April workout check in thread - aprilliant workouts here!



  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I used to have to wear gloves for everything as the bar hurt my delicate gamer hands so much. Like even for squats. :laugh: I had to wean myself off them as I knew it would eventually hinder my grip for deadlifts. I started by slowly by not using my gloves for squat, bench, OHP etc. Then I started not using them for my lightest warm up sets and took longer and longer each workout to put them on until I was fine without them. Then I put them back in my cycling bag where I got them >.> Now I have nice "hidden" callouses." You can't see them or really feel them unless you're really trying. The only time I notice them is when my hands are dry from chalk after deadlift day.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Finally back to weights! :love: :love: :love: :drinker: :drinker:

    Squat 60kg 5x5 (warmup 20x5, 30x5, 40x5, 50x5)
    Overhead press 30 5x5 (warmup 20x5, 25x5) I tried 32.5kg but could only do 4 reps so I deloaded to 30kg. Then I added an extra set at the end to increase volume, but could only do 2 reps.
    Deadlift 60x5

    Lateral raise 4kg dumbbells 3x8 5kg 1x8
    Upright row 17.5 fixed barbell 3x8
    Dumbbell bent-over row 7kg dumbbell 3x8
    Plank 3x30 sec

    Not too bad. OHP was a struggle, as usual. I really need to get fractionals so I can progress with OHP and bench. Period :)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Squat: 5x5x135
    Bench: 5x5x85
    Row: 75 lbs. - missed the fifth rep twice - plus I feel like I'm using my back too much, so may deload.

    What part of your back do you think you are using too much, upper or lower? May seem like a duh question, but advice will vary on what part is being called on.

    I just feel like part of my upper back moves with the move rather than it just being my arms pulling. I don't know if that makes sense. I think it's just a little too heavy so in the last few sets I start to use my back more than I think I should...

    Okay...now I can help :wink: So....the row is an upper back lift and the primary force should be coming from the upper back and not just the biceps. When you row, you should be pulling your shoulder blades together, activating the lats, delts, and traps. Your biceps will be activated, but you won't get an effective lift without the back. Basically, you should be activating these muscles:


    So long story short, you are probably doing it right and should feel it in your back the whole time.

    Unfortunately it's not so much that I just feel it in my back. I saw a girl doing curls today with dumbbells. She was clearly struggling with the weight and was moving her whole upper body to help get the weight up. So hard to explain without showing you. So what I think is happening is I'm not keeping a flat back and kind of pulling my body upright more to help lift the weight. Does that make sense? :o/

    Yes, that makes sense. So you are increasing the hip angle that gets you into more of a regular bent over row? Have you seen this on form: http://stronglifts.com/how-to-perform-the-pendlay-row-with-correct-technique/ There is some room for the chest popping up a little, but the issue would be keeping the hips level and not increasing their angle. If you find that you are still having issues with them, deload a little and maybe add in some additional back exercises as accessory work.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    @decblessings: Guys will like anything they can look at ;) haha
    As for deadlifts, I've stopped doing warm up sets on them. Between squats and OHP I figure everything is good and warmed up. I load the bar on the rack then move it down to the floor before starting so that helps me get used to the weight as well (I did 145lbs this morning and I'm on a deload from 165lbs where the damn bar didn't want to move!)

    Squats: 3x5 120lbs -It was one of those days I truly felt it in the butt.
    OHP: 5,5,4 67lbs. Ah damn, I swore I had that last one. Still working on keeping my core tight so I don't kill my back but its tough.
    DL: 1x5 145lbs.

    Only 2 workouts this week since I'll be at a bluegrass festival this weekend!
  • decblessings
    decblessings Posts: 113 Member
    Yes, that makes sense. So you are increasing the hip angle that gets you into more of a regular bent over row? Have you seen this on form: http://stronglifts.com/how-to-perform-the-pendlay-row-with-correct-technique/ There is some room for the chest popping up a little, but the issue would be keeping the hips level and not increasing their angle. If you find that you are still having issues with them, deload a little and maybe add in some additional back exercises as accessory work.

    Thanks for the advice! I'll check out that thread about the rows.

    @hwillmott - 165 is were DL suddenly got very difficult for me as well! A friend has me a little scared of DLs because her doctor told her that is the number one move for back injuries. Ever since she said that I've been scared of them. I completely stopped doing them for a while but now I just try to be very aware of my form.

    Edited because of lies: I'll keep doing warm-ups but I'm going to buy some chalk and try a mixed grip if that doesn't do it for me...
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    @hwillmott - 165 is were DL suddenly got very difficult for me as well! A friend has me a little scared of DLs because her doctor told her that is the number one move for back injuries. Ever since she said that I've been scared of them. I completely stopped doing them for a while but now I just try to be very aware of my form. I think I'll try without a warmup though, if that's what others find helpful. I need to get some chalk too!

    yeah at 165 I couldn't seem to get it up without my back rounding a lot. i found I was wearing myself out on the warmups alone. I use Liquid Grip and its awesome! (doesn't come off onto things until you wash your hands).
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Don't be afraid of deadlifting! The injuries that do happen are usually people being stupid (putting way too damn much weight on and grinding it out, for example). You're much more likely to hurt your back doing every day activities where you're not bracing or thinking about it than when lifting a bar. In fact, deadlifting will help you learn to brace and eventually you'll be doing it in every day life and actually protecting your back from stupid injuries!

    If you keep everything tight and use correct form you really shouldn't have any issues. Just one piece of advice when using mixed grip though: it WILL be tempting to use your underhand arm to give the bar a slight pull (heck I think that,s actually just a reflex/motor skill of the body in general). Don't do that. Keep 'em elbows locked out. :) And if the bar won't move from the floor, try pulling it back instead of up, see if that changes it (your shins are in the way. The bar path will correct itself whether you like it or not)

    I feel the need to claim "FULL REST DAY!" here again since I rarely actually do fully rest lol.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    You're much more likely to hurt your back doing every day activities where you're not bracing or thinking about it than when lifting a bar.
    True. I used to sit down like an idiot and after long study sessions I ended up so sore I could barely walk! :)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    What krok said!!! I'm wondering if the doctor meant a deadlift (picking an object up off the floor Willy nilly) vs a deadlift (picking a barbell up off the floor with a specific form). It sounds plausible to me that the former causes the most back injuries and the Dr lumped them all together.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Holy crap balls... DOMS from Monday's workout... in mah glutes... :sad:

    Hopefully the gym isn't bro-crowded today and I can snag the power rack this afternoon! Mid-week usually isn't bad, so I have high hopes.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Early workout done today! Gym was empty, it was wonderful. The best part is when I workout alone I can keep it to an hour.

    Bench day:
    1X10 @45 lbs
    1X5 @65 lbs
    5X5 @70 lbs

    Rows with barbell curls superset:
    5X5 @85 lbs (rows)
    5X5 @40 lbs (curls)

    Ab (core) machine:
    3X10 @50 lbs
    2X10 @55 lbs

    Lat Pull down machine:
    1X8 @50 lbs
    1X8 @90 lbs
    3X8 @80 lbs

    Finished with a 20 minute run, no zombies this time. :bigsmile:
  • Padzster
    Padzster Posts: 75 Member
    Workout A day:

    Squat 60kg
    Bench press 32.5kg
    Row 45kg

    1 fail on each so will have to repeat :sad:
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Awesome progress ladies!

    I'm back after a week's vacation in lovely Vancouver B.C., where I packed up my friend and moved her back home to be my new roommate. I still managed to find a gym and do some squats and accessory stuff one morning, and I got a few runs in, as well as loading and unloading her stuff.

    The guy I was loading the trailer with was pleasantly surprised at my ability to not drop furniture, so that was a plus :bigsmile:

    Anyway, I had a migraine on Monday, so last night I lumped my OHP and deadlift workouts together for Round 5 of 5/3/1 (my 5 week).

    OHP-Warmup Sets:
    5 x 45 pounds
    3 x 50 pounds

    Working Sets:
    5 x 50 pounds
    5 x 60 pounds
    5 x 70 pounds-I got 2 sets of 3, and then did a set of 10 with just the bar. I still can't quite seem to get past 3 reps on that guy.

    Deadlifts-Warmup Sets:
    5 x 95 pounds
    5 x 115 pounds
    3 x 135 pounds

    Working Sets:
    5 x 145 pounds
    5 x 165 pounds
    5 x 185 pounds-These were tough to get even 5 in, they felt really heavy.

    Assistance Work:
    Unassisted Dips-3 sets of 5, the first time I've attempted them unassisted and my form was shaky, but I managed to get some out!
    Assisted Chinups-3 sets of 5 @ 35 pounds assisted. I did try unassisted but couldn't quite get up there.
    Front Squat-3 sets of 10 @ 65 pounds
    Decline Situp-3 sets of 10 with bodyweight

    I'm almost at the point where I can do one unassisted chinup, hopefully it'll come soon!
  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    I was overestimating the weight of my bar when I started Stronglifts at the end of January. I recently tried weighing myself and then weighing myself holding the bar and it's coming up around 17 pounds. I know it's not completely accurate, so I've been guesstimating it at 20 pounds, if for no other reason than the math is easier. So these stats could be give or take 5 pounds.

