EPLWE! general chit chat thread.



  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Edit: to add, I agree with BrainyBurro's suggestion about preplanning, as well. That has been a tremendous help for me. I sit down every evening and plan all my meals and the treats for the next day.

    This is exactly why I am doing this challenge. It is like a "reverse" thinking process for me. By building my day around the "treats" (the metaphorical anti-carrot) It really makes me eat "clean" the rest of the day.

    That is the irony here! - Eating Pizza requires DISCIPLINE! (my mind is officially blown) :glasses:

    @LadyKT - Hang in there - we are here for you :smile:

    Yes! I put in the treat first and build around it too! It does work wonders.

    I have to be selective in my treats. I can do pizza daily, i just cant order the whole pie and expect it to last an entire week. Same thing when it comes to sweets. Cant get an entire chocolate bar and expect it to last the car ride home ...

    I dont like throwing the "food addict" term around, but i have the tendencies. Ill get through this.

    i bought a couple of pizzas i late september. ate my fill. then froze the rest individually. you'd be surprised how easy it is to avoid the temptation of pizza when you have to let each slice thaw for a couple of hours before nuking it for 45 seconds in the microwave (aka death box) so that you can eat it. these slices would not have lasted this long if just kept in the fridge, but in the freezer it's a different story. :)

    Your discipline is impressive!

    I agree about pizza being hard to resist in the refrigerator
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Great ideas here! I think I will see if I can buy a whole pie and divide into individual slices and put it into the freezer! Fortunately, there are enough places around when I travel where I can grab a slice.

    (I am going to get into the "lab" and cook up a really "evil" Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets parmigiana concoction!:devil: )
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I have to be selective in my treats. I can do pizza daily, i just cant order the whole pie and expect it to last an entire week. Same thing when it comes to sweets. Cant get an entire chocolate bar and expect it to last the car ride home ...

    I dont like throwing the "food addict" term around, but i have the tendencies. Ill get through this.

    It is tough sometimes to have it in the house. With chocolate, I pretty much have to hide it on myself or freeze it if I buy more than a portion. I'm one of those people who have to buy Halloween candy umpteen times, because I'll eat it if I buy it in advance. I guess what I do now is I put my foot down with myself a little. I take it one day at a time and when cravings come, most of the time I am able to stay firm and I remember that I CAN have what I want, but it has to wait until after supper, (or maybe until tomorrow). I'll sit down and plug a good portion of it into my diary and see if I can make it work. Usually it's do-able. Sometimes, it's not worth it and I swap in a lower calorie choice, but one that doesn't affect the quality. I'm talking stuff like swapping out real cake for angel food cake, not swapping out pizza crust for cauliflower, that's just wrong! :laugh:
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    What I like about food logging in general (MFP is not the only site), is that it forces you to confront what you really eat and what your food habits are. At first it was really ugly... i would stop logging for days when I would eat 4009-5000 calories of Junk at fast food places and convenience stores. Then, I slowly started to log everything and that alone was enough for me to pause and say "do I really want to do that"?

    Eventually i started to build a balance between eating and exercise a few months ago and finally understood that I didn't need to starve myself to lose weight.

    I built up a "clean list" of go to "clean foods" that if I ate at certain intervals, I could meet my goals. Chicken breasts, egg whites, salads, apples, almonds, protein powder, oatmeal.. but it wasn't exciting.

    Now I feel like I am already "on maintenance" (in reality I have 30+ lbs to lose) and it is fantastic.

    The keys

    1. Plan your days in advance as much as possible. I found that even travelling on business I can do this.
    2. Exercise a lot - I call it the "safety valve"
    3. Take a long view approach (weekly for example) like this challenge instead of pronouncing a 'red" day a "failure"

    It is still too early to tell.. but making sure I eat something previously "forbidden" has become a game. I am less stressed out about what I eat and so far I have been meeting my goals. It will be really interesting to see 27 days from now!

    Go for it everyone!
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    What I like about food logging in general (MFP is not the only site), is that it forces you to confront what you really eat and what your food habits are. At first it was really ugly... i would stop logging for days when I would eat 4009-5000 calories of Junk at fast food places and convenience stores. Then, I slowly started to log everything and that alone was enough for me to pause and say "do I really want to do that"?

    Eventually i started to build a balance between eating and exercise a few months ago and finally understood that I didn't need to starve myself to lose weight.

