Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    about 15 years ago we had a 2 mile run for our PT tests, but that was about the extent of my running...while in military, i mostly hung out in bars during my free time.

    that seems so long ago now.

    3 miles this morning, easy pace, except for when i ran by a territorial skunk and had to pick up the pace when he started chasing me....my strava pace bar looks like a flat line except for about 300ft..when i spiked. lol
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I've been having a bit of a break from counting calories but I need to get back into it. Still running although not as far as I was as I'm still doing c25k with my kids, they're up to week 6 day 3 and going strong. I've entered the Garioch 10k in March (my kids are doing the 2k kids race) and the River Ness 10k again in September. Hopefully this will get me motivated again.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I've been having a bit of a break from counting calories but I need to get back into it. Still running although not as far as I was as I'm still doing c25k with my kids, they're up to week 6 day 3 and going strong. I've entered the Garioch 10k in March (my kids are doing the 2k kids race) and the River Ness 10k again in September. Hopefully this will get me motivated again.

    I spy with my little eye, something beginning with ... R!

    Welcome back! It's great that your kids are getting into running too ... though it must be freezing up there by now, getting really nippy down here. :smile:
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Getting further than ever. Yesterday was 5.35 with the new shoes - very happy my ankle doesn't hurt very very very happy!!!! I tried for a 10k on my own but after being sick for a few days last week I just didn't have the energy stored up. Tomorrow's run I will tho - since I got to eat 3 servings of pasta yesterday!!!! ;) I love negative calories!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    about 15 years ago we had a 2 mile run for our PT tests, but that was about the extent of my running...while in military, i mostly hung out in bars during my free time.

    that seems so long ago now.

    3 miles this morning, easy pace, except for when i ran by a territorial skunk and had to pick up the pace when he started chasing me....my strava pace bar looks like a flat line except for about 300ft..when i spiked. lol

    Giggle. Your first 6 minute mile!!!

    You know that one of Mark Remy's assignments for "The Runner's Field Guide" is to convince a first time runner to wait at least a year for their first marathon?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    It's official...Work sucks! Ok, so after doing a little catch up reading at lunch today, I think we should try for a sponsorship deal...Heck, I might even agree to be on a reality TV running program, if it meant getting to leave the interfering madness of my job behind and focus on running. And that's saying something, because reality TV typically irks me. We'd make it good though. Inspiring even! :-)

    And if that doesn't pan out...Anyone know of any available positions that would made a real difference in the world, or even in one other person's life? Because all this stress and drama over designing inexpensive apparel for boomer aged women is just so not worth it. I need to find a job with real meaning. I'm willing to relocate...

    I'll totally help you write the conceptual piece for the TV show.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    OMG. I just realized that I have a "delete" option for posts on this board. I'M A MODERATOR!!!

    So, what do you want changed???
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    It's official...Work sucks! Ok, so after doing a little catch up reading at lunch today, I think we should try for a sponsorship deal...Heck, I might even agree to be on a reality TV running program, if it meant getting to leave the interfering madness of my job behind and focus on running. And that's saying something, because reality TV typically irks me. We'd make it good though. Inspiring even! :-)

    And if that doesn't pan out...Anyone know of any available positions that would made a real difference in the world, or even in one other person's life? Because all this stress and drama over designing inexpensive apparel for boomer aged women is just so not worth it. I need to find a job with real meaning. I'm willing to relocate...

    I read an article on Fox News the other day about a group of people who run with people with disabilities or injuries. This group ran with a blind man who had then been hit by a cyclist in Central Park and broke his back. They trained with him, ran with him and all we're holding hands across the finish line. I start crying every time I think of this story, it was amazing. That's something like what I want to do with my life. You have to read this, It's amazing.

  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I've been having a bit of a break from counting calories but I need to get back into it. Still running although not as far as I was as I'm still doing c25k with my kids, they're up to week 6 day 3 and going strong. I've entered the Garioch 10k in March (my kids are doing the 2k kids race) and the River Ness 10k again in September. Hopefully this will get me motivated again.

    Yay! Romy! Good to see you back, and completely awesome that you are doing C25K with your kids! I love it!!!
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    My first official 10k is coming up this Saturday, right behind a cold front. The high on Saturday is predicted to be 36F, so I'm guessing at 7:30 AM it will be in the low 30's! BRRRR!!!

    Does everything in the US start so early in the day? 7.30 AM? And I keep reading about people getting up at 4.30 AM or out running or at the gym at 5.30 AM? Scotland doesn't wake up until 9... (well, awake at 7.30 maybe, but shops/ schools/ offices pretty universally start at 9.) When do you people sleep?!?!

    I'm right there with you. I am not a morning person. My husband calls me a vampire. The only time I can get out and run at 5:30 am is when I stayed up from the night before. I live in Canada now and same problem. I overslept an 8K race back in the summer. I felt like such a loser since I paid my money and trained for it, but my body was not cooperating with a 7:30 am race.

    Today I did a 3 mile "Speed" interval run. It was very windy (wind chill made it feel lie 23 F ) and hailing but I got it done. Heading into week 4 of Run Double's 5K improver program. I also made the switch to the Nike Run app for my tracking, since mapmyfitness is no longer giving me splits, so if anyone is on Nike please add me as a friend, username: Ty Malcolm
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    It's official...Work sucks! Ok, so after doing a little catch up reading at lunch today, I think we should try for a sponsorship deal...Heck, I might even agree to be on a reality TV running program, if it meant getting to leave the interfering madness of my job behind and focus on running. And that's saying something, because reality TV typically irks me. We'd make it good though. Inspiring even! :-)

    And if that doesn't pan out...Anyone know of any available positions that would made a real difference in the world, or even in one other person's life? Because all this stress and drama over designing inexpensive apparel for boomer aged women is just so not worth it. I need to find a job with real meaning. I'm willing to relocate...

    I read an article on Fox News the other day about a group of people who run with people with disabilities or injuries. This group ran with a blind man who had then been hit by a cyclist in Central Park and broke his back. They trained with him, ran with him and all we're holding hands across the finish line. I start crying every time I think of this story, it was amazing. That's something like what I want to do with my life. You have to read this, It's amazing.


    Chills and tears. What an amazing guy! And a great group!

    P.S. Go get that 10K, madmiss! :wink:
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    OMG. I just realized that I have a "delete" option for posts on this board. I'M A MODERATOR!!!

    So, what do you want changed???

    Don't let all that power go to your head! LOL!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have kind of an awesome job (we even have a TrekDesk so I could run at the office if nothing else) but I do think this group could make an entertaining reality show.

    Sorry things are so awful at work right now Beth. Hope you can find some relief from the stress. Life's too short to be miserable that many hours of the day.
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    It's official...Work sucks! Ok, so after doing a little catch up reading at lunch today, I think we should try for a sponsorship deal...Heck, I might even agree to be on a reality TV running program, if it meant getting to leave the interfering madness of my job behind and focus on running. And that's saying something, because reality TV typically irks me. We'd make it good though. Inspiring even! :-)

    And if that doesn't pan out...Anyone know of any available positions that would made a real difference in the world, or even in one other person's life? Because all this stress and drama over designing inexpensive apparel for boomer aged women is just so not worth it. I need to find a job with real meaning. I'm willing to relocate...

    Awww Beth.

  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    We have snow! Winter is officialy here. This is my favourite kind of weather for running.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I've been having a bit of a break from counting calories but I need to get back into it. Still running although not as far as I was as I'm still doing c25k with my kids, they're up to week 6 day 3 and going strong. I've entered the Garioch 10k in March (my kids are doing the 2k kids race) and the River Ness 10k again in September. Hopefully this will get me motivated again.

    I missed you though! Happy to see that you and your kids are running. I've not been counting calories either. I need to start for a week or two. I've been off the chain this last week (I make the BEST birthday cake EVER).
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    It's official...Work sucks! Ok, so after doing a little catch up reading at lunch today, I think we should try for a sponsorship deal...Heck, I might even agree to be on a reality TV running program, if it meant getting to leave the interfering madness of my job behind and focus on running. And that's saying something, because reality TV typically irks me. We'd make it good though. Inspiring even! :-)

    And if that doesn't pan out...Anyone know of any available positions that would made a real difference in the world, or even in one other person's life? Because all this stress and drama over designing inexpensive apparel for boomer aged women is just so not worth it. I need to find a job with real meaning. I'm willing to relocate...

    You know what? Affordable, attractive clothes for boomer women IS an important thing to do. One of the things I hated about being fat were the lack of options available to me. It's really hard to maintain a positive self-image when getting dressed each morning is a struggle and a visit to the clothing store ends in tears.

    However, stress and drama is stupid. We do it here too. It's not like any of this is a surprise to anybody. It's not like the company is going to go under if we revise a schedule by two weeks and actually do a pilot so we don't play catch-up on the back end. But we're not about to do anything that like that.

    Maybe you should open your own line. Call it "Better than Ever" Make dress clothes from technical fabrics....
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    OMG. I just realized that I have a "delete" option for posts on this board. I'M A MODERATOR!!!

    So, what do you want changed???

    Don't let all that power go to your head! LOL!

    Watch me change the group description! Who else wants to be a moderator?
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Love the changes you've done so far, Varda!

    I put in 20 miles on the bike yesterday. I am still behind on my goal of 250 miles this month, and the weather isn't looking like it will cooperate! :grumble:
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270

    4 miles this morning, no skunks but I did see a fox about 10 feet away. I stopped to grab a photo, but he scampered off before i could get my phone out of the armband.

    Love those early morning runs...barely any cars and the wildlife....well it's pretty wild. I forgot to mention the other day, I opened my door and thought I tripped over our cat, until I looked up and seen the fattest raccoon ever skittle across my back.