Running accountability!



  • takerbrat
    takerbrat Posts: 81 Member
    I am not a runner now, I used to be - I competed in track meets every year that I was in high school and continued to run through my 20s until I had children. Picked it up again for a while when I got divorced but eventually remarried and my new husband gave me a reason to stay in bed in the mornings! You have all inspired me to give it a try again . . . any suggestions on how to start? What is the couch to 5k - online resource, group class, book?
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I was reading about the NYC marathon in today's paper; looks like they had a great time! I heard the women's finish was really exciting. Apparently the 2nd place finisher was in the lead for something like 24 miles and then got passed up in the last 2. WOW.

    takerbrat: I downloaded the C25K app from the British NHS on my ipod. She coaches you through 3 workouts/week for 9 weeks. I think most C25K programs have a similar schedule. Nowadays I listen to a running story game called "Zombies, Run!" when I go out and that app, while pricey at $8 or $9, includes a separate 5K training program right in the app. Then when you graduate from 5K you can listen to the regular storyline and run from invading zombie hordes! I love it.

    I came thisclose to doing another 10K this weekend, got to 5.975 miles. Still slow and steady, as always. The difference yesterday was that I felt like I still had a little gas left in the tank when I finished. My weight loss, like my running pace, is very slow, but I feel like I'm making improvements in stamina and energy.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Marathon was amazing experience. It was a gorgeous day and the crowd support was amazing. I loved evey minute of it until about mile 23-24. Then I just wanted it to be over. My running partner and the crowds around/in central park helped me get through the last 3 miles. I was a slower than I was hoping to be but I honestly don't think I could have run any faster. It felt like I was running FAST! LOL.

    When it was over I was in so much pain. but after sleep hot shower and massage I am only a tiny bit sore.

  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Marathon was amazing experience. It was a gorgeous day and the crowd support was amazing. I loved evey minute of it until about mile 23-24. Then I just wanted it to be over. My running partner and the crowds around/in central park helped me get through the last 3 miles. I was a slower than I was hoping to be but I honestly don't think I could have run any faster. It felt like I was running FAST! LOL.

    When it was over I was in so much pain. but after sleep hot shower and massage I am only a tiny bit sore.


    Well done!!!! Woo hoo!!!! I'm in complete and utter awe.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Takerbrat - Zen Labs has a free C25K trainer. I have an iPhone, so downloaded it from the itunes store. I like the fact that it integrates the prompts with your personal playlist. It's a great program, and allowed me to run my first 5K. Seriously, I was NOT a runner before, and now I (sorta) am!

    Redredy9 - AWESOME! A marathon is a huge achievement - there are not a lot of people on the planet who can do it. Seriously, be VERY proud of yourself! And 5:03 is a great time! Congrats!

    I'll be running in the dark tonight after work. With the time change, the sun sets at 5:04 pm today, and I work until 5:30. Fun times!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Does anybody else get completely wiped out after a run? I ran last night when I got home from work - the actual running portion was about 4 miles / 6.5 km. My (slow) pace is 5.5 mph/8.8 km/h, and when I finished it, I was DONE. Like sit on the couch and don't move done. I didn't have this happen in the C25K trainer - so, is this normal or do I need to dial it back a bit? I've seen advice floating around to not increase your distance more than 10% week over week - and the jump between W8 of C25K and W9 of 10K is an additional 10 minutes of run time. Which is approximately 1.5 km. That's a 30% distance increase WOW. Is that the problem? Or does it not matter at these small distances?
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Does anybody else get completely wiped out after a run? I ran last night when I got home from work - the actual running portion was about 4 miles / 6.5 km. My (slow) pace is 5.5 mph/8.8 km/h, and when I finished it, I was DONE. Like sit on the couch and don't move done. I didn't have this happen in the C25K trainer - so, is this normal or do I need to dial it back a bit? I've seen advice floating around to not increase your distance more than 10% week over week - and the jump between W8 of C25K and W9 of 10K is an additional 10 minutes of run time. Which is approximately 1.5 km. That's a 30% distance increase WOW. Is that the problem? Or does it not matter at these small distances?

    yes - so many variable go into how you feel during and after a run. I've done marathons and then gone out to party but I've also done plenty of 3 milers that left me ready for bed. It could be sleep, nutrition, hydration, stress, or your body adjusting to the increased exercise or even the time change (I know I've been going to bed earlier this week). You are also in a building stage as you work on increasing your distance so its probably going to feel like its taking a lot out of you until you get used to it but you will get used to it and probably sooner than you think.

    I wouldn't worry about increasing more than 10% at this stage in the game. Just try it and see how you do! If its too much you can just keep repeating W8 until you are ready to step up to W9 right?

    ETA: Good work and keep it up!
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    Help! Since I've been picking up speed and distance with couch to 5km I have the most horrible giant blisters on my ARCHES! I have two month old addidas runners, running socks, blister pad covers, you name it but nothing seems to work! I made it to W6D2 but I couldn't walk around after becuase my blisters were insane, just at work I have blister pads on and have tapped my feet so I can get around the office without hobbling. Today i am missing out on W6D3 becuase they are still in terrible shape from Tuesday...

    Any advice???
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    It sounds like the arches of your shoes are too high for the arches of your feet. All I can really suggest is new shoes built for people with flatter feet.

    Try these shoe finders:

    Believe me I know that it sucks having to replace almost new shoes but if you have flat feet and your shoes have high arches there is really no other solution.
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks Red!
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Thanks Red!

    No prob! Before getting new shoes you could also try new socks.

    There are different types of running socks. I've found that I like thin socks or compression socks best. Running socks that are too cushioned give me blisters. So not all running socks are for all runners. Who knew a seemingly simple thing like socks was so complicated?!?! I swear I didn't before becoming a runner! If you are using cushioned try compression or thinner socks, if you are using thin socks try cushioned. Maybe switching the socks could save you shoe $$
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    W10D1 is done. For the running portions, I ran almost 7 km! I'm not enjoying this nearly as much as I did the C25K. I find that the time really drags...but then again, the segments ARE longer. I find myself just enduring it. Any tips on how to make the run part more enjoyable? Or is that something that will come once I finish "training"?
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Hey? Where are all you runners? Staying inside where it's warm? ;)

    Checking in with today's run. So, I got home a bit late and didn't hit the streets until 7ish. It was -3C and -10C with the wind chill. I decided on a cotton long sleeve with tshirt over top, the cheap poly/cotton yoga pants I usually wear under my hockey gear, skate socks, wool headband (for my ears, really) and my touchscreen gloves. 10 minutes in and my hands were number - the gloves are thin, not windproof and the windchill just cut right through them. I had to swing by home to grab a second cotton pair to double wrap my hands. I didn't want to wear my waterproof ski gloves because they're waterproof, and don't breathe. Sweaty hands are as bad as frozen hands.

    Today's run felt better than the last one. My legs felt stronger, and it wasn't just "enduring" the run. But it's still quite a challenge.

    So, that was W10D2 done. Just under 7 km of actual run time. According to MFP, it was a 625 calorie burn. I've got 7 weeks until the end of the year, and 6 pounds until I'm back in the "healthy" BMI. I think I can do it!
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Yes Zanne54! Too cold.

    I haven't been out for a run since the marathon. I planned on taking a full week off but then on Sunday was too hung over and tried from a wedding I attended on Saturday night :embarassed: Monday and yesterday I overslept and had plans after work. Tonight, no excuses I AM RUNNING! Slow and easy loop off my park maybe with the begginners running group led by one of my training group coaches.
  • Runningcircuits
    Yup, too cold. It's me and DVDs for the next several months. I hopped on my treadmill yesterday to see if the broken bolt would hold the belt tight enough so I could at least do some walking hill work. No go - it was scraping the side in a few seconds. I haven't found a repair company yet who will give a free estimate.

    I miss running!!!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I did my run yesterday in 28 degree weather. Granted, I purposely didn't check the temperature until I got back, because I'm pretty sure if I had known it before I left I would have climbed back into bed, lol.

    I wore long running pants (yoga type, flared at the bottom not compression tights), a tshirt and long sleeved running jacket, a wool headband, and gloves. By mile 2 I took off the gloves because my hands were starting to sweat. When I got home (4 miles total) my nose and thighs were still cold to touch but I didn't feel uncomfortable. The rest of me was toasty, and as I quickly started cooling down I just jumped in a hot shower and felt fine. I really think with a few more articles of clothing like warmer pants and maybe some kind of buff to cover my nose and mouth, I could run in even colder temps.