    I built up a "clean list" of go to "clean foods" that if I ate at certain intervals, I could meet my goals. Chicken breasts, egg whites, salads, apples, almonds, protein powder, oatmeal.. but it wasn't exciting.

    Now I feel like I am already "on maintenance" (in reality I have 30+ lbs to lose) and it is fantastic.

    The keys

    1. Plan your days in advance as much as possible. I found that even travelling on business I can do this.
    2. Exercise a lot - I call it the "safety valve"
    3. Take a long view approach (weekly for example) like this challenge instead of pronouncing a 'red" day a "failure"

    It is still too early to tell.. but making sure I eat something previously "forbidden" has become a game. I am less stressed out about what I eat and so far I have been meeting my goals. It will be really interesting to see 27 days from now!

    Go for it everyone!

    Great attitude! Have a great October!
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    It is still too early to tell.. but making sure I eat something previously "forbidden" has become a game. I am less stressed out about what I eat and so far I have been meeting my goals. It will be really interesting to see 27 days from now!

    Go for it everyone!

    Great attitude! Have a great October!

    Thanks! - Enjoying it!
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I know this is "random" but one of the keys to me eating all this awesome pizza, ice cream, and burgers. is making sure that I get up early and workout.

    I am on my 21st weekday of getting up between 5:00 -5;30 AM and getting out the door before 6;00 am to workout. That is a NSV for me!


    39.5 miles

  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    I just got an e-article from Fitness Magazine entitled "10 Foods to Never Eat." If you're wondering, frosting, bagels, donuts, bacon, and soy sauce are all included in the list of no-nos. (http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/eating-help/calories/foods-to-never-eat/)

    ... lol.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I just got an e-article from Fitness Magazine entitled "10 Foods to Never Eat." If you're wondering, frosting, bagels, donuts, bacon, and soy sauce are all included in the list of no-nos. (http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/eating-help/calories/foods-to-never-eat/)

    ... lol.

  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I just got an e-article from Fitness Magazine entitled "10 Foods to Never Eat." If you're wondering, frosting, bagels, donuts, bacon, and soy sauce are all included in the list of no-nos. (http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/eating-help/calories/foods-to-never-eat/)

    ... lol.

    Looks like a little "side challenge" to see how many of these we can eat (::evil laugh::)

    Although - I think I will substitute real butter for the margarine
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    On a similar note.... I saw a quote from Oprah (Who I really dig by the way) a few years ago talking about how she lost weight. She said that she literally did not have bread for two years. What scared me thinking back is that I sat there and nodded to myself "Yep, she is right - If I am really serious, I will learn to eliminate bread from my diet".

    There are people that will go to their grave thinking:

    1. Being a little hungry every day is good.
    2. There are certain foods that you have to learn how not to eat at all.
    3. They only way to lose weight is eat as few calories as you can stand to eat!

    This challenge is expanding my mind! :drinker:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I just got an e-article from Fitness Magazine entitled "10 Foods to Never Eat." If you're wondering, frosting, bagels, donuts, bacon, and soy sauce are all included in the list of no-nos. (http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/eating-help/calories/foods-to-never-eat/)

    ... lol.

    Looks like a little "side challenge" to see how many of these we can eat (::evil laugh::)

    Although - I think I will substitute real butter for the margarine
    That's genius. We should totally do that! We can call it the November Eat the Ten Foods To Never Eat EVERYDAY and Lose Weight Challenge. :laugh:
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    That's genius. We should totally do that! We can call it the November Eat the Ten Foods To Never Eat EVERYDAY and Lose Weight Challenge. :laugh:

    ^^^ this - Better move fast before that person who made the lose 40 lbs by New Year's challenge steals this idea! :drinker:
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    No pizza today, but I did have a slice of pink velvet cake :laugh: It went towards breast cancer research, so I was also being charitable at the same time. Win.

    Oh, and I didn't even finish the entire piece.

