Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    edited August 2015
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    @maggiekat7 I've got what is supposedly an English Mastiff X Rottweiller, but honestly I think there is Great Dane in there, and possibly something else. She's 3.5 but unfortunately has hip dysplasia so I need to be careful with her exercise.

    We adopted a mixed breed (shepherd, husky, lab - we think) dog from a shelter at Christmas. I was so excited to have an exercise partner. Turns out she has hip dysplasia, and has blown the ligaments in one (if not both) of her knees due to being "cow-hocked". She is not even a year old and moves like she's 13. Breaks my heart. What's worse, is that I used to berate her for not happily keeping up when I'd take her with me for a walk. The guilt! Poor pup must have been in agony. :'(

    By her breeds, your dog must be a stunner and BIG!!!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    maggiekat7 wrote: »
    We adopted a mixed breed (shepherd, husky, lab - we think) dog from a shelter at Christmas. I was so excited to have an exercise partner. Turns out she has hip dysplasia, and has blown the ligaments in one (if not both) of her knees due to being "cow-hocked". She is not even a year old and moves like she's 13. Breaks my heart. What's worse, is that I used to berate her for not happily keeping up when I'd take her with me for a walk. The guilt! Poor pup must have been in agony. :'(

    By her breeds, your dog must be a stunner and BIG!!!

    Poor girl, but I'm sure you're looking after her well, now you know what's going on.

    Yeah my girl is decent size (Nearly 120lbs), though for her looks, that depends on what you like. My housemate/ex says she's as ugly as sin(Jokingly), but I don't think so. I didn't exercise her much as a younger pup due to the hip dysplasia and because the Rotty we had was an older boy and didn't keep up quite so well, and they didn't separate well either. Now it's just her, she's getting more attention including the runs.
    I generally let her set the pace, well after the first 500-1000m anyway, the start of the run she's too full of beans and would happily try to run along at sub 4min pace lol.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    edited August 2015
    Robbie, I have had problems with my medial knee ligament on and off since I started c25k. The casualty nurse said once you injure it you will keep on injuring it and recommended wearing a knee support when running, which I haven't been doing!
    Maggie, phones don't like you having more than one GPS recording app running at the same time, you are best to stick to one or there is a risk of them crashing and not recording your run.

    I'm back from holiday and back to work :-(
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    edited August 2015
    I have 3 basset hounds. They'd be more likely to drive me to work than join me for a run :)

    My beach run/5K time came back as 34:14, so better than I thought! I was 7th out of 32 in my age/gender group, and 25th out of all the women.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Saturday up early and ran with Hubs for a 2 miles. He is on W5D2 which is two 8 min intervals. Nice thing is that we ran 15 min mile which is faster than he started. Good to see his progress. We signed up for a 5k end of September. They also have a half and full marathon which will be fun to see. Tonight I start on week 12 which is 18 min intervals.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Thanks for the thoughts guys, it's hard but I have found solace in cycling, got an easy 12 miles done this morning. Ceci it's almost as addictive as running :D

    Taeliesyn, nice to see you run in vest and shorts all year round, an advantage of being in Perth. :)

    Maggiekat7, I had a cocker spaniel with hip dysplasia, she had 16 happy years. Now you know, you just need to keep her healthy.

    Nice to see everyone having fun.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Romy thanks for the heads up, I missed your input earlier, how I don't know, I must be getting senile as well as injured

    LLDuds and Diana, great work and progress, I will take solice in your successes :)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Thanks for the thoughts guys, it's hard but I have found solace in cycling, got an easy 12 miles done this morning. Ceci it's almost as addictive as running :D

    Its just different. I like the speed. On my 20Km time trial route there is a steep downhll that I've managed to get to 60kph at the bottom of. I could probably do more but there is a sharp right turn in the village at the bottom.

    The only thing I'd say about using it to ease a knee problem, is keep the cadence high. If you end up grinding at a low cadence then you're putting more stress on the joint.

    Unfortunately it can cause ITBS, rather than alleviate it.

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    MM not sure what cadence I am cycling at, but I am trying to spin at the same rate I try to run at, 180 strides per minute (90 revolutions). Have no objective measure for it but keen to take an easier rather than more difficult gear, although finding that muscle memory if improving so inclines I though were difficult only 2 weeks ago now feel a lot easier.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    C25K 20 minute run of W5D3 with Hubs. So proud of him! Hard to believe I was there just in March. I'm in week 12 (18 min intervals) this week.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I have decided I'm actually going to train to get my 10k time under an hour, so I started a 10k trainer program yesterday. It is a 10 week program and I have about 12 weeks until my next 10k race. This could seriously cut into my cycling time. :neutral: Week 1, day 1 was a 4 mile run, which I completed in 40:09. (Gym track- 56 laps!)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    MM not sure what cadence I am cycling at, but I am trying to spin at the same rate I try to run at, 180 strides per minute (90 revolutions). Have no objective measure for it but keen to take an easier rather than more difficult gear, although finding that muscle memory if improving so inclines I though were difficult only 2 weeks ago now feel a lot easier.

