5 mile run done tomorrow in between shopping, etc! Have a good weekend, everyone!
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    No running (or riding) for me yesterday or today. Too many other obligations. I will get a 5 mile run done tomorrow in between shopping, etc! Have a good weekend, everyone!
    Have to get those rest days in too! After three stright running days I have the day of with my two boys. We just bought their mom's Christmas present.

  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    This time of year tends to be a bit hectic what with holidays and year-end activities at work etc.

    I was close to getting a full-blown flu so my plan went out the window a bit. Have slept like crap lately, so more hours and general rest hopefully gets the initial snottiness out of the system.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Wise move picking up the plan upsaluki :) It really does help most people. Just take it easy at first on the consecutive days, although I'm sure you'll be fine.

    Good run the other day Ceci, and looking forward to seeing your 5 miler. AglaeaC is right about this time of year being hectic!

    AglaeaC I hope you get over the cold/flu quickly and back to it.

    No hill session for me last night. I don't drink coffee at home usually, so being my first day of holidays I got hit with a caffeine withdrawal headache, and I a cold/flu is trying to get its claws into me too. Also doesn't help it was around 40C (over 100F) for the temp yesterday.
    I'm headed out shortly to parkrun and depending on how I feel, I may make up my hill session tonight. I'd like to round the week out at, at least 50km for the week. So I need another 16.2km... if I'm feeling ok it shouldn't be too hard. That leaves me with less than 100km to go for the year.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Ask Ceci how many parties she has/will attend(ed)... :) Busy woman.

    Ah, 40degC! Ugh that is hot. Australia? New Zealand? Enjoy the runs! And do drink coffee, no point in having a headache if you can prevent it. And fight the flu, no more sickies needed here.
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    Wise move picking up the plan upsaluki :) It really does help most people. Just take it easy at first on the consecutive days, although I'm sure you'll be fine.

    Good run the other day Ceci, and looking forward to seeing your 5 miler. AglaeaC is right about this time of year being hectic!

    AglaeaC I hope you get over the cold/flu quickly and back to it.

    No hill session for me last night. I don't drink coffee at home usually, so being my first day of holidays I got hit with a caffeine withdrawal headache, and I a cold/flu is trying to get its claws into me too. Also doesn't help it was around 40C (over 100F) for the temp yesterday.
    I'm headed out shortly to parkrun and depending on how I feel, I may make up my hill session tonight. I'd like to round the week out at, at least 50km for the week. So I need another 16.2km... if I'm feeling ok it shouldn't be too hard. That leaves me with less than 100km to go for the year.

    As long as it's not icy I'll take 20 F over 100 F any day. Especially when it's humid.

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Australia, and the cold/flu has its claws firmly in me currently :( I did parkrun this morning and suffered for the entire run. I even ended walking part of it in the middle. Legs just were not happy trying to run. Looks like I'm going to miss my 1500km for the year target now, unless I am feeling good on Monday and can get back on track.