

  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    Personal January Challenge Goal: -6#

    Weigh-In Report

    01.01.2014 - begin
    01.05.2014 - down 1.6#
    01.19.2014 - down 1.8#

    Down 3.4#

    Achievement To Goal: 56.6% Complete
    Time Lapse 31-Day January Challenge: 61.2% Complete

    <potential to achieve January challenge success!>

  • chownot
    chownot Posts: 46 Member
    Found these great sites for recipe ideas and thought I'd share:


    I would avoid any and all mock desserts for first 2 phases of Atkins. Why tempt the beast.

    Good Luck to all.
  • tunesntea
    My ticker should be slightly down. Under 100 by Feb 1. It sure slowed down.
  • Helenabc
    Helenabc Posts: 39 Member
    Helenabc - Keep up the great work!! Just curious if you know about how many carbs/calories you are eating in the 160s. I find I have to stay under 100 carbs (under 50 is better) and close to 1200 - 1300 calories. It's been a year and I eat no bread, rice, potatoes or pasta - even low carb versions because they trigger me to eat and I could not lose/maintain. I exercise everyday because I am trying to make it a habit....I just wanted to know if others had to eat so close to a certain carb/calorie range.

    Hi Lulu NH. I started induction at the start of January so I was eating 20 carbs and this week I have gone up to around 30. I want to increase it slowly because I am worried about cravings. As I am in the early phases I don't eat bread, rice, potatoes. So far I have not had to worry about my calories, they do vary from 1200 - 1600. However as I lose more weight I know I will have to limit them to some degree. I have four boys so I am fairly active and I am exercising 30 minutes to an hour each day. I do think everyone is different and through trial and error we work out what works best for us. Helen :smile:
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    i hear you about mock desserts, often times too they use the powdered splenda and nobody seems to account for the maltodextrin in it, spenda is not zero carbs,, ( by law if its less than 1 gram they can call it zero,,) problem is , if you use a cup of splenda it can really ad up to around 35 grams, just google carbs in maltodextrix ( thats the white powder in spenda),,, spenda is really an liquid,, you can order liquid splenda off the internet,,
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    it is truely a wonderful thing to read the old atkins books, and get yourself off of the "net carbs" for a few weeks,, go old school atkins, and ditch all the sugars, all the things that got you to this place you hate,, get into really good ketosis and feel your stomach pull in and see the scale move down fast, get really control over your eating, for me there is nothing like it
  • Pennben
    Pennben Posts: 28 Member
    Checking in for the week: down 4.2, overall for the month 11. Now, to try to navigate myself through the end of this week when I have plans to go out 4 of the next six days.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • JaimeLaRae
    JaimeLaRae Posts: 279 Member
    Checking in, just looked & realized it's been 10 days. Oops! Still going strong and steady. I'm down a few more pounds for a total of 8 pounds lost since Jan. 6th. Two more to go to make my goal for this month!:happy: :happy: :happy:
  • chownot
    chownot Posts: 46 Member
    Urghhhh just ate too many Ikea Swedish meatballs then read the package. Just blew my carb intake for the day! Getting on the treadmill to hopefully counteract.
  • chownot
    chownot Posts: 46 Member
    Tim thank you for all your inspiration and positive thoughts. Keep up the good work!
  • joyce71743
    Hi, I started the Atkins diet on 1/15/2014 so far so good. Weigh in today I have lost 7 lbs. My goal for Jan. is 20 lbs. Maybe unrealistic but I like a challenge.
  • tunesntea
    Tim thank you for all your inspiration and positive thoughts. Keep up the good work!

    Yes, thanks Tim.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Today was a day I've been looking forward to. I've been on Induction for 2 weeks and lost 8 lbs.! I've been following Atkins plan stringently without my usual feelings of 'starvation' which I have on a low-cal diet. This is working and I want to make it a lifestyle plan. One thing that helps keep me focused is reading. Right now, I'm reading "Why We get Fat and What we can do about it". The first part is very scientific and kind of boring, but I'm plowing through it. The author ends up with the theory that CARBS cause us to be fat!...not calories...I'm starting to believe it.
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    8 Days to go People! Finish strong, I had a 3 day trip to the Oregon Coast, and only took 1 meal off, I thought that was pretty good, planned ahead and brought plenty of low carb options with me, well with 8 days to go, I am going to weight in on Sunday and then do a 3 day FAT FAST ( maybe 4 days) to finish out the month, I want to finish strong, I clearly want to match last years 50 pound weight loss with another 50 pounds minimum for 2014, we are all on a roll here people,, lets hang in there, watch your carbs, help your friends and most of all believe in yourselves! I DO!
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    if your considering a carb up meal, or a cheat meal some call it, then consider this ,,i very often go for 1 or 2 week on induction and then have a cheat meal or even a cheat half day, especailly if the scale moved downward for the previous week, Atkins himself touted the idea of a cheat meal or cheat day,, ( even 3 days off if you were on a hard platue) ,, when your low carbing for a week or 2, and the idea of carbs is in your head, tell yourself , look ward to that one meal, and then enjoy it, savor it, then get right back on induction, not only will you feel good about yourself, but you will have no guilt,,, why because you planned it, it wasnt spontaneous! it wasnt dissaster!,,, this puts you in control, and guess what,, after another week or 2 of induction low carb eating you will see the scale continue to drop and go down!,, carb ups are a wonderful tool for keeping the stall/ platue at bay
  • chownot
    chownot Posts: 46 Member
    Another good book is the blood sugar solution, he has a good facebook site also. Same thing, carbs BAD. I got it from the library. I find that I need constant reinforcement to not go back to bad habits.:drinker:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Another good book is the blood sugar solution, he has a good facebook site also. Same thing, carbs BAD. I got it from the library. I find that I need constant reinforcement to not go back to bad habits.:drinker:

    Thanks, I'll look for it.
  • LuluNH
    LuluNH Posts: 75 Member
    Tim - I like your strategy on the carb up meal. It's a sensible plan that I think helps people overcome "diet fatigue" (diet is a 4 letter word!!) It provides a way to maintain this way of eating without completely de-railing yourself!! It's what you do everyday that matters not the once in awhile!! Best wishes everyone for an on-plan day!! Finally get to weigh tomorrow!!
  • LuluNH
    LuluNH Posts: 75 Member
    SW: 178
    CW: 172

    Weighing in at 172, refocusing to Valentine's Day with a goal to be in the 160s. I think I can do it!! Roughly 3 weeks and 3 pounds!!! Best wishes for an on-plan day!!!
  • irish606
    irish606 Posts: 7 Member
    12 days and 10 pounds. Absolutely remarkable.