Mad March workout check in thread



  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Wow so many ladies with some kicking weights both picking them up and losing them.

    My weight loss when lifting is all over the place. Lyle McDonald has an interesting article on the subject found here I find that I retain water much more than lifting. When I first started I was doing the whole weigh once a week thing, but my water retention only loosely correlates to when I've lifted so I started weighing every day and paying attention to the trend.

    I'm going beltless for at least 3 weeks maybe 4 so kind of winging what my weights should be. I'm also not benching for at least a couple weeks as the arch hurts my ribs.

    So today I did:

    45x5, 95 2x5, 120x5, 150x5, 185x5, 225x5. 255x3, 185 2x5

    Superset x3
    Band assisted pull ups x3 + Giant squishy med ball pushupsx8

    Pendlay Row
    45x5, 65x5, 75x5, 95x5, 110x5

    After some c25k fun!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    My today workout was not good due to the stupid order. When I arrived both squat racks, all 4 benches, and all extra bars were in use. It was a zoo. I ended up starting with OHP. Then I did my accessory work, than my bench press then squat, and than 10 min strain climbing, and finally got to do my dead lift. I worked out Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week, and this is not a good schedule, Monday was good , Wednesday was a bit crowded, but today was nuts. Last week I did Tuesday and Thursday , and those days seemed better. Anyway this is what I did:
    OHP :
    Warmup 30 lb x 5, 40 lb x5
    Working sets 50lb 5x5, this was hard, but all was good form.
    Bench :
    Warmup:45lb x 5
    Working sets 60 lb 5x5, it still seem a bit easy, that is why I added for today even though I should not have done BP today.
    Squat : 45 lb x5
    Working sets 65 lb 5x5 , but the last one of each set was bad from and I felt weak. I am not sure because of the stupid exercise order, but I may not go up on this one next time.
    Dead lift
    115 lb , 1x5. I only supposed to do 110 lb, but again this weight was easier to manage because the plates increment.

    I also did
    Assisted pull-ups 5x5 with 95 lb assitance.
    Knee up leg raises 10,9,9,
    4x30 sec plank
  • rdkstar
    rdkstar Posts: 260 Member
    My weight loss when lifting is all over the place. Lyle McDonald has an interesting article on the subject found here I find that I retain water much more than lifting. When I first started I was doing the whole weigh once a week thing, but my water retention only loosely correlates to when I've lifted so I started weighing every day and paying attention to the trend.

    Fittreelol - great article, helped me understand better
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member

    @Saranharm - I did crazy hard cardio for years so lifting actually gives me energy but I have no idea what normal is. I'm never normal LOL.
    if your finding yourself pooped I'd say take a hint from your body and sneak in a nap, if you can. if not maybe hit the sack a tiny bit earlier?

    Well I have been tired since my last kiddo was born but this is a new level of exaustion. I sleep a minimum of 8 hours a night. I tried napping yesterday but i am not a good napper. I've had my thyroid trsted but i wonder if i am low on any certain nutrients.
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Saturday used to be my favorite day to workout... all 5 of the benches were "taken" (one guy was doing overhead dumbbell presses next to one and using it as storage space; another was rocking out to his iPhone). I'm like, where did you all come from?! This place is usually deserted on Saturday mornings!

    Pulled a muscle in my back the other day so took everything easy:

    65lbs, x6
    85, 3x6
    95 x 5

    Bench: (had to use dumbbells)
    50lbs, 2 x 5
    60 x 2

    Replaced rows with Lat Pullovers because of my back:
    30lbs, 3x5

    Now it's off to rest my poor lower back and the charming cramps that started last night.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Whoa, snow? Eeeeeeewww, snow in december: aaaaawww, snow, how beautiful, yay! Snow in march: meh! You're too late, go home!

    I finished my second week today and am sooo happy, I found this. It's the first time since years, that I don't have to force myself to go to the gym. I am always looking forward to the next training day!

    I am avoiding my scale due to what I read here, gaining water and such, but I made pictures the first day and are planning to take measurements this weekend... My calories are at about 1800,I will watch and see how that works for me, I want to lose a bit of weight though.

    My training today:


    40 kg (88lbs) 5x5 plus warmup sets


    25 kg (55lbs) first, 4x5 then I remembered I was supposed to be at 27,5 kg (60lbs), I added up to this and did two more sets (I really should check what I have to do before each training, damn) plus warmup


    25kg (55lbs) 5x5 plus warmup

    It was pretty full today, but I was super lucky that "my" stuff was free when I needed it
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Well of course the day after I say there usually is at least 1 squat rack free they would all be taken when I need them >_< Gym wasn't crowded, either. It just was leg day, I guess. Used the crossfit rig instead. It was weird not having a mirror to check my form. I felt a lil wobbly as a result.

    So squats

    Every rep on that last set felt like a struggle. As I said, felt wobbly, and the closer stance on top of the flooring which is uneven in that particular spot really threw me off, but 10 reps is still an improvement, I think.I had done 7 two weeks ago :)

    Deadlifts 135x5x10
    Did the first set conventional, then the rest as sumo pulls cuz I remembered that's what I usually did.

    Then I walked on the treadmill for 5 mins to cooldown a bit before my bodyweight circuit, got a phone call, ended up leaving and going grocery shopping, now I'm back home and I think I'll nap before I hit it. It's 5 rounds of 15 each squat, recline row (I'll use my TRX), push ups and hollow rocks. FOR TIME. =D

    Also pretty sure i figured out my knee "tightness" is actually inflammation. Because my diet has been awful lately and it gets worse when I have *drumroll* processed starchy carbs. So I'm gonna try to stay away from those for a bit. And will actually weight and measure on monday once the water weight drops a bit. Da bulk is ovah!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I was gonna edit that last post but apparently it's been too long... That circuit took me 22 minutes. I feel out of shape now...

    Even if I'm in the best shape of my life -_-'
  • crossroad2012
    crossroad2012 Posts: 84 Member
    It's the weekend! Why am I up before noon?!

    Yesterday was Workout A

    Warm up: 2x5 45lbs. 1x5 75lbs. 1x5 95lbs.
    Work: 5x5 130lbs.

    Warm up: 2x5 45lbs. 1x5 65lbs. 1x5 85lbs.
    Work: 5x5 90lbs.

    Row: 5x5 90lbs.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Now this is what I'm talking about! Gotta love that feeling of quitting the gym energized rather than beaten up. Sleep, I love you!

    Bench Press 3 day

    App wanted 7 to beat last week's so I'm very happy with this. Esp since I did 75 push-ups yesterday!

    Then OHP 52.5 x 10/10/8/7/10
    That guy that complimented me on my squat a month or so back saw my fractionals and got all chatty again. I think he's got a thing for me xD Poor guy.

    Then on to Unbreakable Badass 2.0 Building blocks day 2! 3 rounds for time of
    Deadlift x 5 (I chose to go with 165lbs)
    Ring Dips x 10 (which I downgraded to assisted dips, 80lbs)
    Box jumps x15 (did it knee height, then afterwards added a 45 to see and I cleared it easy. My jumps might not be as pathetic as they once were! Um, in inches that's like... 18?)

    Took me 12:10 :) Huggin' and puffin' throughout. That last round on the deadlifts was something. Happy! :)

    Am I the only one who works out on the weekends? lol.
  • griffithm1
    griffithm1 Posts: 130 Member
    Wow, everybody is rocking in here! I usually look for a loss on my second rest day because I im swole (as my son would say) from lifting most of the other days. It's that TOM currently though so I'm not putting too much stock in the numbers except to think wow...that's not good. LOL Next week will be better, Lord willing.

    Yesterday was workout B. My sweetie did squats but his back is still tweaky so he stuck around to spot me and handoff the OHP.

    warmup: You are Your Own Gym warmup

    warmup: 2x45x5, 1x95x5, 1x135x3
    sets: 5x170

    warmup: 2x45x5
    sets: 1x65x5, 2x70x5, 1x75x5, 1x80x5

    set: 1x145x5 (I'm loving the sumo...we'll see!)

    Have a great rest of your weekend!
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    Alright, y'all: yesterday's workout. {Lady Deadlift Warmup Disclaimer}

    Warm 45, 65, 95, 115, 135 all 1x5
    Work 160x5x5

    Still a heckuva lotta work, but a bit more manageable. It was bugging me that I scratched these last workout, so this was nice.

    Warm 45x1x5
    Work 60x5x5

    Warm: 45, 95, 135 all 1x5
    Work: 155 three consecutive reps, had to reset for grip, then 1 and 1 Haven't had a problem with grip before... hmmm?

    No time for accessory work. I'm going to take my son to the gym this afternoon and do some accessory stuff then. I won't do SL tomorrow so I'll have plenty of rest prior to the next SL workout on Tues.
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    Catching up for the weekend.
    60 minutes yoga
    60 minute kettlebell class:heart:


    Arnold presses

    Squats (just about killed me as we did a bunch on Friday in Kettlebell class)

    90 minutes of yoga.

    Tomorrow is the day I work out with my trainer. Never know what I am in for but working towards pull-ups!
  • scubaemma
    scubaemma Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Just after a bit of advice really. I'm about to go on holiday to England (from Australia) for my sister's wedding and to see all my family (I'm English originally). We'll be away for 4 weeks, and I can't wait!!

    But I was wondering what I should do in terms of getting back to SL when I get back. Realistically I'm not going to be able to lift while I'm away. I'm taking my running gear and will hopefully at least get a few runs in so I'm still doing some exercise (and since I can do that anywhere). But we'll be moving around every few days staying with different family members and friends and lifting isn't going to happen.

    So when I get home after 4 weeks should I de-load a bit? A lot? Not really sure how to approach it when I get back.
    Advice appreciated :flowerforyou:

    I'm going to come back weak and fat! :sad:
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I missed you ladies, I hadn't lifted since Wednesday because I had a potential job call Friday and I've had computer issues so haven't been on the forums much.

    Emma, I'd deload when you get back. You could do bodyweight things while gone, but whenever I've taken a break more than a week long I deload.

    B this morning:
    Squats: 3x5 130lbs. My butt was still sore from my 4 mile race Saturday, but I got them done!
    OHP: 3x6 55lbs. Forgot my fractionals so stuck to 55lbs and just did an extra rep.
    DL: only 1 rep (again!) at 165lbs. I also didn't have my liquid grip. Then went down to 135lbs and could only get it up twice. So tired from trying to budge the 165 off the ground.
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    Oh man! I was trying to save my phones battery, thought I would be able to remember where I was and what I did. Not so much lol...

    Squats-115lbs 5x5 pretty good had one or two get a tad sloppy but not horrible.

    OHP- 60lbs 5x5 Riptoes cues had me all messed up so today I Just wint back to the standard; brace core, squeeze the gluetsand & lift... felt so much better!

    Deads-140lbs :-( was supposed to be 150lbs. I still have bootcamp tonight so I didn't think going back and doing another set with 10 more lbs was a great idea but it bumbed me out! I was feeling really strong when I started. I totally could have rocked 150lbs! oh well next time.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Workout B for me today:

    Squats: 155 lbs 3x5
    OHP: 75 lbs 3x5 FINALLY!
    Deadlift: 235 lbs 1x2 :frown: I guess I'll have to deload on Friday.

    I had a guy at the gym tell me I was looking really good today :smile: He asked me how much I'd lost. Apparently, even though I'm not seeing too many changes, other people are :bigsmile:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Workout B for me today:

    Squats: 155 lbs 3x5
    OHP: 75 lbs 3x5 FINALLY!
    Deadlift: 235 lbs 1x2 :frown: I guess I'll have to deload on Friday.

    I had a guy at the gym tell me I was looking really good today :smile: He asked me how much I'd lost. Apparently, even though I'm not seeing too many changes, other people are :bigsmile:

    Wolf, Congratulations on your OHP!!! and other changes!!

    hwillmott, good luck on the job!
    Westend, I feel the same about Riptoe sp? cues for OHP. I like your method too.

    I put the big plates on for my squats!!! …Ok so they were big for me! 10 lbs on each side! ; )

    Squats: 65x5
    Bench: 85x5 up from 80!!
    Row: 80x5
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    It's Monday....:sad: but I am at least lifting..Yah.

    @Saranham how much are you eating? Have you had your iron levels checked??

    Putting this in here to read later

    This was a good article...great read...explains some things like the 3lbs in 2 weeks I lost right before vacation.:drinker:

    @ scuba yes deload a reasonable amount for sure...I was away for 2 weeks and came back and phew..should have deloaded just a was I sore.

    Workout A for me today - Yes I did a warm up and my rehab x3 today.

    Squats @ 145 today 5x5

    Bench @ 115 today (last time here or deload) 4x5 1x4 :sad: :sad: :sad: deload to 103.5 (thank goodness for weighted collars that weight 3.5lbs :bigsmile: )

    Rows @ 110 today to get back on track with these.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    FINALLY back at it! I am slightly embarrassed by my weights because I had to deload COMPLETELY (per dr/PT) to avoid reinjuring my wrist. BUT NOTHING, NOTHING can ruin the high I feel at being able to lift again!!!
    Workout A: bench 5x5 at 45, squat 5x5 at 45, rows 5x5 at 45. I also did wrist curls with very light weight and 15 minutes of HIIT (until I felt like I would throw up then I stopped).
    So is it where I want to be? Nope...but give me a year baby!!!! :tongue:

    I am monitoring my wrist pain. I don't plan to increase weight for at least 2 weeks until I restrengthen my forearm (been in brace for 5 months).