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December workout reports



  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    90mins of football when you are two players short is enough! Someone needs to come round and cook me food I have no energy lol
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    95# Squats 5x5
    70# Bench Press 5x5
    80# Barbell Row 5x5

    BW 5x5 each leg Bulgarian split squats

    I was feeling pretty frustrated that I was only going to get 2 sessions in this week, it was freezing ❄️in the garage and I was doubting myself thinking I felt kind of weak.... WELP I proved myself wrong! I put on my big girl panties and got myself in gear! All of my moves felt strong ???? My focus was on point and I made myself proud damnit! Lol ???? in all actuality it's been an amazing week with lots of fun Christmas activities ???? Smiling children make my heart happy ❤️
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Wendler Cycle 4, Week 1
    1x5 @ 85
    1x5 @ 100
    1x5 @ 115

    Flat dumbbell press
    5x10 @ 30
    One-arm dumbbell row
    5x10 @ 30
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Squat 105lbs 5x5 - I tired to take a video but something went a wry so no video. I think I got to parallel better. Was working on what it truly felt like all weekend w/o weight.
    Row Dumbell bent over row 5x5 (each arm) 30lbs
    Bench - 85lbs. the last set was rough but I got through all 5x5!

    My low back is all kinds of achy and twingy. I believe it is due to a combination of the cold snowy weather and the fact that my cycle is due to start this week.

    @Barney - Keep it up! The OHP is a hard one for ladies to move up on. I have been stuck at 60lbs pretty much since I started. Everyone has something they aren't the best at. I suck SUCK at deadlifts (though a lot of that is mental and I need to get over it). Nice job.

    @Kira - your lifts always impress me. Love it!

    @JBC - Awesome job! It is hard to drag ones butt out when it is crappy outside to get to the gym.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    @vendygirl: your bench is awesome! I'm so jealous of your 85lbs.

    Today was just a crappy crap day, but I was still sweating because it was Deadlift day (which makes me feel awesome).
    Squats: This was the crap. I normally go at 6am MWF but went Su, W, Sa last week. When I go on the weekends its obviously later in the day and so I progress better since I'm stronger. Then when I go back at 6am like this morning I struggle. Barely got out just a few reps.

    OHP: 50lbs for 5,5,4. Sticking with the same weight for 3ish sessions before increasing is helping somewhat.

    DL: 110lbs for 1x5. Debated doing more to make up for the crappy squats but these always wear me out so I didn't.

    Also, realized that my gym will be closed starting Saturday (university gym and the students finish exams on Friday) so no heavy lifting for me next week. Or the 2 weeks after that (vacation). That's no fun.
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Today was just a crappy crap day, but I was still sweating because it was Deadlift day (which makes me feel awesome).
    Squats: This was the crap. I normally go at 6am MWF but went Su, W, Sa last week. When I go on the weekends its obviously later in the day and so I progress better since I'm stronger. Then when I go back at 6am like this morning I struggle. Barely got out just a few reps.

    I definitely don't feel as strong in the mornings either, unless I pump myself up with a little cardio first . Good job gettin in there and getting it in ! A not so great workout is much better than none at all ;)
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Deadlift day
    1x5 @ 160
    1x5 @ 185
    1x8 @ 210

    That's just AWESOME!
    Less than 5 lbs away from being able to DL my body weight!

    That's great, keep up the good work! I noticed this is your first post - welcome!
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I definitely don't feel as strong in the mornings either, unless I pump myself up with a little cardio first . Good job gettin in there and getting it in ! A not so great workout is much better than none at all ;)

    Thanks! I know its better than nothing, thats how my last few workouts have been. I'd do a cardio warm up if I had time, but I have about 1 hour before work to fit it all in before having to shower and get ready so I'm pretty pressed for time. I'd go after work but...I'm too impatient to wait for a rack! haha
  • debress
    debress Posts: 36 Member
    Feeling like a boss today!

    Squat 102 pounds 5x5
    Bench 72 pounds 5x5
    Row 75 pounds 5x5

    Got to 100 pounds for squat on Saturday and moving right up today with my little cheater washers. Did a little dance Saturday when I realized I just lifted triple digits for the first time ever. Did another dance when I looked back in my notebook and realized the most I had ever squatted previously was 85 pounds, and never did that consistently. On top of all that, the pants I'm wearing today are loose! Two months ago, they were completely out of the rotation because they were too tight to button. I took a gamble this morning and tossed them into the gym bag. Good thing I brought my belt too!

    Failed last Thursday when I tried the 72 pounds for bench press, and was just amazed at how good it felt to do 5x5 on it this morning. Didn't even need a spotter! I guess this program really does build strength as promised! Crossing fingers I can do the same after failing on OHP twice at 60 pounds (I think that's where I'm stuck, don't have my notebook in front of me). Am highly motivated by you ladies who routinely OHP 80+ pounds. Wow!
  • barneychavez
    barneychavez Posts: 30 Member

    That's great, keep up the good work! I noticed this is your first post - welcome!


    haven't been very consistent at all with SL--only lifted twice last month! training for a half marathon in february which is more a priority right now. just going to do what i can now so when i come back after the holidays it won't be so bad!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Everybody is doing great!

    Days like today are good reminders that even when you 'fail' you are still learning something, and still getting stronger.

    Wendler Cycle 4, Week 1
    1x5 @ 155
    1x5 @ 180
    1x4 @ 200
    1x2 @ 200

    Yeah, failed on my last working set. Just didn't have it today - not enough sleep, probably not enough food yesterday. I could have done a 5th, but it would not have had good form, so I settled for a second set to get me there. Sometimes, it's better to just go back to bed when you wake up and think "Oh man, I am WAY too tired to lift well today." Especially on squat day.

    Leg press
    3x10 @ 110
    Bulgarian split squats
    3x10 @ 20, both legs. - These turn my legs in to jelly. I could barely walk down the stairs or push in the clutch on my car. :smile:
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    Squat 110 lbs all 5 of 5
    OHP: 70 lbs only 3 reps of all 5 sets :grumble:
    Deadlift: 175 lbs.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Days like today are good reminders that even when you 'fail' you are still learning something, and still getting stronger.
    ^^So true, Kira.

    Did some odd stuff today in my pursuit to find my post-rehab working weight.

    Wendler 5/3/1: Squat
    Cycle 1, Week 2 (actually week 3, but took days off from squats-weird knee--so this counts in 2)

    105x5, then:
    55 5x10
    20 pushups
    20 crunches
    20 heel touches

    And, for fun, I did Landmine 180's 2x10 per side, oly bar only. Looking forward to adding weight next time. I flipping love these things. :love:
    (AKA Russian Twist, but I think the other name sounds more awesome) :bigsmile:
    Hope everyone had a great weekend. :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Workout B for me today (my fav)

    Squats up to 90lb today still no pain so going for all 5 sets...there is a twinge but as I work the muscle it feels great.

    OHP 80lbs today...I didn't fail and could go onto 85 but form last time was a bit iffy....:laugh:
    Good thing too...3x5 @ 80lb....1x4....then 1x5....jeez

    DL's are at 105 ....hoping these are fine today...last time setting the weight down cause a bigger "twinge"....eek

    not sure about my deads...going up it's great it's setting it down...

    All in all a good workout...now for some food...wowsers.

    Happy Monday Ladies
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    2x10 45#
    2x5 65#
    2x5 75#

    5x5 95# SQUATS
    (Struggled on every freakin set, form sucked *kitten*)

    5x5 45# OVERHEAD PRESS (after being so weak in my squats I decided to just keep it light and really concentrate on range of motion)

    1x5 145#
    3x5 115#

    Per HRM :: 51min 338 calories

    *** Lesson learned ☝️ My body needs a rest day in between squatting ????
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    lwoodroff wrote: »
    I think I'm reaping the rewards of about 5 days of feeling grim and not eating sufficient/sufficient protein.

    Anyway, it went a little something like this:

    squat - worked my way up to 62.5kgs, 4/3/4 given it's been a month since I hit this weight for the first time and deloaded, I'll take it, although my form isn't pretty (a bit GMing).
    bench - worked my way up in triples to a single at 45kg and was grateful that crossfit kid's dad was spotting me as he had to lift the second rep off me! I should do what I've been putting off and deload on this. However it is a new weight (99lbs!) so PR! Yay!

    then I was feeling wiped so came home. still need to stretch (I'm so bad at this)...
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    @lwoodroff: Excellent on the bench! ????

    Wendler 5/3/1: Military Press
    Always a challenge with my recovering left shoulder and neck.
    45 1x10
    15&20lb DBs 4x10 (I was able to do 4x6-10 with the 20's, but I had to finish a few reps with the 15s.)
    75lb glute bridges 5x10
    No neg chin ups today. Left trap feeling funky, so I didn't want to push it.

    All in all a good day :smile:
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Great numbers, ladies!

    I haven't been able to get to the gym since Thursday! It was driving me crazy. Stupid work and commitments. :tongue:

    Workout A today

    Squats 5x5 @ 80 Form was much better than a couple of workouts ago, after deload.
    Bench 5x5 @ 55
    Rows 5x5 @ 60
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I'm back from my meet and almost ready to kick butt and take names! Still a bit sore though.

    Everyone is having some awesome lifts!

    I can't wait to start axle training for a strongman style powerlifting meet I'm going to compete in on 1/25. I think I'm going to start with a strong lifts style workout for 2 weeks to get me used to the axle, and then maybe a cycle of 5/3/1.

    Lydia you can always dump it off your back. That's why there are safety bars!
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Squat 105lbs 5x5 I put that I did this Monday as well but my notebook says 100lbs. Either way I did 105lb for sure today. felt my from slipped on the last set though.
    OHP 60lbs Struggled on the last set. Going to try to up it by 5 next time.
    DL 85lbs. I MADE myself put the weight higher. I have to break free of this mental black on the deadlift.

    Nice numbers ladies. Keep it up!