    The best part is, I no longer have an excuse not to run at 28 degrees or higher! I can remind myself that I did it once, I can do it again. I'm actually kind of terrified that I'm going to quit running over the winter (again) and lose all the progress I've made. But I have a few contingency plans like joining the month-to-month gym down the road or using the On Demand exercise videos on cable. I can't give up!!!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Red, you get a pass as you're recovering from the marathon. And I wouldn't run the day after attending a wedding either. Hell, I usually wake up still drunk the day after a wedding anyway! I hope you enjoyed your rest and had an enjoyable easy run today!

    SlotB - that sucks that your treadmill is broken. I dunno how handy you are, or if you have handy friends - but my not-so-handy DH has figured out how to fix a lot of things by looking it up on youtube. Seriously, have a look. It's too bad it's too cold for you outside.

    Knit - I know exactly how you feel! I was scared of trying to run in the cold, but found out that I actually kinda enjoyed it. It's a bit of trial & error to figure out what you need to wear when you start off freezing and end up having to remove clothing during the run because you're too hot. It sounds like you're wearing very similar clothing to me for similar temperatures, except I don't have a running jacket and have been doubling up on the shirts. I bet I won't have to buy tights / running jacket until it gets another 10 degrees colder - so I might be able to hold out for Christmas presents! One of the girls I play hockey with is longtime runner - she told me a trick - that you dress for 10 degrees warmer than the temperature, because that's how much you heat up while running. That's helped me a lot in what to wear.

    Today was W10D3 on the 10K trainer. It was a bit tough at first as I did some major house cleaning today - shampooed the carpets and the couch. Heavy lifting to move all the furniture out of the room, very thorough vacuuming, and then dragging that big heavy machine around, filling and emptying buckets of water. And then I sat down for about 10 minutes, and off I went on my run. Yes, my legs were heavy for the first segment. And I ran slower than my normal pace because I was tired. But I persevered and finished it. After the initial shock of a big increase the first week beyond the C25K into the 10K trainer, I'm finding it's getting easier again. Which is good, because the next jump is to 17 minute runs / 1 minute walk x 3. That's Saturday!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    What? nobody's run in the past 5 days? Come on you runners - this is the accountability thread! Where are you?

    I ran W11D1 last night. 17 min run, 1 min walk x 3. It wasn't that bad. I added some new tunes to my playlist, and I try to let my mind wander a bit while I'm running, so I'm not just thinking "is it over yet is it over yet is it over yet". PSA: tie your shoes tightly as it's very difficult to retie them during the run while wearing 2 pairs of gloves. Oh, and if you do stop, make sure to restart the app. I ran several minutes longer than I should have, until I figured out why I STILL had 6:56 to go...several times. Looking up my route on the google pedometer, I estimate I ran 8.1 km in 57 minutes. Nowhere near pace for a 10K in 60, but I ran 8 km! Considering I challenged myself with a 5K just 3 weeks ago, it's mind-blowing that I'm running 8 km now.

    However, I do foresee it becoming more & more difficult to keep running as the weather gets colder. Because I get SO hot while I'm running, I wear the least amount of clothing possible. Which makes it super COLD when I step outside and during the warmup. Will have to go to bed early tonight in order to do tomorrow's run before work. Going out with a gf for dinner tomorrow night. Send me good wakeup vibes!

    And I hope to see some more checkins from y'all.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I ran 6 miles on Sunday. Since then though...crickets chirping...

    I have my community 5K on Sunday and I suspect after that I'll be limiting my runs to the weekends so I can go midday. I just can't deal with the dark and cold like I thought I could. Starting next week I'm going to integrate more strength training videos into my routine, and I think that will be what pulls me through the winter so I can still keep eating at my current calorie level and losing.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I ended up staying late at work and missed the run last week then I was out of town over the weekend so no running until yesterday morning before. But I finally ran! It actually wasn't too bad. I think I prefer running in the mornings during the winter. I left the house a little late and then my dog was being a brat so I only ran 3 miles instead of my usual 4.2 but hopefully tomorrow I can get in the whole loop!