    Double win. :drinker:
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    That's genius. We should totally do that! We can call it the November Eat the Ten Foods To Never Eat EVERYDAY and Lose Weight Challenge. :laugh:

    ^^^ this - Better move fast before that person who made the lose 40 lbs by New Year's challenge steals this idea! :drinker:

    LOL the only way I'd lose 40 lbs by New Years is if I go along with my friend's joke of a hunger strike until the Giants win a damn game LOL.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    That's genius. We should totally do that! We can call it the November Eat the Ten Foods To Never Eat EVERYDAY and Lose Weight Challenge. :laugh:

    ^^^ this - Better move fast before that person who made the lose 40 lbs by New Year's challenge steals this idea! :drinker:

    LOL the only way I'd lose 40 lbs by New Years is if I go along with my friend's joke of a hunger strike until the Giants win a damn game LOL.
    But on my Facebook feed just now, "a local housewife lost 35lbs in 30 days on Garcinia Cambogia and she is making dieticians furious." :laugh: She also packed on a bunch of muscle and looks just like a movie star now. :wink:
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member

    But on my Facebook feed just now, "a local housewife lost 35lbs in 30 days on Garcinia Cambogia and she is making dieticians furious." :laugh: She also packed on a bunch of muscle and looks just like a movie star now. :wink:

    I have a friend who's selling Isagenix (insert collective "UGH!" here) and if you like or comment on any of her fb posts, she used to bombard you with whatever gimmic she's trying to sell! Sure she's lost a bunch of weight, but it doesn't teach you how to eat in the real world. And sure she's making money - but people will go broke buying this junk. Ugh.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member

    But on my Facebook feed just now, "a local housewife lost 35lbs in 30 days on Garcinia Cambogia and she is making dieticians furious." :laugh: She also packed on a bunch of muscle and looks just like a movie star now. :wink:

    I have a friend who's selling Isagenix (insert collective "UGH!" here) and if you like or comment on any of her fb posts, she used to bombard you with whatever gimmic she's trying to sell! Sure she's lost a bunch of weight, but it doesn't teach you how to eat in the real world. And sure she's making money - but people will go broke buying this junk. Ugh.
    Yes, I tend to avoid Facebook more and more. I subscribe to lots good pages like Alan Aragon, Impruvism etc...but my feed is STILL 99% fad diet pill/shake crap. it's no wonder so many people are confused about weight loss.
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member

    But on my Facebook feed just now, "a local housewife lost 35lbs in 30 days on Garcinia Cambogia and she is making dieticians furious." :laugh: She also packed on a bunch of muscle and looks just like a movie star now. :wink:

    I have a friend who's selling Isagenix (insert collective "UGH!" here) and if you like or comment on any of her fb posts, she used to bombard you with whatever gimmic she's trying to sell! Sure she's lost a bunch of weight, but it doesn't teach you how to eat in the real world. And sure she's making money - but people will go broke buying this junk. Ugh.
    Yes, I tend to avoid Facebook more and more. I subscribe to lots good pages like Alan Aragon, Impruvism etc...but my feed is STILL 99% fad diet pill/shake crap. it's no wonder so many people are confused about weight loss.

    I ended a friendship over Advocare. Seriously. She turned into a monster. No thanks!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I just got an e-article from Fitness Magazine entitled "10 Foods to Never Eat." If you're wondering, frosting, bagels, donuts, bacon, and soy sauce are all included in the list of no-nos. (http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/eating-help/calories/foods-to-never-eat/)

    ... lol.

    Looks like a little "side challenge" to see how many of these we can eat (::evil laugh::)

    Although - I think I will substitute real butter for the margarine
    Actually just for kicks and giggles, I will attempt to have all 10 in one day next week. I plugged them all into next Tuesday's diary (because Tues, Weds are my days off and high burn days and this week's are already planned) and it's totally do-able.
    These are the 10 Foods to never eat:
    Sugary Cereal
    Soya sauce 
    Jarred Spaghetti sauce
    Full calorie pop
    Canned Frosting
    Maraschino cherries
    Processed Baked Goods

    A Tim Horton's bacon breakfast bagel will take care of the first 3, then a bowl of Captain Crunch for a snack, a cup of rice with soya sauce for lunch, with some veggies, jarred spaghetti sauce with spaghetti and meatballs for supper with a can of Coke, then a processed angel food cake (that I have all the time anyway) with the canned icing and a cherry. If I throw in a protein shake and some chicken breast, I'll still have perfect macros and as long as I don't miss my kickboxing class, I'd still have about an 800 calorie deficit. :drinker: and if I die from overindulging in too many evil foods at once, at least I'll die happy. :bigsmile: