Daily Accountability



  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    @Calsgirl - Great job finishing T25 Alpha/Beta. Don't fear Gamma. You just have to do your best each time you push play. A lot of people say Gamma was their favorite. I love Speed 3.0 but I do not like weights and gamma is highly strength based. I made it through the 4 weeks and did well but I doubled up most videos with a Cardio. My muscles in my arms, shoulders and legs became fairly well defined by the end but I still hate weight lifting.

    What ever program you choose please stay with us and post daily. It helps a lot with our motivation as well as yours.

    I am thinking of starting my own group called "Daily Accountability" as I am getting tired of joining groups were the moderator/group starter drops out. This daily accountability is so important to stay motivated...
  • calsgirl18
    I love all the speed workouts, but because of my ankles I can't do a lot of jumping. I think I will give gamma another try. It just was a little intimidating watch speed 3.0. I can always adjust it and make it my own. Thanks!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    FYI, I started my own Daily accountability group :)
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Warrior-welcome back!! How cold is it where you are? I'm in WI and we were at -25 w/o the wind chill!!

    Calsgirl-hey great job! Please stick around.

    I did Rip't Circuit tonight even though it wasn't on my calendar. Mostly just b/c I didn't do it last week due to being sick so I wanted to see what it was like.
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Carrie - Thank you!! Temps are okay here in TN 6º before windchill. I was in Oshkosh mid-Dec and really enjoyed the 20º weather and snow. I am a former Yooper! LOL Glad you are feeling better, stay warm and healthy. Spring is on her way:happy:

    Calsgirl - FABulous achievement! I am so happy for you! Way to think positive on making Gamma your own:flowerforyou:

    Jake - Thanks for starting your own group, now that we know why we can and will hold you accountable:glasses:
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    And today's big lesson is: don't skip Thursday workout. Doing one in the evening after a double in the morning is not fun, but I have completed week 2!

    @Jake: Congrats and enjoy the recovery period. I live in South Africa so we are in the middle of summer now. However, I swim in the sea in the middle of winter as well, just not as often. The current on the south coast of the country is not too cold, Cape Town is a totally different situation due to the cold current.

    @Warrior: Thanks for the greeting, although I do need to point out that I am not a man.

    OPS!:embarassed: I made an assumption from the captain! My BAD! Please accept my sincere apology! I now stand more in awe of your workouts! You ROCK!!
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi! Everyone! Sorry I've been gone for so long! I hyper-extended my arm during my last round of T25 and it took a couple weeks to get better. At that point I was into Christmas activities with my kids and family and decided to put off FOCUS until the new year. I started up again this week. 3rd times a charm, right? So far I've knocked out Cardio and Speed 1.0. I'm modifying more to avoid another injury. Some workout is better than no workout and I REALLY want to finish this thing! Luckily, I did not have any changes in measurements since I stopped. I thought the scale didn't move either, but today was up 1.4 pounds from the lowest during last round. Could be from anything, but I'm grateful I didn't gain it all back!

    Thanks to all who reached out to me while I was MIA! It's good to know that people care about me! Even my cyber-friends! :)

    @wpwarrior - I am going to PM you.

    @jakeyuma - I'd like to join the new group.

    Can't wait to catch up with everyone!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Welcome back Jenni. Glad your doing better. Your more than welcome in the new group. I will try and send you an invite or just look in new groups for the Green acountability sign.
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Evening all, as much as I hate to do this I will not get my full core cardio in today. While heat to shop was restored late afternoon, I am tired (and cold) and once I go pick up my daughter will head to bed. Tomorrow has to be a more productive day!

    Jenni - so glad you are back
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    I'm taking this week off. Totally exhausted with the feelings of a cold threatening. The peek silly season is finished at work but I still have another week and a half to go before I get a decent break, and I work a 7 day week just before I get 7 days off. We start fencing again tomorrow and I am stoked to get back into it, as well as the fact that we have our first competition on Valentines weekend so need to get training. I hope to get back into routine next week after a quiet weekend...
    @Warrior: Thanks for the greeting, although I do need to point out that I am not a man.

    OPS!:embarassed: I made an assumption from the captain! My BAD! Please accept my sincere apology! I now stand more in awe of your workouts! You ROCK!!

    No worries, I can see how easy it world be to assume that. My grandfather was a captain in the merchant navy and I am proud of the maritime heritage he left me which is how I came to choose the name.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Focus T25 Week 1 Day 3 Total Body Circuit "Hit it"

    Still not a Nailed it Yet emoticon However I hit this video harder than ever and was rewarded with my best Calorie burn for this vid yet Burned 357 calories with AVG HR 138. First set of tap push-ups I smashed and got very confident that I would annihilate this vid this time. Then pike-ups took out some steam and I died during oblique knee push-ups followed by burnout tap push-ups. Gah, at least I have several more attempts at this one.

    Happy Hump Day Everyone.

    @Captain - Fencing sounds awesome. Please keep us posted how that training goes :)

  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Struggled through Core Cardio - managed to nail some of it (somewhat like nailing jello to the wall, though!) I am going to get my work caught up before I put my self through Ript' Circuit this afternoon.

    Jake - you will be missed, your energy is so inspiring

    Captain - thank you for your understanding! As you seem to have the most energy and charisma, I'll trust Jake will pass his mantle of leading this post on to you.

    Have a stunning Wednesday, all!
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing their best and continuing to "push play" I know it sounds so cliche, but I have so much more energy and a better mood when I exercise.

    Today was TBC for me and I still hate it! It's so not my favorite. I finished it though I can't say I nailed it. I am modifying most of the jumps and the spider push ups. I love doing the spider push ups, but that is how I hurt my arm last time and I'm determined to not repeat that. Overall, feeling good and glad I got the TBC out of the way early in the day so I don't have to dread it!

