April workout check in thread - aprilliant workouts here!



  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Fit - glad your ribs are feeling better!!!

    Did core and cardio Thursday so started with 2 miles and got it done in 17:33 then did 2x {40 situps, 20 spider crunches, 10 back extensions}, 2x{20 frog kicks, 10 - 4 count flutter kick}. Also did some stretching which is something I neglect way too much.

    Yesterday was boxing class and I got a little pissed when another student was trying to tell me how to punch. It isn't that I mind some help from someone, it is that this guy has been there like 4 or 5 times while I've been there the majority of classes since January. Never mind that I've given him the nickname "spastic noodle" based on how he punches. So for him to give me recommendations on my punches was a bit frustrating. So when he was throwing and I was holding pads I gave him form tips because I would have been able to knock him OUT with the way he was holding his blocks. I wish the instructor had held for him and could have given more feedback to him.

    Anyways.....now that I've complained enough.....on a positive note, the instructor said I would get to do my first spar against him next Friday!!! I'm going to see if I can get a video of my round to check on my form.

    After class I played around on the rings a bit and managed to get upside down in a vertical position and do a partial upside down pullup. I also did some inverted rows, skinned the cat a few times, worked on my hanging tuck in an effort to work on the progression for a front lever. Also added in 2 sets of 10 plyo pushups from a medicine ball and overhead wall throws.

    I am missing the weights though. It has only been a week and I keep thinking about all the things I want to lift. I may take next week to shop around different programs, but I don't know yet.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Yesterday was boxing class and I got a little pissed when another student was trying to tell me how to punch. It isn't that I mind some help from someone, it is that this guy has been there like 4 or 5 times while I've been there the majority of classes since January. Never mind that I've given him the nickname "spastic noodle" based on how he punches. So for him to give me recommendations on my punches was a bit frustrating. So when he was throwing and I was holding pads I gave him form tips because I would have been able to knock him OUT with the way he was holding his blocks. I wish the instructor had held for him and could have given more feedback to him.
    I miss boxing! Do you take it at a "boxing only" gym or is it a class at your regular gym? I may try to take it up again this summer.
    I am missing the weights though. It has only been a week and I keep thinking about all the things I want to lift. I may take next week to shop around different programs, but I don't know yet.
    On that note, what do you and others do after you complete the 12 weeks of SL 5x5? Another 12 weeks? Or do you try a different circuit training type of weight lifting?
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member

    I miss boxing! Do you take it at a "boxing only" gym or is it a class at your regular gym? I may try to take it up again this summer.

    The gym I take boxing at has a martial arts training package and I get unlimited martial arts classes and access to two gyms. They have MMA & Thai boxing, Brazilian Jiu jitsu, Krav Maga, Women's kickboxing, kids classes, and co-ed boxing. They have most of the equipment a boxing gym would have, but it is a little more of an overall training facility. I'm in the co-ed boxing class and if I wasn't there, it wouldn't be co-ed :laugh: So when I start to spar, I will be sparring against college dudes.
    On that note, what do you and others do after you complete the 12 weeks of SL 5x5? Another 12 weeks? Or do you try a different circuit training type of weight lifting?

    I have just kept up with SL over and over, but I've has some extended lifting breaks since I started over a year ago. Some people just keep up with SL, but drop to 3x5, some go to a 5/3/1 program, some move onto other programs that are not mentioned often. I'm seriously considering Strong Curves by Bret Contras next.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    On that note, what do you and others do after you complete the 12 weeks of SL 5x5? Another 12 weeks? Or do you try a different circuit training type of weight lifting?

    I moved to my version of 5X5 mixed with 5-3-1. I only do one main lift per workout and focus on that lift only. It has helped me with my form tremendously. I throw in accessory work pertaining to the weakness of the main lift of the day. I end with running from zombies. It has helped me get over my plateau in a big way.
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    I moved to my version of 5X5 mixed with 5-3-1. I only do one main lift per workout and focus on that lift only. It has helped me with my form tremendously. I throw in accessory work pertaining to the weakness of the main lift of the day. I end with running from zombies. It has helped me get over my plateau in a big way.

    Random, would you giving some details of your workouts? And also, how you feel it helped you get over your plateau? I'd be interested in hearing, if you don't mind sharing. :smile:
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hi! I have a few questions, because I'm a noob lol

    Why do some of you go up in weights with each set? Did you start this after completing the full SL program? Have you found better results with this method?

    Thanks :)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Today's workout was 6 rounds
    - Squats x5 (3 high bar back @135, 2 front @105 and 1 @ 95 because my wrists were getting crampy )
    - 1 min AMRAP of HSPU (regressed to pike presses with feet up at 14' or so)
    - 1 min rest

    Let's just say the last 2 sets were tough. Felt great though! I'm getting the hang of those high bar squats and I can go deeper more easily than low bar squats, without the strain on my knee I had before. Those physiotherapist sessions definitely helped. I also bought rock tape. Need to wash the glue from the last ones off but I'll try to apply it myself and see how that goes haha.

    Did wide grip lat pulldowns 120x5x5 (last set was 7 though!) Because there isn't a lot of back work in those 2 weeks of "building blocks"

    And finished off with 17 unbroken push-ups. Goal is to build up to 20 by the end of the month. I didn't think I could get them all today so a pleasant surprise!

    Now that I've had some food I'm gonna do about 30 mins of yoga. The sides of my middle back are hurting. It's odd. I'm not used to soreness there, at all.

    @spirit095 it depends on the program, and also some of us do list warmups so that might look confusing. Ramping it up each set (and sometimes lowering the amount of reps as well) is a pretty standard method of working for strenght afaik. Pyramid sets I think they're called?
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Thanks Jstout! I saw on my feed you're looking at Strong Curves. I think that might be right up your alley as it's awesome AND I think there are programs with less pure strength work. I would imagine doing a hypertrophy range might be easier on the body in some ways.

    Weight program history

    I started SL in mid-December 2012 and continued on it through June. I did hurt my knee really badly falling on the ice in Feb so I took like 2 weeks completely off and had a huge deload and rehab on squat, and a bit of rehab on dead. My knee wasn't %100 until mid summer :sad: I switched to 3x5 in April to aid with recovery and get out of the gym in less than 2 hours. I swapped back squats for front squats on deadlift day at the same time to help with form, and to aid in recovery as front squats are lighter.

    I then switched to Beautiful Badass fat loss program for July and August to help cut weight so I could compete in the 198 class for a meet I had chosen in December.

    In September through Thanksgiving I used Madcow.

    Took some weeks off before and after meet to recover. I pulled my rhomboid somehow at the meet. It didn't really hurt until that night so I'm not sure how I did it. I muddled around with axle training for my next meet for a few weeks, but my rhomboid was sitll hurting so I switched to a bulgarian squat program for a bit. Then another week and a half off pre-meet and after.

    I started Madcow again a week after my last meet and I was running it until I bruised my rib in mid-March. Since all my weights for the program were belted and I could no longer wear a belt or bench I've been loosely following it's pattern, but with different rep ranges and weights. I plan on using my belt again in May. The first week of May I'll eat at maintenance and test my 1RM again, and then start with 5 3 1.

    Pausing between deadlifts

    So a set is defined as a specific number of reps without a rest. If you take more than say 10 seconds between reps this is technically a new set. That being said... I have to wait 4-5 minutes between my heaviest deadlift sets. We're not doing bicep curls here. That 15 seconds isn't giving you a strength advantage; it's giving you a mental advantage. I would note it if you feel like it. Say 2 1 1 1, but if you can lift all 5 without waiting several minutes between reps then I would go up in weight. Eventually you will have the confidence and practice in keeping your form tight to do 5 in a row, but even if you don't I don't think resetting your form and taking a few breaths is a bad thing. Oh and for the best strength gains you have to pause for a moment at the bottom of the rep anyway- if that pause is causing you to lose form then by all means stand up and reset. You're still being awesome and making progress!
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    I moved to my version of 5X5 mixed with 5-3-1. I only do one main lift per workout and focus on that lift only. It has helped me with my form tremendously. I throw in accessory work pertaining to the weakness of the main lift of the day. I end with running from zombies. It has helped me get over my plateau in a big way.

    Random, would you giving some details of your workouts? And also, how you feel it helped you get over your plateau? I'd be interested in hearing, if you don't mind sharing. :smile:

    I'd be interested in hearing what you're doing too if you feel like sharing. Were you at a lifting or weight loss/change plateau? I've been stuck for months and it's seriously ruining my frame of mind and determination to keep sticking with this.
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    Augh. I really pulled something with yesterday's workout. I always have lower back problems, but whatever I did really irritated the spot that usually hurts a little.

    I'm going to have to assume that doing a "light" (75%?? 50%?) week will be okay until I get to the chiro and have him fold me like a pretzel to sort things out.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I've apparently missed a lot, so I'll catch up later. But great lifting ladies!

    Took a full week off this week after my 10k last weekend. Was only going to take off from running, but just didn't feel like doing anything this week.

    Anywho I'm home with the parents for the long weekend and so I went with them to the Y this morning. It was crazy Saturday morning so I basically jumped around doing things because it took about 20 minutes to get into the squat rack. (this is why I will miss the my 5-rack gym if/when I have to change).

    So since the weights were so busy when I got there, I went and started with 15 minute rowing. That really wore me out.

    Then with all my hopping around this is what I got done:
    Squats: 5x5 115lbs. Since I was just hopping around getting back into I didn't go up to 120lbs like I should have. Felt really good and barely rested between sets so *insert feeling strong emoticon here*

    Rows: 1x5 at 50lbs then 2x5 60lbs. These I just used the preloaded bars while killing time waiting for the rack to open up.

    Bench: 2x5 70lbs before getting into the rack then 3x5 after squats 70lbs. I'm not quite that high on my schedule but didn't have my fractionals on me.

    Also threw in some legs lifts for the IT bands and some tricep work all to kill time waiting for a rack haha

    Overall, felt pretty good and it wore me out!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I moved to my version of 5X5 mixed with 5-3-1. I only do one main lift per workout and focus on that lift only. It has helped me with my form tremendously. I throw in accessory work pertaining to the weakness of the main lift of the day. I end with running from zombies. It has helped me get over my plateau in a big way.

    Random, would you giving some details of your workouts? And also, how you feel it helped you get over your plateau? I'd be interested in hearing, if you don't mind sharing. :smile:

    I'd be interested in hearing what you're doing too if you feel like sharing. Were you at a lifting or weight loss/change plateau? I've been stuck for months and it's seriously ruining my frame of mind and determination to keep sticking with this.

    I was having a plateau in both weight and measurements. I also was stalling out a lot and having general trouble with form on most of my lifts.

    I decided to split all the main lifts into their own day, OHP, Bench Press, Squat, and Deadlifts. I now go to the gym 4 days a week.
    I do the rows on bench press day.
    I still follow the 5 sets of 5 reps for the main lifts, but instead I do a progressive load up to my working weight. (Some days I just do a warm up set and go right into working weight).
    While I am doing my main lifts, I try to focus on where I may be having trouble or weakness at.

    I then do accessory lifts focusing on the muscles where I am having trouble from the main lifts. I use dumbbells, weight machines and very rarely cable machines.
    For accessory lifts I do 5 sets of 8 reps each.

    Then I end with a good 2-3 mile run because I started to enjoy running for some insane reason. :laugh:

    ETA- Sometimes I go to the gym an extra day to focus on core work.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    I moved to my version of 5X5 mixed with 5-3-1. I only do one main lift per workout and focus on that lift only. It has helped me with my form tremendously. I throw in accessory work pertaining to the weakness of the main lift of the day. I end with running from zombies. It has helped me get over my plateau in a big way.

    Random, would you giving some details of your workouts? And also, how you feel it helped you get over your plateau? I'd be interested in hearing, if you don't mind sharing. :smile:

    I'd be interested in hearing what you're doing too if you feel like sharing. Were you at a lifting or weight loss/change plateau? I've been stuck for months and it's seriously ruining my frame of mind and determination to keep sticking with this.

    I was having a plateau in both weight and measurements. I also was stalling out a lot and having general trouble with form on most of my lifts.

    I decided to split all the main lifts into their own day, OHP, Bench Press, Squat, and Deadlifts. I now go to the gym 4 days a week.
    I do the rows on bench press day.
    I still follow the 5 sets of 5 reps for the main lifts, but instead I do a progressive load up to my working weight. (Some days I just do a warm up set and go right into working weight).
    While I am doing my main lifts, I try to focus on where I may be having trouble or weakness at.

    I then do accessory lifts focusing on the muscles where I am having trouble from the main lifts. I use dumbbells, weight machines and very rarely cable machines.
    For accessory lifts I do 5 sets of 8 reps each.

    Then I end with a good 2-3 mile run because I started to enjoy running for some insane reason. :laugh:

    ETA- Sometimes I go to the gym an extra day to focus on core work.

    This is helpful- thanks! I am on week.... ? I dunno 5? 6? Lol. But the lifts are really starting to wear me out. Plus the time needed to rest between sets is increasing. I kinda thought about mixing it up a little bit. Especially since I will start failing considering I am eating at a deficit trying to lose weight! Think i will keep going for now.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Repeated A this morning since I just did A on Saturday on a whim and didn't exactly do what I normally do. Also had/still have some rough DOMS, I guess its from the rowing machine? I did go pretty hard on it.

    Squats: 115lbs 3x5. 120lbs next time.
    Rows: 67lbs 3x5
    Bench 67lbs 3x5

    It was terrible getting up for a pre-work session this morning but I'm ready to get back to it after a nice week rest.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Hi There! This is my first post in this group. We (my mom & I) have been doing SL for 3 weeks, started week 4 today. I can't believe the progress we have made. I really feel stronger!

    Today we did workout B:
    Squats: 45lbs-2x5, 55 lbs 1x5, 75lbs 5x5
    OHP: 45lbs 1x5, 50lbs 5x5 (really impressed with this one because I couldn't do the bar when we started and 50lbs was not that hard!)
    DL: 110lbs 1x5
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    I decided to split all the main lifts into their own day, OHP, Bench Press, Squat, and Deadlifts. I now go to the gym 4 days a week.
    I do the rows on bench press day.
    I still follow the 5 sets of 5 reps for the main lifts, but instead I do a progressive load up to my working weight. (Some days I just do a warm up set and go right into working weight).
    While I am doing my main lifts, I try to focus on where I may be having trouble or weakness at.

    I then do accessory lifts focusing on the muscles where I am having trouble from the main lifts. I use dumbbells, weight machines and very rarely cable machines.
    For accessory lifts I do 5 sets of 8 reps each.

    Then I end with a good 2-3 mile run because I started to enjoy running for some insane reason. :laugh:

    ETA- Sometimes I go to the gym an extra day to focus on core work.

    Oooh, this sounds like a good idea. I love lifting, but even with a plan I get exercise ADD. Every time I think about just doing the same three movements 3x per week, I get bored and I start thinking about how my form is going to suck and how I'll stall out soon and blah blah blah. I want to do other compound and isolation moves and some HIIT in each workout, but with SL, I usually don't have time or energy.
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    I moved to my version of 5X5 mixed with 5-3-1. I only do one main lift per workout and focus on that lift only. It has helped me with my form tremendously. I throw in accessory work pertaining to the weakness of the main lift of the day. I end with running from zombies. It has helped me get over my plateau in a big way.

    Random, would you giving some details of your workouts? And also, how you feel it helped you get over your plateau? I'd be interested in hearing, if you don't mind sharing. :smile:

    I'd be interested in hearing what you're doing too if you feel like sharing. Were you at a lifting or weight loss/change plateau? I've been stuck for months and it's seriously ruining my frame of mind and determination to keep sticking with this.

    I was having a plateau in both weight and measurements. I also was stalling out a lot and having general trouble with form on most of my lifts.

    I decided to split all the main lifts into their own day, OHP, Bench Press, Squat, and Deadlifts. I now go to the gym 4 days a week.
    I do the rows on bench press day.
    I still follow the 5 sets of 5 reps for the main lifts, but instead I do a progressive load up to my working weight. (Some days I just do a warm up set and go right into working weight).
    While I am doing my main lifts, I try to focus on where I may be having trouble or weakness at.

    I then do accessory lifts focusing on the muscles where I am having trouble from the main lifts. I use dumbbells, weight machines and very rarely cable machines.
    For accessory lifts I do 5 sets of 8 reps each.

    Then I end with a good 2-3 mile run because I started to enjoy running for some insane reason. :laugh:

    ETA- Sometimes I go to the gym an extra day to focus on core work.

    Thanks for the info, random. I've been doing an accessory day every 3 workouts or so. I do dips, assisted pull-ups and chin-ups, close grip bench press and a few other tricep exercises. Last accessory workout, I added some rows, lat pulldowns and some leg presses. Any suggestions for something I should add?
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    2 weeks and some later I reattempted the Clean & Burpee workout... and made it without a scratch! man this one's a gasser tho!

    2 rounds for time of
    5 squat clean
    10 burpees
    5 hang squat clean
    10 burpee broad jumps
    5 power clean
    10 burpees lateral jump over BB
    5 hang power cleans
    10 burpee box jumps
    rest 2 mins (which turned into 5 for me. Had bluetooth issues for my music)

    bar was loaded at 65lbs (I think. It felt somewhat light during my warmup for some reason)
    box on round 1 was 18', downgraded to about 15' on the second round because I didn't want to miss a jump and get hurt again xD

    time:11:15 and 11:25

    Did some mobility work then tried to do 18 push-ups unbroken but only managed 17

    @cruisin: you might wanna add some lower back/glute accessory moves like back extensions, good morning, reverse hyper, Glute ham raises, hip thrusts/bridges. And possibly some core work (cable crunches, hanging leg raises, etc.). And don,t overdo it on the triceps. they need recovery too! :)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Thanks for the info, random. I've been doing an accessory day every 3 workouts or so. I do dips, assisted pull-ups and chin-ups, close grip bench press and a few other tricep exercises. Last accessory workout, I added some rows, lat pulldowns and some leg presses. Any suggestions for something I should add?

    No problem. I tend to focus my accessory work on where my main lifts are struggling as well as what main lift I am doing that day. I would definitely include some lower body iso work, as well as some core work.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I have been disappeared in the past 10 days because my toddler was really sick. Things were crazy around here with 3 emergency room visits and extreme stress. I have not worked out during this time, and practically I missed 2 weeks of workouts. She is fine now , so I am going to go back to the gym tonight.
    Should I reload a bit? Or just keep going as no break even happened? I was supposed to do 95 squat, 80 bench and 85 row.