Mad March workout check in thread



  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Happy birthday Fisher! Let us know how the vibrams work out.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Happy early Birthday to me!! My Husband bought me my Vibrams today!! I was going to wait to see if I got any money for my birthday from my family but he said he wanted to get me something I would really like and I should get the ones that felt really good the first time I put them on not wait in case the next pair I tried wasn't as good!! I'm very happy and excited!! Thanks to all the women who told me their stories about barefoot shoes!! I have just been wearing them to make dinner but so far they are great!!

    I originally put this on Jady's thread! Doh!!

    Happy birthday!

    *ironieon* Luckily I am a very patient person, because otherwise I would have come here to whine about not losing weight and not having process. But since I am so super patient I just waited how it's supposed to be, I mean we all know that it can stall in the beginning, right? :-D

    Anyway I can confirm today that I lost almost four centimeter on my belly kind of overnight. oO See, how good it is to be patient? *ironieoff*

    Going to the gym now, answer to you guys more detailed later, only on the cell no:-) w
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Quoted myself instead of editing, argh...
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Noooooo, I just edited my last post, writing something to everyone of you in particular and after sending I was told I could not edit this since it's older than one hour and the whole post was lost, arggghhhh.

    So, okay, please feel encouraged, gratulated and accept my favorite getting well wishes.

    Today my pants crashed while doing squats. I have no other explanation than that the sheer amount of my bulky muscles must have caused them to explode :-D was a bit uncomfy later on but I managed to finish.


    47,5 (104 lbs)


    22,5 kg (49 lbs)


    55kg (121 lbs)

    Finished all sets plus warmup
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    Workout yesterday went much better than the others last week. Also, I changed my goals for the workout so i didn't feel so demoralized about the good ol' SL set.

    95x3x5 then 4 then 90x1x5
    I'm going to reload to 90 next workout

    I complained about these for so long. Tell you what: having standard size plates even at low weights has made all the difference. Big time. I love doing these now and am looking forward to progressing

    My tush, and really whole posterior chain has been feeling broke down this week. I decided to deload significantly and work on form instead. As another measure of shaking things up I also went for 10 reps/set.

    So, with form adjustments of: closer stance, toes pointed more towards the front, and chest up I did 95x5x10

    Then: did all my favorite accessory work. All in all a nice full workout.

    I think next workout I will go to 115 and see if I can still do high reps / good form at that weight... I don't like this generally 'inflamed' feeling in my hips and want to feel healed before getting aggressive with weight. Meh. I went through this for the entire month of February but that time it was due to going for a PR with a very poor warm up. (like NONE) So, I'm a bit puzzled, but I have a plan.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Happy brithday fisher!

    Your plan sounds like a good one Lady Deadlift. You'll get back up there in no time! I have made the same adjustments to my squat form recently because of my knees and it's a little harder to go to depth but overall puts a lot less pressure on my groin area in general so I'll take it.

    Today was bench press day. A part of me is a lil disappointed because I only equaled a PR rather than beat it. But considering my blunders on friday, I'll take it. Also WTF HOLY COW MORE SNOW BUT WHYYYY?!?

    Started with my usual 3 something minutes of jump rope. Decided to wear the new running shoes (Saucony Ride 6. Gotta love finding last year's model at 30% off! ^^) instead of the nike free since I wasn't squatting or deadlifting today. Oh. My. Gawd. I managed 5 double unders today! I had only gotten 2 TOTAL in over a week of workouts trying previously! The shoes make a HUGE difference!

    5/3/1+ week: Bench press!
    87.5 x 5
    97.5 x 5
    110 x 6

    While the 6th rep was a struggle, I felt like, if I had had a spotter, I would've gone for 7. But I do feel happy I got that rep in. Esp considering my previous PR was doing touch and go bench and this was paused! So all in all really not bad!

    OHP 57.5 for 9, 8, 7 reps, then I forced myself to take longer breaks (went from 1.5 minutes to like 2min15) and got 8 and 10. Ditched the cleans for today because I'm a little banged up and the last thing I wanna do is hit myself in the chin or bite on my lip.

    Pendlay rows, 100x5x5 :) removed the shoes here, helped a bit haha

    Then did some misc circuits with DB and cable + rope attachment. Just trying to get the blood flowing more than anything.

    Finished with 12 minutes on the treadmill, including a mile that I finished in 9:55 but I struggled adjusting the speed at the beginning so there is that. I'm super happy!

    Lunch now is a 4oz piece of elk steak, some green peas, and some sidekicks noodles, with a small glass of raspberry ice tea. Dinner will be pizza with haagen daaz gelato. And there will be plenty of fruits too ^^ I deserve to let lose a bit. It was a good week! And tomorrow is deadlift day, so ... >_>
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Thanks for the Birthday wishes! My birthday is actually on the 8th. I just got the present yesterday!

    Neon, your photo is gorgeous! congrats on inches lost!

    Krok, I am glad your shoes are helping! These days I think shoes are really important! We are getting the snow too. : (

    LadyDeadlift, I am very impressed that you are listening to your body.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    So I've hit a wall on a couple of lifts so I decided to change things up and do a Upper Body 5x3 workout (increase volume/lbs & decrease reps). So...

    Warm Ups: 95x5, 125x3, 160x1

    Working Sets 187.5x3, 187.5x1 (psyched myself out I guess?), 187.5x3 (nailed it)

    Last set. First rep was a bit ugly but got better from there.

    Not a PR but very exciting nonetheless for me to be @ 187.5 which is 1.5x my bodyweight. :smile: No way could I do 5 sets; barely got 3. So next workout will probably do something like 190, 180, 170.

    Warm Ups: 45x5

    Working Sets: 60x3 for 5 sets

    Easy-peasy. I always do these after Bench and I think it's been holding me back a bit. This worked out wonderfully, and is probably a good idea to pre-exhaust my shoulders so I use them less when I bench.

    Warm Ups: 60x5, 75x2

    Working Sets: 85x3 for 5 sets

    Always a hard lift for me but got all the reps and will get out the fractionals and kick it up to 87.5 next workout.

    Workout Analysis - Strong workout. My traps have been super tight/sore all week from doing Sandbag Carries but didn't bother me during my workout; in fact, they feel a little better now. Have a massage appointment for next weekend which will be a painful one.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I missed you guys! :sad: Ended up taking the past week completely off from calorie counting, lifting, running, and even wearing my BM armband. Felt good mentally, not so much physically. But I was super busy anyways.

    So back to it for A this morning (I forgot how early it was at 6am)
    Squats: dropped to 115 3x5. Wanted to focus on not letting my knees cave, and I think I got that worked out.
    Rows: 66lbs 3x5
    Bench 66lbs 3x5.

    So happy to be back and hitting the weights!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    My back was shot from doing chores all afternoon yesterday and i went to bed late last night. But heavy deadlifts happenes anyway. I took an extra 5-10 mins warming up and foam rolling beforehand because man was I tight!


    The first rep barely broke off the floor. Had to reset completely around the 6th rep cuz the bar moved to the side a bit, but all around very happy with this one. Rep PR! I felt my form was strong, too. But man. Even the first working set was heavy.

    130x8, 7, 7 then dropped the weight to 115 because my right leg was on fire. Proceeded to 2 sets of 10 at that weight. Not too shabby. But those 5x10 are getting tough. I'll probably scale back on those if I do another cycle down the line.

    Then did dip bar knee raises, some calf raises and like 5 min on the elliptical and called it a day. Had to get into work, anyway xD Glad I get 3 full days until Squats now O_o
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    @hwillmott, welcome back! We all need those mental breaks from time to time :)

    @krok, you really put the "plus" in the 1+ sets, that's an awesome PR!

    I did deadlifts on Friday, my 5 week of 5/3/1.

    Warmup Sets:
    5 x 80 pounds
    5 x 105 pounds
    3 x 125 pounds

    Working Sets:
    5 x 135 pounds
    5 x 155 pounds
    5 x 175 pounds-I got 5, but there was no way I was getting 6.

    Assistance Work:
    Front Squat-first week doing them: 3 x 10 @ 65 pounds, I got 8, 6, 6, and felt like I was choking myself the entire time. The weight works well, so I'm going to concentrate more on form.
    Decline Situp-first week doing these too: 3 x 10 bodyweight, I got 15, 12, 10. Once I can get to 15 I'll add in weight to them.

    I'm kind of disappointed I didn't get more reps on the last set, but I had anticipated this, since I hadn't done deadlifts in 10 days or so. My form is spot on now I think, my lats get really sore the next day, but my lower back doesn't, so that's progress :)

    I went hiking in the snow on Saturday, I figured I can't beat the snow right now, so I may as well play in it :) Also, I went with a guy I'm kind of seeing right now. What did I learn? He kicks my *kitten* on the hills and my endurance sucks big time lol, so I'm trying to figure out a way to add in some more longer cardio sessions as well as sprints. I need to get my *kitten* in gear to keep up with him, and I refuse to let him slow down to my pace, my goal is to keep to his.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Meh workout for me today.

    Squats: 165 lbs 3x5
    Bench: 100 lbs 3-3-3
    Rows: 110 lbs 3x5 These were tough, but breathing correctly definitely helped.

    Funny thing is, when I warm up on my squats, my knees hurt with the lighter weights. The heavier my warm up reps get, the better my knees feel :huh:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Meh workout for me today.

    Squats: 165 lbs 3x5
    Bench: 100 lbs 3-3-3
    Rows: 110 lbs 3x5 These were tough, but breathing correctly definitely helped.

    Funny thing is, when I warm up on my squats, my knees hurt with the lighter weights. The heavier my warm up reps get, the better my knees feel :huh:

    Is it possible that the weight pulls you back a bit and forces you to sit back more as opposed to bending the knees forward? Also, that's kind of the purpose of warming up! :P
    @krok, you really put the "plus" in the 1+ sets, that's an awesome PR!

    I underestimated my max deadlift big time when I went into this cycle xD Sometimes it's nice to take a step back and then watch progress happen tho !
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    @krok: I was thinking that as I was typing it lol. I just wish I didn't have the pain at all when I warm up with just the bar. It's very hard for me to hit parallel when I warm up because my knees don't want to bend that far due to pain and stiffness. When I'm squatting my work weight, though, I don't have any problem hitting parallel. I've not had that problem with just the bar until I messed up my knees trying to run :grumble:
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    @fisher oh, thank you! :blushing:

    @rugbyplayer that's a good motivation to do more cardio, I guess ;-) endurance can always come in handy...
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey Ladies another monday with crappy weather here in Eastern Canada...

    @Krok hope you are feeling better today...mouths are the worst for getting injured etc...

    Gonna check my diary and see if that is what is causing the issues with some of my lifting days I often am between 1600-1700 but not always sometimes below 1600 and sometimes just over 1700 ...I am gonna see if there is a correlation.

    Workout B for me today.

    Did my rehab so far 3x today...will again before bed.

    Still @ 150 for squats...first set I almost deloaded but remembered my feet need pointed out more or it really does not feel right...owies even...need to get some accessory work in for abductors and inner thighs...

    Squats @ 150 5x5 these are not easy...they are still heavy for me and I have to remember to "breatheeeeeeeeeeee" on the way up.

    OHP @ 78.5 tonight (love weighted collars for this one) no issues till rep 5 of set it up but it was ugly..

    DL @ 190 tonight...stupid barbell math was suppose to do 180 for form....thought I was losing it...crap oh well 1x5 on those but I know my form was off on rep 2,3 and a bit on 4...back to last time for form...
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    Hi all hope everyone had a great weekend!!

    my workout today was pretty good steady and strong tough bench today but I got it done! :happy:

    Squats 125# 5x5,
    Bench 85# 5x5,
    Row 95# 5x5.
    Core work 15min & hip thrust 3x5 25#
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Hi all hope everyone had a great weekend!!

    my workout today was pretty good steady and strong tough bench today but I got it done! :happy:

    Squats 125# 5x5,
    Bench 85# 5x5,
    Row 95# 5x5.
    Core work 15min & hip thrust 3x5 25#

    Awesome job westend, Beautiful photo!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Hi friends!

    @Hwillmont Welcome back!

    @Krok I hope you're all healed up by now.

    @Rugby I'm jealous of your sore lats. My lats are never sore...except after golf?

    @Stef after a certain weight my brain just refuses to add.

    Tonight's workout:

    45x5, 95x5, 125x5, 155x5, 185x5, 230x5, 270x3

    45x5, 65x5, 75x5, 85x5, 100 2x3 I did 2 sets since I could only get 3 reps. At least I know why I could only get 3 reps this time... Spent last night with my 2 and 4 year old nieces who like to be fireman carried, used as a weight in crossfit style thrusters, and swung (as in kettlebell swing). For hours... It was good cardio though!

    45x5, 65x5, 75x5, 95x5, 120 3x5

  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    fittree, too funny about your nieces! I have a 2 (almost 3) y.o. and hauling her around is a workout for sure!

    Deadlift day for me today, after warm ups did 170x3, 195x3 and 220x3. Felt super heavy. Did dumbbell rows after and was exhausted.

    I think eating at a deficit is messing with my lifts and I'm planning a de-load. I have one more week of this cycle of 5/3/1 so I might try to finish this cycle before de-loading. Maybe. I want to focus a bit more on cardio and try to burn off a few lbs of fat before summer. These last few pounds are a %$#@! to lose.