Daily Accountability



  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    That sucks about the weights Jake. Hope you can get new ones soon.

    Got abs in for the day. Totally wasn't feeling it/no energy. I'm glad I got it done though.
  • sarasharp1
    sarasharp1 Posts: 8 Member
    Ugh talk about taking wind out of the sail, jakeyuma. That SUCKS. I hope CS can help you out!! :(

    Did TBC today. Starting to do full planks instead of half. I still can not do a good pushup to save my life. I am SO weak upper body. I have decided to throw in some weight training 3x a week with T25 after our Christmas travelling although I'm tempted to start now. Marathon training starts at the end of January as well, so looks as if I'll be revving it up soon. Trying to lose the last of my baby chunk to actually look decent in a swimsuit this summer. *sigh* I have never been able to lose the spare tire, even when I was running 40+ miles a week. Any tips out there??

    Keep up the good work everyone.
  • SlytherinBat
    SlytherinBat Posts: 53 Member
    Sorry about the weights Jake. I'm sick today. Hopefully I'll be able to resume tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Beta
    Yesterday I did Rip't circuit and did a good job. I did not manage to do my workout today. Yesterday I overdid the amount of weight to use for dumbbell flies and now my shoulder is a little crunchy sounding. Hopefully I will be able to do today's workout tomorrow. I did get 6 workouts in this week so I am not gonna beat myself up if I miss today's.
    Great job everyone!!
  • Staturday
    I did Dynamic Core (Friday's) workout today and did a fair job and I also did the stretch dvd. Not only have I not lost any weight but I have put on 2 pounds. Tape measure does show 1/4" off waist, 1/2" off hip, and 1/4 off right calf. All in all I'm am pleased and trying to not think about the weight.
    Everybody have a great weekend:)
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Staturday "Rest Day"

    Good day on the scale. I lost 2 pounds this week. 1/2 inch of waist and 1 inch off chest. Kicking my calories up to 2300 seems to have done the trick. I think part may be some dehydration as well though emoticon water intake not so good this week.

    Morange don't worry too much about the sale. The inches are moving. Scale could be water weight, muscle build, too much salt, etc.
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Jakeyuma - how frustrating with the weights! Any luck w/ CS? Do you have any empty 20oz bottles? Fill them with sand and water. They won't be a heavy as what you are used to using, but it would still provide you some resistance. Or try using the free weight disc, although awkward to use, it is still weight.

    made it through the week. no real success, but there is alway next Sat! Gotta run!
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Staturday-weighed myself this morning and thought I hadn't really lost anything. Weighed myself again after my workout and I was down a pound. So I'll take that. 1/2" off my waist too. I can tell I'm getting more toned and more in shape but I have to admit I thought I'd be further along by now. But I am down 5# in a month so I guess I shouldn't complain too much.

    Speed 1.0 done-rest day tomorrow. A question for anyone doing Beta-I do need weights for that yes? I do have some light dumbbells but I'm wondering if that will be enough.
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    Hi Jakeyuma...I know you mentioned you did not like resistance bands but why not give them a try just until you get the weights at least you will still get your workout in...

    I did lower focus today because I missed it yesterday...Compared to the other alpha dvds this one wasnt as hard in my opinion...but I am sure my calves will burn tomorrow...

    First week of T25 done even though I barely made it...LOL
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Gamma Week 3 Day 1 Pyramid "Made It"

    I cannot claim a Nailed it on this one yet. However, I did make it to step 7 on pyramid Push-ups before modifying. I used the stupid bands..yuk..They did take a lot more effort though and my arms, neck, shoulder burned like hell. Perhaps they can be usefull..until I get my new weights. My wife let me use her adjustable weights and the adjuster broke on those droping 12 pounds of weights on my toe. Speed work-outs gave me speed enough to quickly move with only a glancing blow on my toe.

    Can't wait for payday to get a new set of weights. I think I am finished with adjustable weights. They are not strong enough for T25

    WpWarrior- Keep pushing play, Results wil come!!

    Carrie - Always good to see the inches falling away. That shows what you are doing is working. You are strengthenng and toning. The weight comes next. Keep at it!!!

    Lexlyn14 - Woot 1 week down. Keep pushing Play!!!
  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    I've decided to move into Beta early in anticipation for p90x3 to come. I did Speed 2.0 yesterday. I wish I had moved to Beta sooner. That workout was great! I definitely nailed it.

