Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks you for the Stretch Stretch Stretch advice Varda. The foam roller I ordered came today so I have had a go on it. Talk about feeling like a hippopotamus flailing around on the floor... But I have learnt that yes, the IT band on my right hand side may be A Thing, as going anywhere near there resulted in yelping, leaping away from the roller, and rocking while clutching my leg. I will have another go when I have posted this, but more importantly I have booked a sports massage with a voucher I got a while ago. So we will see what state I am in after that on Friday.

    Also, after my whinging about a lack of short races in this area over winter (Be sensible 'Dip - it is winter in Scotland. Nobody goes outside if they can help it.) I remembered about Parkruns, and that there is actually one that is technically walkable from here. So I signed up. Then I started looking at the results tables from the last few months. Usually about 50 runners, a hilly course and... well, I am coming last if I get up the courage to go along on saturday. Yup. My best time will get me in about last.

    Grey and miserable outside and I have talked today into being a recovery day rather than a find a hill and run up it a few times day simply because my kitten had bye-bye-ladyparts surgery yesterday and she just wants to cuddle in her comedy cone.

    Oh, and sign me up for being the one on the treadmill, not the one pulling the trailer!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks you for the Stretch Stretch Stretch advice Varda. The foam roller I ordered came today so I have had a go on it. Talk about feeling like a hippopotamus flailing around on the floor... But I have learnt that yes, the IT band on my right hand side may be A Thing, as going anywhere near there resulted in yelping, leaping away from the roller, and rocking while clutching my leg. I will have another go when I have posted this, but more importantly I have booked a sports massage with a voucher I got a while ago. So we will see what state I am in after that on Friday.

    Flashbacks to my first time on the foam roller! That sounds about right.

    I totally want to run on a treadmill on a trailer with a bubble over it that somebody else is pulling. They could pull it with a truck. You would feel like you were flying!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    And, Yay!, I should be ok to run again on Tuesday. I have Rduhlir's Reconditioning Run all tee'd up on Endomondo :)

    Double yay! What is Rduhlir's Reconditioning Run like?

    Run a half mile, walk a minute - repeat four times. Becky invented the schedule for me when I didn't know what to do after my LAST bout of kid-crud.

    Today, I feel like I'm going to be staging a "come-back" every 6 months. I just get to the point where it feels REALLY good and then it all falls apart :( And I was SO looking forward to applying my half-marathon base to a 5k. :sad:

    Oh, well. It's not like it really matters as long as I'm still running, right? :happy:

    EXACTLY! As long as you're still running.

    Thanks for the links. I'll check those out. I like the commercial break idea! I also wrote out Galloway's "hill run" and "long run" that I found online one night to try.

    Also having a moment picturing the gym manager's face if I asked her to help me shove one of the treadmills outside. I bet that is way more fun. Even if I owned my own I doubt the electronics would hold up to Minnesota winters. Maybe if it was a self-propelled one?

    You could rig up an engine warmer... :p
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Thanks you for the Stretch Stretch Stretch advice Varda. The foam roller I ordered came today so I have had a go on it. Talk about feeling like a hippopotamus flailing around on the floor... But I have learnt that yes, the IT band on my right hand side may be A Thing, as going anywhere near there resulted in yelping, leaping away from the roller, and rocking while clutching my leg. I will have another go when I have posted this, but more importantly I have booked a sports massage with a voucher I got a while ago. So we will see what state I am in after that on Friday.

    Flashbacks to my first time on the foam roller! That sounds about right.

    I totally want to run on a treadmill on a trailer with a bubble over it that somebody else is pulling. They could pull it with a truck. You would feel like you were flying!

    That's the only way I'd be able to do a 5 minute mile.

    Of course you'd totally feel like you were flying if the truck hit a pothole.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    Also, after my whinging about a lack of short races in this area over winter (Be sensible 'Dip - it is winter in Scotland. Nobody goes outside if they can help it.) I remembered about Parkruns, and that there is actually one that is technically walkable from here. So I signed up. Then I started looking at the results tables from the last few months. Usually about 50 runners, a hilly course and... well, I am coming last if I get up the courage to go along on saturday. Yup. My best time will get me in about last.

    Sounds like one of Beth's races. Maybe you could dress up like Braveheart or something and really rock it.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    .5 mile + 1 minute walk X 4 last night. Averaged in the 12:15's per mile. It was AWESOME. It was so nice to be back running and it wasn't the slog that recovering after my last bout of illness was 4 months ago (of course, I wasn't also experiencing my first summer as a runner). I think I'm going to do two straight miles on Thursday, three miles on Sunday and then build back up to the 15 miles a week I was doing.

    I'm actually considering doing Coach Jenny's marathon program - just changing the long runs to cap at 2.5 hours - to build up my base. I keep getting wheezy when I get down into the 10-minute mile pace so I think I'm going to work on my endurance for now. That will improve my pulmonary fitness, so I should be better able to focus on speed at the end of winter. Not that I'll ever be very fast, but I'll see more improvements if I can breathe :)
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    Awesome Varda. I am glad you are feeling better.
    Sounds like one of Beth's races. Maybe you could dress up like Braveheart or something and really rock it.

    Oh no no no... Not if I want to get out of the east end of Glasgow alive. I can't move fast enough for the chasing that would get me.

    ...actually... training plan?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Awesome Varda. I am glad you are feeling better.
    Sounds like one of Beth's races. Maybe you could dress up like Braveheart or something and really rock it.

    Oh no no no... Not if I want to get out of the east end of Glasgow alive. I can't move fast enough for the chasing that would get me.

    ...actually... training plan?

    Maybe you could sell it as a "fitness vacation" to overweight Americans?
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member

    Also, after my whinging about a lack of short races in this area over winter (Be sensible 'Dip - it is winter in Scotland. Nobody goes outside if they can help it.) I remembered about Parkruns, and that there is actually one that is technically walkable from here. So I signed up. Then I started looking at the results tables from the last few months. Usually about 50 runners, a hilly course and... well, I am coming last if I get up the courage to go along on saturday. Yup. My best time will get me in about last.

    Sounds like one of Beth's races. Maybe you could dress up like Braveheart or something and really rock it.

    I agree. It sounds like Beth's area. She and I run about the same speed and I am a little faster than mid-pack for my age group here. I don't think I should ever go run in her neck of the woods. Those are vicious runners.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member

    Also, after my whinging about a lack of short races in this area over winter (Be sensible 'Dip - it is winter in Scotland. Nobody goes outside if they can help it.) I remembered about Parkruns, and that there is actually one that is technically walkable from here. So I signed up. Then I started looking at the results tables from the last few months. Usually about 50 runners, a hilly course and... well, I am coming last if I get up the courage to go along on saturday. Yup. My best time will get me in about last.

    Sounds like one of Beth's races. Maybe you could dress up like Braveheart or something and really rock it.

    I agree. It sounds like Beth's area. She and I run about the same speed and I am a little faster than mid-pack for my age group here. I don't think I should ever go run in her neck of the woods. Those are vicious runners.

    I'm getting delusional again...thinking maybe...just maybe if I train hard for this HM I'm signed up for in May, that I can finish better than 3rd to last in some 5K's this Summer! I'm even thinking of pointing toward a mini tri at the end of Summer. But that's still a half-baked thought. My recent speedwork tells me I am capable of moving at at 6:38 mi/min pace, if only for a tenth of a mile, soooo, surely I can work on developing a sustained 10 min per mile pace? That would put at least a few runners between me and the ambulance! :-)
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member

    I'm getting delusional again...thinking maybe...just maybe if I train hard for this HM I'm signed up for in May, that I can finish better than 3rd to last in some 5K's this Summer! I'm even thinking of pointing toward a mini tri at the end of Summer. But that's still a half-baked thought. My recent speedwork tells me I am capable of moving at at 6:38 mi/min pace, if only for a tenth of a mile, soooo, surely I can work on developing a sustained 10 min per mile pace? That would put at least a few runners between me and the ambulance! :-)


  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    OK! You people are cracking me up with this treadmill in a bubble on a trailer thing!

    btsinmd-So glad to hear your trip went well both for your running/fitness goals and your doggies! They are such great looking dogs! Congratulations on their wins and yours (resisting an all out splurge). Don't you love having running as a "go to" for appetite control and calorie management?

    varda-Way to rock your return to running!!! I got wheezy for the first time in months doing sprints. My lungs are way stronger since becoming a runner, but I guess that was a bit beyond my cardiovascular fitness. We will get there though!

    madmiss-Your run on the beach sounds awesome! I haven't had a beach to run on since becoming a runner, but it's on my bucket list! I'm also very interested to hear how your five fingers go.

