Daily Accountability



  • SlytherinBat
    SlytherinBat Posts: 53 Member
    Week 2 day 2. Total Body Circuit complete. Still hard. Had to modify several times.
  • TeeMac25
    Week 2 Day 2 TBC..... not liking this at all!..... sluggish from a bad food day.... but I rallied through to get my workout in..... I think I'm gonna start to double up more regularly.... I just wanna throw in the extra cardio either in the morning or the night.... according to when I do the scheduled exercise....

    I wonder if that would throw off the exercise plan results in a negative way?
  • srosek217
    Total Body Circuit DONE!!! OMG! This was my toughest! I liked Speed 1.0 but this one just made me mad! Very happy to hear "TIME!"
  • morange66
    Beta Week 1, day 3 - Rip't Circuit
    I did not do this workout justice today. I did quite a bit modified and still can't get the V. I think the problem today is because it feels like someone shortened my hamstrings, they are soooo sore.

    Everyone keep up the good work and have a great day.
  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    Completed CLX Push Circuit 1 and T25 Speed 1.0 last night, as planned - burned 410 cals. I'm definitely jealous of everyone who can check off "nailed it." I dont modify most of the moves, but I feel like I'm not at the level of the others. My knees cannot go that high! I feel almost sluggish in comparison. My legs feel like a million lbs on some of the moves!

    My nemesis tonight: total body circuit.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Beta Week 5 Day 3 Rip't Circuit + Core Speed (Nailed it + Pushed Hard)

    Talked Kris into doing a double with me today. I nailed Rip't Circuit and thought I hit Core Speed Hard today but my HR was only avg 148 for speed when its normally in the 150's. 3 days of core speed is apparently too much for my knees. I felt some strange pains in my right knee and had to fight from overcompensating with my left leg. I think I will take a break from Core Speed tomorrow and maybe through in Upper focus with my Dynamic Core Day. I have to say, I feel my core is getting stronger. I nailed the 5 count abs workout with 0 breaks or mods. I also pushed through the 4 count leg lift and 4 count push-ups today. Like clock work I felt a huge surge of energy at 12 minutes left in Core Speed. That really is a strange feeling going from gassed to full energy in moments. Only 2 days left of Gamma and I will have completed it it. Round 1 we stopped gamma in week 4 for some reason that I forget.

    Can't wait for Gamma on Monday. I wonder when and if Delta will be released. Think I may try and talk the wife into buying a supply or two of E&E formula if I keep doing doubles. Is that just a caffien boast?

    BeachBody Black Friday Starts today at 12:00 noon PST:

    I don't have the official picture yet, but I can tell you the following are on big sale:
    TurboFire Deluxe DVD's 50% offf, TurboFire complete package 5% off, Fule Shot and Creatine 50% Off, Derm Exclusince skin products 38% off, E&E 90 day tub $50 off (that's big if you use it), Tai Cheng 50% off, Insanity Asylum 40% off plus free chinup bar (deal), P90X 33% off plus free chinup bar (deal), HHA Dance party 50$ off, BB Jump Mat 55% off,Stability Ball 61% off, Step with 4 risers 50% and BB Squishy Ball 69% off. Supplies will be limited so act fast.

    Happy Hump-day All

    PowerPuff - Nice Calorie burn yesturday. Enjoy TBC. Do your best and you will be nailing these in no time. I modified almost every video during round 1 of T25. Round 2 I have nailed every workout except TBC.

    MacSkills - 2 days down. Keep pushing play:) I love the speed workouts. 2.0 is better than 1.0 and Core Speed is better than 2.0. Can't wait to try Speed 3.0 on Monday.

    WpWarrior - Keep it going. You are nailing this program.

    Carrie - Good Job completing TBC. I believe its the toughest workout in T25 Alpha/Beta.

    Slytherinbrat - Way to hit TBC. I had 2 modify it during both rounds of T25 I completed. It is my nemesis.

    TeeMac - Way to push play even when feeling sluggish. Many people would just give up when feeling like that. I added extra doubles last week and it helped me break a 3 week platau.

    Srosek217 - Use that anger to crush TBC:)

    Morange - We all have bad days, great work pushing play and completing the video.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Just did day 2 week 1 of T25- Speed 1. Did about 3/4 with Shaun with low impact modification for about 1/4. Again- loved the format. The time went really quickly.
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Speed 1.0 done! I think that's my favorite one. I think I'm getting better, even did quite a few burpees instead of modifying. Really looking forward to my 4 day weekend coming up!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Speed 1.0 done! I think that's my favorite one. I think I'm getting better, even did quite a few burpees instead of modifying. Really looking forward to my 4 day weekend coming up!

    Well done- I didn't even ATTEMPT those!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Speed 1.0 done! I think that's my favorite one. I think I'm getting better, even did quite a few burpees instead of modifying. Really looking forward to my 4 day weekend coming up!

    Well done- I didn't even ATTEMPT those!
  • SlytherinBat
    SlytherinBat Posts: 53 Member
    Week 2 day 3 Speed complete. 265 cal. burned. Went a bit over my calories allowed today but it was my birthday. You only turn 40 once! Have a wonderful thanksgiving everyone.
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Week 2 day 3 Speed complete. 265 cal. burned. Went a bit over my calories allowed today but it was my birthday. You only turn 40 once! Have a wonderful thanksgiving everyone.

    Happy 40th! I'll trust you had a wonderful day! ROCK solidly into your 40's!
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    NAILED the Beta Rip't Circuit this morning! Wow, I feel really great, I started adding protein powder to my diet on Sat - could this be the result of it?

    Have a stunning Thanksgiving Day my T25 pals. I fully intend to be up at 5:30 and nail it first thing!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Week 2 day 3 Speed complete. 265 cal. burned. Went a bit over my calories allowed today but it was my birthday. You only turn 40 once! Have a wonderful thanksgiving everyone.
    Belated Happy Birthday!
  • morange66
    Beta week 1 day 4 Dynamic Core
    I nailed Dynamic Core this morning with the exception of the V's. My V's look more like W's:laugh:
    I am not going to stress anymore about how many calories I eat today. I am calling it a free calorie day, as in on holiday's everything is calorie free:smile:
    I hope each and everyone one of you have a great Thanksgiving day.
  • TeeMac25
    Wk 2 Day 3 speed 1.0 done...... i was a little faster this week, but my legs are still pretty heavy, can't really get them off the ground yet, modified for most of it, but i'm not beating my self up for that ( i really thought that i would be a non modifier by the 2nd week :ohwell: )

    the upside... immediately after speed i did the cardio, and i know all the cardio moves modified by heart, i don't even need to look at the screen, what ever shaun T says i just do lol!! :drinker: ...... so last night was my first double up ( i doubled with cardio) ... tomm is cardio, i might double up with ABS .... doubling up wasn't as scary as i though it would be

    btw.. HAPPY THANKSGIVING, for all thouse of you that celebrate .... i'm from Trinidad and Tobago.... so we don't do that here, its just a regular day for me :sad: ... so when u eat a piece of turkey think of me :laugh:

    have a great day all!!!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Happy Turkey Day!! Completed Core Speed this AM. Waiting for my wife to wake so we can do Dynamic Core. Nailed Speed Cardio again. I think I am addicted to this disk as I did it every day this week and I think twice last week. MAx HR 161 Avg HR 148 Calorie burn 394 = 1 Large Slice of Pumpkin Pie at Dinner :)

    What are you thankful for today?

    I am thankful for the good health of my family and for losing 62 pounds with Power 90 and 2 rounds of T25.
  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    I really, really didn't want to do Total Body Circuit yesterday. So much so, that I didn't get around to doing it until 11:30pm! But I did it. Burned about 240 cals.

    @jake - Thanks! Good to know I will never like TBC! Ha.

    @slytherin - Happy belated!

    And Happy Thanksgiving to every who is celebrating! We had Thanksgiving last month. I'm jealous. I want some turkey and pumpkin pie.

    Onto CLX Push Circuit 2 and T25 Ab Intervals tonight. I'm also not a fan of the ab intervals.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I really, really didn't want to do Total Body Circuit yesterday. So much so, that I didn't get around to doing it until 11:30pm! But I did it. Burned about 240 cals.

    @jake - Thanks! Good to know I will never like TBC! Ha.

    @slytherin - Happy belated!

    And Happy Thanksgiving to every who is celebrating! We had Thanksgiving last month. I'm jealous. I want some turkey and pumpkin pie.

    Onto CLX Push Circuit 2 and T25 Ab Intervals tonight. I'm also not a fan of the ab intervals.
    At least you get thanksgiving- in the UK we don't get it at all!
  • TeeMac25
    Happy Belated Birthday Slytherin!!!