Talking Dead: Team Michonne



  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    cool. thanks for the info. I do lots of workouts using the fitness blender website but I know that eventually I will get sick of that so its good to know what else is out there.

    Im trying to psyche myself up for my second strength training session at the gym today. my legs are still stiff from Wednesday so I don't know how great I am going to do today. I'm leaving town for a few days afterwards though so if i don't go today then I won't get to go till next wednesday.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    cool. thanks for the info. I do lots of workouts using the fitness blender website but I know that eventually I will get sick of that so its good to know what else is out there.

    Im trying to psyche myself up for my second strength training session at the gym today. my legs are still stiff from Wednesday so I don't know how great I am going to do today. I'm leaving town for a few days afterwards though so if i don't go today then I won't get to go till next wednesday.

    You are welcome. A light workout is best for achy muscles. Speeds recovery. Pushing to hard can cause injury. Sounds like Wednesday was a great leg day.

    I did 30 minutes of Cardio/ strength training today. Let's kill zombies and evil humans!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    cool. thanks for the info. I do lots of workouts using the fitness blender website but I know that eventually I will get sick of that so its good to know what else is out there.

    Im trying to psyche myself up for my second strength training session at the gym today. my legs are still stiff from Wednesday so I don't know how great I am going to do today. I'm leaving town for a few days afterwards though so if i don't go today then I won't get to go till next wednesday.

    It is called The DailyHIIT Team. That is hiit. The capital I' s look like L' s, but they are not. You can join their site and they send you free workouts. Some you need equipment for, but many do not. Most are high impact. Some I love, some not so much. I like fitness blender also. :)
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Right, tomorrow is my 'Last Chance' day and it's also my official first weigh-in. I'm dead nervous!

    Tomorrow, I'm going to be doing Just Dance for an hour, then off to the gym and doing the WOD (Workout of the Day) class and some weightlifting. Walk for about an hour and rest!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Dazzling I hope your ankle is better. Well I did a back to back T 25 workout today. Core and lower half. The core was an interval one. Core, then cardio, repeat. Lower half about killed me. Lots of work. Then I did my ab workout and walked my boys (pups) outside. We are in a high wind warning. Bonus workout, felt like I was running through mud. So about 90 minutes total.

    Now to rest.
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey All! I am in with Team Michonne! Name is Angi, I live in South Florida and I love challenges! I lost the most weight last year during challenges. I am a supportive team player and cannot wait to get started. I own a small business and travel throughout the month of Jan with that business, but will be back home on Jan 26, ready to get started. Go Team Michonne (TM).
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Yay, welcome to the team Angi!

    Shelley I love the new profile picture. How many dogs do you have?

    I am back from a few days in England and now I am ready to get back on track! Bring the challenge on!! :smile:
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Yay, welcome to the team Angi!

    Shelley I love the new profile picture. How many dogs do you have?

    I am back from a few days in England and now I am ready to get back on track! Bring the challenge on!! :smile:

    Welcome Angi! Love your spirit. :)

    I have been working out each day. Did the T25 Total Body today and abs. Yesterday I fell into a pool of brown eyes. All shih tzus! There are a total of four. Lol. First there is my oldest Timmy, 12, Oscar, his son, 10, Cooper, 8, and the baby Joey, he turns 8 on the 27th. There are two kitties also. The oldest Whiskers, 20, he is diabetic and receives 2 shots a day. And then there is Crash, he is around 15. Cooper and Whiskers came to us when their mommy died unexpectedly 3 years ago. And Crash was left at our home by my son. They are all wonderful and get along very well. They are all boys! :noway:

    They go to a groomer every other Friday. I gave up doing it myself when we got Joey. I want to walk them on the weekends, not bathe and cut hair! They are my best friends. :)

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    They are lovely! I was all excited about getting a dog because we were planning on moving house (there is no room for a dog where I am living now) but the house we were meant to move into got flooded last week so its not looking good for us living there.

    I'm trying to get back on track but its hard because i came back from England with a horrible chesty cough and I just have no energy to do anything. I still made it to the gym today though and feel much better for having done it.

    How is everyone's week going?
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Did the kickboxing video posted in the Early Bird Week One thread twice. I've also done the elliptical trainer, some boxing, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, squats, goblet squats, kettlebell work, walking and some light jogging (ankle still healing a little, 90% better though)
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Louise do not over do it. Walking is about all I would suggest. Maybe some stretching. And hot tea.I sure hope you get to have a place of your own soon. Then you can get a furry friend. Here is a closeup of Joey. He is so silly!

    Dazz glad to hear your ankle is getting better. Kettles really put a lot of stress on ankles and knees. Careful you do not make it worse. Goblet squats are awesome. Your entire workout is rocking. Love it.

    I am still doing daily workouts. Even thinking about getting a sword workout. Could be fun.

    Go team Michonne!

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Awe, the picture didn't come up. try again! I want to see your dog!!

    I didn't go very hard in the gym today and I was planning on stopping if I felt rubbish at all. I think ill take it easy for the weekend though and hopefully ill be able for a proper week of working out next week. Im glad im getting all of this out of my system before the challenge starts properly!

    Dazz, you are like a machine!! Glad your ankle is feeling better! and also very glad that you are on my team!! We are going to rock this! :smile:

    Shelley, how would you go about doing a sword workout? do you have a sword? Im intrigued!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Louise my daughter has one, come to think of it my hubby has one also. I so do not think I should attempt two at once though! :noway: There is some dvds out there that do sword workouts. I have not tried them. But could be fun. I think the ladies name is Solaris Montagnani. Let me go find it. I have one of her others. She is awesome. I saw another, he is actually teaching, Basic Sword Program by Masayuki Shimabukuro. We could have fun! :)

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    That does sound like loads of fun. Definitely a new way to keep things interesting. I have no access to a sword but I think I would be safer using a big stick instead anyway! :laugh:
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    That does sound like loads of fun. Definitely a new way to keep things interesting. I have no access to a sword but I think I would be safer using a big stick instead anyway! :laugh:

    Most swords are not really sharp. They are ornamental! :) Hope you saw Joey this time.He is really not all head, just how he turned. Lol
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    oops, I thought you were posting a photo under the message, I just realised that you meant your profile photo! Joey is lovely! I'm jealous. we have two lovely cats but im far more of a dog person.
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Today, I have not let the team down!!!

    I did 20 minutes on the treadmill doing a light jog, 5 pull-ups (which are extremely difficult for me and last year, couldn't even manage one!), 10 minutes of boxing, I did the Workout of the Day class (which was 7 push-ups, 7 squat jumps, 7 burpees, 7 sprint laps, 6 push-ups, 6 squat jumps, 6 burpees, 6 sprint laps, 5 push-ups, etc) and I also did 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer.

    On top of this, I also did the kickboxing video in the morning that was posted in Week One of the Early Bird challenge. I do Week Two all of the time anyway so I did that as well.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Today, I have not let the team down!!!

    I did 20 minutes on the treadmill doing a light jog, 5 pull-ups (which are extremely difficult for me and last year, couldn't even manage one!), 10 minutes of boxing, I did the Workout of the Day class (which was 7 push-ups, 7 squat jumps, 7 burpees, 7 sprint laps, 6 push-ups, 6 squat jumps, 6 burpees, 6 sprint laps, 5 push-ups, etc) and I also did 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer.

    On top of this, I also did the kickboxing video in the morning that was posted in Week One of the Early Bird challenge. I do Week Two all of the time anyway so I did that as well.

    Wow, thats impressive! I feel tired just reading it!
    I haven't been a great zombie fighter for the last two weeks because of being away and being sick but as of next week I am on it! No more excuses!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    oops, I thought you were posting a photo under the message, I just realised that you meant your profile photo! Joey is lovely! I'm jealous. we have two lovely cats but im far more of a dog person.

    Joey does not know he is a dog. Lol. You have been nailing these workouts. WOOHOO

    I have had a few bad days. Time to get moving again. :)

    Ok Dazz, glad to see you are continuing to get better. :)

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Have you managed to get back on track Shelley?

    In the last week I have been incredibly hungry all the time! I think its because of the strength training but I can't get enough food into me. Staying within my calories has been hard!

    With that said, here are some of my meal ideas that have reasonably high protein. I posted this on the meet and greet board but figured I should post it here too.

    I had this on Tuesday of this week and it was delicious!! but without the drink or the ice cream.

    Calories: 541
    Carbs: 48
    Fat: 21
    Protein: 44

    That is with only one fillet of sea bass per person, I wish now that I had bought us two each because they are a great protein source.

    My other go to protein meal is for lunch I like to have a tin of tuna drained (in brine, not sunflower oil), mix it with a tablespoon of quark (or cottage cheese if I have no quark), add in a few spring onions, season with salt and pepper, spread on a slice of toast and put about 30g of cheddar slices on top and grill till the cheese has melted. Also nice to pour a little worchester sauce on top but I always forget to do that!

    Calories: 374 (with cottage cheese)
    Carbs: 17
    Fat: 11
    protein: 47 (is higher when I use quark)