Talking Dead: Team Daryl



  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    Yay Daryl! Way to kick zombie butt!!!!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    New Challenge is posted on the team's Walking Dead thread.
    Recap is posted here:
    Summary of Kill points Daryl 6, Beth 2

    Leaderboard and this week's MVP's has been posted.

    Rick will be deciding the punishment exercises this week and choosing one of the four new characters. The weekly points from the remaining three will be divided up among the three, second place finishers. 

    This week's optional show inspired exercise is this fitnessblender golf workout:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Posting from my phone at work so I'll be brief! The week's punishment is a quick circuit training routine:

    1 min jumping jacks; 10 sit ups/roll ups/crunches; 1 min jump rope; 1 min side plank (30 sec each side); 5 burpees.
    Here's the punishment from Team Rick's captain. The good news is he decided that you only have to do it once this week and, as always, you can include it with your cardio or strength numbers.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Sorry I got so busy last week I didn't put in my week totals . I was close but not all the way there . I will get the on the punishment today and I am home so no excuses !

    I am just now able to catch up on the show ..
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    This week seems doable. Let's kick some butt, people! :drinker:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Team Daryl is this week's winner! I need punishment exercises decided with 24hours. Congratulations!
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    MapleFlavouredMaiden Posts: 595 Member
    Yay!!! Go team!!

    Punishment exercise eh? What should we serve them with?
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    MapleFlavouredMaiden Posts: 595 Member
    This one looks interesting!
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    MapleFlavouredMaiden Posts: 595 Member
    Or this. Could be done with a band or at the gym.
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    yay team!!!! and congratulations mapeflavoure. Sorry I was not able to contribute to the team this last week. I had some serious issues going on with work and the week jus got away from me. I am here I did not fall to the zombie horde and am back on track.

    So punishment exercises. Maple I really like the first link you posted. What do you think..30 per leg 5 x for the week?
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    yay team!!!! and congratulations mapeflavoure. Sorry I was not able to contribute to the team this last week. I had some serious issues going on with work and the week jus got away from me. I am here I did not fall to the zombie horde and am back on track.

    So punishment exercises. Maple I really like the first link you posted. What do you think..30 per leg 5 x for the week?
    I think that's reasonable too, maybe we'll go with 30 per leg 4 times this week, being that we're getting it out a bit late today. I will go spread the word.
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    I barely made it this week. I just eeked out our goals for the week but it was tough. thank goodness we were the winners and didnt have to do punishment exercises!! Are we all ready to kick some more zombie butt tonight??
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Leader board has been updated here:
    Glenn and Maggie will be choosing the punishment this week. What's nice is there has been a different winner every week so far. Congrats to all the MVPs and have a great week everyone. Hoping to see some reunions in the next few episodes.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Punishment has been decided. Glenn and Maggie would like everyone to do a 60 second plank, 3 times this week.
  • luckygohappy
    luckygohappy Posts: 80 Member
    Sorry guys, but I think I need to drop out of the challenge. I'm battling infertility and repeat miscarriages, and it's really been taking an emotional toll on me, plus I don't know if the physical demands of this challenge will interfere with treatments, and I don't want to risk it. Best of luck to all of you, and know I'll be watching and cheering Team Daryl on!!
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    So sorry to hear luckygohappy but we certainly wouldnt want you to do anything that risks what you are trying to acconmplish. Best of luck to you <3
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    New leader board, recap and challenge are up. I still have to count this weeks kills, but that gives me an excuse to rewatch it tonight.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Tyreese and Sasha already chose a punishment exercise: 

    Inchworm: Stand up tall with the legs straight, and do like Lil’ Jon and let those fingertips hit the floor. Keeping the legs straight (but not locked!), slowly lower the torso toward the floor, and then walk the hands forward. Once in a push-up position, start taking tiny steps so the feet meet the hands. Continue bugging out for 4-6 reps. 

    Do 3 days this week.

    Video here:;feature=youtube_gdata_player
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I'm sorry guys I lost my self for a couple weeks at home I got so busy but I am here and will be better at participating . I am going to get these inchworms done. I used to do them every other day before so I know how . !!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Leader board and recap have been posted.

    Tyreese and Sasha will be deciding the last punishment exercise of the season. 

    Also remember this is the week to get your 2 points for doing a Fitspiration, the early bird challenge 4 was:

    A big part of survival in the apocalypse will be teaching and inspiring others. In week 9, there will be bonus points (2) awarded to everyone who contributes a fitspo to the MFP Fitspiration thread.  

    Part One: 
    Part Two: 
    Part Three: 

    Part Four
    Add your fitspo here:

    If you haven't done a fitspo yet, think of what you've accomplished in the last 9 weeks and make one now to make 2 points for your team this week. Browse the 4 part thread for inspiration (you'll find plenty). As you can see, a fitspo is just a motivational quote on a picture. It can be a before and after picture, a picture of yourself dancing, a picture of the street you jog on, the park you walk through or of an obstacle you've had to fight past. As long as the quote and picture have inspired you, it will inspire others. Message your team captain when you have posted one or remind them that you have done so already.