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December workout reports



  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Workout today:

    Squat 135-6 140-4 145-4 150-2

    Bench 90-5 92.5-3 95-3 (although rep 3 was pretty shaky!)

    Row 92.5-7 95-6 100-4 105-2

    Still trying to do 3x5, but felt good and added the 4th set on squat and rows just so I could see some new numbers!
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Great job on the OHP, Lydia! I'm loving the happy dance, but what I really want to know is, did you yell out "MF'er!"? :wink: :laugh: Thanks for sharing the videos.

    Macybean, sometimes I throw in a couple of extra reps at the end of my set in my next working weight, just to see how it feels.
  • barneychavez
    barneychavez Posts: 30 Member
    terrible work out. poop. at least i got to the gym though!


    my inner thighs were killing me by the end...

    bench press

    yes suckers.....should be able to do 50 next time..thought i was going to kiss the bar by the last rep though, lol

    barbell row
    this is what i'm annoyed with...was on 75 lbs last time. my husband was telling me i was doing it wrong (don't you love it when that happens??) and said your back should be parallel to the floor. i've been doing it the whole time with my back straight but angled. anyways, i had to knock off weight to be able to do that and was cursing the whole time...
    how do you ladies do it? parallel back or at an angle?

    tomorrow is a brand new day with no mistakes in it!
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    I try to do the Pendlay Row the way he demonstrates it:

  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    100# 5x5 Squats
    Super happy in in triple digits BUT I struggled bad on the last 2 sets! Staying at this weight next session. Tipping forwards :/

    Bench Press
    75# 3x4
    75# 2x3
    Couldn't lift all 5 reps :/ stay at this weight until able to do all 5x5

    80# 5x5

    BW 10x5 per leg Bulgarian Split Squats
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    last nights max workout

    20kg x 10, 40kg x 5, 60kg x 3, 85kg x 1 and then 100kg x3
    30kg x5, 45kg x 3, 52.5kg x 1
    Speed Deads:
    4x3 @ 70kg

    4x10 medium box jumps
    4x8el 50kg reverse lunges
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    Wrapped up with 3rd week of SL with:

    5x5 squats 85#
    5x5 bench press 65#
    5x5 row 85#

    Very happy with today's workout. Especially since i ate prior to lifting...Up until this point, i had been working out fasted (i'm not a morning eater, but love to get working out done first thing in my day). and i felt it was beneficial in todays workout....hope it wasn't just a fluke.
  • Squats: 2 x 30 kg; 3 x 25 kg
    Deadlift: 1 x 28 kg
    Overhead press: 2 x 17 kg; 3 x 15 kg
    Bench press: 3 x 16 kg; 2 x 19 kg
    Barbell rows: I can't remember... It's probably still under 20 kg. For now.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Wendler 5/3/1: Bench
    Cycle 1 Week 3
    Again, this may look weird. Still looking for my work weight. :)

    45x5 50x3 55x15
    65x5 70x5 75x3
    45 3x10
    Superset 3x10:
    25lb DB rows & knee and bench push-ups.

    @BJC78-Congrats on the triple digit squat!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    workout b for me today...

    squats 5x5 @ 100lbs
    OHP 5x5 @ 80lbs (stayed there due to form issues on Last wednesday, then failed on Monday) did fine today but will stay at 80 due to form issues...if there are more form issues I am deloading...

    DL 1x5 @ 120 still issues with my leg on the way down....not so bad with sumo form but still not great.

    Oh well it is getting better that's all I can ask for.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Happy triple digit squat!

    Today I met my training partner for our first workout in forever! I was just going to do some conditioning, but it didn't turn out that way. So I started out with 5 sets of the same axle complex- 5RDL, 5 overhead squat, 5 good morning, 5 reverse lunge per leg, 5 overhead press. I did those while she was doing squats. Then since she was OHPing next we decided to have an axle OHP day. I did way more warm ups than normal as I was getting used to the axle more. I ended up with 35x5, 55x5, 65x5, 75x5, 85x5, 95x4. Then I called it a day, and came home and made bacon, hashbrowns, and cheesy scrambled eggs. Yum!
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    Everyone's doing such great stuff on here. Great job everybody! Workout A today, and it felt great! Everything finally felt right on my squat form, and I didn't struggle at all.

    Squats 5x5 80#
    BP 5x5 65#
    Rows 5x5 85# - but the last couple were tough!

    Followed by a 2.5 mile run, because I just can't help myself... :ohwell:
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    All kinds of RAWR!

    I'm ready to go back to bed - but I LOVED today's workout:

    Wendler, Cycle 4, Week 2
    1x5 @ 100
    1x5 @ 120
    1x3 @ 150
    1x3 @ 175
    1x3 @ 200
    1x7 @ 220 I fought for that last one. Fought. :smile:

    Accessory work:
    Sumo deadlifts
    5x10 @ 125

    Turkish getups
    1x5 @ 5lbs, each side. This was my first time doing these - they are very intellectually demanding, not to mention a great cardio challenge! I'll add reps until I'm up to 10 a side, then go up to 10 lbs, and so on.

    Kettlebell swings
    3x15 @ 10 lbs - First time for these too (my gym just got kettlebells). These were also fun.

    I just wolfed down a make-it-yourself sausage egg mcmuffin and a huge apple. I'd like to go back to bed, but I'm taking bitty girl and my mom to the Nutcracker today. It will be my 3.5 year olds first live theater experience. Wish me sit-still-and-be-quiet luck! :smile:
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Squat 110 5x5
    Row 45lb x1 55lbs x4
    Bench 90lbs - it was a struggle but I managed to get all 5x5

    My right trap muscle (I think) is feeling odd. It has been feeling odd since Wed after my squats. I Can't seem to find a stretch to make it feel better. It feels tight but at the same time a little sore. Any ideas on how to stretch it? I've tried the thread the needle (push my right arm all the way to the left and kind of rest on my right should while on my knees) that kind of help.s
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Light day. Just couldn't get excited about squats when I have so much else to do.

    Wendler 5/3/1: Squat
    Cycle 1 Week 3 (I messed up and did this workout last time instead of week 2. Anyway, I just went ahead and did it again)

    80x5 85x3 95x11
    55x10 65x10 75x10

    2x10 Landmine 180's 55lb (10lb weight on 45lb bar)

    @vendygirl: I set my shoulder against a doorway (or squat rack) and bend my head to the opposite shoulder until I feel a stretch in my traps, then hold for 30 sec. Repeat for each side. My PT gave me that one, among others. I do it pre-workout. If mine are super tight, I use a heating pad on them before I start. And ice after. Hope you feel better.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Quick visit this morning..

    Squat 65kg 3,2,3. Felt -heavy-..
    Bench 45kg worked up to this, there weren't many people around so I grabbed a spot for one attempt and managed 2 reps. 100% improvement! Yay!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Well after a week and a half off with a cold and some issues with my OH's health too which was a bit stressful and left me short of time I hit the gym in my lunch break today. It's only just do able and I always feel a bit rushed so less than ideal but, I got there

    3 sets of 20 glute bridges and 12 x 12kg dumbell rows
    3 sets of 10 18kg goblet squats and 6 x 12kg dumbell pench press. And gosh that was hard - previously I have only managed 10kgs, even just getting the dumbells in place is tough, and that first rep every time was so dithery!
    1 set of 10 18kg dumbell romanian dead lifts (so 36kg) one set of 8 and one set of 4.
    Some leg raises and planking and I was done.

    To be fair to my dead lifts, 1 I don't get enough time for a rest as I am clock watching so I was getting 30 seconds or so, 2 I was previously squatting 16kg goblets and 10kg bench and my arms were just so tired I just could not hold on any more :( It was not really my big back muscles that were struggling just my poor weedy arms lol!
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    After a 3 day hiatus (darn the holidays and so much to do! :grumble: ), my workout yesterday:

    Squat: 120 lbs all 5x5
    OHP: 70 5x3 Hoping I can get 5 of 5 next time since this is my second stall
    Deadlift: 185 lbs 5x1 Warmed up with 140 lbs. This one was kind of a struggle, so we'll see how 195 lbs is for me next time. I'm hoping to DL my bodyweight before the end of the year.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Wendler, Cycle 4, Week 2
    Warm up sets
    1x5 @50
    1x5 @70
    1x3 @80

    Work sets
    1x3 @ 95
    1x3 @ 110
    1x4 @ 120

    Accessory work
    Flat dumbbell bench press
    5x10 @ 35
    One arm dumbbell row
    5x10 @ 35

    Then I did something called the "9 Minute Kettlebell Complex from Hell". I had to take a minute break halfway through because I was wiped!
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    Day 1 of my 4th week into SL:

    Squat 5x5@ 90# (warmup 2x5 @45#)

    OHP 2/2/4/5/3 @60# (2nd time stalling @ this weight (warmup 2x5 @ 45#)

    Deadlift 1x5 @135# (30# away from my BW :bigsmile: )