December workout reports



  • Dziasmith
    Dziasmith Posts: 16 Member
    I started Stronglifts about a month ago. Feeling so proud of myself :)

    Today I did:
    Squat 85
    Bench 55
    Row 65
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    90# squats 5x5

    50# Overhead Press (no increase) 5x5
    ***feels like I'm straining my back during these

    130# Deadlifts 1x5
    115# Deadlifts 5x5

    Squats were so difficult tonight :/ think I'll stay at 90lbs for the next workout to focus on form a little more before increasing. And I absolutely loathe OHP. But I LOVE Deadlifts lol

    Keep up all the amazing work lovely strong ladies ????
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Was "out" for a week- traveling for thanksgiving (alone with my 2 children) across the country. I had no access to a gym, but did swim a couple days and played some backyard football for exercise. I didn't have control over the food presented to me, but only to what I put in my mouth. I didn't like a lot of the prepared food, but ate out about 1/4 of the time.

    I felt like I did pretty well, but came home with a 3 pound weight gain, whahhh. Sigh. I am going to get the thyroid checked as I had mine removed and it's touchy when all of your thyroid hormone comes from a pill. I don't feel like it's right. I can't lose .5 per week on a deficit (supposed), but will gain like crazy on what should be maintenance (conservative estimates too).

    Anyhooo…. I decided to start the Wendler 5/3/1 (some variation of it anyway) over at the same weights because I feel weak from my time off.

    Spinning my wheels, but did both OHP and Deadlifts today, maxing at OHP 55X8 and Deads 150X8. Not too bad, all things considered. Also did bodyweight rows and dips and 3x12 good mornings with the bar. Those are the ones- they give me DOMS in a good way.

    After I get checked out medically, I hope progress with both fat loss and strength continues. Not sure which direction to turn right now.

    But, I do LOVE lifting :) - makes me feel healthier than I am, LOL.

    Welcome to the new women! and good to see the regulars back for another month.
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Today was craptastic but it is done instead of being skipped. Okay my squats felt great.

    Squat 95lbs - 5x5
    Row - bar 55lbs 2, 3 moved to dumbbell 3x5 25lbs each arm (my low back was just not wanting to bend and hold at all)
    Bench - 85lbs 5x5 the last set was rough

    I am also just grumpy today. Made the mistake of getting on a scale (seriously need to throw that damn thing out) and I am at an all time high weight wise, my pants don't fit and well I am grumptastic so Friday has to be better right? Right.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    @vendygirl Getting the workout in is half the battle! Hope you feel last grumpy, I saw my birthday food show up on the scale this morning so I understand ya. Hope you feel better soon.

    This morning I did:
    Squats: 120lbs for 5,5,4. Felt so tired I couldn't get that 5th rep..
    OHP: 50lbs for 5,5,5. Felt super heavy today for some reason. I've been taking it slow..weird
    DL: 105lbs for 1x5. Been taking this only by 5lb increases to make it more manageable.
    I think I've said it before, but I always feel like such a bada$$ after DLs!

    Also, I like doing DLs with gloves (for now) more than without. I think I'm weird.
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    My lunch workout went like this:

    Squat: 100 lbs all 5 sets of 5
    OHP: 65 lbs all 5 sets of 5 (although, it was a serious struggle today to get the last rep on the last 3 sets)
    Deadlift: 165 lbs all 5 reps
  • wendypow
    wendypow Posts: 81 Member

    Squat: 130 (3x5)
    OHP: 62.5 (3x5, but failed after 3 on the last set-first time at this weight!)
    DL: 155 (1 rep)
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member

    Squat: 130 (3x5)
    OHP: 62.5 (3x5, but failed after 3 on the last set-first time at this weight!)
    DL: 155 (1 rep)

    Great job!!!!!!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I have to say I am totally impressed with all of you! You are all just getting on with it even when you feel grumpy or have injuries. Deloading is great!
  • wendypow
    wendypow Posts: 81 Member

    Squat: 130 (3x5)
    OHP: 62.5 (3x5, but failed after 3 on the last set-first time at this weight!)
    DL: 155 (1 rep)

    Great job!!!!!!

    :blushing: :happy:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well leg feels so much better today...not perfect but much better.

    I deloaded my squats down to 80lbs :sad: :sad: :sad: and I got the 5x5 out no issues, no pain.

    I had to do them just had to....

    OHP 2nd try at 80lb got the 5x5 in last rep tho was iffy on form so staying there next time. Man child and husband asked me if I was okay after last set as the awful yell that came out of me.

    DL deload due to leg down to 105 from 180 no issue going up it's the coming down that was a bit owy...but not to bad. Might not do those again for a while.
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member

    OHP 2nd try at 80lb got the 5x5 in last rep tho was iffy on form so staying there next time. Man child and husband asked me if I was okay after last set as the awful yell that came out of me.

    80 lbs for OHP is nothing short of amazing. Congrats!

    Posting Monday's workout:
    Squats: 90 lbs 5x5
    Bench 60 lbs 5x5
    DL: 110 1 x5 (deloaded from 117 due to hamstrings being very tight from a long Turkey Trot last Thursday).

    Happy Bulking Month---I mean, holidays!!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Great workouts everyone! I'm taking a 2 week pre meet break, although the first week wasn't planned and was due to horrendous allergies. It's still good to live vicariously through everyone's training.

    Good quality fish oil can help tendonitus tremendously! That being said it does suck so hard. :cry:

    @JC it might be a form issue if you know your legs/butt are strong. Try taking a video. Where is your back rounding during deadlifts? It's usually best practice to use the valsava maneuver. It's impossible to move your easy to hurt back parts while doing this. If it's near the shoulder blades I might try thinking of the cue "put your shoulder blades in your back pockets."

    @girlie you soccer players are freaking nuts. But usually have awesome bods so overall I'm jus' jealous.

    @vendy it may be true that some people can't get parallel, but I bet the vast vast majority of people can. A lot of times it just has to do with ankle flexibility. When i first started lifting I'd do swiffer or broom handle sqauts here and there in front of the mirror to check my depth. I was really bad. Now I can ATG no problem.

    @debress I think you might have psyched yourself out. You should be able to lift 155 for at least 3 if you can do 145x5.

    @hwillmont. Happy birthday!!!!!!! Although late.

    @emjaycazz Happy Bulking month to you too!
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Thanks @Fittreelol! I don't mind if you're late :) It was only Monday haha
    You're doing a meet soon? I'm sure you'll rock it!
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    Doctor has me in an immobilizer and no lifting for the next week. If the pain decreases then she says we can discuss some activity. I am very unhappy. I can't do yoga either.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    AAbru - that stinks! I hope you start to feel better soon.

    So much good work going on here!

    I got back in to it today after a planned rest week, and then an unplanned extra 4 days of rest due to a cold making me all dizzy. Note to new lifters: Dizziness and heavy things do not mix. Ever. :smile: I was starting to feel extra fluffy from all the holiday eats, so getting back in to lift felt good and like I might put all that fuel to work!

    Wendler, Cycle 4, Week 1
    1x5 @ 65
    1x5 @ 75
    1x4 @ 85. So annoyed. I KNOW I didn't give myself enough rest between all my sets (including warm ups). But I got the gym late and was feeling pressured.

    5x10 @ 50 - Lots of focusing on form.

    3x10 Woodchoppers @60, back extensions @10
    3x5 hanging leg raises.
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Everyone's doing great!

    Sorry about the tendonitis AAbru…I had it this spring and had to immobilize too, otherwise I would use it and aggravate the injury. Nothing really helps like rest.

    I'm on an unplanned week off after losing the war on keeping my dog going. I lost him on Monday, but new it was coming on Sunday. He was my special buddy and I am beyond heartbroken. He had a good death, at home, comfortable and without any stress for him (I will be forever grateful for the vets that started the home euthanasia service we have here). He was ready. Wish I was…at least today I showered and went to work. That's progress.

    I've been trying to follow everyone, keep up the good work and I should be back soon.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    oh I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Any owner doesn't want to see them suffer, but knows that they will suffer the loss instead. Glad he could be at home with you and calm. Take time to grieve, but the weights may be your friend here! xx
  • debress
    debress Posts: 36 Member
    Macybean, so sorry for your loss. I am glad you have kind and compassionate vets. Take good care of you.

    I continue to be so impressed with the amount of weights you ladies here can lift. It really keeps me going. Today I did:
    squat = 98 pounds 5x5
    bench = 72 pounds 4,4,3,3,3 (first set with no spotter and roll of shame, got a sympathetic look from someone though)
    row = 72 pounds 5x5

    Am now worried I won't be able to progress on bench without spotter every time. I did lift the last 4 sets with help on the last couple, so at least tried to do 5. Am also getting to the edge of the amount of time I can spend. More time between sets definitely helps, but I need the darn job to pay the gym membership and buy food, etc.. Ha!

    Today's discussion during rests was about breathing. How do you breathe during rows? My lift buddy says to take a big breath in at the start of every lift, because it helps stabilize the spine. It made sense for everything except the rows. I couldn't figure out when to breathe out and then back in, unless I take an extra beat between reps. Maybe that's ok?
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    Progress today!:flowerforyou:

    Squats: 90 lbs: 3x5 92 lbs: 2x5
    OHP: 47 lbs: 5X5
    Rows: 60 lbs: 5x5

    macybean--sorry for your loss. Dogs are amazing companions, and I can imagine that yours was happy to have such a terrific life with you.