    80 to 100 is about ideal. Higher just isn't all that sustainable, lower is where you start to put a lot of stress on the joint.

    I have a cadence sensor on my road bikes that feeds into the Garmin head end, so that I can use that display to keep me honest. Mountain biking and my Brompton it's less relevant, but I've got a good feel for t now as well.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Good run last night, even though I failed at my intervals.
    I have now fallen into running in the 12hr category of a track ultra, which has 3, 6, 12 and 24hr categories. Not quite sure how it happened, but it has so ummm yeah. Oh and it's this weekend.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    4.5 miles last night W12D1 18 min intervals. Did fine until the last 5 minutes and then really dragged. Would have probably stopped if I wasn't so close to home. So... off night and will try again Thursday.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I've officially started the 10k portion w9d1done. it wasn't too bad
    5 miles total. ran most of it, except a busy street here and there. I felt good.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    @taeliesyn You are going to run for 12 hours? On a track? o_O

    @DianaLovesCoffee Bad runs are still better than no runs.

    @moyer566 Welcome!

    I got up this morning and ran 5k in my national park. The weather was absolutely perfect! 64 degrees and low humidity! I finished in 30:47. Day 2 of 10k improver plan done!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    @Just_Ceci Yup... a 1/4mile track. I doubt I'll run for the full 12 hrs. If I hit 50k without breaking I'll be happy. Although there are only 4 men in the 12hr category, so I may be tempted to be stupid and go for a podium......
    Good work on your run, and hope the plan does what you want :)

    @DianaLovesCoffee That's still a pretty good run, I'd move on to the next workout if I were you.

    @moyer566 Welcome! Sounds like you're going well.
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    @taelisyn 50 K...wow...Good luck! Go for it :)
    Welcome @moyer566
    @Just_Ceci and @LLduds great times on your races
    @DianaLovesCoffee I found Wk12 dragging too...the first one good but the second was a killer because of the heat and the third was ok.
    Seems like everyone is progressing well.
    A couple of runs for me since my last update. Finished Wk12D3 on Monday and did day 1 of week 13 today...2 22 minute intervals. After consistently running 4.5 miles the last couple of weeks, managed only 3.82 miles today. Legs feel really heavy! Next run planned for Friday.
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    nice work all. it's been busy while i was away (eating ice cream and being lazy)!

    i ran my last workout with a walking break today. managed to go 9.73 km in 1:02:21 - i was tempted to just keep going until i hit 10k, but i ran out out of route and i couldn't imagine running past my house (which is 1/4 up a considerable hill). i'm happy. next run is a full 60 minutes without a minute to "rest" - it's a landmark for me. haven't run for an hour steady before. EVAH!

    i had a happy realization today. i have had to add a few hilly (minor, trust me) sections to the 10k route i've mapped. i've just run out of flat places to run! but it is definitely getting easier to run through these areas, and i'm grateful for the clear indication of increased fitness (beyond running for an hour - OMG!).

    okay, my ONE hour is only a tiny percentage of @taeliesyn 's 12 . . . but i'm claiming it! ;)

    keep the great updates coming!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    maggiekat7 wrote: »
    nice work all. it's been busy while i was away (eating ice cream and being lazy)!

    i ran my last workout with a walking break today. managed to go 9.73 km in 1:02:21 - i was tempted to just keep going until i hit 10k, but i ran out out of route and i couldn't imagine running past my house (which is 1/4 up a considerable hill). i'm happy. next run is a full 60 minutes without a minute to "rest" - it's a landmark for me. haven't run for an hour steady before. EVAH!

    i had a happy realization today. i have had to add a few hilly (minor, trust me) sections to the 10k route i've mapped. i've just run out of flat places to run! but it is definitely getting easier to run through these areas, and i'm grateful for the clear indication of increased fitness (beyond running for an hour - OMG!).

    okay, my ONE hour is only a tiny percentage of @taeliesyn 's 12 . . . but i'm claiming it! ;)

    keep the great updates coming!

    Great work and claim your 1hr!!!

    There is no way on earth I'm going to run for the full 12. I doubt I will even be moving for the full 12.