Mad March workout check in thread



  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    @krok your workouts make me tired just reading them
    Funnily enough, they tend to energize me! I do hate cardio, so circuit training is basically the next best thing, and I really enjoy myself. I'm one of those crazies that actually likes burpees! lol

    LOL I love burpees too!
    what I hate are side plank pushups wth are those things who came up with that crap?!?

    today was HARD! I'm excited the weights are challenging but it kind of sucks cuz my lifting buddy just got a job so I'm all on my own at a time when a spotter might actually be a good thing.

    Anyway today was rows. busy night at the gym. the only squat rack was monopolized for ever! So my routine was all out of order but...

    Bench 80lbs 5x5
    Rows 95lbs 4,4,(Dropped weight to 90) 5,5,5
    Squat 5, 5, 5, 5 ,4 OUCH!!!

    forget DOMS my legs hurt on set 2! is that normal?
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    Thanks for the congrats guys! :blushing: :blushing:

    AABru how exactly did you hurt your wrist? Wanting to know so I don't accidentally repeat your mistake. I do 45 lbs to warm up usually for deads, and I do "touch and go" style although I don't actually touch it on anything. I just approximate the height it would be if there were plates on it. You're strong enough, and I would think that if you went slowly it would be fine. I always felt weird stacking plates for deads/rows.
    I use the weight room at the high school I teach at for workouts, and I rack my bar on the military rack. So I am lifting from chest height to start (no clean/jerk to get the bar to chest level). I also warmed up with the bar (and when I was weaker with dumbbell shoulder presses). I was in my 4th set and on the 3 or 4th rep at 90 when I was pressing and heard a pop and felt a zing from my wrist to my elbow. Instead of stopping, I finished my last rep or two and continued to my next set on dead lift. I was using an alternating grip for deadlift, and my injured arm was palm up (I alternate grip every other lift to maintain forearm strength), and that was the end of it...I think the pop was a tendon. I'm not sure that you can accidently repeat my biggest mistake was pushing through the pain. I should have stopped and immediately iced my wrist and forearm. But I am big strong like bull...can't stop for little ouchy. :grumble: I won't make THAT mistake again!
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    @ krok and fit: I used the catch on the squat rack for deadlift today. It was a little high, but it worked out okay.

    Did WO B today: 5x5 @ 45# for deadlift, OHP and Squat. I am using my rehab to work on form. My squats were literally *kitten* to grass and my legs actually hurt! I also did 15 minutes of HIIT and 10 minutes to warm up for HIIT. My intercostal muscles are sore from breathing heavy.

    I'm a fan of cardio, but I need a faster way to burn calories than my 13 min mile "wog," hence the HIIT. Like Krok I love circuits as well. I can burn twice the calories in the same amount of time as a nice 5 mile wog. This is usually how I lift as well. I warm up and then set up my weight (no big deal now at 45#) and quickly go from one lift to another. I know I should rest, but right now it's not really necessary.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    My today workout was kind of meh, but I did finished everything. Today it was snowing here yet again, and I had to do some shovelling before dinner and it got me to a bad mood. Last week it was melting nicely, and I really hoped that I would able to bike this week. I am soo fed up with the winter already.

    Warm ups:45x5,55x5
    Working set: 75lb , 5x5
    OHP :
    Warm ups: 30x5, 45x5
    Working set:55lb, 5x5
    Warmups, 55x5, 95x5

    I also did 5x5 assisted pull-up with 90 lb assistance
    Knee raises:12,12,12,10
    Thing getting really heavy for me. I was actually surprised I didn't failed any of the sets, because I was struggling from the start on everything.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    LOL I love burpees too!


    My whole week is thrown off. I like to lift M-W-F but this week just isnt working out that way. Monday was parent council and didn't get home till late. So I lifted Tuesday. Then so I can get back into my routine I lifted Wednesday. Now I dont think I will have a chance Friday, so it looks like I might lift again today. We shall see how I feel though. The DOMS are killing my back today!

    Yesterday was workout A

    I had a pretty decent warm up carrying my sectional down to the basement with my husband, but still did my warm ups anyways. I really feel the extra time I spend is worth it.

    Squats 5x5 85lbs

    5x5 80lbs
    Honestly, I felt like such a BOSS after doing those. Even my husband said that my arms looked steady and didn't lean at all to one side or another. :glasses:

    5x5 65lbs
    Again, I really was able to do these properly. This is probably my most hated move of SL, but now that I feel I have it under control, I am starting to enjoy it.

    Wanted to fit in cardio afterwards but just didn't have the time.
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    @krok your workouts make me tired just reading them
    Funnily enough, they tend to energize me! I do hate cardio, so circuit training is basically the next best thing, and I really enjoy myself. I'm one of those crazies that actually likes burpees! lol

    LOL I love burpees too!
    what I hate are side plank pushups wth are those things who came up with that crap?!?

    today was HARD! I'm excited the weights are challenging but it kind of sucks cuz my lifting buddy just got a job so I'm all on my own at a time when a spotter might actually be a good thing.

    Anyway today was rows. busy night at the gym. the only squat rack was monopolized for ever! So my routine was all out of order but...

    Bench 80lbs 5x5
    Rows 95lbs 4,4,(Dropped weight to 90) 5,5,5
    Squat 120lbs 5, 5, 5, 5 ,4 OUCH!!!

    forget DOMS my legs hurt on set 2! is that normal?

    Quoting to edit forgotten squat weight lol
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I failed on all of my lifts yesterday. It was expected, though.

    Squat: 160 lbs. 3x4 Challenging with my knee the way it is.
    Bench: 100 lbs 4-4-3 I also knew I wouldn't hit this one. Oh well.
    Rows: 110 lbs. 4-4-4 I'm confident I'll be able to get all of these on Monday.

    Great job on your work ladies. On a good note, I've lost .5 an inch on my waist and natural waist.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I failed on all of my lifts yesterday. It was expected, though.

    Squat: 160 lbs. 3x4 Challenging with my knee the way it is.
    Bench: 100 lbs 4-4-3 I also knew I wouldn't hit this one. Oh well.
    Rows: 110 lbs. 4-4-4 I'm confident I'll be able to get all of these on Monday.

    Great job on your work ladies. On a good note, I've lost .5 an inch on my waist and natural waist.

    Damn girl! I'm over here feeling like a boss for being able to row 65lbs and youre over here doing 110lbs! Youre amazing!

    Congrats on the inch loss!!! :drinker:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    OHP 3 day... why do I always end up having trouble sleeping before upper body days? Like hey it's not even funny anymore -_-


    I was very unhappy with that + set. Target reps were 8. But that bar was just... I don,t know if i warmed up too much, or if I just didn't have it in me today. So I tried without cleaning the weight on the last set. Of course I didn't take a full rest in between so that 5th rep went up a real struggle. Eh.

    Bench Press 80x5x10
    Not too bad here, kinda zipped through it

    Then circuit of
    5 high bar squats @ 115
    12' box pike press AMRAP submax (so no failure) 1 min
    1 min rest for 3 rounds, then
    5 front squats @95
    and floor pike presses for 1 min
    1 min rest for 3 more rounds

    Also tried to use the wall to do some sort of whacky handstand because the ultimate progression shoulda been handstand push-ups... It's weird to be upside down xD And man those high bar squats hurt. Toughed out all 3 sets of front squats with a rack grip. Overall I'm somewhat okay with this session, but my bodyweight stuff is really lacking :/ Safe to say, shoulders are smoked!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I failed on all of my lifts yesterday. It was expected, though.

    Squat: 160 lbs. 3x4 Challenging with my knee the way it is.
    Bench: 100 lbs 4-4-3 I also knew I wouldn't hit this one. Oh well.
    Rows: 110 lbs. 4-4-4 I'm confident I'll be able to get all of these on Monday.

    Great job on your work ladies. On a good note, I've lost .5 an inch on my waist and natural waist.

    Damn girl! I'm over here feeling like a boss for being able to row 65lbs and youre over here doing 110lbs! Youre amazing!

    Congrats on the inch loss!!! :drinker:

    You ARE a boss! If it makes you feel like a bad***, it doesn't matter what the weight is! You're doing awesome :flowerforyou:
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Wow, awesome! Congrats on the inch loss!

    I just made myself a big bowl full of vergetables - starving mode again, hmpf!

    Anyway, my training was nice but hard, all with warmup sets before


    45kg (99lbs): 5x5


    27,5kg (60lbs)


    27,5kg (60lbs)

    On a side note: my man touched my butt yesterday and said it already felt different. He went like: "Oh, I will break my wrist if I smack it." Haha, men, gotta love them :-D
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Then circuit of
    5 high bar squats @ 115
    12' box pike press AMRAP submax (so no failure) 1 min
    1 min rest for 3 rounds, then
    5 front squats @95
    and floor pike presses for 1 min
    1 min rest for 3 more rounds

    @Krok, you are a machine!!

    @wolfsbayne, woo-hoo! Congrats on the inch loss :)

    @neonbeige, gotta love comments like that!

    @viglet, I totally agree with wolfsbayne, you can feel badass at any weight :)

    I did OHP last night, my 5 week on 5/3/1. I was supposed to do it today, but I couldn't fit a workout in today with my fundraising thing tonight.

    Warmup Sets:
    5 x 45 pounds
    3 x 50 pounds
    5 x 50 pounds
    5 x 60 pounds
    5 x 70 pounds-lol Nope! I did get 2 sets of 3, and then a set of 10 @ 45 pounds though.

    Assistance Work:
    Assisted Dips: 3 x 10 @ 40 pounds supported
    Assisted Chins: 3 x 10 @ 40 pounds supported- I only got 5 on the last set.

    Holy crap, I was still sore sore from BP on Monday, it completely wiped me out by the time I got to my assistance stuff. Today, I'm still feeling squats from yesterday, and I am so tired I can barely move around.

    Teaches me to take 10 days off of lifting :grumble:

    On the plus side though, I think I'm almost through my stall on OHP. I think if I repeat it one more time, I'll get all my reps on the next round :)
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    First workout yesterday in about 6 weeks. Now that my life is (hopefully) settling back down, I'll be able to workout regularly again. I'm running through SL again to get my strength back up.

    Squats: 5x5 @ 115lbs--- These were hard. I knew I was going to have to deload, but this was a blow to the ego
    Bench: 5x5 @ 75lbs
    Rows: 5x5 @ 95lbs

    Upper body was a lot easier than I was expecting. I have some mild DOMS in my legs today.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Back at the gym. Missed it.

    Squat: 5x5: 80 lbs

    OHP: tried going up 5 from my previous and I could only do 1. And i am sure my form was atrocious.
    5x5: 65lbs (i think)

    Row: 5x5: 65 pounds. These last two are definitely my worst lifts.

    I weigh roughly the same as i did when starting (gained 4 pounds since i started going to the gym (late feb.) but i just took my measurements and I have lost 2 inches off of my belly (not my waist, my actual fat hanging belly.) very exciting! I am trying to be more concise with my food portions/measurements/ getting enough protein etc. but should I just do the same thing? None of my other measurements really changed. I can see slight differences in my photos. I am having trouble being patient.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I weigh roughly the same as i did when starting (gained 4 pounds since i started going to the gym (late feb.) but i just took my measurements and I have lost 2 inches off of my belly (not my waist, my actual fat hanging belly.) very exciting! I am trying to be more concise with my food portions/measurements/ getting enough protein etc. but should I just do the same thing? None of my other measurements really changed. I can see slight differences in my photos. I am having trouble being patient.

    I asked a similar question as you not too long ago, and the general answer I got was that if you're getting stronger, and losing inches and weight, just keep doing what you're doing and be patient :)

    Having said that, do you use a food scale? If you're not, I'd highly recommend one, it made a world of difference for me for accurate counts on everything.

    ETA: Congrats on the inches lost, that is very exciting!
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Back at the gym. Missed it.

    Squat: 5x5: 80 lbs

    OHP: tried going up 5 from my previous and I could only do 1. And i am sure my form was atrocious.
    5x5: 65lbs (i think)

    Row: 5x5: 65 pounds. These last two are definitely my worst lifts.

    I weigh roughly the same as i did when starting (gained 4 pounds since i started going to the gym (late feb.) but i just took my measurements and I have lost 2 inches off of my belly (not my waist, my actual fat hanging belly.) very exciting! I am trying to be more concise with my food portions/measurements/ getting enough protein etc. but should I just do the same thing? None of my other measurements really changed. I can see slight differences in my photos. I am having trouble being patient.

    Two inches is super! Congratulations! I think it´s really easier to see the difference in pictures than in the mirror, cause the brain seems to trick us. I mean how can one not be aware that he/she gained weight or how much it really is, until they see pictures? I had that moment, when three weeks ago I took underwear pictures - I was shocked, honestly, my brain had me thinking the whole time, yeah, you gained a bit, but come on, it´s not that bad. This mean thing! I agree with Rugbyplayer85: are you using a scale? I found that to be super helpful.

    Sorry, but I have to whine a bit now, because it´s easier to preach patience than being it yourself :laugh: Meh, stupid, stupid brain. I am into this three weeks now - which is not much, I know - but today I did the mistake to step on the scale because my last fitting pants are so damn tight and yepp, one kilo more.

    I KNOW I gained water due to the training, muscle repair etc. but my stupid brain goes in panic mode. Last evening I even saw I could eat about 130 calories more a day (I recalculated my TEDEE) and althoug this is awesome (more food, yay), my brain goes like: What you even want to eat MORE? Are you crazy?

    Can you please tell me how stupid I am and I need to be more patient? Thanks! A kick in the butt would also be alright - also that might hurt, since I am with very strong ladies :-D
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Squats week of 3 went a lil something like this:


    Then deadlifts 140x5x10

    Then proceeded to the building blocks session which was cleans and burpees. 2 rounds for time of:
    5 Full squat clean
    10 burpees
    5 hang squat clean
    10 burpee broad jumps
    5 full power clean
    10 burpee with side jump over barbell
    5 hang power clean
    10 burpee box jumps

    I... went through it not quite once. I had 1 rep left on the burpee box jump when I miscalculated the jump, slipped and landed face first in the assist handle on the step-up platform (boxes were locked away in the crossfit room, which is closed for repairs/upgrades right now >_<).

    Nothing broken (thankfully) but ow. Just... Ow. Why do I Krash? Why?
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member

    I... went through it not quite once. I had 1 rep left on the burpee box jump when I miscalculated the jump, slipped and landed face first in the assist handle on the step-up platform (boxes were locked away in the crossfit room, which is closed for repairs/upgrades right now >_<).

    Nothing broken (thankfully) but ow. Just... Ow. Why do I Krash? Why?

    o_O That sounds bad. Hope your face is fine :-) My son crashed into a tree the day before yesterday, also face first and he looks scary now
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    Lousy workout last night. This week has just been off. Funny how I was having a blast earlier this month - enjoying gains, things were feeling good, easy and natural. This week I feel like I was made for watching TV rather than lifting weights. What is up with that?! That said, I'm still dragging my pathetic self to the gym so hopefully I get a breakthrough next week.

    160x3x5, then 4 then 1
    Just. Wasn't. Feeling. It. I have a suspicion that I need to deload and work on t!ts up a bit and maybe things will improve. I think next workout I'm going to either skip squats to rest myself, or deload and focus strictly on form -- but the way I'm feeling I'm going to err on the side of just getting an extra day of rest on these.

    Whatevs. These felt so slow and heavy.

    various warm ups at 65, 85, 135, 145 all 1x5
    went for 155 and couldn't move the bar. #$%^@#$@!!!!!!!

    I went home, had a protein shake, creatine, tylenol (possibly a brownie :wink: ) and went to my room...
    Trying to stay optimistic and chalk it up to having a rough start to the week. :sad:
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Lousy workout last night. This week has just been off. Funny how I was having a blast earlier this month - enjoying gains, things were feeling good, easy and natural. This week I feel like I was made for watching TV rather than lifting weights. What is up with that?! That said, I'm still dragging my pathetic self to the gym so hopefully I get a breakthrough next week.

    160x3x5, then 4 then 1
    Just. Wasn't. Feeling. It. I have a suspicion that I need to deload and work on t!ts up a bit and maybe things will improve. I think next workout I'm going to either skip squats to rest myself, or deload and focus strictly on form -- but the way I'm feeling I'm going to err on the side of just getting an extra day of rest on these.

    Whatevs. These felt so slow and heavy.

    various warm ups at 65, 85, 135, 145 all 1x5
    went for 155 and couldn't move the bar. #$%^@#$@!!!!!!!

    I went home, had a protein shake, creatine, tylenol (possibly a brownie :wink: ) and went to my room...
    Trying to stay optimistic and chalk it up to having a rough start to the week. :sad:

    I get it. I have those weeks, too, where I want to go to the gym and kill a workout, but my body says "umm, no." Then I feel like crap because I don't feel like I've accomplished anything. However, you went to the gym and got a workout in. It counts! :flowerforyou: