Daily Accountability



  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Week 5 Day 1 Rip't Circuit +2:30 Plank "Crushed It"

    I can't believe my final week of Beta is here. Gamma is in my sights. This was the hardest I hit Rip't. Avg HR 123 Max 149. Pretty good I think for the break in cardio throughout this program. I completed the abs very well, impressed actually. Looking forward to the week.

    Great job over the weekend everyone. Sunday rest day was awesome and a well needed break.
  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    I slacked on thursday and friday, so I had to make these days up on the weekend. Which I did! I completed friday's double yesterday. Omg. Those lunge pulses. I can barely walk today. My hamstrings are screaming. I hope these moves whittle my thighs down.
  • srosek217
    Today is DAY 1 for me! :happy: I was somewhere between nailed it and barely made it. It was butt kicking good though!

    QUESTION TO ALL: The one thing I'm concerned about; my lower back feels more sore than my abs, is anyone else experiencing this? Does it mean I'm doing something wrong?
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Powerpuff - Good job on making up the missed excersizes. Lower focus is brutal and the thighs. I lost a lot on my thighs for awhile and then I began building muscles and they have been relatively the same for the last few weeks. slight up and down.

    Srosek217 - when doing abs, make sure you are tightning your ab muscles throughout the excersize. It will take some of the strain off your lowerback. You will be building your lowerback muscles throughout the program. I take tylnol or Ibuprofen in the AM.
  • srosek217
    Thanks again jakeyuma!
  • SlytherinBat
    SlytherinBat Posts: 53 Member
    Week 2 Cardio done! Burned 265 cal.

    About 7 min. into it I really regretted having the heater on. I'm definitely looking more toned. Good work everyone. Keep it up!!!
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    We ran out of propane so it was COLD in here today and I skipped my workout. They refilled it at 5:00 this afternoon and it is warming up a bit now. I will likely do doubles tomorrow and Friday this week to catch up.

    No movement on the scale again! I am VERY frustrated with the whole thing. I don't know what's going on. Once I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight, it seems like my body doesn't want to let go of anything else. It took me 3 months to lose an additional 5 pounds. I hope I'm not stuck like this until I wean. I planned to start weaning around 6 months and taper down over the following 6 months. I was feeling pretty good after completing last week's workouts, but my mom took a couple of pictures at my daughter's 5K and I feel like I look so awful in them. No one else seemed to think so and I was wearing a hoodie, so not very flattering clothes, but they really brought me down. I'm thinking about trying 5:2 for a couple of weeks to break out of this plateau. I've been stuck here for almost a month and it's driving me crazy! :frown:

    Looks like everyone is doing great with the program and I'm lovin' our group here! Keep pushing play!
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Dynamic Core today! Nailed it! (modified jumps) Did my other 2 challenges and my usual 15 min on Elliptical. Then due to the job I had at work today, I took a 10 min "break" on the ET as often as I could to relieve tension and stiffness from position I was in.

    I really hope ya'll don't mind my crowing, but I have to tell someone…. the job I was doing today was sitting; in the past I have always scooped the parts onto my lap as I sort and inspect them - I almost couldn't do that! I have a gap growing between my legs when I sit!!! Wow, for someone who has been tease about having "thunder thighs" this was been an inspiring sight!

    Keep post your progress! I truly am inspired by what I read...
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    We ran out of propane so it was COLD in here today and I skipped my workout. They refilled it at 5:00 this afternoon and it is warming up a bit now. I will likely do doubles tomorrow and Friday this week to catch up.

    No movement on the scale again! I am VERY frustrated with the whole thing. I don't know what's going on. Once I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight, it seems like my body doesn't want to let go of anything else. It took me 3 months to lose an additional 5 pounds. I hope I'm not stuck like this until I wean. I planned to start weaning around 6 months and taper down over the following 6 months. I was feeling pretty good after completing last week's workouts, but my mom took a couple of pictures at my daughter's 5K and I feel like I look so awful in them. No one else seemed to think so and I was wearing a hoodie, so not very flattering clothes, but they really brought me down. I'm thinking about trying 5:2 for a couple of weeks to break out of this plateau. I've been stuck here for almost a month and it's driving me crazy! :frown:

    Looks like everyone is doing great with the program and I'm lovin' our group here! Keep pushing play!

    My shop was 50 when I got out there this morning, it may have been 60 by the time I did my workout. There is the good and the bad in it, I like the fact that I am not dripping sweat at the end, yet disappointed that I am not at the same time! LOL

    Don't beat yourself up over the scale! Ensuring the quality your milk for your son is so much more important. I would think that once you being weaning you see the pounds slipping of quickly! Are you taking measurements? Are they changing?
  • TeeMac25
    Week 2 Cardio done.... I managed to throw in some none modified moves tonite..... very tired.... but got it done....

    Now I'm having a problem eating, I'm not crossing my calories for the day, but I find my self craving fried chicken..... its difficult to resist :frown: .... I fell as though my stomach is back to its normal roundness.... I'm very disappointed with myself....

    U guys give me motivation though..... slipping up is not the end.... just have to keep pushing through!
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Cardio is done for the day. I had to take a couple little breathers during the burnout but I def feel like I'm getting better.

    Jenn-try not to get down about your weight. I couldn't lose when I was breastfeeding to save my life! Are your clothes fitting better? My weight has barely changed but my scrubs are feeling looser for sure. Which is great cause they were getting too tight and I'm too cheap to buy new ones lol!

    Warrior-great job to you too! I've always had big thighs too so I look forward to the day when I can brag about something like that too.

