Talking Dead: Team Michonne



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Dazz it was a migraine that started my slide. :( I have even gotten on the treadmill the last two days. I hate that torture contraption. Followed by 100 sit-ups, 150 crunches, 85 leg lifts and a 90 second plank. My head started pounding towards the end. So I called it quits and will try more tomorrow. But it is promising.

    Love your tuna meals. :) And cottage cheese. :) Protein is supposed to keep you fuller. If you are truly hungry all the time your calories may need adjusting. Add some nuts or eggs. I can not sleep if I am truly hungry and not just craving things.

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Migraine sounds horrible. I hope you are feeling better now.

    I'm going to give it a few more days to see if my body adjusts. I have gotten loads of protein this week and I am still starving. but I don't want to up my calories because I am only set to lose half a pound a week. I was saying yesterday that I need to do some more cardio to allow for more calories to fill myself because I am starving from exercise! Its a vicious cycle! :smile:
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Louise migraines are a pain. I have dealt with them most of my life. Now they mostly leave me tired and lacking energy for a day or two when they leave. I can walk, but bending over or fast movements send spears through my head. So mostly I just try to rest and walk.

    Hope your body adjusts to your calorie, exercise burn and intakes. When you get down to the last ten pounds or so it is always tough. I drink hot tea in the evenings, sometimes it helps with the hunger pains.

    PS sorry I got you and Dazz confused. Did I mention I also get confused and have trouble seeing due to my migraines. :( Truly does limit ones activities. I try not to do anything really important for fear of messing it up.

  • Jamisonanne
    Jamisonanne Posts: 25 Member
    Whooo go team Michone!!! I hope to tap into my inner Michone throughout this weight loss journey!! Feel free to add me! The more support the better!
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi All! Back from my travels and ready to get started. I basically just ran while I was gone, but good news is that I did not gain any weight! YAY. So now time for some kick a*s muscle building Michonne style! I am working today, then shopping for groceries when I get home and a quick run with my Oakley(dog). Time to get back on track!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Welcome back Angi. Im impressed that you didn't put on any weight while away, not even water weight! Thats not something I can do! I can't wait to get this challenge started properly. I've been doing the abs workouts regularly but im not as good with the cardio or the combat workouts because I have been focussing on weight training in the gym. I think I will print out the moves from the kickboxing video and do it in the gym on the punching bag. Everytime I am in there I just want to hit that thing! :laugh:
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Whooo go team Michone!!! I hope to tap into my inner Michone throughout this weight loss journey!! Feel free to add me! The more support the better!

    Welcome Jamiesonanne. i hope you are ready to kick some *kitten*! :laugh:
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Welcome back Angi. Im impressed that you didn't put on any weight while away, not even water weight! Thats not something I can do! I can't wait to get this challenge started properly. I've been doing the abs workouts regularly but im not as good with the cardio or the combat workouts because I have been focussing on weight training in the gym. I think I will print out the moves from the kickboxing video and do it in the gym on the punching bag. Everytime I am in there I just want to hit that thing! :laugh:

    I love hitting bags also. I have one of those standing one's from Billy Blanks. Kick its butt!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Whooo go team Michone!!! I hope to tap into my inner Michone throughout this weight loss journey!! Feel free to add me! The more support the better!

    Welcome on board! :) We can do this together! :)

  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey All! I will be your team captain for this challenge and I am really looking to kick some Zombie *kitten*! I will need for everyone to start getting their goals around and PM me so I can get the spreadsheet started. Here are the official instructions:

    Step One:
    On February 3rd or before:
    Choose a team, introduce yourself on the Talking Dead thread of that team and read the challenge on the Walking Dead thread of that team. There are no limits on team size. Scoring will be averaged 'per capita' so that small teams have the same chances of winning each week as do large teams.

    Step Two:
    Week 1 February 3rd-8th
    Set your goals and send them in to your team captain so they can start a spreadsheet.
    If you are looking to lose weight, do an official weigh in and take before pics.
    Inches? Measure yourself and take before pics.
    Run faster? Time your best run and see if you can beat it at the end of the challenge.
    Improve your strength or endurance? Take notes on what you are doing now and plan out how you are going to improve.

    Step Three:
    Complete the 3 Cardio, Strength and Food Challenges in your team's Walking Dead thread and send your results to your team captain by Saturday at Midnight Central. Scoring is as follows:

    Completed Cardio Minimums: +1
    Completed Weight Training/Resistance Training Minimums: +1
    Completed Food Intake Goals: + 1

    These will be added to the Character points that your Character earned for you on the last episode*, scored as follows:
    Walker kills: +1
    Living enemy kills: +2
    *Week One's kills will be based on the mid season finale.

    Example calculation:
    A 20 member team has 15 members complete all 3 challenges= 45 points
    3 members complete 2 of the challenges= 6 points
    2 members don't check in and haven't arranged for an absence. =0 points
    Your team's Character killed 3 zombies and 1 living enemy in the last episode = 5 points.
    Total 56 points divided by 20 people is a final score of 2.8

    Step Four:
    Watch the show Sunday night and cheer for your Character to kill as many Walkers and living enemies as possible and hope they stay alive!
    If your Character dies, your entire team must immediately join the Walker Horde.

    Step Five:
    Each Monday, check your team's Walking Dead board for winning team and MVP announcements, rewards, new weekly challenges and penalty exercises assigned by the winners.

    Other Notes:
    a)Each team will face different levels of intensity based on that character's strengths and on their performance in the past episode. For example, Daryl and Michonne will face much tougher challenges than any of the children.
    b) A winning team will be chosen each week. Winning teams get to hand out punishment exercises to the other teams' members.
    c) Each week every team captain will award one team member with a weekly MVP award. These awards will be based on participation and performance. MVP's will get highly sought after privileges and rewards for that week and will be immune from punishment exercises. Completing extra cardio minutes and/or being a motivational presence within your team will qualify you for possible MVP status.
    d) At the end of the challenge on March 31st, an overall winning team will be announced, plus an MVP award will be given to one member of each team. Once again, this will be based on overall participation and performance.

    Read each weekly challenge carefully and get to know your team members and your team captain. Most weeks you will be required to message your team captain your weekly challenge results, or occasionally a vote or a trivia question answer. Non participation for two weeks running will lead us to the assumption that you have been eaten by zombies. If you need to leave the challenge either temporarily or permanently, please inform your team captain of your absence so that you are not counted into the weekly totals.

    I am a competitive but supportive person! I Know we can kick butt each and every week. Let's do this!

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks Angi. I had totally forgotten about setting goals. Not sure what I want mine to be. maybe lose inches? Ill have a think about it and get back to you.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Thanks Angi. I had totally forgotten about setting goals. Not sure what I want mine to be. maybe lose inches? Ill have a think about it and get back to you.

    Goals, I will give it more thought. Pictures might be a problem. I do not own a phone. My new camera has to many pixels to post on this site. I have misplaced my old camera. It will work if I can locate it. Thank you Angie for doing this with us and being our captain.

  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Thanks Angi. I had totally forgotten about setting goals. Not sure what I want mine to be. maybe lose inches? Ill have a think about it and get back to you.

    Goals, I will give it more thought. Pictures might be a problem. I do not own a phone. My new camera has to many pixels to post on this site. I have misplaced my old camera. It will work if I can locate it. Thank you Angie for doing this with us and being our captain.

    The Fitspiration challenge doesn't have to be a picture anyway. At the end of the 9 weeks, just post a meaningful quote or a story that inspired you or that you feel will inspire others.
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Happy Thursday! Where is the rest of our team?? Hello?? Lets start chatting it up in here!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Happy Thursday! How is everyone? I am meant to be doing college work today but instead I just had a nap on the couch! oops.
    Only a few more days till TWD is back on our screens. yay!
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Happy Friday Team! Time is drawing near, I would really like to get started on my spreadsheet so please feel free to send me your goals, and starting stats anytime! Thanks!

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Happy Friday Team! Time is drawing near, I would really like to get started on my spreadsheet so please feel free to send me your goals, and starting stats anytime! Thanks!


    Done. I have decided to go with body fat reduction as my goal so I will have to work by butt off with the strength training to meet that. And also possibly stop eating. I was thinking of kicking my boyfriend out for the duration of the challenge, it seems easier than constantly asking him not to eat junk in front of me!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    DO NOT KICK OUT THE BOYFRIEND! This is an added challenge. Ignore him. You can do it. And he will respect you more for not trying to push your healthy life style on him. And if it doesn't work you can always still kick him out. :laugh:

    Beginning weight 147.2

    Ok bench press it is.

    BW: 61 pounds, ten reps. Of course I did a warm-up first. I did not have a spotter and the grip had to be a little narrower than I would like. Due to not wanting to crush my hands if I had to rack it quickly.

    GW: 100 pounds, at least three reps

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Fine, i'll give him another chance! :smile:

    That is a great goal Shelley. I was thinking of going for a weight training based one but since I have only started I don't really know how much improvement I can realistically expect.

    Bench pressing 61 lbs to me sounds amazing! Last week I attempted 15kg (so about 33lbs) and I was afraid that I would squash myself under the bar! I'm so weak!! :sad:
    When you say 61lbs does that include the weight of the bar or is the bar extra? I use a really tiny bar at the gym that has practically no weight in it so that makes my 15kg even more pathetic! I can only get better though! :drinker:
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Fine, i'll give him another chance! :smile:

    That is a great goal Shelley. I was thinking of going for a weight training based one but since I have only started I don't really know how much improvement I can realistically expect.

    Bench pressing 61 lbs to me sounds amazing! Last week I attempted 15kg (so about 33lbs) and I was afraid that I would squash myself under the bar! I'm so weak!! :sad:
    When you say 61lbs does that include the weight of the bar or is the bar extra? I use a really tiny bar at the gym that has practically no weight in it so that makes my 15kg even more pathetic! I can only get better though! :drinker:

    The bar weighs 10.5 and included in the total. I would have done better if hubby would have spotted me. But that is ok. I think setting a goal to get stronger would be great for you. If all you are lifting now is 33 pounds you have lots of room for improvement. And I would be willing to coach you and encourage you. I have baby weights also. They are so cute. Each plate weighs 1.25 pounds. I love them. I will not push it past a reasonable weight without a spotter. Let me tell you dropping a heavy weight on your chest hurts! But the bruise was awesome. :laugh:
