Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    My goal today was a 12 mile run. But I still felt good at 12 miles so I just went the half marathon distance. I did 13.1 miles at 9:42 pace for a 2:07 HM time. It was nice to go that distance - that does a lot for me mentally. Last week I seemed to hit a wall right after 10 miles but this week I didn't get that feeling until close to 13 miles. Now I am very confident I can do my Thanksgiving half under 2 hours!
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    congrats tim, that is awesome!!

    been really busy, but had my first 5k saturday. 25:58...17th overall, and first in age group! It was tougher than I thought it would be, but it was great. ran about 2.5 miles this morning as well


    Here are the splits..
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    Wow Joe, that is fast, and Tim - I can't really conceive of that distance (yet?...)

    I did my 5K yesterday. In first sleet then heavy, cold, splattery rain, But I got my cute little mustache medal, and wore the bright orange headband they gave us. I liked the headband! It kept the rain out of my eyes but sartorially... I don't think I could use it locally.

    I wasn't feeling my best when I got up, and accepted I wouldn't manage the sub 30 minutes 5K I was hoping for. But I did get a chip time of 31.03, which I was pretty happy with. It gives me something to aim to beat. I was apparently 35th out of 119 women so I will focus on that rather than the being lapped by the 10K runners that started after us.

    I then walk/ran to work along the river where I arrived looking like I had actually swum there. At least the rainwater disguised some of the seat.

    I went out this afternoon just before the light went because the pretty blue sky was mocking me. An easy slow 3 miles around the local park where I was surprised to see the pond was frozen over. I discovered my trainers do not have the best best grip on the black ice that all of yesterdays rain left. I think winter is here.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    been really busy, but had my first 5k saturday. 25:58...17th overall, and first in age group! It was tougher than I thought it would be, but it was great. ran about 2.5 miles this morning as well

    That's awesome time!! Beats my 5K race times. Congrats on the age group placing!!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I did my 5K yesterday. In first sleet then heavy, cold, splattery rain, But I got my cute little mustache medal, and wore the bright orange headband they gave us. I liked the headband! It kept the rain out of my eyes but sartorially... I don't think I could use it locally.

    I wasn't feeling my best when I got up, and accepted I wouldn't manage the sub 30 minutes 5K I was hoping for. But I did get a chip time of 31.03, which I was pretty happy with. It gives me something to aim to beat. I was apparently 35th out of 119 women so I will focus on that rather than the being lapped by the 10K runners that started after us.

    Hey that's a great finish!! Congrats!!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    congrats tim, that is awesome!!

    been really busy, but had my first 5k saturday. 25:58...17th overall, and first in age group! It was tougher than I thought it would be, but it was great. ran about 2.5 miles this morning as well


    Here are the splits..

    Whoa!!! That's awesome!!! Your first and you won your age group!? I am impressed! :-)
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    My goal today was a 12 mile run. But I still felt good at 12 miles so I just went the half marathon distance. I did 13.1 miles at 9:42 pace for a 2:07 HM time. It was nice to go that distance - that does a lot for me mentally. Last week I seemed to hit a wall right after 10 miles but this week I didn't get that feeling until close to 13 miles. Now I am very confident I can do my Thanksgiving half under 2 hours!

    Awesome, Tim!!! :-)
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member

    I wasn't feeling my best when I got up, and accepted I wouldn't manage the sub 30 minutes 5K I was hoping for. But I did get a chip time of 31.03, which I was pretty happy with. It gives me something to aim to beat. I was apparently 35th out of 119 women so I will focus on that rather than the being lapped by the 10K runners that started after us.

    I would be thrilled with that time-being fully healthy! Congratulations!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    All you can eat Korean BBQ sounds amazing.

    I ran 5 pretty slow miles today (1:03:57). I've only run 5 miles (or further) three times, and the last time was September 21, so I was curious how it would go, especially since my running has been sporadic at best the past few weeks.

    The first mile and a half hurt, but the rest was good. My 5th mile was my fastest by a pretty good margin. We got snow yesterday and the roads were a little icy in spots, but for the most part I was able to find a clear side to run on. It also snowed on me the last couple of miles (just flurries).

    After being sick for the past week it felt really good just to get outside and move. Walked for another mile after my run. My legs are sore when I first start to walk, so I keep going until that goes away. I've found that greatly minimizes how sore I'll be later.

    Great run, Laura! Glad to hear that you are feeling better. And great that your 5th mile was the fastest!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I did my first ever 7 mile run today and it was good! My time got hurt a bit when I got a text from my husband (who is traveling this week) in my 6th mile. I should have stood still or paused the app but it was cold and I'm a terrible texter, so I kept walking forgetting about the pause, doh. Still, my overall time was1:28:11. And I made it 7 miles! I kind of found a new gear in my last mile, striding out a bit more and getting my knees up more, and was almost 30 seconds faster in my last mile than the first. My right quad was hurting in miles 4-6, then I shifted gears and the pain faded away. It was an interesting experience, and one I plan to use in my next race. I read something a while back about marathoners changing their foot strike during a race at some point to combat fatigue. I think maybe that's what I experienced? Also reflecting on it...speeding up probably pulled me up out of the slump I sometimes find myself in at the end of a long effort. I'm happy with it. I feel like I've got more miles in me. I did not use any water or the mini snickers ("fuel") I had along with me because I didn't feel like I needed it. I believe I will make 8 by month end.

    One minor cloud... I have a shin split that is just not getting any better . I'm trying to remember when it started. My plantar fasciitis feels better, and my numb toes problem is totally gone. Yay! Orthotics! It's not a big deal, just annoying. I need to figure it out and fix it. Any advice on healing it? I'm thinking it may have started when I switched to the cheaper Asics...but they are still a stability shoe. I'm kinda thinking that I should get myself to a running store and cough up the cash for better ones.
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    Last night was the first track workout for my wife & I. Our "coach" is an awesome 72-year old runner who works at the local running store. That guy is fast - still competing at the national level! He asked us our best 5K times and assigned us our 100-meter target times. Whoever had the key to the stadium lights at the high school didn't show up so we ran with what little light was available. No problem seeing the track lines but couldn't see my Garmin. We started with a slow 1600m warmup run followed by some stretching. Then we did three 100m striders to get ready. Then we began our intervals - 100m at 28 seconds followed by an easy jog of 300m back around to the start line. We repeated that 12 times, then did a 1600m cooldown run. The first couple of intervals we were too fast but we eventually found our pace with some help from the coach. He kept yelling at my wife to "pick up your knees!" She was so used to what he called the "marathon shuffle" where you take small strides without getting the legs up very high. I think we got off easy for our first time. Everyone said the 100m was the easiest interval. Next week we do 1200's!

    Yikes! From 100s to 1200s the next week?
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    I want to keep reading and commenting, but it will have to wait. I have a lot of catching up to do.

    We are traveling and our kids are back at the house with the other parents who came with us. Sitting at McDonald's - so I could log into MFP. Husband says we should get back before they think we left for a date (already too late for that). The sad truth is we are both glued to our screens.

    But I did get in a fun run today.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    I did my first ever 7 mile run today and it was good! My time got hurt a bit when I got a text from my husband (who is traveling this week) in my 6th mile. I should have stood still or paused the app but it was cold and I'm a terrible texter, so I kept walking forgetting about the pause, doh. Still, my overall time was1:28:11. And I made it 7 miles! I kind of found a new gear in my last mile, striding out a bit more and getting my knees up more, and was almost 30 seconds faster in my last mile than the first. My right quad was hurting in miles 4-6, then I shifted gears and the pain faded away. It was an interesting experience, and one I plan to use in my next race. I read something a while back about marathoners changing their foot strike during a race at some point to combat fatigue. I think maybe that's what I experienced? Also reflecting on it...speeding up probably pulled me up out of the slump I sometimes find myself in at the end of a long effort. I'm happy with it. I feel like I've got more miles in me. I did not use any water or the mini snickers ("fuel") I had along with me because I didn't feel like I needed it. I believe I will make 8 by month end.

    One minor cloud... I have a shin split that is just not getting any better . I'm trying to remember when it started. My plantar fasciitis feels better, and my numb toes problem is totally gone. Yay! Orthotics! It's not a big deal, just annoying. I need to figure it out and fix it. Any advice on healing it? I'm thinking it may have started when I switched to the cheaper Asics...but they are still a stability shoe. I'm kinda thinking that I should get myself to a running store and cough up the cash for better ones.

    Awesome on the 7 miles!!! my first 7 miles will be friday or saturday...great info in your post, i will try to remember this during my run.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My goal today was a 12 mile run. But I still felt good at 12 miles so I just went the half marathon distance. I did 13.1 miles at 9:42 pace for a 2:07 HM time. It was nice to go that distance - that does a lot for me mentally. Last week I seemed to hit a wall right after 10 miles but this week I didn't get that feeling until close to 13 miles. Now I am very confident I can do my Thanksgiving half under 2 hours!

    You are so going to rock it!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Terrific runs!

    Great about you doing a half marathon training run and feeling good afterward, Tim!

    So glad you were able to get out on your bike in TX, Ceci.

    Nice 5 miler, Laura, ice and all! Winter is here.

    Joedfro, nice time on the 5k! Glad you were able to get out to it despite being so busy.