    Keep it up everybody! :)
  • chrissysue
    chrissysue Posts: 85 Member
    Day 1 done....well it was done at 6:30am :)
  • morange66
    Beta day week 1: Day 1 & 2
    I did Core Cardio Monday and Speed 2.0 on Tuesday. They were not as hard as I thought they would be but still very challenging. I have lost about another ¼ inch on my waist but no movement on the scales – kinda disappointing :sad: Today I did my workout before I had my coffee and ended up modifying some but it still wore me out. I found Core Cardio to be harder than Speed 2.0.
    Great job everyone – keep up the good work!!
    @jakeyuma – great STATurday!!!
    @wpwarrior – Way to move that tape measure!! Yummy, homemade cinnamon rolls.
    @TeeMac – Good job, lower focus is killer on the thighs. I just finished alpha and never managed to stay balanced during the calf hops.
    @ Carrie_P81 – Congratualtions on moving that tape measure.
    @SlytherinBat – Good job. I know what you mean about the heater. I usually turn my ceiling fan on and heater down about half way through my workout.
    @powerpuffgirl – I just started Beta and still wonder if I will ever be able to do the lunge pulses without feeling like my legs are on fire.
    @jennicole4 – It is really hard to look past the scales (I still can’t). I know that the jeans I bought the middle of September are now a little loose but my scale just moves up 2 pounds and back down those same 2 pounds. Last week I cut my calories drastically and ended the week with a Total Net calorie of about 3200 calories and still no movement on the scales. I just don’t understand. My family is like ‘you are getting so skinny’ and all guessed me 10-15 lbs. less than I weigh so I was feeling better about the scales not moving. Then yesterday I stepped in front of our game camera and was caught on video and was appalled by how fat I looked. No more camo coveralls for me I would rather freeze :smile: I berate myself for allowing the scales to control my life but can’t seem to stay off of them. Just try to remember that the tape measure and how your clothes fit tell the real story. And congratulations on the baby they are so precious – nothing better than a snuggly little one.
    @chrissysue – Keep up the good work and as they say ‘just keep hitting play’.
  • srosek217
    Stay strong and just like you said; KEEP PUSHING PLAY! Believe in the process, work the process and you'll see results! Be sure you're measuring your body too, it's going to give you motivation while you're flipping the scale off!
    We ran out of propane so it was COLD in here today and I skipped my workout. They refilled it at 5:00 this afternoon and it is warming up a bit now. I will likely do doubles tomorrow and Friday this week to catch up.

    No movement on the scale again! I am VERY frustrated with the whole thing. I don't know what's going on. Once I got back to my pre-pregnancy weight, it seems like my body doesn't want to let go of anything else. It took me 3 months to lose an additional 5 pounds. I hope I'm not stuck like this until I wean. I planned to start weaning around 6 months and taper down over the following 6 months. I was feeling pretty good after completing last week's workouts, but my mom took a couple of pictures at my daughter's 5K and I feel like I look so awful in them. No one else seemed to think so and I was wearing a hoodie, so not very flattering clothes, but they really brought me down. I'm thinking about trying 5:2 for a couple of weeks to break out of this plateau. I've been stuck here for almost a month and it's driving me crazy! :frown:

    Looks like everyone is doing great with the program and I'm lovin' our group here! Keep pushing play!
  • srosek217
    Day 1 done....well it was done at 6:30am :)

    Great job Chris!! I just completed day two!! LOVED IT!!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 T25 Beta Week 5 Day 2 Core Cardio + Core Speed Push Hard + A Nailed It"

    Woke up at 3:45am 15 minutes early and was ready to go. Got breakfast made, but no wife After waiting on my partner we got started at 4:40 At this point she told me she wasn't feeling well. If only I new that 45 minutes ago I could have done a triple Anyhow, Forced myself through Core Cardio. Was sluggish and tired early on. Kept my HR in the 140s though and even encroached the 150's. After this was finished my wife went and got ready for work so I popped in Core Speed (Love this one) and i nailed it. Max HR 197 (highest yet) Avg HR 154. Total calorie burn: 789.

    Slytherin - Way to Hit Cardio

    Jennicole 4 - Sorry bout the slow scale. The others gave good advice so nothing to add here. Just keep pushing play and you will see results.

    WpWarrior - Keep it up. Nice progress.

    TeeMac - Keep pushing play!! Try keeping a few cooked chicken breasts in the fridge. That way when you get a craving for fried chicken just heat one of them up and eat it. Good protein and easy on the cals. There are some nice baked chicken recipes out there. Google search is your friend :)

    Carrie - Way to go!! Keep improving!!

    ChrissySue - Woot Day 1. Keep Pushing Play!!

    Morange - Good job. try adding Core Speed in the mix for an extra double. It helped me break the plateau I was in.
  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    Completed CLX Push Circuit 3 (my fave) and T25 Alpha Cardio. Burned just over 400cals. The cardio was definitely much easier this time around. More weights and Speed 1.0 tonight - I like this one best, perhaps due to the inclusion of stretches and moments to catch my breath.

    @jenni - Some women have a hard time losing while breastfeeding. You can thank hormones for that. I was one of those women as well. I could not lose more than 5 lbs until I weaned. Then it just fell off. Just focus on your and your baby's health for now. Your body will eventually catch up.
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    Today was Day 2 for me - Speed 1.0. What I've noticed is that I'm a lot more sore this time around than I was when I had started T25 in July. Maybe it's because I haven't worked out in about 2 months. haha But it feels good to get back into it.

    Plus it felt good to get up early on my birthday and get moving! I think Speed 1.0 is one of my favorite workouts so far. We'll see if this changes once I make it to the Beta Phase.
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Core Cardio for me today - NAILED it in a slightly modified way :glasses: Had a fabulous day, seeing more results!!! YES
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Total Body Circuit done. This is still my least favorite :P I think I pulled my left quad a bit doing lunges. It doesn't seem too bad though so I'll just stretch and put some Tiger Balm on it later.