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December workout reports



  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Everyone's doing great!

    Sorry about the tendonitis AAbru…I had it this spring and had to immobilize too, otherwise I would use it and aggravate the injury. Nothing really helps like rest.

    I'm on an unplanned week off after losing the war on keeping my dog going. I lost him on Monday, but new it was coming on Sunday. He was my special buddy and I am beyond heartbroken. He had a good death, at home, comfortable and without any stress for him (I will be forever grateful for the vets that started the home euthanasia service we have here). He was ready. Wish I was…at least today I showered and went to work. That's progress.

    I've been trying to follow everyone, keep up the good work and I should be back soon.

    I'm so sorry Macybean. It is a good thing that your dog had such a loving owner that could make the tough decision. I wish we could do that for the people we love so they could avoid long and debilitating illnesses.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Macybean I'm so sorry about your dogfriend.

    fisherlassie I met Jack Kevorkian a couple times, not sure how that relates, but I thought I'd share.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Macybean I'm so sorry about your dogfriend.

    fisherlassie I met Jack Kevorkian a couple times, not sure how that relates, but I thought I'd share.

    I had to look him up but yes that relates and it must have been an interesting experience. My mother in law just died after a long bout in a nursing home. Once you get in there you don't have any options about quality of life. Very sad.
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    Great workouts everyone! Completed another round of workout A successfully:

    Squats 5x5 @ 65#
    BP 5x5 @ 55#
    Rows 5x5 @ 75#

    Loving the upper body lifts but developing a bit of a love/hate with squats! Ugh!

    fittree - thanks for the deadlift advice. Thought I was doing well on form, but saw in the video I took that I was getting a slight round in the middle of my back right as I lifted the bar off the floor. Now that I go back and look at it I think my legs were tired and I didn't get my butt down enough to keep my back straight. Next workout I will imagine shoving my shoulder blades back toward my pockets as you suggested and hopefully that will help. Don't want to screw up my back!

    macybean - so sorry about your pup! At least you were able to give him a respectful parting when he was ready. Of course we as owners are never ready for that time when it comes!
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    You're all so sweet! Today has been better, my good friend made me a lovely lunch and treated me to a nice relaxing day. We were supposed to make lefse, but she pampered me instead. So now I've showered and left the house 2 days in a row (had to go to work yesterday. Everyone was great to me, I work with very understanding people!). Should be lifting again soon. Did do a cardio workout, so at least I moved a little.
    Tree…you met Kevorkian? Interesting! I do have to say that I hope that when my time comes I can have the death experience that my dog did. He never left his bed and was relaxed and comfortable, what (I think) Kervorkian was trying to provide.
    Fisher…sorry about your MIL. It seems we have better options for our pets than our human loved ones.
    Debress...when I do rows next I'll have to see how I breathe. I've never thought about it.
    I'm sure there's more to respond to, but thanks again for everyone's condolences. Seems there's a few pet lovers in here!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Last night.. next workout won't be until Sunday at the earliest (giving blood then playing my 'cello for outdoor community Christmas singalong!, then tomorrow at mum's..)

    So tried the heel-of-hand on bar thing. Felt ok but the bar felt as though it was rolling around a bit. Probably need to play with hand position.
    60kg (big plate!) 555
    Back got quite 'hot' but I'm sure it's just use not hurt, and right hamstring feels really bunched up towards the end.

    Press - 32.5kg this time 555 no issues. Bizarre.

    Deadlift - 65kg 5, tried to keep it moving and pull up the legs, and think about sitting back as it went back down.

    I'll stick my vids in the form thread..
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Macybean, sorry for your loss :cry:

    Last nights max. Texas

    Squats: 10@ 20kg, 5@ 40kg, 3@70kg, 1@85kg then 3@ 97.5kg (215lbs)

    Bench: Bit of comp technique work so 5@ 30kg the 3x1@50kg (110lbs)

    Deadlift: Speed deads for 5@ 70kg, then 2@100kg then 3 max @ 117.5kg (260lbs)

    Max box jumps 5x10

    Reverse barbell lunges 3x10 EL @ 40kg (88lbs)

    Still working on my high bar position for the lunges, need more meat I think lol

    Good lifting ladies :drinker:
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Well I was expecting a slick ride into the gym but it was just raining with sleet hitting my windshield. I guess the snow is coming later?

    Anyways. Hit my first failure today, well official failure.

    Squat 100lbs! 5x5
    OHP 60lbs 5,5,4,5,3
    DL 70lbs 1x5 however I have to say I loath deadlifts because they scare me. I just need to find another exercise that works these same muscle where I don't feel that I am going to set myself back 6 months....

    I took a video of one of my sets squatting but I have to figure out where to post it so I can have folks look at it for me. I am just missing parallel like I though.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    if you put it on youtube you can set the settings to 'unlisted' which means that only people who have the link can see it :)
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Haven't posted in these threads in the past due to not following the SL program (I do mine own programming) Cool that it's now open to everyone :)

    Last night was my 3x8 night:

    Bench Press - 77.5lbs 2x8, 1x7 (just couldn't get that last rep)

    OHP - 51.5lbs 2x8, 1x7 - (missed the last rep again)

    Bent Over Back Rows w/Stubby Axle Barbell - 65lbs 3x8 - These are more of a grip exercise along with the back of course. The Stubby Axle Bar is 2" diameter which makes it harder to grip so I have to use a lot less weight than I would with regular rows.

    Dips - 3x6 Working on form on these. Trying them with straight legs with a bit of a lean going down and finding my form is much better.

    Barbell Curls (wide grip) 37.5lbs 3x8 - Easy-peasy. Will kick up the weight for these next week

    That's it - Happy lifting ladies!
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    Lunch workout:

    Squat: 105 lbs all 5 sets and reps
    Bench: 80 lbs all 5 sets and reps (WOOHOO! since I stalled on this last time)
    Rows: 85 lbs 5-4-4-3-3 had quite a bit of trouble with this one...oh well, maybe next time.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    @Macybean: I wanted to add in my condolences. It's so hard to say goodbye to our beloved friends. ???? Hugs❤

    Wendler 5/3/1: Bench

    45/50/55 1x3 (last set 15 reps)

    DB bench 2-15lb DBs 5x10 (I noticed my left side is starting to catch up to my right. Yay! :bigsmile: )
    Superset DB rows 25lb DB & Pushups 3x10 each.
    (Had to do last set of PUs on knees, so I did 20 on that set.) Good day. ????
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey Ladies boy am I glad this is now "open" to others it is very interesting to read what is being done etc.

    Vendy it's too bad the DL's aren't "good" for you...I love them feel so powerful afterwards....

    Leadfoot...dips nice...I start my chin/pull up stuff in the new year.

    So workout A today

    Squats 5x5 @ 85 (yes back at em and big deload) it doesn't hurt at this weight...we will see what happens as I load back up

    Writing this Pre BP...3rd try at 105...might be a deload after tonight.
    :sad: :sad: :sad: deload...4x5.....4x4.......so close.....that's fine tho still a small victory with my almost.

    Rows 5x5 @95 (deload as well due to leg) easy peasy.

    Have a good weekend ladies
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Yesterday was Workout B:

    Squats 75lbs 5x5 form felt decent, so I'll give 80lbs another shot next workout
    OHP 40lbs 5x5, 35 was so tough, didn't think I'd get 40 the first try!
    DL 105lbs 1x5, 115 lbs 1x3 starting to feel heavy :smile:

    Macybean, I'msorry to hear about your dog. I list my Australian Shepherd mix at there's of August. He wasn't sick, but was pretty old, and just didn't wake up from his nap. :frown:

    I'm glad more of the non-SL ladies are posting. I love seeing the different programs, but most of all, I love all the experience and advice you have to share.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Oh Macybean, saying goodbye to our fur babies is so hard. I'm glad he could be at home with you. Many hugs.

    Wendler Round 4 week 1
    Deadlift day
    1x5 @ 160
    1x5 @ 185
    1x8 @ 210

    My right side just above the booty was really tight today for some reason, so I did lots of stretching and foam rolling in between lifts, and that seemed to help.

    5x10 @ 125 sumo deadlifts

    And then I proceeded to eat everything that came even mildly close to me for the rest of the day. Seriously - at one point in time my daughter was asking for a snack and I said "Mommy needs to eat first. Or else you might start to look tasty." :smile:
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Lunch workout:

    Squat: 105 lbs all 5 sets and reps
    Bench: 80 lbs all 5 sets and reps (WOOHOO! since I stalled on this last time)
    Rows: 85 lbs 5-4-4-3-3 had quite a bit of trouble with this one...oh well, maybe next time.

    80lbs on bench is awesome!
    I saw this girl at my gym today (college gym) that was fit, not skinny, and easily benched 85lbs for several reps and sets. Then proceeded to do pull ups and squats. I was impressed.

    Today was Workout A, I succeeded in doing something active 6/7 days this week. My goal until after New Years is try and be active every day to help with the holidays foods, but not increase my calories to account for extra workouts. We'll see how that goes..I'm on vacation in two weeks for 2 weeks and will be on the road most of the time so hopefully I can find something to stay active!

    Squats: 120lbs 3x5. Funny how much easier it feels when you hadn't just woken up and headed to the gym at 6am without eating compared to eating and then going mid-morning.
    Bench: 60lbs 3x5. Felt good, may keep it there next time just to work on control and straight line movements
    Row: 60lbs 3x5

    Happy weekend ladies! Yall continue to inspire me to do more and lift more!
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Texas Volume Today

    Squat: 10 @ 20kg, 5 @ 30kg, 5 @ 40kg then 3x5 @ 55kg
    Bench: 5@ 20kg, 5@ 30kg then 3x5 @42.5kg
    Deficit RDL: 5 @ 20kg, 3@ 60kg then 3x5 @ 80kg

    Then 40yrd build up sprints x 2
    20yrd sprints x 6
    30yrd sprints x 4

    3 cone drill x 2

    40yrd max sprints x 2

    Now food and rest before tomorrows game :tongue:
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    Lunch workout:

    Squat: 105 lbs all 5 sets and reps
    Bench: 80 lbs all 5 sets and reps (WOOHOO! since I stalled on this last time)
    Rows: 85 lbs 5-4-4-3-3 had quite a bit of trouble with this one...oh well, maybe next time.

    80lbs on bench is awesome!
    I saw this girl at my gym today (college gym) that was fit, not skinny, and easily benched 85lbs for several reps and sets. Then proceeded to do pull ups and squats. I was impressed.

    Today was Workout A, I succeeded in doing something active 6/7 days this week. My goal until after New Years is try and be active every day to help with the holidays foods, but not increase my calories to account for extra workouts. We'll see how that goes..I'm on vacation in two weeks for 2 weeks and will be on the road most of the time so hopefully I can find something to stay active!

    Squats: 120lbs 3x5. Funny how much easier it feels when you hadn't just woken up and headed to the gym at 6am without eating compared to eating and then going mid-morning.
    Bench: 60lbs 3x5. Felt good, may keep it there next time just to work on control and straight line movements
    Row: 60lbs 3x5

    Happy weekend ladies! Yall continue to inspire me to do more and lift more!

    Thank you :smile: I was watching a form video on OHP since I feel like my form is lacking, and the girl did 2 sets of 5 effortlessly. I'm not sure of the weight, but those discs were bigger than the 10lb ones at my gym. I want to do that! She rocked!
  • barneychavez
    barneychavez Posts: 30 Member
    Less than 5 lbs away from being able to DL my body weight!




    One day, my OHP will go up!
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    I made a promise to myself I would start again today….and I did! Still have the empty-ache-my-heart-hurts feeling, but I didn't fall over or drop anything.

    Squat 125x5 135x5 145x3
    OHP 67.5x6 70x4 72.5x3
    Dead 185x3

    So same numbers as my previous workout. I'm ok with that. A normal week off may be helpful, a week off sobbing and grieving isn't so restful. I'm hanging in there…work was slow yesterday and I just peeked at petfinder.com. Baaaad idea!