    Happy Monday, everyone!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Way to go PowerPuff. try Core Speed. That is almost as good as Speed 3.0 :)
  • hi guys!!

    i'm so glad to see you all getting along so well with the programme

    i have some not so good news apparently the doc said that i have "Jumper’s Knee" .... but i don't even jump that much :ohwell:
    and some thing called an MCL tear... But its not severe, so i'm out for the next 3-4 weeks .....

    just in time for me to gain a bunch of christmas weight ( this sucks) .....

    come january though, i'll be at it again .. but i'll have to do the programme totally Tania style lol!!

    i'll still be doing my food logs and some easy walking so hope fully i won't get too fat!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    Newbie here all the way from sunny South Africa. I need something to keep me busy and improve my overall fitness during our fencing off season so I thought I would give this a try. My coach is mad about Insanity but I am not brave enough for that yet.

    Just did day 1 Alpha Cardio. Managed most things without modify although far from Nailed it. Still, it was not as bad as I expected and looking forward to results down the line. Losing cm and killer grams will be great but my main focus is improving fitness...

    I will still keep swimming on some days as I can't lose the entire ocean season and of course it is back on the piste mid January to prep for competition in mid February.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    teemac - Sorry to hear about your injuries. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

    CaptainBoing - Welcome to the group. this is a great group of people posting regularly. I completed 2 rounds of T25 Alpha/Beta and am on my 1st round of Gamma. I love the series. The speed workouts are by far my Favorites.
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Jake-that totally sucks about your wife's weights breaking too!! I'd be so pissed.

    Captain-welcome to the group! :)

    TeeMac-sorry about the knee! Take it easy so it doesn't get hurt any worse.

    I got TBC done today. I tried doing it while both the kiddos were awake, BAD IDEA! lol. They would not leave me alone. I'm kinda dreading this week as I have TBC to do 2 more times yet. but I'm really looking forward to starting Beta next week and doing something new.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    And Day 2 is done. Am glad I chose to start with this instead of Insanity. 25 minutes I can handle now, after this I can try Insanity.

    @Carrie: I totally get the distraction element of kids. Mine are of the furry variety but they get locked in the rest of the house while I work out as my Labrador already wants to help out or take part and that is just too much for me.
  • Beta Week 5 day 1&2
    Yesterday I almost nailed Rip't Circuit & today I nailed Core Cardio with the exception of the diag. lifts but I did manage a few without modifying.

    jakeyuma - Way to keep going with the bands. Great job making it to step 7 with no modifications!!

    lexlyn14 - Way to go on lower focus - my calves/thighs always hurt the next day.

    Carrie_P81 - Great job on the loss. Beta does require weights or the bands. I feel ya on TBC. That workout always wears me out.

    TeeMac25 - Sorry that you can't do T25 right now but just keep moving:)

    CaptainBoing - Welcome to the group. Great job on your first 2 days:)

    poewrpuffgirl - I do prefer Beta to Alpha but I could have never managed if I hadn't started with Alpha. Great job on nailing Speed 2.0!

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Gamma Week 3 Day 2 Speed 3.0 + Core Speed (Nailed It!!)

    Wow, can't believe its week 3 of Gamma Already. My favorite day of the week, Speed 3.0. Hit everything and kept an avg HR of 154 with a max HR of 171. Decided to follow it immediately with Core Speed. I remember much more burpee moves in core speed. Guess Speed 3.0 put core to shame. I was about to put Speed 2.0 in when I caught a look at the clock and said, damn. I think doing the 4 speed workouts in back wards order is doable. Next Will be a triple Speed 3.0, Core Speed, Speed 2.0.

    Total Calorie Burn 835 Cal.

    Carrie - Good Job on TBC. Wait until you are half way through an ab routine and a 7 year old runs and jumps right on your stomach...

    Captain - Gratz on finishing day 2. My brother is sending me his copy of insanity. I hope it comes soon. I have 1.5 weeks left of Gamma and I think I will be ready for Insanity.

    Morange - Way to Nail Core Cardio. Nail Rip't Circuit next time.
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    I was trying to do the planks into spider lunges-the 4 year old was jumping on my back and the 2 year old was trying to do planks next to me!