    Haven't had anything to eat yet today, but on my second cup of coffee - it was a rough night with the baby. Will try my best to stay within my calorie goals. Yesterday's eating was uneventful, but I almost got in all of my water.

    @wpwarrior - jakeyuma started a new group you could join in on if you'd like. :)
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    So, I was supposed to do Ript' Circuit today. However the harness work I had to finished did me in. At the end of the day my elbow hurts, hands are sore and feet are super tender. Still no hot water so I had to take my daughter to a neighbors to shower, I go pick her up in 30 min, by the time I cook dinner and clean up it will be close to 8. I have decided to take a partial personal day (joys of being the boss) tomorrow. So at this point in time I see no reason I cannot get a double T25 workout in and assemble my Roman Chair!

    Jenni - I have been posting withJake's new group, just have to pick on him for starting a thread and leaving it hanging...
  • calsgirl18
    Did gamma rip't up. And really enjoyed it! My arms are actually hurting. I'm excited about doing it again tomorrow. I'm glad I didn't just write it off as to hard.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Week 1 Day 4 Abs Interval "Nailed It"

    I got a little overconfident at the start of this video. My V sit was amazing and was little effort. I was, this vid is no sweat. 10 minutes later I am grunting, breathing, and wishing the pain was over. Avg HR was 117 with Max 154 total burn 276 Calories.

    Double Friday, Can't wait.

    (Gammer comment is something I posted on BB and wanted to share here as well)

    Gamers - I have been a gamer my whole live. I was always big in MMO's or Multi Member Games life World of Warcraft and MUDDs (text based games) prior. I would play for 48-72 hours straight eating chips, pizza, soda, little Debbie's, ice cream, anything I could. I remember once I ate 3 large pizzas over the course of a few hours. When not on-line I was playing sports games, Madden, EA Sports, Racing, ETC. It almost made a quick end of my marriage. By end of year 1 we had several big fights. I believe over the 2-3 years I got deeply involved in gaming 8 + hours a day I packed on weight from 171 at age 18 to well over 250 by 27. 27 is the magic year. That was when we had our biggest fight ever. Re-evaluated life and quit gaming. Still played the occasional Nintendo, PS game.

    From then on my weight increased to a staggering 290 pounds. So here I am today, 226.6 this morning (hoping to keep that number for SATURDAY), play outside with my boys 2 hours a night and 20 minutes of PS 3 with them on the weekend. Its really nice to have 2 healthy, active, slim/ripped boys. Too often I watch as kids my boys ages (4,7) are grossly overweight. Trying not to judge parents but I know if I kept my old lifestyle, my boys would not be as active or healthy today.

    - Calsgirl - Gamma disks grow on you. Great job nailing it.

    @ Warrior - grrrrrr.
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Good Thursday morning! So loving my personal day!! Got my chair assembled first thing and used it : ) YEA, me! I can handle being spoiled!

    My double T25 could have been better movement wise but I REALLY like Ript' Circuit and Dynamic Core so that combo was excellent! Really felt the RC exercises I did toward the end of DC! Wow, even the superman and rocket man were a challenge for me today! Yeah, the RC will be fun to use.

    My energy is still wavering not sure I need to further up my protein or what? Slightly concerned for RC and Speed 2.0 as my double tomorrow. And, I am a little concerned about Staturday - I don't want to know how much I weight, but then again I do!! ARGH!

    Jake - so proud of you for making the changes you have! You wife, I can imagine, is too! I commend you for taking the time to play with your boys, you are instilling qualities and establishing a firm relationship that you and your entire family with reap the benefits of for decades to come. I can imagine they are great inspiration for you to keep moving! You are Blessed!

    Calsgirl - Gamma starts for me next week - I can't wait to give it a play!
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    I"ve been forgetting to check in here but I've still been working out like a good girl.

    Jake-you remind me of my hubby. He was a major hard core gamer too. He got dx with type 2 diabetes a couple months ago though and he's done a total 180. He's down 40 lb already.
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I"ve been forgetting to check in here but I've still been working out like a good girl.

    Jake-you remind me of my hubby. He was a major hard core gamer too. He got dx with type 2 diabetes a couple months ago though and he's done a total 180. He's down 40 lb already.

    Congrats keeping up with the workouts! and to your hubby for his achievements so far! Keep it up!!

    Okay, so I just opened my Gamma DVD's!! Yah, I've had them since late Nov. and the box has sat unopened on my desk until now!!! I am soooooo psyched to begin it now!!! For those of you who are doing or have completed gamma did you do the pure Gamma or the hybrid? Posts from a T25 junkie.....:wink:
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    I did doubles today because it won't work for me to do them tomorrow! So pumped! Did Ab Intervals and Lower Focus. Cardio tomorrow and then enjoy the weekend!

    I can't help but weigh myself every day and today I am soooo excited!!! I'm down into the 130's for the first time in 2 years! I've lost 36 pounds since I had my son in June and I am 11 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight. What a great motivator for me today. I can't wait to see the total results for the week on STATurday!

    I think my body has finally regulated with the breastfeeding and is allowing me to shed weight. I was stuck for so long, but now my son is 6 months and starting on solids and I think my body is getting into a rhythm.

    @wpwarrior - Good luck with Gamma!

    @Carrie_P81 - glad you came to check in!

    @jakeyuma - You're story is awesome. It's so great for boys to have time with their dads and modeling a healthy lifestyle will serve them well throughout their lives. You should be proud of yourself!

    @calsgirl - Awesome job on gamma. Keep it up! I hear the results are amazing!

    Well everyone, I'm off to have a fan-tab-ulous rest of the day and will talk to all of you tomorrow :) Enjoy your day!