    And Solardippo, terrific getting out to your 5k and doing a good job with it, despite everything that life was throwing you.

    bttrthanevr, congratulations on getting to 7 miles! Especially good with finishing faster than you started. I haven't mastered that yet.

    As for me, I drove south to Virginia Beach, VA last weekend to go to a Barnhunt Test with my dogs. It messed up my Friday run as I needed to take off down south as soon as I finished my half day a work to try to avoid the worst of the Washington, DC traffic. My plan was to do the run in Virginia Beach, but DC traffic was bad, costing me 45 minutes in additional time on the road and then an accident that occurred on the bridge into Virginia Beach meant another half hour delay. It was really too late once I got there and checked in, to find a place to run safely for me and for my dog or dogs (depending if I brought Fells or not) to stay safely and warm enough while I ran. So we just went to bed fairly soon after we got in.

    Since my dogs were not scheduled to run in the test until after noon, I found a nearby park that had a measured 1.5 mile loop around a lake and we ran in the morning. It was chilly, but the sun was shining and Colin would be comfortable enough in the car while I was gone. Despite in still being in the (high) 40's, I ran in just my shorts and t-shirt. The park was full of runners and walkers and the attire varied from as little as I was wearing to people in parkas, gloves, and thick pants. I randomly chose to run the lake counter-clockwise, I think because there were less trees in that direction at the start and I was cold! The drawback to that was that the sun was in my eyes for the first half mile it seemed. It was a really pleasant run on a nice dirt and gravel path. You wouldn't want to run here in the dark or after a serious rain, but last weekend, it was terrific! Fells and I circled the lake twice at a really good pace for me and then went just a bit more to complete the 5k. Then we went to the test and both dogs qualified with Colin taking first place among all the dogs that day and Fells taking second in his height class.

    Some friends of mine asked me to go with them out to dinner, but I didn't really feel like it, so we arranged to meet the next day at 10 am at Cracker Barrel. I have been craving pancakes with fruit topping and whipped cream for a month now. I don't know how it got into my head, but it wasn't leaving and I knew that actually walking into Cracker Barrel would be the straw that broke my will and I wasn't going to resist them.

    So at 7:30 am the next morning, Fells and I were back in the park and circled the lake another two times. This achieved three things. I got some exercise, burned some calories, and I didn't feel like eating until 10 am when I got to Cracker Barrel and I wasn't even ravenous then, just a little hungry. I restricted myself to just what I was craving and didn't add on the eggs and sausage or bacon or anything else. I really enjoyed the pancakes though and was glad I went.

    The dogs also did well on Sunday, although not as well as they did Saturday and between the weather, the company, and the lake surround by absolutely beautiful Fall trees, I had a terrific weekend.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did my first ever 7 mile run today and it was good! My time got hurt a bit when I got a text from my husband (who is traveling this week) in my 6th mile. I should have stood still or paused the app but it was cold and I'm a terrible texter, so I kept walking forgetting about the pause, doh. Still, my overall time was1:28:11. And I made it 7 miles! I kind of found a new gear in my last mile, striding out a bit more and getting my knees up more, and was almost 30 seconds faster in my last mile than the first. .

    Was your knee coming up a bit more reflexively? I find that if I let my hip/leg extend all the way, while still keeping my cadence up, my leg snaps back up with a fairly high knee, which gives me a mechanically easier stride that is also way faster than when I just try to increase turn-over/effort. I don't know if that made any sense, but it was one of the things that made my half better than the training runs.


    And, Yay!, I should be ok to run again on Tuesday. I have Rduhlir's Reconditioning Run all tee'd up on Endomondo :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Then we went to the test and both dogs qualified with Colin taking first place among all the dogs that day and Fells taking second in his height class.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    One minor cloud... I have a shin split that is just not getting any better . I'm trying to remember when it started. My plantar fasciitis feels better, and my numb toes problem is totally gone. Yay! Orthotics! It's not a big deal, just annoying. I need to figure it out and fix it. Any advice on healing it? I'm thinking it may have started when I switched to the cheaper Asics...but they are still a stability shoe. I'm kinda thinking that I should get myself to a running store and cough up the cash for better ones.

    Are you overstriding?
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    And, Yay!, I should be ok to run again on Tuesday. I have Rduhlir's Reconditioning Run all tee'd up on Endomondo :)

    Glad that you're back Varda!! Looks like we have quite a change in the weather coming!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    And, Yay!, I should be ok to run again on Tuesday. I have Rduhlir's Reconditioning Run all tee'd up on Endomondo :)

    Glad that you're back Varda!! Looks like we have quite a change in the weather coming!

    It's supposed to be nice again by Friday. Which is great, because Sophia's birthday is at the Zoo on Sunday.