    I was lifting three days a week, but I also do boot camp three days a week and as the weights got heavier it got to be too much, so I've decreased my lifting to two days a week. My most recent weights for each are:

    Squat: 5x5 @ 135lbs
    Bench: 5x5 @ 75lbs
    Row: 5x5 @ 75lbs
    OHP: 5x5 @ 70lbs
    Deadlifts: 5x5 @ 125lbs

    I really need to invest in fractionals. I was stuck at 65 on OHP for a long time, simply because I was too afraid to move up. I finally went for it last night and am pretty proud of myself for getting that weight up every time. It wasn't easy!

    Question about OHP: I find that I bend my knees a little (very slightly) before I lift, and then straighten up as I'm lifting. It may be all in my head, but I feel like it adds some momentum in getting the weight up. Is this okay/normal?

    ETA: Typo
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member

    Question about OHP: I find that I bend my knees a little (very slightly) before I lift, and then straighten up as I'm lifting. It may be all in my head, but I feel like it adds some momentum in getting the weight up. Is this okay/normal?

    If you add momentum it's no longer a strict press and more along the lines of a push press. While it's also a valid lift and might actually help you through plateaus because you can lift a bit more weight that way, it's not really the same thing! My view on this is, if you prefer to do it that way, measure your progress accordingly (and if you're going to add a bit of momentum, might as well do a full push press to get the explosiveness it's supposed to bring along with it).
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Squats 5x5 130 lbs
    Bench 2x5, 2x4 (failed), 1x5 85 lbs
    Rows 5x5 65 lbs the right way thanks to stef sending me a video :)
  • decblessings
    decblessings Posts: 113 Member
    Don't be afraid of deadlifting! The injuries that do happen are usually people being stupid (putting way too damn much weight on and grinding it out, for example). You're much more likely to hurt your back doing every day activities where you're not bracing or thinking about it than when lifting a bar. In fact, deadlifting will help you learn to brace and eventually you'll be doing it in every day life and actually protecting your back from stupid injuries!

    If you keep everything tight and use correct form you really shouldn't have any issues. Just one piece of advice when using mixed grip though: it WILL be tempting to use your underhand arm to give the bar a slight pull (heck I think that,s actually just a reflex/motor skill of the body in general). Don't do that. Keep 'em elbows locked out. :) And if the bar won't move from the floor, try pulling it back instead of up, see if that changes it (your shins are in the way. The bar path will correct itself whether you like it or not)

    I feel the need to claim "FULL REST DAY!" here again since I rarely actually do fully rest lol.

    Haha - I totally nailed my shins on my 135 warm up, so I get what you're saying. Great tips/advice! :)
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Holy crap balls... DOMS from Monday's workout... in mah glutes... :sad:

    Hopefully the gym isn't bro-crowded today and I can snag the power rack this afternoon! Mid-week usually isn't bad, so I have high hopes.
    Same here. I am so sore as I was the very first week I started. I guess 2 weeks off was really a lot.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Decided to up the squats to 155. I'm playing around with the high bar/low bar as when I started SL I did high bar squats. Then I transitioned to low bar and I feel that maybe my form broke down. So, I warmed up with high bar and did low bar on my work weight. I'm thinking I probably should have just stuck with the high bar on my work weight as well. I did all 3x5, but they wore me out. I was also hungry during my time at the gym. I'm usually not. Perhaps this affected my lifts. I was going to attempt 100 on bench again, but the 2.5 lb plates were all being used, so I upped it to 105 :smokin: I only got 1 rep up of all the sets, so I deloaded to 95 and did my sets there. Wasn't able to do my bent over rows due to the weight room being full and no room to do them :grumble: so I did 105 lbs rows on the cable machine and then a few at 120 lbs.
  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    If you add momentum it's no longer a strict press and more along the lines of a push press. While it's also a valid lift and might actually help you through plateaus because you can lift a bit more weight that way, it's not really the same thing! My view on this is, if you prefer to do it that way, measure your progress accordingly (and if you're going to add a bit of momentum, might as well do a full push press to get the explosiveness it's supposed to bring along with it).

    Okay, thank you for the advice! I'm going to try my current weight without bending my knees and deload of I have to. I want to make sure I'm doing the lift properly. I've only been doing the knee bend thing in the last 5 or so pounds, so hopefully I will be able to rectify it without too much trouble. Like I said, I definitely need to invest in fractionals. Trying to limit my spending right now, though, because I've got a trip to Vegas planned in a couple of weeks. :happy: