Mad March workout check in thread



  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    @wolfsbayne: thanks for the encouragement. I think if I were younger and more impulsive I'd give up. But this process so far has taught me that the results *do* come and that it's most certainly NOT linear or predictable.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    saranharm - Awesome work!!! 2 inches is a lot and you should be proud! I recently lost some waist too but my thighs are the same. I tend to wonder if I just suck at taking measurements lol. Either way, everyone has been complimenting me lately on losing more weight and I really haven’t dropped more than 2 lbs since I started SL 6 weeks ago).

    Neonbeige - I know what you mean. I always am the first one to say “be patient’ yet I actually cry like a pansy on days when I see no progress!

    krokador- OUCH!!!! Hope you don’t have any bruises or anything!!! Hurting myself while working out is one of my biggest fears! When I used to use the kettlebell, I always worried my grip would slip and it would go flying into my face or someone elses!

    LadyDeadlift - Just chalk it up to one of those weeks. I bet you will murder it next week!

    wolfsbayne- NICE PIC! Not sure if it is new but you look awesome!

    Last night I did cardio. Elliptical is my go to when I am in the mood to watch tv. I also stopped doing a lot of the body weight stuff I was doing before because it involved a lot of jumping and I felt like my one knee was really bugging me for a while.

    Will do my lift tonight! Super excited :glasses:
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    @viglet: Thanks! I just took it today in between my OHP sets.

    Workout today:

    Squat: 160 lbs 3x5 I felt really strong today during my squat session. I probably could have done 5x5 if I'd had the time.
    OHP: 80 lbs 4-3-3 Knew this one wasn't going to work for me. It felt so heavy.
    Deadlift: 225 lbs. I got 4 lifts up. I didn't deload 10% from 235 lbs. I'm thinking this one will be easier next time. Not sure if it's the knee or I'm just afraid I'll pee on myself :embarassed: :laugh:
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I... went through it not quite once. I had 1 rep left on the burpee box jump when I miscalculated the jump, slipped and landed face first in the assist handle on the step-up platform (boxes were locked away in the crossfit room, which is closed for repairs/upgrades right now >_<).

    Nothing broken (thankfully) but ow. Just... Ow. Why do I Krash? Why?

    OUCHIE! I hope you heal quickly Krok!
  • rdkstar
    rdkstar Posts: 260 Member
    Had an absolutely horrible day at gym that i'm not even going to post my numbers. Was struggling even with first set on everything. It was SO HOT in the gym that i hope that was the cause. I did my best to finish 3 sets.

    I felt that i really wasnt getting much of a workout. So i did some sets on the different machines just to get something in before leaving. Hopefully, they fix the temperature by monday.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies...don't look at my diary this weekend it's going off the track...:drinker: we have a benefit dance this weekend for Relay for life and my husband is having a very hungry day and wants pizza and wings....

    saranharm great losses on those inches ...stand up tall for that one. Think 2 inches gone..I am jealous...
    LadyDeadlift yah I hear you...feeling the same this week..failure all over for me..bad week...deloaded everything..
    rdkstar yah we all have those...

    No HIIT for me yesterday was blah so just didn't do it...

    Workout A for me today

    Staying at 150 on my squats due to that leg thing...not sure I want to move up just yet. Doing my rehab 4x a day and one of those is right before I lift and it seems to be getting better but don't want to push it too's the weirdest injury I've ever had....was fine then it's back...and when I do my rehab one of the exercises is like a cross legged sitting position but heels together and I can feel the it stretching under my knee...oddest sensation.

    Squat @ 150 5x5

    BP @ 103.5 due to deload but I don't feel husband had issues with his 120 last night...(he does a reverse pyramid), however I did notice last night flexing in the mirror...:blushing: that my chest muscles are definately getting defined....

    5x5 on those np shoulder blades digging in tho:sad: ...I need a new bench.

    Watched an awesome video last night tho on the ETP FB page...

    Rows @ 115 (this is where I failed last time) so hoping it's a good go.wondering if i should use the weighted collars and got to 113.5....time will tell.

    Decided on the collars...I have them might as well use them.

    Rows @ 113.5 5x5..working on my form on this one as well.
  • TGDMJNoles
    TGDMJNoles Posts: 26 Member
    Today was supposed to be a lift day for me, my 6th SL workout and workout B. It was just a blah day today. Some GI issues, 1000 inches of rain and a kitty getting neutered. I decided to put it off until tomorrow. I got 1 warmup squat in with the bar today and knew it wasn't going to work. I won't be able to lift again until Tuesday anyway as I'm taking a quick trip to see my brother for his birthday so tomorrow will work. If I do cardio, too, I will have completed 3 days of lifting this week and 4 days of cardio.

    Sometimes we all just need to cut ourselves some slack. I think people in this group tend to set the bar (pun intended) high from what I have read. You are all inspirational to me. I love reading everything even if I don't post a lot.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Too tired to read so I'll catch up reading later.

    45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 165x5, 225x5, 265x3, 225x5

    45x5, 65x5, 75x5, 85x5, 100x2 -> went for a 3rd and it just felt wrong so I did the smart thing for once and stopped.

    I did 3 supersets of:
    band assisted pullup x3+
    Squishy med ball pushupx8

    After weights did c25k
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    laharlson - I agree. Listen to your body, the barbell will be there when you get back!

    Fittreelol - WOW! Your workouts make me feel guilty for being lazy!

    SezxyStef - With a workout like that, sounds like you deserve pizza and wings :drinker:

    Well my lift was sht today. :grumble:

    Honestly, I didn't want to lift when I did, but my husband had to go work tonight and "Didn't feel comfortable leaving me alone to lift". Maybe if I had a cage it would be different? Anyways, I ended up lifting right after dinner (Indian food) and right after a huge glass of water. I felt full and gross!

    5x5 85lbs
    Well I sure am getting bored of 85lbs... looking forward to upping my weight next week after I post another form video. I really enjoy the low bar squat, I am not sure the science behind it, but I really am getting low!

    2x5 , 2x3, 2 - 55lbs :sick:
    I failed on these last time and now I failed even more this time! I honestly feel that I was just so full that I couldn't take a deep enough breath to give me strength (does that even make sense?)

    5 - 120lbs
    GRIP GRIP GRIP.... my stupid tiny hands just really struggle holding the bar! I feel like my body can pull it, my hands just cant hold on to it. I managed to them, but it felt like a struggle. I really need to research this mixed hand technique ( I don't even know what it's called)
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Seems like a lot of us struggled with our lifts this week. Maybe we all need some rest and sunshine!

    I am excited about the 2 inches. I am also greedy for more lol!
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Back at the gym. Missed it.

    Squat: 5x5: 80 lbs

    OHP: tried going up 5 from my previous and I could only do 1. And i am sure my form was atrocious.
    5x5: 65lbs (i think)

    Row: 5x5: 65 pounds. These last two are definitely my worst lifts.

    I weigh roughly the same as i did when starting (gained 4 pounds since i started going to the gym (late feb.) but i just took my measurements and I have lost 2 inches off of my belly (not my waist, my actual fat hanging belly.) very exciting! I am trying to be more concise with my food portions/measurements/ getting enough protein etc. but should I just do the same thing? None of my other measurements really changed. I can see slight differences in my photos. I am having trouble being patient.

    Two inches is super! Congratulations! I think it´s really easier to see the difference in pictures than in the mirror, cause the brain seems to trick us. I mean how can one not be aware that he/she gained weight or how much it really is, until they see pictures? I had that moment, when three weeks ago I took underwear pictures - I was shocked, honestly, my brain had me thinking the whole time, yeah, you gained a bit, but come on, it´s not that bad. This mean thing! I agree with Rugbyplayer85: are you using a scale? I found that to be super helpful.

    Sorry, but I have to whine a bit now, because it´s easier to preach patience than being it yourself :laugh: Meh, stupid, stupid brain. I am into this three weeks now - which is not much, I know - but today I did the mistake to step on the scale because my last fitting pants are so damn tight and yepp, one kilo more.

    I KNOW I gained water due to the training, muscle repair etc. but my stupid brain goes in panic mode. Last evening I even saw I could eat about 130 calories more a day (I recalculated my TEDEE) and althoug this is awesome (more food, yay), my brain goes like: What you even want to eat MORE? Are you crazy?

    Can you please tell me how stupid I am and I need to be more patient? Thanks! A kick in the butt would also be alright - also that might hurt, since I am with very strong ladies :-D

    I do not weigh often because of this reason! Keep on keeping on! Take measurements and pics- you are right, our brain lies to us.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    Decided to not lift today because my wrist was a little achy and ran instead. Was able to run just about two miles before I had to stop (slowly...very slowly). Anyway I have a goal to be able to run 3 miles in under 35 minutes by the end of August. HOPEFULLY the tendonitis in my ankles won't act up. :angry:

    viglet: Do you have one hand facing forward and the other facing you when you deadlift (alternating grip)? It may help you pull more weight. You might also think about wrist straps for support. I don't use them (have big manly hands--peasant hands my mother calls them), but maybe they would help?

    Krok: hope your face is's never fun to face plant!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I just skimmed tonight so I know Sara lost inches woo hoo! and there are some people who are just starting (It's so exciting isn't it!!) and injuries and blah feelings and hating the winter (I hear you on that one!) And awesome weights being pushed and pulled!!! I agree that we all have ups and downs and we just have to keep plugging away. I have such a terrible memory I can't remember who does/says what if I am not looking at the post and I have to write it all down separately and then rewrite it. Not up to that tonight.

    Fit, very impressed you stopped!

    I worked out fasted this morning! very unusual for me but I took my synthroid late and then had to wait an hour before food but I wanted to workout before my son got up. It was fine. I even went up on squats which is thrilling.

    Squat: 70 5x5 up from 65
    Bench: 85 5x5
    Row: 80 5x5
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Thanks all for the well wishes. My lips are effectively busted and I got a few bruises and scratches and a stiff neck, but I'll be okay. Limited on the food choices for a day or two while that swelling goes down and the wound in my lower lip hels ha. It was so tempting to go for stuff like pasta and donuts and cake. That sounded so easy to eat! lol

    I think that was a sign I was maybe going at it a lil too hard. I'll just take it easy over the next week and do less crazy stuff. Also will have to focus on not making struggle faces haha. If we can get some decent weather I'll maybe go run instead?

    @AABru Hey you got some exercise in! That's great! You got that 3 mile in 35 minutes thing, I'm sure :)

    @saranharm Oh yes please. Some warmth and sunlight would be AWESOME! i'm so sick of the snow!
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Just stopping in, but wow! Y'all are so inspirational. I swear, getting up to go train wouldn't be as fun if I felt like I was alone in the process. But because I know all of you are going to be lifting, I know I should too!

    50lbs 2x5, 45lbs 3x5 (happy to start with this lift forever)
    95lbs, 115lbs, 145lbs, 150lbs, 145lbs x 5
    135lbs, 155lbs, 165lbs x 5
    (and threw in 1 rep at 175lbs!!!!!! I'm ready for next week)

    Now to try and not go too over today. I have serious deadlift hunger, causing me to consume almost half my calories already and it's not even noon... dinner party tonight, too. Guess those muscles are gonna be well fed!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Thanks all for the well wishes. My lips are effectively busted and I got a few bruises and scratches and a stiff neck, but I'll be okay. Limited on the food choices for a day or two while that swelling goes down and the wound in my lower lip hels ha. It was so tempting to go for stuff like pasta and donuts and cake. That sounded so easy to eat! lol

    I think that was a sign I was maybe going at it a lil too hard. I'll just take it easy over the next week and do less crazy stuff. Also will have to focus on not making struggle faces haha. If we can get some decent weather I'll maybe go run instead?

    @AABru Hey you got some exercise in! That's great! You got that 3 mile in 35 minutes thing, I'm sure :)

    @saranharm Oh yes please. Some warmth and sunlight would be AWESOME! i'm so sick of the snow!

    Krok, I feel so bad for you! Ouch! Lips and faces are so sensitive.

    Katerina, wowza!! 175!!!

    AaBru, awesome run!
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Well, i may have figured out my problem last time. I was supposed to do bench press not OHP so that might be why i could only do 1.

    Today i did:
    Squats: 5x5: 85 lbs
    Bench: 5x5: 65 lbs
    Deadlift: 1x5: 120 lbs
  • TGDMJNoles
    TGDMJNoles Posts: 26 Member
    What a difference a day makes. The rain stopped and we're having a beautiful day. No more blah.

    Week 2 is done.

    Workout B:

    Squats: 5x5 70 lbs
    OHP: 5x5 50 lbs but a major suckfest and form suffered on the last couple reps of the last two sets
    DL: 1x6 110 lbs (I just wanted to do one extra…I love the feel of this lift)

    Plus 50 mins of cardio for a total of 200 mins for the week of cardio.

    I'm thinking of not adding weight on the OHP seeing as I know my form was awful and for all intents and purposes it might as well have been a fail. The squats and DL are still feeling pretty good.

    So next week I have workout schedule A, B, A and looking forward to having bench press twice.

    My goal is also to get a full 240 mins of cardio in for next week.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    My goal is also to get a full 240 mins of cardio in for next week.

    Great idea! I think I'll make my goal 100 minutes. I haven't been doing my daily walks all winter (as it got colder they dropped to every other day, every few days, one on Saturdays...), so I'm going to try and go for a short, 15 minute walk everyday!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Happy early Birthday to me!! My Husband bought me my Vibrams today!! I was going to wait to see if I got any money for my birthday from my family but he said he wanted to get me something I would really like and I should get the ones that felt really good the first time I put them on not wait in case the next pair I tried wasn't as good!! I'm very happy and excited!! Thanks to all the women who told me their stories about barefoot shoes!! I have just been wearing them to make dinner but so far they are great!!

    I originally put this on Jady's thread! Doh!!