Daily Accountability



  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Gamma Week 1 Day 5 Speed 3.0 + Speed 2.0 (Nailed Em)

    Max HR 170 Avge Hr 150 (Speed 3.0) 145 (Speed 2.0). Speed 3.0 is still a killer but managed everything and kept my HR up. I followed Speed 3.0 with Speed 2.0 and pushed through that one as well. I had hard Cardio but Speed 2.0 seemed way easier after doing Speed 3.0. Guess it is all perspective. I really wanted to do speed 1.0 after but ran out of time and almost made my Exchange student miss his bus to school.

    Total Calories Burned = 783

    Shoulder update - Sore but in good shape. Gamma is a lot of shoulder work. They will be iron by the end of the 4 weeks.

    Have a great Friday

    Morange - Great work outs and buns. Keep up the good work.

    WpWarrior88 - Nice work-outs. Good luck on getting to pre-thanksgiving weight.

    Carrie - Ever try seeing a chiropractor or message therapist for your sciatic nerve? Did wonders for my wife.
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Oops it was speed 2.0 and dynamic core on my double play today - nailed them both!

    Carrie - chiropractics, a naturopath, stretching yoga are all really good for the sciatic (I have 24 years of dealing with it). I will say this be very careful with a pinch unless you know what is causing it and know where your limits are. Praying you feel like your typical self soon!

    Jakeyuma - glad to know the shoulder is good enough for you to feel up to doing all 3 speeds in one session! WOW!! You have some energy stores!

    Keep up with the work outs my T25 friends and keep posting your progress or thoughts on them - they help inspire and keeps us FOCUSED!!
  • SlytherinBat
    SlytherinBat Posts: 53 Member
    Week 2 Abs and lower finished! Onto week 3.

    Wow Jakeyuma, amazing burn!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Cardio done for the day. The sciatic is feeling much better today.I do a lot of stretching when it flares up. I know I really should see achiro or something for it, but between working FT and having 2 little ones, it's hard to find time. Someday I will.
  • morange66
    Beta week 2 day 5 (yesterday)
    I am just now posting for Friday. I did Rip't Circuit and Speed 2.0. I pretty much nailed Speed 2.0 but only did passable on Rip't Circuit. I have done doubles everyday for the last 6 days plus lifting 3 days and have decided to take the weekend off. I might do the stretch Sunday as I haven't been doing it.
    I have gained 3 pounds and loss less than 1/4" off different body parts. It is PMS time so that could be the weight gain but whatever it is I find myself discouraged and disgusted. Hopefully my muscles are 'holding water' since I upped the amount of exercise but it is hard to hold on to that thought.

    wpwarrior - Way to go, I not sure I could manage the elliptical, T25, and the challenges all in one day :) Way to nail speed 2.0 and dynamic core.

    jakeyuma - hats off to you, Speed 2.0 and 3.0 all in one workout had to be killer. Glad your shoulder is feeling better.

    slytherinBat - Good job on abs/lower focus. Doing those on the same day is tough.

    Carrie - glad to see you could do your workout and that your sciatic is better.

    Way to go everyone - keep up the awesome workouts!!
  • SlytherinBat
    SlytherinBat Posts: 53 Member
    Well, I haven't lost any weight but I did lose 4" from my waist and 2" from my thighs.

    Morange66, you totally kicked butt this week. Don't get discouraged about your numbers. I always gain before Aunt Flow shows up.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Staturday: Lost 1.5 pounds and .5 inch off right thigh. Everything else stayed the same.
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Interesting Staturday - my weight was up slightly from yesterday even though my caloric intake was under output by a considerable amount, plus I did drink plenty of water. I am not getting discouraged as I am determined to continue my healthy eating and I am so close to what I want to weigh. I did lose a total of 3/4" from my thighs from two weeks ago (forgot to do measurements last week!) So glad I have pictures to review to see the difference from Oct 15, 13 to today!

    Used my body fat monitor today - ya, I know it isn't rocket science, but not sure I did the measurements right - even after watching vid on youtube. Now to figure out a good body fat vs muscle mass for me!

    I have adjusted my macros to lower my fat and increase protein - we'll see if it make a difference.

    morange66 - could the weight gain be muscle? You have been lifting weights and lost inches!

    SlytherinBat - FABULOUS loss of inches! I hope you are crowing!!!!

    Jakeyuma - nice weight loss, but why only .5" off right thigh?? Are you ignoring your left? LOL

    Keep posting!! I so enjoy reading them, they provide me encouragement in ways ya'll don't even realize! Have a most enjoyable weekend!
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Morange-you have totally been kicking *kitten*! Great job at the workouts-keep with it, the weight will come off.

    Slytherin-AWESOME inch loss!!

    Jake-good weight loss!

    Staturday for me- 1/2' off my waist and 1/4 " off each thigh. And down 3 lb from last week! I'm so glad I decided to drop my calories a bit, that seems to have really done the trick!
    Got TBC in for the day, tonight is the hubby's work Xmas party so I know I'm going over on calories today for sure. Open bar!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Ript Up "Kicked my Butt"

    This was a hard one for me today. My body was just not responding to what I wanted. Had to modify the push-up series today. Had a max HR 176 and avg HR 118. There is a few short Cardio segments to break up some iof the weights , so I hit those as hard as possible and my HR sky rocketed. Over all good work-out.

    Picked up a Nutribullet or something like that and it is a wonder for making my morning protein shake. 100x better than my magic bullet.

    Happy Monday

    Carrie- Nice Stats

    WPWarrior - My measurments and weights are waked out.
  • morange66
    Beta week 3 day 1
    First I did my Beta workout which was Core Cardio. I did an awesome job of it. I will say that during the 'X Lunge touch the floor' it was more of a visualize touching the floor :laugh: I also managed to do a few of the non-modified 'plank diagonal lift' before my left wrist gave out. Next I decided to see what Gamma is all about and did Gamma Extreme Circuit with 5lb weights. I feel like I did a good job for first attempt. I guess my legs failed geometry because they performed more of a 45 degree during the 90 degree straight leg hold. LOL. I couldn't do the tricep push-ups at all and at the end my burpee + front kick looked more like a slow plank + front kick. It was a tough workout.

    SlytherinBat - Way to lose those inches!!

    jakeyuma - Good job on the weight & tape measure loss!

    wpwarrior88 - Awesome job moving that tape measure - 3/4" is great.

    Carrie_P81 - Wow! Great job - weight loss (I am jealous lol) & lost inches:smile:
  • TeeMac25
    i've been missing in action for the past week,....

    last week i did so well with the TBC, i decided to double with it for my next work out.. halfway thorugh my left knee buckled.... i was put on ice and rest for the rest of the week... :sad: .... i was sooo pissed because i had just gotten into the groove of T25,

    so now the plan is to repeat week three... i'll have to modify the modifier a bit.... i'm not to sure how i'm gonna get through those planks but i'm gonna push through,

    so TBC tonight again!!

    wish me luck guys! :happy:
  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    Glad to see how well everyone is doing! I've been off with the flu. :( I'm going to try to get back into T25 tonight. I feel like I've become softer during my time off.
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Happy Monday all! Cardio done for the day. I can't believe I'm in week 4 already, almost time for Beta! I'm a little nervous.
    Didn't eat so great over the weekend but what's done is done.

    Keep it up everyone!
  • TeeMac25
    TBC done.... even more difficult after a week off..... I don't think I got the real burn because I couldn't really use my knees effectively, but at least I got some cardio in....

    I'm gonna continue until I get back into the groove

    Good nite all!!
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    out sick today - hoping to be back on track tomorrow and possibly double up….
  • SlytherinBat
    SlytherinBat Posts: 53 Member
    Week 3 TBC done. Struggled though it again. Too bad so many are under the weather.

    Feel better soon wpwarrior88.

    TeeMac25 Glad you got it done. Knee pain sucks.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Gamma Week 2 Day 2 Extreme Circuit "Nailed it Almost"

    OOH, Next week I might try increasing my weights. I pushed hard today and seemed full of energy for this workout. Not a Heart Burner but I managed a 117 avg HR with a max of 145. Tricept Push-ups suck. I had to lose the weights so I could do them. I believe there was one other set of push-ups I had to modify. Hoping to have insanity in my hands in the next few weeks. My bro doesn't use it anymore so he is mailing me his copy of it

    Looking forward to Speed 3.0 tomorrow. If we get started early enough I might double up with Core Speed

    Happy Tuesday

    Teemac25 - Good job pushing through TBC. I hope your knees feel better. Last month I finished up knee shots. Not sure if the injections helped or simpley re-building the strength in my knees is doing the trick.

    Wpwarrior: gett better soon.

    Slytherin - Way to complete TBC. I almost miss that video..almost..I may pop it in and give it a try after Gamma just to see how I do.
  • morange66
    Today I almost nailed Upper Focus – there are a few of the moves I still have to slightly modify. I then tried out Core Speed (the extra Beta workout). My heart rate hit 80% at minute 4 and I was feeling it. I didn't even try the one-handed burpee’s as I didn't feel like cleaning up the blood that would surely be pouring from my nose when my face hit the floor. LOL.

    jakeyuma – Great job on Extreme Circuit. I tried it yesterday & I woke up with some sore shoulders this morning & that was with only 5lb weights. I couldn't do the triceps push-ups at all, but then I still can’t do a regular push-up either. :smile:

    SlytherinBat – TBC is still a struggle for me, I think it is harder than some of Beta’s workouts. Keep up the awesome work!

    wpwarrior – Hope you feel better soon, it sucks to be sick.

    TeeMac25 – Good job. I can’t imagine how hard it is with knee problems.

    Carrie_P81 – Good job yesterday. Just today I checked to make sure that I am on the right week cause it seems to have went by so quickly.
  • SlytherinBat
    SlytherinBat Posts: 53 Member
    Alpha Week 3 Speed. Nailed it but I still despise burpee's. Getting a wee bit bored with Alpha. Looking forward to Beta.

    jakeyuma- Sounds like you had a great workout today. Good luck doubling up tomorrow. Nice that you have Insanity heading your way.

    morange66- I can't imagine ever doing one-handed burpee’s.