    solardippo-I too wrestle with totally flat (and pronating!) feet. I wear the severest arch support too little money can buy. I had to get used to them gradually, wearing them first for 1/2 an hour and then gradually more and longer. It was worth it though, as a lot of my pains and aches have gone. Form is also incredibly important. Thanks to Varda (:heart: ), I started working on it while still in my first weeks of running (week 5 of C25K) and I'm still working on it! :-) I am headed to a 3 hour form running clinic on the 5th of December (FREE!!! due my status as running coach for our women's running group next Spring! YAY!) Check out Chi Running. I got a book from the library, but I bet there are videos on line too. Keeping pulled out of my hips and being conscious to straighten up and not slump over, helped me tremendously, as did focusing on increasing my cadence.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Wow everyone is getting out there and achieving some wonderful results! Good to see Varda back too :)

    Went out today on my 'long' run and did 7miles in 1:18 which I'm happy enough with. Felt a bit like I was running out of steam around 4.5miles but then I got my mojo back around 5miles and made my target.

    That's the furthest I've run and I think I'll go to 7.5 next week and maybe stick at that for a few weeks to see if I can improve on the time.

    Spent the rest of my 'day off' redecorating the dining room so plenty of up and down ladders, bending and stretching ... think that took more out of me than the run lol

    You ran an awesome 7 miles, and then you were up and down a ladder re-decorating!? LOL! You are a rockstar!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    since 5k on saturday, i had 2.5 on sunday and 3 this morning...tomorrow is 2 miles easy, but it will be 19degrees F...after being 60 this morning.

    i hear you about leg pain..i have been relatively pain free until the 5K...the harsh reality of running on a track for the most part, left my muscles unprepared for the pace and hills of a 5K..

    so no more track for me...road and trails, and definitely no treadmill(mostly in part to not having access to one.

    19 degrees?! Gasp!
    I hear you about the track to road challenge. It's shocking the difference outdoors makes. I discovered that last Spring after starting indoors in the winter on a flat track. That's one reason I'm so determined to stay outside as much as possible this winter! But not at 19 degrees!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    What about a hamster ball? It would cut the wind and you'd probably heat up the inside pretty good when you got warm.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I have been struggling to stay consistent as the temperature drops. I did just over 9 miles last week, shooting for 12 miles this week. Today was 37 degrees, but the windchill brought it down to 23. Weather like this makes me want to curl up on the couch under a blanket, not go outside and face the elements. I did a 5K interval speed run. It wasn't very speedy since I decided to do it at a hilly park near me instead of track that is a little further away. I used to be afraid of hills, but now I see this as a way of making me stronger. Still the treadmill is looking very attractive. I just can't imagine running in the snow or sub-zero temperatures in January and February. I am strongly considering renewing my gym membership
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Last night was speedwork and that was a challenging workout! We did six intervals of 800m each at about a 6:50 min/mile pace. Those were hard and I really enjoyed the slow run intervals in between. Two laps around that track seems so far when your huffing along at such a fast pace.
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    And to combine all these madcap ideas:

    A fitness holiday for those wanting increase their speed - A chib proof (knifeproof) hamsterball training course through the eastend of Glasgow being mocked (encouraged) buy the ultrafit people I am going to be scared of on my parkrun all shouting Braveheart quotes at you. Windproof, rainproof and self heating, though oxygen might become an issue.

    I am going to go and shower then find a local hill to run up a few times and see how that feels. My legs feel much better today but the odd sore bits on my inner ankles near my non existent arches are tender, and possibly unstable. Hmmmm.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    And to combine all these madcap ideas:

    A fitness holiday for those wanting increase their speed - A chib proof (knifeproof) hamsterball training course through the eastend of Glasgow being mocked (encouraged) buy the ultrafit people I am going to be scared of on my parkrun all shouting Braveheart quotes at you. Windproof, rainproof and self heating, though oxygen might become an issue.

    I am going to go and shower then find a local hill to run up a few times and see how that feels. My legs feel much better today but the odd sore bits on my inner ankles near my non existent arches are tender, and possibly unstable. Hmmmm.

    If you have a different pair of shoes than you normally wear, sometimes the difference in the support can take pressure of sore areas enough that running isn't an issue.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Last night was speedwork and that was a challenging workout! We did six intervals of 800m each at about a 6:50 min/mile pace. Those were hard and I really enjoyed the slow run intervals in between. Two laps around that track seems so far when your huffing along at such a fast pace.

    I know. A quarter mile is the longest distance ever when you're putting it all on the line. But if you're up to a 6:50 at a half mile, hitting that at a mile is like right around the corner! You're going to be up there with the Kenyans!